The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 13, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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Install Officers Woman's Mis
sionary society of the First Chris
tian church will hold Installation
of officers at the church parlors
Friday, Oct. 1, at 7:39 p. m.
From Hatehery Jamn
Vaughn, superintendent of the
Rock Creek trout hatchery, was
in Roseburg Wednesday oh business.
Mary Mccracken of LonRmont,
i am., arrived in Koseburg Tues
day for a stay at the home of her
cousin and family, Mr. and Mil
A. F. Pfaff.
v GW A.
$53$ gw
License To Wed A marriage
license application has been filed
in Kelso, Wash., by John W.
Woodman, Roseburg and Mavis
L. Reed of Kelso, the Associated
Press wire reports.
Presenting Roseburg BPW Leaders
During National Week's Observance
To Gearhart Mr. and Mrs.
Leon McOlintock. Mr. and Mis.
Leland Wimberly and Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Harris are attending
the state title convention at Gear-hart.
Unit . To . Matt Rice Vallev
Home Extension Unit will hold
a no-hostess meeting at the Ri(e
Valley Community hall from 10
a.m., until 3 p.m.. Friday. The
lesson will be on "Streamlined
Meeting Changed Rlversdale
Home Economics club will meet
t the home of Mrs. Lester Spen
cer, 132 North Jackson sltePt
Friday, Oct. 14. rathpr than the
home of Mrs. Ray Hampton at
previously announced.
To Glide Mr. and Mrs. S. W.
McLaughlin and son, Todd, and
Mrs. Jack Chapman and dauch
lers. Kay and Pherrill, motored
to Glide this afternoon to visit
Mr. McLaughlin and Mrs. Chap
man's grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Casebeer.
Stella Spencer is radio chair
man of B. P. W. club. She will
he interviewed over KRNR on
Frldav, Oct. 14. at 3 p. m.
A charter member of the Rose
burg club. Stella has served in
the office of president twice. 1931
1932 and 1941 1942. She has also
held five state offices with the
Outside of her club work. Stella
has been In business (Imperial
Cleaners I in the same location
sine Sept. 18. 1915. She has al
ways been very active In civic
j- -layyn -w""""
Song Published Mrs. Everall
Johnson has received a letter
from Governor Douglas McKay
complimenting her on her recent
ly published song entitled "Vaca
tionland." The song describes the
beauties of Oregon and mentions
Portland, Eugene, Baker and
Klamath Falls. The Baker cham
ber of Commerce has also writ
ten Mrs. Johnson thanking her
for the publicity in the song. It
was turned over to Mrs. Perry
McCord. organist in a Baker
cluh, who w ill play it over K B..
K.R. In the near future. Mrs.
Johnson resides at 814 S. Mill
street in this city.
r V '7
Church Meeting Woman's So
ciety of the First Presbyterian
church will hold a dessert lunch
eon at the church Thursday at
i 1:30 p.m. with Mrs. Chester Mor
gan as hostess chairman. Mrs.
John Runyan, is acting program
Thursday Meeting Woman's
Society of Christian Service will
hear a discussion on "Why Hon-
Missions Schools" at the church
Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Members
of Circle No. 1 will be in charge
of the dessert luncheon.
Home From Portland Ben
Finnell and son. Eddie, have re
turned to their home on the Cal
lahan trail after receiving medi
cal treatment in Portland. Eddie
underwent surgery and has been
in Portland for the past three
months and Mr. Finnell has been
receiving treatment at the Vet
erans hospital. He will return to
Portland the end of the week.
Returns to Roseburg Mrs.
Elizabeth Garhait has returned
I to Roseburg after a visit In Hoi
lingham, Seattle and Canada.
Shp was a guest of her son-in-law
and daughter. Rev. and Mrs.
John E. Parrott. at Bellingham,
and in Seattle visited her son,
Ralph W. Garhart. The latter, a
senior at University of Washing
ton, was honored at the presi
dent's assembly, which is held
only nce a year on the Seattle
campus. He received the highest
' scholarship award given on the
campus for outstanding work. He
will he graduated in March in ac
counting. Garhart was elected
president of Beta Alpha Psi ac-
counting honorary and is serving
ias vice president of Beta Gam
I ma Sigma, business administra
tion honorary. Mrs. Garhart visit
'ed points of interest In Canada
'before returning to Roseburg.
lis tire jgliP
makes Wmm a
out ride p
X- ' Everything a tire
Booster Night
Dated By Grange
Melrose Grange will hold a
i booster night program and open
j meeting Tuesday. Oct. 18, at 8
! p.m. Visitors are welcome. Mem
I hers are urged to invite prospec
! live members to attend and get
I acquainted.
