WALLBOARD Flrtex Sheetrock Masonit. PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 LEARN TO S(Y XCt will teach jou how in eight easy lessons. Helpful for "Regulars" as well s Beginners. Single "Refresher" Lessons Complete 8-Lesson ' Course Morning, Afternoon and Evening Classes SINGER SEWING CENTER Phone 72S 204 N. Jacksen . If Pay, to lilicrajt Where Your Dollar (T'zAjDjdbvtf MAKES I I f$$tf BEAUTIFUL GIFTS ft GffQ? ifv5 Whatever the occasion. A V r'Qti't these intriguing costume pieces 1 I fit JT J&v!Xf moke w4eome gifts. Whether P II rv MMl7 yoof choice is dainty comeo J II i2SfJ P'n' a""' eorrinos 0,h, 1 ffTprnml WJT quality ien' (rom stunning A Fariss' Friday All-Metnl FOLDING CHAIRS Regular 6.95 But between 6 and 9 P. M. 3.88 Only These are net the only buys twtan S and 9 p. m. every Friday. Be sura te shop for ether bargains during these hour. Ktuver Radio Service open 'MllaJasiBiaMaaaBHaMaaiiU) Store No. 2 Next to Welly's Phone 1371-R Open Every Night Til I p.m. and Till p.m. on New Enlistment Rules Set For Army, Air Force New hlsh standards hive horn 'or enlistment Jn the army ana me air force, accurdini; ,j Master Sergeant John K. Rose, Roseburg recruiter. Set. Rose said a more careful selection of applicants for the two services is In line with the new career guidance program, under which each soldier and airman has an opportunity for tralni.'3 In a highly skilled field of his cnoice. Applicants for the regular army, under the new regulation. must score 90 or higher in the armys general classincation test. Previously the score requir ed on the test was SO New air force enlistment re quirements call for a scoie of 100 or higher on the general classification test, instead of 90. as well as longer tours of duty. enlistments will be for 4, 3 and 6 years. Applicants for both services must be In excellent physical con dition, since physical require ment! too. have been raised. All airmen discharged in grar!e four (sergeant) or lower, with dependents, and having less than six years service, and all airmen discharged In one of the three lower grades, having dependents, will be reenlisted only with the prior approval of a wing com mander. Sgt. Rose said army enlistment periods are for 3. . 5 and 6 years. Buy From jewelers Has More Cents Folly Here Is a bargain that will not be repeated. Limited number of high quality, lightweight folding chairs that will take lots of abuse. Some chairs are shop worn. In assorted colors. All have arms. Buy two or four and use them whenever you need extra chairs. Folds for easy storing. Not exactly as Illustrated. that you will find hart be- 'til for your convenience. Friday 1 i- A TYPING CLASS is busily engaged at the Grant Business school on St.phen, street, under the supervition pf Dean Ross, general the keys must be memorned by e student, or elsel rrom the lett the girls ere: Katharine Powell, Molly Lira, Maxine Peck, Jenny Miiley, Peggy Peck, end Shirley Cook. (Picture by Paul Jenkins.) except for a 2-year enlistment open to men of legal Draft age with no prior service in the army or air force. Two-year men must also perform service In the Re serves after discharge. Complete information on the army and air force career pro grams may be obtained at the Roseburg recruiting station, lo cated in the armory. Community Club At Winston Meets Winston'! Community club Thursday night had It ! biggest membership turnout, when more than 100 members were present despite the bad weather. Club President Bill Shell, Win ston, told member! that a piano had been purchased and will be installed in the clubhouse for use by the community. Following the regular meet ing, the club presented Mr. and Mrs. Charles White with some beautiful myrtlewood gifts in ap preciation of their efforts toward the building and permanent for mation of Winston's club. Mr. White presented the members of the club with a lot which mav be sold and the proceeds used as the members see fit, or the prop erty may be retained if so de sired. Mrs. Frank True and Mrs. Cal lahan were hostesses for the eve ning. They presented a short pro gram. Mrs. Kenneth Wight gave a Spanish