if, ir f 1 . .x ; 1 JXiUL 0p Bowling Scores INDISTBIAL LEAGl'B TEAM Won Lent t'mp. Valley Hardware 10 r O. E ... 10 3 Jovin Brak Supply T Jinn Int., Myrtle Cr. t Dontjt Bar t 7 VeU Hospital - T B P. O. X B 10 Elka - 4 11 (antra Odhr 11 Jon lna 3, Umra V. Hardware, 0. Jovin 2. Elka 326 1. Oonut Bar 3, B P. O. E . 0. F. O. E. J, Vta Hospital, I. Rrmarka Hlh Individual fa ma arora: Wea Johnson, 2it7. High Individual ser.M acora: Wea Johnfcon, WO. JONES INS., MYRTLE CR- Shirt arltff Shirtachff JOIIM Bitnr Chapm .... . 1.10 12S 165420 1BI ISA 11 3a ,19 198 .60 ,. 163 M 187 4tfl 138 170 150146 UMP. Roberta WimenB Brulon Billiard C. rinierloa ToUl 930 BOB 933 2774 VALLEY HDWRE. 11 1M 135 490 1.17 I4 147 I'll 149 149 US 449 141 153 1:15 4.11 2117 147 127481 005 839 7B0 2524 J. N. BOOR OUTBOARD MOTORS . Gdn. Vallv. Rd. PI.. oS M JOHNSON Sea Horse Dealer Bn'l Boat Trailer- Marina Equipment ft 00 ,Vgk? fv)mY 1 raid - lamsarn-iim nairta y anIiTlii jam ft'iwii 9raw 9aiaiMafea9aeliiiaas lin outside t strikebound steel mill it SMALL FRY PICKETS Youngsters joined picket Pittsburgh, Pa. Mor than 100 iont and daughters of striking CIO united steel workers carried flags end placards past the gates of the Edgar Thompson works of Carnegie-Illinois Steel corporation. (AP wirephoto.l :f USB ) fc-; EVERY TIRE $fl i) M REDUCED M 1? f '"'' PASSENGER.. .TRUCK. ..TRACTOR !5f - - Wards Trail Blazer Is the low.t-prie.d quaify jl tTj, " tire you con buy I "Cold Rubbsr" added for exfro ' 'vf '' V'iJN. VV4 f'1:' tfj mileage. Every ounce first quality materials to Eft OQiS Jj-A f "'' 't ': provide real safety low-cost performance I Buy tteiVCw ' ' ' . " . 3 a set at low WARD WE price I f'?t Vft h,4'' 1 " Riverside Deluxe now ot lowest price everl ret 1 rfi' -i J America's greatest tire value I First quality in every ' :5' Jl I '54'.."; way in tread depth and width in cross-section j3a f j j ) ,"j and size. Wears longer with "cold rubber." Com. f i m4 " J Ir'. pare Deluxe only with best first-line tires I t$fjf 1 jJiJj'H:., f -1 " j : Power Grip Wards famous winter traction tire ! J&t&'TtM K ' s i , , The best tire for the worst "going" I Power Grip's jf'1 .fJ iV's'- big knob tread gives you traction oil ways ... for. S '"r'C , ward, sideways ond in reversel Plows through ''m C deep mud and snow where ordinary tires bog down. C WeS MOUNTED FKEI fffi' v r r 1 $ i sirs siAztR tivitnof dhuxi' I omr v I i 6.6.5015. 11.85J3.30U.25 TvJ I Hi P ' 6.256.S0-16 10.90 11.95 13.45 14.50 1: til I 7.00-16 13.95 15.60 16.70 f;i "i.eJ j 5.255.50-17 9.25 10.25 11.95 , jfj '' ' j""" . ' 4.755.00-19 8.85 9.35 10.60 irtf A'sC e- .' i4?f-0-21L---,-7L -35 10.60 ' i'.j'b ' er ' c v V -' v ' , - V B ','..S f " Use Words Monthly Payment Plem ELKS M aiM(an ISS IS 1.11 4 Buetlmr Mill OlOCK 128 173 173 4i3;V.llmin Herb Wluberffr 110 152 145 427 B Travla B. Brnwn 135 177 154 4rt i w. Johnaon V. Bourock 120 159 lttfl 448 Toy DO NUT BAR 14ff Ml IBM 1.1. 157 122 . 159 227 ltrT 195 157 44 155 4R9 1:1141(1 214 MO 205 5S3 Total .. Til 9.10 90S 2617 ToUl . 939 97S 9M 2W9 JOVIN BRAKE SUPPLY I VETS HOSPITAL Harrta 15 174 204554 Esbrf 14fl 14a Backan 145 145 155 44 ! MrNutt 121 I'll Lanli 129 127 174 429 I Ha.kinji 1.15 150 . la inn ii ii.i , Ktoaar . 1.T7 1.15 159 4M Bailey - 190 1.19 Tavlor J. V. Nordlln, 187 1112 Total . 953 927 990 27 Walla Smith Barber Ahnt Abaenlea , P. O E 191 1.14 W4 459'Maek. I. 1.12 1B5 14.1 440 Morria .... 124 144 1S 4.13 Maek 1HO 150 lfil 471 Barker 15 197 1 56 470 Root ToUl 991 921 r. o. E 179 199 .174 159 149 1S 150 194 .199 1.17 ! 