House Applauds Conviction Of Red Leaders In N.Y. WASHINGTON. Oct. 15 (JP Applause greeted an announce ment on the House floor Friday that the 11 communist leaders had been convicted in New York. The announcement was made by Rep. Quinn (D-NY), who said: "The verdict lirmly establish es the fact that the communis party has for its purpose the overthrow of the government by force and violence." At the Justice department, At torney General McGrath describ ed the outcome as "gratifying." He sent his congratulations to the government attorneys who handled the case, and issued statement saying: "Whatever the outcome of this case might have been. American jurisprudence would have to re cord that few Juries have bee called upon to exercise greater patience and fidelity to the in- Suit Yourself at J 09 Richards , why be a ' dial ocfcey? STAY TUNED TO KRNR-MBS FOR: "Mutual Ensemble" 30 minutes of enjoyablt chamber music. Sunday, 3:00 P. M. "Chicago Theater" With pride we again bring you the Chicago Theater of the Air Long a favorite. Sunday, 10:00 P. M. Wally' "Favorite Hymns" Welly's grocery presents o new program of favorite hymns you love. 8 A. M., Mon. Thru Sat. "Linger Awhile" with Carol & Lyle Thirty minutes of mirth and music with two of KRNR'S "top" entertainers. 1:30 P.M. Mon., Wed. & Fri. "Let George Do It" Got a problem? Refer it to George Valentine. A must on your Sunday listening. 8 P. M. Mondays "Music You Want" when you want it. Thirty minutes of music "from Gershwin to Wagner." Here s a program you have been asking for. We know you will receive it with enthu siasm. 10:00 P. M. Mon. thru Fri. KRNR-1490 World l Cmial Krfttmtl Sttwart PE)lDE) D The Right Honorable Hector McNeil, leader of the British del egations to the United Nations, will be tonight's guest on "Meet the Press" at 8:30. SUNDAY: "Mutual Chamber Music Ensemble" replaces Ray Bloch a 3 p. m. , . . Oscar Wilde's "The Happy Prince" will be radio adapted for "The Family Theater" at 4:30, starring Vincent Price . . . "Chicago Theater of the Air" returns to KRNR Sunday night at ten. As ehief anglnttr, Ltroy Hiatt was a most methodical and wtll-organiitd staff effietr, with an ays toward directing the best In service te where It was needed most. Now, as station manager, this thought-pattern remains un altered. Needless to say, a terrifie reorganization has com about as a result of his weighty appointment to station manager. Working on a "blue-print" based on the theory of "pleasing most of the people most of the time," Roy has made definite program revisions and additions ... for you, the listener! Scanning KRNR's Radio Log for the broadcast week of Oct. 16, you'll note a news strip at 6:30 a. m. . . . "Farm Fare" at 6:35 a. m. Skipping down to ten p. m., "Music You Want," makes Its Monday through Friday debut featuring precisely what the title Implies , . , the music you've been asking lor! For an artist's sketch of the programming scene and the advancement thus, far artfully blended into the program-schedule structure, read our display-ad appearing In today's News-Review . . . and then stay tuned to KRNR for bigger and better radio entertainment to come! stitutions of law and Justice." The long-drawn out trial was started under the direction of at torney General Tom Clark, who now sits on the Supreme court. A major attempt of the pros cut ion was to obtain a clear-cut ruling by the courts that the com munist party in the United States advocates the violent overthrow of the government The News-Review Classified Ads bring best results. Phone 100. -INSURANCE' AUTO LIFE AUTO FIRE State Farm Mutual Insurance O. l ROSE P. O. Box 489 Phont 288 116 W. Cass Over Douglas County Bank KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System 1490 on Your Diol REMAINING HOURS TODAY 5:00 Frank Hemingway. MBA. 3 15 Music. 5:30 Melody Mountain Bam 6 00 Quick as a Flath. MRS. 25 John B Kennedy. MB. 6 30 Sports Page. 6 .15 Musical Interlude. 6 40 Local news. 6 45 Eddy Due h in 7 00 Comedy Playhouse MBS. tOO Happy Valley Cowboys. 