v 4 TRAPPED IN TRUCK Roy Willi, 2 ..ixr rescue from tha cab of a truck where ha wat trapped for mora than two hours, after a collision with an auto on the Yolo cause way, near Sacramento, Calif. Six persons were killed and Roy and his brother Morris Watts, 25, driver of the truck were seriously injured. IAP wirephoto.) FUNNY BUSINESS r. 'Willie:' BLONDIE LI'L ABNER EVICTION-THEY SAiDVE WERE TOO SLOW ACHIEVING WORLD PEACE 'iiiiiiiw nwr ? r " r-TA. StKALUY DO THE OOB TT I KIN MAKCH N ' FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS 'Wiy.iARo! iswY ir r Yes.tje Df&ouNE's 1 i AtrreR all. rra Y fFoofirr rrwErr Yuiam.An ipmO FINDING- I AWRJL GETTING NEAR AND I SILLY ONLy DOUAR.' BUT VOU AT 1J6 WUT SPONSIBLE CHAP' YOU ENGAGED I ANO ALU I WAS BEGINNING- fi GlHL. ANY TIMS I CANT I MOJR SOON AS I OW . X THINK I'LL GW6 IN GAINFUL, RECAUSeL "bwADHRV RAISE A BlJfx . i DEBT TH6SE RACKA&ES .' I H A BIT Of A EMPLOYMENT.' OWE DOUSm -rttt. J W SV-1 elo LESSON .' ii gjjy t3tw9 'r ALLEY OOP ' By V. T. HAMLIN W CI i'c?e vjj A. , JK(M SJ! -CO has V I - IM SuCE OJ Why. r$ 7SE cc- Tug J I -3 ?V3 T-E5E 00S"OSr EH A 95SA"D& ILL ... ILL WILL... KN5 SU2 N GN3 V.H5 i-Aee'ED v. I B,C -3 STr&ljNCKV A? M5U SNEeNX TAKE IT VAxE 'M CjiTS A i CCP Cpc:.. HES Zf VES I V TO eeAV5 k t l LE5AL.' TVE. CiASCNV MiM YHEKE.' fk HiMSELF.' HCONP-S'SG. (BBSS IS Sii JtVM O W.C5! Calif., wiiti 14, of Rose By Hershberger cw w mmmvi't h MCW OUTFIT, THAT-U. I FF-tl-AS -0 1 I Frl., Oct. 14, 1949 -The" News MODEST MAIDENS Trtiewtrt IffitteM. U t Ms 'VoU OIPMT MAKE THAT TOUCHDOUW 0ft ME, VfeU MADI IT -FOB fclMOCHABD HI6H, IT SAID 50 RI6HT ON THE SCOet&OARu. FROM NINE TO FIVE Yes, I remember that I owe " . me another and I II remember that I owe you two. WL HAIN'T chapgin" noaodv y- (VV ;( LAUNCHED A 1 u?rtTvl,'n,N CAMPAH.N.'.' HOTXIN b FO 2 OPDCRS WILL KIOMItS.. WE IS SENDIN" Ni ( IT y7 WE'LL MAKE 13 By Jo Fischer you e dollar, Hysteria. Loan By Chic Young By Al Capp rAH-H.'r"-l oet rr.'- BUILD UP A MWUP- THCN-UHEH THl HM.K NO , cvr co without tM, '.'-this oturtrrt tOUDOU. IS By Merrill Blosser - Review, Roseburg, Or. Salem Secret Society ..s Students Facing. Ouster SALEM, Oct. 13. m Nine Iffn high school sturlenta her (are dismissal today because ol membership In a secret society a group the school board says is the type banned by state school law. The school board announce ment of the pending dismissal Identified the organization as the American Boys' club, formed last summer. The board said It was patterned after a Portland or ganization. By state law, the board said last nigly, secret societies, fra ternities and sororities are ban ned in high schools. At least one first string football player was on the dismissed list, ;he' Oregon Statesman reported. The player was not Identified by name. Parents of the youths Involved Indicated Ihey would light the dismissali in court. The News-Review Classified Ads bring best results. Phone 100. RADIO servicing Hansen's Radio Service, Suther lirt. Radio Doctors. Phone 491-J. PLUMBING W. M. Sandall Co., Hlway 99 N. Phone 1117R. Ace Plumbing Co.. 915 Garden Vallev Rd.. Bus. Phone 530-R-5, Res. Phone 149-R-3. KierCroorh Plumbing Co. 316 Mill. Phone 1242 R. Harris Plumbing & Heating Co. 805 South Stephens. Ph. 1478-J. Coen Supply Co. Phone 121. Terp's Plumbing. Phone 733-R. A. D. Wallace, Melrose Route. Box 105-J. Phone 165-R-3. HEATING R. Ritzman Heating Co., hot wa ter and steam, oil burners. 1703 Brown. Phone 1066 J. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE J. E. Newberry's Washing Ma chine Service. 102 W. Commer cial Avenue. Phone 1015-R. Washing Machine service. Roy and Rusty's Appliance Repair. 510 N. Jackson. Ph. 1003-R, ELECTRICIANS Roseburg Electric. Phone 123. Ace Electric. Phone 1095-L. FLOOR COVERING F. & W. Floor Covering. 