479 145 41.1 190505 177 - 543 179511 ir9 451 119 472 Total 9.19 993 994 2597 I ToUl .. 919 933 950 39112 DUCK SEASON OPENS OCTOBER 21st Pheasant season also opens CONVERSE . """1 RUBBER BOOTS M j 11.75 Keep your feet warm and dry this season. Hinson Hunting Jacket Waterproof, weatherproof hunt ing jacket with game pouch and shell holders. The back unsnaps to make a rubber-covered seat for boat or blind. 12.00 SHOTGUNS There's a lot more to shooting when you have a new gun. See our wide selection. Winchester Model 12 Pumps . . . 84.95 Remington 3-Shot Automatics . . 99.50 Single Barrels priced from 21.50 Coleman G. I. POCKET STOVE Kpep warm or make your own coffee right in the boat or blind. Ask any G. I. about the Coleman tov . . , he'll tell you It's tops. 9.95 OUN fcttcanirig Kit .1.50 Cleanina, Rods ... Winchester, Remington, Su per X shells in 12, 16 and 20 gauges. Recoil Pads 3.25 Carrying Cases UMPQUA VALLEY A Home-Owned and Operated Store 202 N. Jackson Phone 73 Bey Admits Shooting Another On Scooter SPOKANE, Oct. 14 (.Pi The mysterv surrounding the shooting of Robert E. Thornton, 17, of Spo kane was cleared up yesterday by another youngster. Thornton was shot In the side by a .22 caliber gun Monday as he rode down the street on a mo tor scooter. His condition has been critical, but the hospital said today he is Improving. Detective Ralph Johnson said a 14-year-old boy who was shoot ing at tin cans with a .22 rifle admitted firing the shot. Johnson quoted the boy as saying he saw the scooter go by ,and "just took a shot at it." "The next thing he heard si rens and then saw the Thornton boy lying on the ground," John son added. The bullet struck Thornton In the side and ranged upward, stop ping just below his heart. He rode Prl., Oct. 14, 1949-Th News-Review, Roseburg, 0r. f more than a block before he stop- W. Cornish. Married August ped the scooter and fainted. 5, 1935. CrueI and lnnuman treat. ... a j. a. m"nt charged. Custody of their Vital StatlSTlCS one chlld' month support and property settlement asked by plaintiff Divorce Suits Filed MC CULLY-Aldora M.. vs. . Claude P. WcCully. Married at Seattle, Wash., June 16, 1945. f a nillAAn Cruel and inhuman treatment jLAdVVIJUD charged. Property settlement e a a and restoration of her name prior . , to marriage, of Aldora M. Lock, in l2-I6ond24 In. lengths are asked by plaintiff. ft ,-ftuTU bib CORNISH-GraceA.,vs.George 0LD RWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS FLOORING WESTERN BATTERY Siding Finish SEPARATOR PAGE LUMBER & FUEL Ph.n.tsi 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 I I H KM! Af " 1941 CHEVROLET 4-D00R SPECIAL DELUXE QQC Radio and heater, clean insid and out WeBT 1941 OLDSMOBILE 6 4-D00R SEDAN OQC Has radio and heater 3JJ 1940 PONTIAC 4-D00R TORPEDO SEDAN 01 1 Low mileage, radio and heater OLJ 1942 0LDSM03ILE 2-D00R SEDAN 7QC With hydramatic drive and heater 1 1941 MERCURY 4-D00R SEDAN 1 At Has radio, heater, all extras ' 1940 Oldsmobile 4-Door Sedan 7?C Heater, good rubber, recently overhauled and reconditioned m j Bargain of the week here it isi 1936 packard 4-door sedan Radio, heater, good tires 189 SMITH MOTORS GIVES TOPS ON TRADE-INS 695 1940 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR SEDAN Has white tire rings, excellent motor, spotlite, heater . . For Your Convenience WE ARE OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9:00 LIBERAL GMAC or BANK TERMS TH OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCKS 233 N. Stephens Phone 311 , ); -J :ft- -M- ' : .- ' :-- pS A LiiJiOLCLLU .-'jf- j. -M- iij: H: ri' Ui- :ijf -V- it- 'tf-'tfi :4