8 30 Meet the Press. MBS. 0 00 Newt. MB. 15 Dink Templeton MBS. :30 Wrestling Parade 10:30 Rusa Morgan Orrh MRS. 11 0O Cue for Music. MRS. 11:30 Sign Of. SI-NO AT. OCTOBER IK. t4t, 8 00 Bark to God Hour MR. 8.10 Voire of Prophecy MBS. 9:00 Radio Bibta Class MRS. PUBLIC DANCE at the EAGLES Saturday Night CHUCK'S RHYTHM KINGS 5-PIECE WESTERN BAND Dancing from 9:00 p. m. 'til 1.00 a. m. Admission 50c Everybody Stay Cool and Dance! Hall is Air-Conditioned! EAGLES Corner of Cass ond Pine I'll SPIV : ifWWii LOOK WH0S ON THE WAY Got your Christmas turkey yet? Uncle Sam has. At least he's bought about 1,250,000 pounds of them for GI's at Pacific bases. At Turlock, Calif., Leonard Knight thought it appropriate to don the red suit and whiskers to get the plump birds on their way to the Army's Christmas table. Lt. Col. Ward T. Black look of the San Francisco Quartermaster Market Center looks on. 30 Lutheran Hour MBS. 10 OO News. MBS. 10 15 Organ Concert 10 -lO Mumc. 10 45 Moments of Devotion. 11 oo Church Services. 12 no Mu4ic. 12 15 Dsvid Ross MB. 12 .10 Radio Canaries. MRS. 12 45 National News, loo House of Mystery. MBS. 1 .10 Martin Kane - MRS. 2 00 The Shadow MHti. 2 ;to True Detective Mysteries.- 3 00 Chamber Music MBS. 3 jo Nick Carter MRS. 4 oO Orrm Tucker. MBS. 4 30 Family Theater MRS. 5 X) Lay mens Hour. 5 ;w Can You Top This MBS. 6 OO Secret Missions. MRS. 6 30 Sheilah Graham MRS. 6 45 Turn Views of the News. 7 00 Take a Number MRS. 7 :iO Roy Rogers Show. MPS. 8 00 Twenty Question! MBS. 8. :m Walter Winchell. MRS, S 45 Lou el la Parsons. MRS. S 00 News MRS. 9:15 Memorable Music B-30 American Legion. 9 45 Church of the Open Bible. 10 00 Chicago Theater MBS. 11:00 Sign Of. The Shalimar Room PRESENTS I ... 4 .-J Bill Stanton Gentlemen of Note STARTING MONDAY 8:30 to 1:30 Nightly A great little duo featuring piano and drums, under tht leadership of Bill Stanton. Good dance music, plus "sock" record pontomine with lots of comedy and novelty. Some thing new and never seen in Roseburg before. LAST TIME TONIGHT Bobby Watson "King of the Ivories" For the Ultimata In Fine Food and Refreshments Dine in the Smart, New Air Conditioned SHALIMAR ROOM 122 $. Stephen MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1911. 00 Musical Clock. JO News. ;i5 Farm Tare. 45 Hue & Shine MRS. :0O Hemingway MBS. :15 Music for You. :45 Local News. :M Music. :0O Favorite Hymns. :15-Music for Monday. :.TO Concert fall. 00 Modern Home. :15 Book of Bargains. :;10 Man About Town. .40 Muntcal Interlude. :SQ Shopper's Guide. :UO Newi MRS. :15 Gospel Singer MRI, ::io Say It With Music. .45 Art Baker. :00 Ladles First. MBS. :.' Queen for a Day. MBA, ;iio Music at Noon. : 1.1 Sports Page .25 Mumc at Noon. :40 Local News. .45 National News. :.15 Market Reports. ;()0 Man on the Street : 15 Harvey Harding MRS. 30 Linger Awhile. :0O Against the Storm. MRS. ::tO It s Requested. :0O Hoedown Party MBS. : 1 5 School Program. :;0 Music. 45 Andre Kostelanetr MRS. 00 Fulton Lewis, Jr MBS. :1.1 Hemingway MRS. .TO Sons of Pioneers. 45 News. MBS 00 Tips and Tunes. 15 Music. 30 Tom Mix. MBS. 00 Music at Six. : 15 Mutual Newireel. MBS. 30 Sports Page. ::15 Musical Interlude,. 40 Local News 45 Southland Singing 35 Bill Henry MBS. 00 Dick Haymes. 15 Sammy Kaye Showroom. :30 Cisco Kid. MRS. IN PERSON 1 1 00 Let George Do IT. MBS 8 :m You Name It. S 45 Tex Beneke S A5 Johnny De&montf, MBS. 9 00 News MRS. 15 Hi Neighbor. a .to Scandinavian Melodies 45 Fulton Lewis. Jr.-MHI. toon Music You Want. 10 ;iO I Love a Mvierv. MRS. in 45 Dance Orch MB. ll:0O Russ Morgan Orch. MBS. 11 30 Sign Of. Czechoslovakia Votes Control Over Religion PRAGUE, Oct. 15 (.JFi Czec hoslovakia's communist-dominated parliament Friday adopted by unanimous nhow of hands two hills aimed at imposing strong state control over relision, en pecially the Roman Catholic church. The measures were: 1- A church control bill which would make all clergymen and bishops civil servants paid by the state and grant the govern ment full control over all church appointments, finances and ad ministrative affarirs. 