327 S. Stephens. Phone 147S-K. Philip M. Durnam, 920 S. Main. I'hone l.Mb-j. FLOORS LAID, sanded and Finished. Don Carlson, fh 102 R-3. - FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE Fire Extinguisher Sales Service. Glenn H. Taylor, iJM is. wain. Ph. 1433 R. PIANO SERVICE Tuning.Reconditloning. Ph 938-J-3 Southwestern Piano service1. PAINTING IMMEDIATE SERVICE Commercial and Domestio ROSEBURG PAINT SHOP Phones 422 S07R 1522-R ROSEBURG PAVING CO. Asphalt Paving Millyards, Driveways, Stations Floors, Sidewalks Custom Blading Office: 634 S. Main Ttl'phont SW.a Trrt Eltlms'a Bill Ljssuer AVTHORIZXO BERGH'S APPLIANCE Maytag & Norge Sales ond 5emc Nori. Mavtajr Appliance) and Hamilton Cloihea Dry era 12O0 Hout h Strphcna fUrvlcint All Mikft Wi.h-m Phont 805 Rootburg. Orfnn DESBIENS & SCHAFER GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTORS AM Typ cmnl Work Sldpwilka, drtvewayfl. floors. Phon 42-B-l Phone 'SS-R-2 ESTIMATES GIVEN CONTRACT PAINTING Paper hanging Home Decorating JACK PRESTON 5"4 S. Stephens Ph. 626 Y CONSTRUCTION TODD BUILDING CO. 904 S. Stephens Ph. 302 PAINTING AMD f DECOPAT1SO , ICONTPACTDfeCl AMEWJA Venetian Blind Soles and Service Estimate Kree CHARLES HOOSON 1525 Cedar St. Phone 1349L, Czechs Ordered To Give Up PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia. Oct. 13 t.P) The communist-led rov ernment, rounding up thousam's ui poiiiH-ni suset'i8 in a eiani police operation, tonight ordered Czechs to surrender all privately owned firearms. Armed Services Pay Hike Bill Signed By Truman WASHINGTON. Oct. 13 (.1l -President Truman Wednesday signed into law a raise In pay for most members of the armed services. The bill provides an annual In crease totaling approximately $300,000,000 for members of the i various military branches. It I means increased pay for virtual ly everyone who wears a ur.i l form, effective as of Oct. 1. The Increases range from aroind $S a month for recruits I to a little more than $300 for gen i erals with 30 years or more service. ysimiess R. G. LAMBETH Construction ond Remodeling Residential and Commercial Any sixt job Mtlres Rt. Box 91 B Phone 1444 R PLASTERING BUNDY & SUTTON FREE ESTIMATES PH. 1094-Y SHALE RIVER LOAM Delivered Shovels Traxravator Bulldozer Dragline Backhoe Crane tompre:.ior Trucks lagging RoaJs Built and Rocked Mill Ponds Cleaned Basements Dug Rental or Contract S. M. Crltes Company P. O. Box 952 Office East 2nd Ave. South Phone 1346-J Residence Phone 930 R-2 Get Those PROPANE AND BUTANE bottles refilled at the Myers Oil Co. Highway 99 and Garden Valley Rond Also Healers, Hot Plates and j, Supplies . Carl P. Tallon Excavating Contractor Shale rock for Immediate delivery. Shovel, Trucks, Bulldozer, Patrol Blade. Back hoe. For Hire. Roads built and rocked by hour or contract. 2340 N. Stephens Ph. 499R4 PICKUP AND DELIVERY Free Estimates Expert Furniture Cleaners Upholstering and Repair Fine Rugs Our Specialty 1395 Umpqua Ave.. Roseburg, Ore. fhone ynu-i Paint na P-W CONTCACTCCSJ Contractors y Commercial and Home Decorating All Work Guaranteed Douglas Paint & Hardworc Co. 906 S. Stephens I'hone 9H4-J UMPQUA CABINET SHOP Custom Made Counters, Shelves. Fixtures, Kitchen Cabinets Phones 40!) R 3-337 R-3 2010 N. Stephens Roseburg, Ore. Royol TYPEWRITERS Victor ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Fost dependable service KEN'S OFFICE EQUIP. 631 S. Stephens Ph. 1261-R TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive or we drive Call 1538 Adair's Parking Lot Main and Washington Plegel Transfer & Storage Co. Privately-Owned Guns Prague ritlzeni formed long lines at police stations to sur render licensed guns. Some said they had been summoned urgent ly to report for a "revision'' of their firearms licenses. When they appeared they learned a re vision really meant a revocation and they had to leave their guna. The inference was that the gov ernment feared to leave guns in private hands. Even such rela tively harmless weapons as air rifles were taken. Reliable