The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 13, 1949, Page 20, Image 20

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    8 Th News-Review, Roieburg, Or. Thuri., Oct. 13, 1949
Diphtheria Claims Lift
Of 2nd Child At Mtdford
MEDFORD, Oct. 12 -..P A
second death In three days was
attributed to diplhena here Tues
Dr. A. Krln Merkel, county
health officer, laid a five-year-
old eirl had succumbed. Previ
ously a 13-year-old boy died over
the weekend.
Merkel said, however, that no
new diphtheria cases had been
reported in the last day and a
Five cases have been reported
In the outbreak, all from the
same grade school. Nearly 300
children were Immunized, ana
additional vaccine was ordered
flown in from Berkeley, Calif.,
and Portland.
Meanwhile school attendance
slumped. It was off one-third at
one school.
FRHnciscHRsiffRG Special Sale
tlO. U.S. rt CMI. I
. J. 1 -
pension and insurance package
without employee contnnutions.
That Is the exact recommen
dation of the presidential fact
finding board which tried unsuc
cessfully to head on the walkout.
The latest firms to give in to
Murray are helsev-Hayes Wheel
company, near Pittsburgh, and
tne Massey-narris company a
Batavia. N. Y. The latter is a
steel fabricating firm with 2,000
employes. Kelsey-Hayes has 630
PROPOSE ANNEXATION The above map shows the Miller's addition and Sleepy Hollow I
districts immediately south of Roieburg, lying east of South Main street. The area has petitioned
for annexation to the city, and vote will be held in the district Nov. I, At the same time West
Roieburg residents will vote upon annexation. If either area, or both, vote favorably, the city
will then hold an election to vote upon acceptance.
Effort To Settle
Strike Is Begun
By Government
The government's conciliation
service has taken on the biggest
Job in Its history trying to settle
the twin steel and coal strikes.
Before the week is out. U. S.
Conciliation Director Cyrus Chlng
will meet separately with leaders
of the atrikfng CIO United Stee
workers and Industry leaders.
At the same time, the concilia
tion director will watch develop
menti In the coal strike, It was
Chlng who pot John L. Lewis,
United Mine Worker'i president,
and coal Industry operators t
agree to go back to the bargain
ing table tomorrow.
Neither the steel Industry nor
Philip Murray, president of the
steel workers, had any comment
after Ching announced yesterday
the government was stepping into
the steel walkout for the fourtn
time. Before the strike started
11 days Lgo the government rnaiic
three futile peace efforts.
Murray went ahead with plans
to delivery pep talks to his 454.-
000 strikers. The first talk is
scheduled today at Youngstown,
Ohio. That mighty Industrial
town has been hit hard by the
steelworkers' walkout to support
demands for free pensions and
Government Shows Concern
Chlng's brief statement In
Washington that he Is setting un
"separate and Informal confer
ences" with leading steel com
panies and union leaders left II'
tie doubt that the government all
along has been gravely concern
ed with the crippling steel strike
which threatens to spread unem
ployment to additional hundreds
of thousands in allied industries
The government will be work
ing against time In its effort to
get the steel strike settled. Con
tracts of a half-million steelwoik
ers In fabricating plants where
steel is the basic product for hun
dreds of articles began expiring
haiurnay. i ney it continue to run
out through mid-December.
And Murray says the union will
rail a strike in each case where
fabricators won't provide free
pensions and Insurance.
A total of 10 small firms has
a "rood to pay workers a 10-cent
Funeral Director
Our service it for all and
meets every need. Any
distance, any time
Licensed Lady Assistant.
Oakland, Oregon
Phone 472 or 542
WMw apple-nut BREAD if
f SeS " ,C"" l 1""4 ,"'M' IffllS
li n.niiii jiMmirfrffrt , ,.wd cMt
Vi tup us"
Add.- rr
Apple-Nut Bread! Wholesome, flavorful... and, oh, so good!
Spread butter on top and serve it piping hot, fight out of the
oven... or serve it cold, as an "extra-special" treat in the
children's lunch boxes! You're sure to win praise from Dad
and the whole family if you just follow this eav-to-make
Cclia Lee tested recipe calling for Crown Best Patent Flour!
Follow the advice of Mrs. Helen Peterson, too... Crown Cook-of-ihe-Month
from Prinevillc! She says, "You can use Crown
with complete confidence because its uniform quality guar
antees excellent results!" Milled from the Northwest's finest
hardwheat... constantly tested in Crown's own Cclia Lee kitchen
.Crown Best Patent is the pour supremt!
No wonder the best ookt in tou ust
Croun! Get the Crown habit... today!
3 beaten egg.
V. cup melted .hertenlng
3 tabletpeen. water
1 cvp finely chepped, wnpeeled apple,
Vi cwp chepped nwft
t teatpeen vanilla
Mis all together onlv until well blend
ed. Bake in grred loef pen in mod
erne oven OV!) for 45 minutes.
Yield: 1 loef.
( coor-or-THi.MONTM
Mrs. Helen Peterson
Made in California
(Mail Orders Mutt Be Poetmarked Before Mldnifht, Saturdayl
4-piect place settings consist of:
9'j" dinner plate
6" bread and butter plate
Cup and saucer
Hurry, hurry! You only have until this Saturdoy eve
ning to buy genuine, hand-pointed Franciscon Ware
ot these specially reduced prices. After this Saturday,
the regular prices are again in effect.
Now is the time to stort your set of Franciscan Ware
or add to your present set because you'll never see
these low prices ogain for a long time.
tec mAdx ;
II .
4-piece single place setting.
Regular open stock price, 4.05
Place settings for four. Regu
lar open stock price, 16.20.
4-piece single place
setting. Regular open
stock price, 2.40. '
Place setting for four.
Regular open stock C QC
price, 9.40. J. J
El Patio
4-piece single place
setting. Regular open
stock price, 2.35.
Place settings for four.
Regular open stock
price, 9.40.
4-piece single place
setting. Regular open
stock price, 4.05.
Place settings for four.
Regulor open stock
price, 16.20.
(Not illustrated)
This is the newest pattern in Franciscan Wore. Two
tone green ivy leaves hand-painted under gloze.
4-piece single ploce set- Place settings for four.
ting. Regular open stock Regular open stock price.
price, 4 05. 16 20.
2.49 9.95
Must be postmarked before midnight. Saturday. ,
I LAWSON'S, 116 N. Jackson, Roseburg. 'I
Please send me ploce settings of FRAN
CISCAN WARE in patterns.
Check Money Order . Charge
A Lawson Special Value
Back Again!
Your choice
of colors
8 1.00
I CITY - .. J
1 1 1 1 t.t A