2- A bill for the establishment of a new cabinet ministry to su pervis church affairs. Both laws become effective Nov. 1, The parliamentary action was preceded by two hours of speech es sharply attacking the Vatican and the Roman Catholic hierar chy which is headed by Arch bishop Josef Beran of Prague. The bitterest attacks were Jo- Civilian Board Advised To End Army-Navy Spat WASHINGTON, Oct. 1.P) Two key congressmen proposed today that President Truman name a civilian board to referee the bitter row over defense plans which has erupted in the armed forces. Their suggestion closely paral leled one already offered Mr. Truman by the army-navy union, an organization of present and former servicemen. The lawmak ers' proposal came on the heels of the president's new conference statement yesterday that he sees no need to change the fundamen tals of present defense policy. Nevertheless, said Reps. Brooks (D Lai and Price (d ill), there is a disagreement and it should be settled. The two law makers are members of the House Armed Services commit tee. They brought up the plan after listening Xor more than a week as the navy fired repeated livered at the reopening of par liament by Communist Minister of Justice Cepicka and Father Josef Paljhar, a suspended Cath olic priest who serves In the com munist led government as minis ter of health. Both accused Msgr. Beran and his bishops of using "illegal pam phlets" to incite the nation's Catholic priests against the church control bill. The Minister of Justice warned that when the church control measures become law the gov ernment would tolerate no op position to them. Sat., Oct. 15, 1949 Tht News-Review, Roseburj, Ore. 5 charges that the fighting power of the fleet la being weakened, while the air force gets funds and favors and builds B-36 to carry out a kind of warfare that the admirals called wrong. Previously tht lr force had made the giant Intercontinental bomber sound like good thing to a lot of congressmen. Brooks suggested to a reporter that the civilian board be named to find out who la right and settle the trouble that has holled up In the armed forces. Price nodded agreement. They figured impartial civili ans could do a better job than Ine committee. Many members have served in one or the other of me armed forces and on the old House military and naval com mittees which now are combin ed. The navy sent In Its top offi cer, Admiral Louis E. Denfeld, to wind up its case yesterday. The Marines take over Monday. Then the big brass and civilian chiefs of the army and air force, and Secretary of Defense John son get their chance to sound off. FLOOR SANDING and FINISHING Estimates rlVr IT 320 W.rd St. - MillUA Phont 134- J It is our utmost desire to bring to Roseburg the top radio and recording ar tists along with the great, est. name band attractions in America today. We will appreciate your co operation and patronage. First in our fall series of big names is composer of "Cow Cow Boogie." ' v cum k y Bit tin J) an. - w rinrfv " H . fv sryusr. IN PERSON! Today and Sunday ui hi itallioB, "HACK JACK" I if 2ND WESTERN OPENS TOMORROW! TEMPTATION. f I 1 JF AND A MIOITT 1 ' I I f i coicttjct or I I J f . DESIKEl TUBM I L. ..J ' ONK MAN E-.. . w-- - : against I- -:. . - (-. AOTMt, ,i RICHARD CONIE debra facet iutheixdiei 2 GREAT A GREAT rA FEATURES ON 1 PROGRAiWl J FEATURES ON I PROGRAM' 1 v" oscai a6Ttoy or V!1 TEMDrCTflOlK lOVFf ff"t TTITTT7 . JEANNI MADIIIINI GRAIN -CARROLL Aiitnrnn , I ''"-T RICHARD rms. GREENE Ends Tonight; m M it urn eXrV w 1 And Hit Oklahoma I Melody Boyi j Sunday, Oct. 16 MELODY MOUNTAIN BARN 3 Miles South of Myrtle Creek on Hwy. 99 KENNEDY'S DUTCH MILL TOMORROW Sunday, Oct. 16 Popular Prices 1.2S Person, plui tax Harris Associate Hollywood, Calif. fh Afl ffh fo) lo) fft W n IM THREE DAYS THEY WONDERED WHO HE WAS... WHAT MADE HIM TICK... THEY FOUND OUT THE HARD WAY WHEN THEY TRED TO CROSS HIM if, 1 Mi d? WWW Ittt. "CO V-rrN I 47 j Macdonald Carey 'Shelley Winters J 1 1 j Barry Sullivan 'Betty Field f I J CS Ruth Hutsev Howord Da Silvn j TONIGHT: "FATHER WAS A FULLBACK"