On Sunday, Oct. 23. men of
the grange are asked to meet at
the hall and assist in insulating
the ceiling. Ladies will serve a
potluck lunch at noon.
Charles Cring conducted the
meeting Tuesday of last week in
the absence of the master, after
which refreshments were served
by Mr. and Mrs. George Show
ers, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stidham
and Mrs. Nellie Meyers.
The Melrose Home Economl. s
club met at the home of Mrs.
Lavern Nichens Wednesday, On.
12, at 2 p.m. Amy Kruse was as
sistant hostess.
Rough roads level out like magic under
these bigger, softer tires. You ride re
laxed refreshed at the end of long
trips that tire you out with conventional
Enjoy easier car handling greater
control on curvet
o Get rid of squeaks and rattles
reduce repair bills
Don't miss the biggest thrill In motor
ing . . . come in . . . get it now . . ,
Super-Cushionl Our big trade-in allow
ance pays you for the unused mileage
in your present tires.
Be safer with tires that stop your
car faster . w
Protect your car and family with
safer tires get longer mileage tool
444 N. Stephens
Phone 1683
Judgment Given
For $10,000 In
Traffic Crash
Clifford Legg was awarded
judgment for $10,000 against the
Roseburg Lumber company in an
order signed by Circuit Juge Carl
E. Wimberly Wednesday. The
judgment was made upon default
of appearance by the defendant
Roseburg Lumber company.
The amount was granted the
plaintiff In payment of damages
to his truck in the sum of S8.000
and loss of use of the truck. In
the sum of $2,000. as the result of
an accident July 21. 1949, on High
way 99. The truck and trailer of
the defendant collided with the
plaintiff's truck, which was park
ed on the side of the highway,
thus causing the damages alleg
ed, according to the findings of
facts and conclusion of law sign
ed by Judge Wimberly.
Other judgments have been!
granted by Judge Wimberly as
Judgment for $4,329.14 and $700
in favor of the plaintiff Emmet
Shields, and against the defend
ants James E. Blacklerige and
Ellen Blackledge. A writ of at
tachment was granted for lota 4
and 5, block 6, of Eden Heights
extension, the property to be sold
In accordance with the law.
Courter Tire Service has been
granted judgment asalnst Don
Brace in the sum of $972.93. and
in accordance with an attach
ment garnishment, the Stanley
Logging company was ordered
to pay Into the court this amount
to be applied on the Judgment.
P. M. Lee has been granted
Judgment lor J589.99 against J.
L. Shew.
Judge Wimberly has signed an
Vital Statistics
Thurs., Oct. 13, 1949-The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Or. 7
Wayne Parr and Edythe Marie
Mitchell, both of Roseburg.
Ronald L. Lamoureaux. Lowell,
and Irene Lela Daniels, Roseburg.
Olvore. Suits Filed
DeSARMlENTO Margaret
Hall vs. Eduard de Sarmiento.
Married In Portland Dec. 1. 1934.
Desertion charged. Custody of
two children asked.
TUCKNESS Lloyd vs. Ber
nice Tuckness. Married at Le
mesa, Tex., in April 1934. Cruel
and Inhuman treatment charged.
Defendant offered custody of
their one child and $50 a month
About 85 percent of the presi
dents of the United States have
been of English. Welsh. Scotch
or Scotch-Irish extraction.
order dismissing the suit of Nor
man Anlauf vs. R. N. B. Con
verse, doing business as Con
verse Trucking Service, and Paul
Johnson. The order was mads
upon motion of the plaintiff.
49 Children Get
Examination At
County's Clinic
Forty-nine Douglas county
children with orthopedic defects
were examined at the semi-annual
crippled children's clinic
conducted last Friday at the
county health office, according to
a report from Miss Lavenia Ful
ton of the health department.
The clinic was conducted by
Dr. F. A. Short, orthopedic sur
geon, Portland, and his staff, in
cluding a nursing constultant, a
medical social worker of the crip
pled children's department and
his secretary.
The examination was for the
purpose of diagnosis and recom
mendation for further care, ei
ther in the home, or where eligi
ble, for treatment at the Shri
ners and Doernhecher hospitals,
Any child up to 21 years of
age with defects Is eligible for
examination. However, the total
number is limited to 50 at each
clinic under the present ruling.