dance and sang several numbers, accompanied on the pi ano by Mrs. Boyer. Mr. Mason played several accordion selec tions. The door prize given by the hostesses wai won by Mor.a Hult of Dillard. Following group singing, re freshments of gingerbread with whipped cream, and coffee were served. Movie WiH Feature Sunday School Rally As a special feature of rally month, now in progress at the Green Sunday school, a 45-min-ute sound motion picture will be shown this Sunday night at 7:30. The film, entitled "And Now I See", tells how one man's view of Christian stewardship was transformed. No admission will he charged and the public Is invited to at. tend. A free will offering will be taken. The Green Sunday school Is non-denominational and is locat ed at the Green school on the old highway 99, five milei south of Roseburg. Life Insurance Firms' Taxation To Be Probed WASHINGTON. Oct. 13-t.W An Investigation of taxation of life insurance companies was vot. ed Wednesday by the House Ways and Means committee. Chairman Doughton (D-NC1 will appoint a seven-member sub committee for the Inquiry. The Investigation was ordered after the Treasury reported that life insurance companies, under fV-,r-i !l r Winter Wonder's! fa Poil-Parroi 54 SHdBS Better Shoes For All The Family WAYNE'S Just eroun4 the corner from Douglas County Bank instructor. The typewriters ere More World War II Medals SALEM. Oct. 13 P) Some more World War II medal! now are ready for distribution, and veterans can get them from their own branch of service, the state Veterans department said today. The medals are the pie-Pearl Harbor medal, American theater medal, Victory medal, Europea.v African-Middle East medal, and the Asiatic-Pacific medal. The Marines also are issuing the Navy occupation and China service medals. a special formula set up In the 1942 revenue act, paid no 1axes on approximately si.sou.tXKj.uuu net the companies earned on their investment! in 1948. The 1942 formula, committee experts explained, give life insur ance companies credits or deduc tions on certain portion! or tneir( net investment income in consio elation of the companies' future obligations to policyholders. Let's calk about your kitchen floor If you're like most women, you spend over lhOO hours in your kitchen every year! What belter reason to treat yourself to the best linoleum money can buy Nairn Inlaid Linoleum! For Nairn gives you the restful resilience, the en during beauty you demand in fins linoleum . . . plu$ the patented du plex felt backing. Tins exclusive backing ends your worries about th buckling, cracking, bulging or blis tering that otien mar ordinary lino leum whea wood floors underneath expand and contract as they nor mally do. Yea, when you choose Nairn, you're choosing the linoleum of a lifetime! And the time to maka your choice is right now. Never be fore has Nairn offered such a com plete "rainbow-ranee" of colors . . . such a variety of stunning combina tions! Sea your favorite floor cover ing dealer today. And while you're there, don't forgci to ask tor yow free copy of Nairn's wonderful new decorating book: "Answers to I ha Most Frequently Asked Questions on Home Decorating." Congoleum Naira Inc., Kearny, N. J. 95 J Snow bound youngster tovt rompin ith old mm inter im thn good-looking, turt foored Poll-Parrot tug tole' Come tn toon . . tee our onderfuI collection of Poll-Parrot Pre-Tested ihoet! equipped with blank keyboards; Offered To Veterans In the cases of men who were killed or died, the nearest rela tive can get the medals. Navy, marine and coast guard velerans can get their medals at local recruiting offices. Ex-army and air force men must write to the adjutant general or air force headquarter! In Washing ton, D. C. NO DOWN &KigufZLDLmaju Refrigerators Ma-ill A 40-pound WtW! Frozen Food Chest! Here't your wonderful new kitchen helper! Nose you can serve out-of-aeason" foods avryday . . safe-store frozen meats, poultry, fruits, vegetables, desserts. Freeze your own, or buy them frozen you'll always have the making of a delicious meal! NEW! ITtTe'a what every busy housewife will go for . . . the big Moist-Cold Fruit Freshener! fluids load of fruits vegetables, too . . . keeps them drliciouly eold and fresh! It tills out at a touch. Kelrinator has it! 8J cubic feet within the shelf area, plui 2 Cubic feet . . . used by refrigerated Fruit Freshener . 