sources reported, meanwhile, that arrests in the provinces outside Prague were aimed at a suspected under ground, preparatory to trials which will attempt to link the underground to the Catholic' church. I The Capitol bulldina In Wash ! Inglon, D. C. covers approximately ' iniee ana one nan acres. News Review Classified Ads bring best results, "none 100. i Directoiry. HENRY H. MILLER Excavating A Road Building Contractor 1409 Willow SL Phone 38 J We sell shale bar run, river rock and river loam. Mill ponds cleaned and dredged. Shovel, Bulldozer, Boom, Air Compressor, Crane, Dragline, Dump Trucks by hour or contract. Free estimates. HARGIS ELECTRIC Specialists Radio, Refrigeration, Household Appliance Strvice 20 Years Experience All Work Guaranteed 111 E. Cass St. Phone 944 INLAID LINOLEUM Sales and installation of ail types of floor covering F & W Floor Covering Co. Ph. 1478 R 327 S. Stephens PRINTING PROMPT, EFFICIENT DEPENDABLE SERVICE ROSEBURG PRINTING CO. Corner Cass and Sheridan Phone 943 ROSEBURG VENETIAN BLIND FACTORY 613 N. Jackson St., Roseburg, Ore. Phone 1098-J VENETIAN BLINDS WSHADES DRAPES SCREENS Free Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed CEMENT CONTRACTING ALL KINDS FORM BUILDING Will also put basements under old houses. Ed Fuchs. Fuchs Bros. Ph. Residence 1413-J DARBY & FOSTER Excavating Contractors Shale Rock For Immediate Delivery Construction of logging roads. Shovels, trucks, bulldozer, com pressor for hire by contract or hour. No Job too large or too small. Phone for free estimate. Ph. 1152 R, Forest Strvice Road West of Landls Iron Works P.O. PAINT CO. All Types of Painting. Work Guaranteed. Free Estimates. 1230 Corey Ph. 1305-J P & B TOWING 2I IIOLR wrecker and crane service. No Jnh too large or too small. Truck mounted equipment. We can now handle 3 4 yard dragline work, lug loading, heavy crane work. 743 8. Stephens St. Phone (2S PHONY ilLL PAYS PINI PORTLAND, Oct. Portland rvill U.'Arlnu i good look at a $10 counterfeit bill they took one In Tuesday In payment of a fine. A transient waa arretted while trying to pass one at a liquor store. He said he got it in a poker game In Seattle last month. A number of the phony bllti have turned up here and In Se attle. Since 1916 the number of miles of railway line In continental United States has declined stead ily from 254,037 to 225,200. NEW LOCATION! Dr. H. B. Scofield Palmer Chiropractor Rifle Range Road 4 10 mi. North of County Shops Offl Houra t0-11 tmd S-S Sturdyi 10-12 A. U . X-raj Muro-ealomcUr ni lor apmal rorrM-Unn CERAMIC TILE Shower stall, bath, walls, floors, hearths, counter tops, store fronts. Complete colors and sizes. Glazed ana ungiazea. unrome pound glasa doors for shower and tub. By contract or hourly. Estimates Free Ph. 1033-Y Byron Powell Box 1281 Nelson & Pyle Woodworking Co. Windows, Sash, and Frames Mill and Moth.r Phone 1242 J FURNACES Roseburg Sheet Metal Youe U.i' Center Ph. (41 ncuumj sso e, 1st. Tool Rentals Floor Sanders, Edgers, Belt A Disc Sanders, Concrete Mlxer, Power Trowels. Concrete Vlhra tors, Wheel Barrows, Lighting Plants, Paint Spray Outfits, Skil saws, Drills, Air Compressors, Jack Hammers and Hydraulic Jacks. Call us. We may have just what you need. Osbun Electric & Equip. Co. 4T S. Stephens Phone 1108-R TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourself Save Vj Long or Short Trips Bee Hive Truck Rental 736 S. Stephens Phone 1436-J Lancjenberg Glovt & Fur Co. ' Tanners, Furriers, Taxidermists Glnves, Moccasins, Jackets, -Pur Rugs, Repair Work. Mounting of Every Kind Phone 938-J Melrose Rt, Box 106-AC ROSEBURG, OREGON C. G. Lovelady Building & Remodeling Contractor Phone 8SS-RX-1 Young's Doll & Toy Shoppe Ballerina Dolls. Baby Coos, Brides, Bottle Babies, and Story Book Dolls. Rubber toys, stuffed animals and pull toys. 104 S. Main Across from 8afeway Store IF YOUR PAPER HAS NOT ARRIVED BY 6:15 P. M. PHONE 100