Anyone desiring Information is
requested to contact the county
health department. Children may
be seen, by appointment, at the
health office, or where that Is not
prasilbe, a county health murs.
will call upon them, according to
Miss Fulton.
PORTLAND, Oct. 13.-4-PV A
taxi driver who made a left turn
has a sore jaw. The motorist who
gave it to him drove away.
Gordon E. Thompson told po
lice he was using a cab stand
telephone when a man came up
and asked, "Are you the cab driv
er who Just made a sharp left
turn at S. W. Broadway and
Main?" Thompson said he made
a turn there, but a legal one,
whereupon the man biffed him In
the Jaw, knocking him down.
The man then drove away.
Walnuts Wanted to Dry
Afttr Oct. 10
Curry EstaL
Sutherlin Church Group
Holds Skating Party
Young people of the Sutherlin
Christian church, chaperoned by
Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Whit ford,
enjoyed a skating party at th
Rolletta rink in Roseburg last
Friday evening.
Alter the skating party, Mrs.
Whit ford and several girls w ho
have been faithful in attendance
at choir practice, held a slumber
party at the home of Marian and
Edna Mae Carter. Pat and Nancy
Wilder, and Margie Davey were
the other girls who attended.
After consuming quantities of
popcorn, weiners and fudge, and
telling ghost stories, the group
finally settled down for a bit of
"sleep" about the time other peo
ple were getting up to start their
day's work.
"Cheapie" Sale
Used Cars
$7500 to $100
They're all old but there's lots
of mileage left.
'34 Ford 4 Door
'37 Dodge Coup.
'34 V I 2 Door
'32 Plymouth Coups
'35 DeSoto 4-Door
'38 Dodg. Coup.
Hlway 99 at Garden Valley
Phone 611
It's fun0
aft LUIV
( v
. . . W it's more fun to know
that the colors will UOl
Now home decorating Is (he eiciting fun you've always
wanted it to bo . . . now you can dream up eny color
scheme end find Colorizor paints to match. Choose from
1,322 decorator colors in .11 finishes for interior end -t.rior
uie. Buy any can size from 'j pint to a gallon
. and pay no more than for ordinary paints which are
so limited in color. Best of all, there's no waiting for any
of these colors . . . buy th.m right over the counter
end get the same colors again eny time you want them.
It's es simple as thatl
Paint Colors To Go With Anything
niiiiniimiiiiniiiriiiir i
Tru Llt. ...1.4 qt.
Tru Glo 1.43 t.
Outside Paint 1.45 qt.
Quick Dry Enamel ... ... 1.M qt.
TruTon. 1.21 qt.
Tru Kota 1.1S qC
Plus 25c to 30c for tht Colorizer tuba.
Cost varies with different colors.
Penney's s
Key to Bet
i Living
Bctttr living is easy when you shop at C & C Penneys. Top quality merchan
dise at low, low prices that spell bigger and better savings for yqu! That's
Penney's way to let you live better . . . and yet keep your home budget balanced.
-iff rk
-it i I :: - m
Treated with
This 100 oil-wool gabardine topcoat Is
double-duty garment, good for sunshine or
showers. The fabric has been treated with m
"Cravenette," Long-Life water repelling prep
aration. "Cravenette" Long-Life water repel
lents are quality water repellents that have
been famous for almost sixty years. Neutral
teupe color in sixes 34 to 42.
M if
r v ,t v ,
Hard Finish
The easy natural lines of a man's figure are
stressed in these herd finish sharkskin suits.
Lines that square your shoulders and give you
the assurance of being well dressed in any
company. So make no mistake about if, Pen
ney's Townclod suits are as well built inside
as they ore hondsome outside. Right now Pen
ney's stock of all new 100 virgin wool
worsted sharkskins, gabardines and stripes is
at its peak. Shop tomorrow! Tans, blues, brown
and grey. Sizes 35 to 46 in regulars, shorts
ond longs.
You'll really appreciate Cash
and Carry prices when you see
these rich brown, blucher ox
fords at this price. Straight tip
toe, composition soles that
wear and wear. Sizes 6 to
10 '.
100 all fur felt, satin lined.
leather sweatband, factory
blocked, all this at Penney'
low, low price. New fall shades
in covert tan end nickel-grey.
? 3.98