1 1 all in a refrig erator using no more floor space than a 7 cubic foot model! Spacious General Storage Compartment . . . plenty of shelf spare! Magic Shelf adjustable for bulky food storage! Large Crisper Drawer ... 12 qta. total capacity! Kelvinator's exclusive new Fruit Freshener . . . Moist Cold preservation. Cold-Man Door Trim clean, smooth ... no visible rrewheads! Trigger-action door latch . . . positive rioting! 4 Big quick-action ice culie trays . . . with two built-in tray release and cube release levers. Kelvinalor's famous Piilarsphere mechanism . . . perma nently lubricated . . . trouble-free performance! And many other briUiuni features! VI) -J MO0IL C . . . Ijnury f "l turn at an eronnmr prire. 17-lb. Hich-Sprd f'rr! injt. trgrtahlr Crnr! Full 6 ru. ft. of tone! Orfipln nlr 4 q. f. f fUetr pr. $199.95 No Down Payment tim Modal Leaa Criapei $189.95 Ne Down Payment 222 W. Oak Doomed Child Mindful That Jesus Suffered OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct. 13 (.TV-Janet Latsha lies in a hos pital ward and a doll is by her side. IVictors say she la dying. "I know I'm sick and 1 hurt." Janet says. "But Jesus suffered. He had nails in his feet, and I don'l have." Janet is Just six and is an asth matic. Doctors say her lungs Stacks Mrs. U'llma Latsha, her divorc ed mother, wants to take her to Albuquerque, where the hot, dry climale is favorable to respira tory diseases. They've been offered transpor tation, but Mrs. Lalsha must have enough money to assure ad equate care for her child until she finds work. And she doesn't know where to get it. She hopes the public will help. ".My father and brother! have ! uish, ,a?. hai completely' I wiped us "out." Janet weighs only 33 pounds far below normal and her moth er figures she has lived more than four of her years in hospi tals. She'i had asthma since ihe was 10 months old. Three More Diphtheria Cases Noted At Medford MEDKORD, Ore.. Oct. 13 (.T) Three more cases of diphtheria were reported here Wednesday and a drive to Immunize all school youngsters gained momen tum. They brought the total cases to "Moist-Cold" Fruit Freshener! I , Big Value... Small Cost (The Ideal refrigerator for the amaller family . . . 7 cu. ft. capacity gives plenty of atorage space in leaa floor apace and the price la easy en the bud. get. 25-lb. freezer cheat holds a full weak's supply of meata and frozen fooda. 12 quart vegetable criaper keepa frulta and vegetables farm freah for daya. All th. famoua Kelvinator features are in eluded in this low cost refrigerator. Model XR Illustrated NO DOWN j rATMEN I PAYMENT LIBERAL niiuoiDiarui J UUU l f v sH Frl., Oct. 14, 1949-The seven two of them fatal. One of the new cases was an Syearold girl, who attended the same grammar school where the first children were stricken. An other was a member of the fam ily whose child died of the dis ease. The Health department innoc ulated 875 school and preschool sounesters ag:ilnst the riiseas" Monday and Tuesday, and pre pared to Immunize 800 moie. Many more have been lnnoculat- h' P''lv,"e Physicians. fJUTRI-TONIC Famous Beauty Shop Permanent ...NOW FOR HOME USE Used for millions of beauty shop permanents. Waves safely In little as 10 minutes. Homogenized with Chol esterol, heart of lanolin. 2 sizes professional plas tic curlers (Deluxe Set). Soft naturalness plus durability of curl. Simplest direclions by Ivan of Hollywood. FULLERTON'S 127 N. Jackson PMMOT on Model CM Illustrated NO DOWN $209.95 1 J j. . p TTTTT1 ... .yi I ' r""1 ,r3"'"1 ! TRADE-INS CONVENIENT TERMS FREE DELIVERY News - Review, Roseburg, Ore. 9 prj"5rLwn I Rookariaa Gardani j Spraying , aTree Surgary iJtVjMJJplHuWY Stock PHONE 1712-J JACK MAY . Landscape Company 40 years experience ii your guarantee REXALL STORE 1 UJ mm mm ',vri Dlluu "-rr- tut Uclw4.f S7l mmggmWmFSP 'i"!'.'l. VVklA-' ??.' '. ' $2.25 Phona 4S - J 2W5 PAYMENT Phone 348 z s I !' r