The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 13, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    2 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore.-Thurt., Oct. 13, 1949
Modern Female Demands Increased
Rights, Still Claims Old Privileges
NEW YORK (JP) Thl has been called the century of the
common man.
It could be termed with more truth the rentury of the common
woman, except that you'd better he smiling with all 32 teeth,
pardner, when you nay that. For no lady, no matter how shrilly
he presses her campaign for equal rights, wants that word com
mon applied to her sex and to her that seems only like com
mon sense.
Perhapa we could better call
this "the century of the Mis and
the Mra. Instead of the Mr."
The latest victory of the pow.
derpuff battalions is the decision
of the Harvard Law school to ad
mit women to its classes. For
J.12 vears only men honed up nn
Blackstone tn this sanctuary by
men?" thev cry.
The truth It the average man
today is Just a dazed victim of
the feminine equal rights cam
paign. He is living in a shake
down period in a new war be
tween the sexes. For many worn-
Ke a!l,53SiB'J!Sl " reath. and clamorfor their
by female Siuestockings comes
now as a sour surprise, indeed,
to many oldtlmers.
"Aren't there already enough
women laying down the law to
Hand-mads Article
told on Consignment.
Open Monday and Friday
1:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday 1 :00 to 1:30 p.m.
or Ph. 444-J-4 for appointment
4 Bike. W. of Fairhaven
Melrose Road
ancient privileges with the next.
They insist they no longer have
to ride a horse or a harslool side
saddle, but they eye-dagger a for
getful male In an elevator be
cause he won't drop his packages
and take off his hat In their honor.
Man must still fetch .and carrv
for them as of old. They will
knock out his vote at the pollx,
compete with him for his Job. Yet
let him oblert if a lady shoves
him away from his straphanging
hold In a crowded subway and
she hollers, "Help! Help! a wolf!"
Of course, they all aren't like
this. Some gals still only want to
boss in the house. Others Just de
mand an equal chance at the of
fice. But many, many modern fe
males play both ends against the
middle. They want to act like
men and be treated like women.
Naturally, the ordinary man
Follow the Crowds
Shop and Save
On hour FREE parking
with SI. 00 or mort purchast
Monday, Tutsday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday
Adair's Parking Lot
IK i M if m m
I ' V W !feLw zzzz
Body Taken From Creek
Awaits Identification
EUGENE, Oct. 13. OB A
body recovered from Salt creek
yesterday "jy a construction ere
! is held here for possible identi
! fication by relatives of a family
that drowned in a 1945 Christmas
j week tragedy.
Deputy Coroner Fred Bueil
said he believes the body is thi.!
of John Mitchell. The family rr
plunged off the highway near
Oakririge. Dec. 2. 1945. His wife,
a son and a daughter were also
Buell said relatives from Spo
kane, where the Mitchell family
lived prior to moving heae in 1944.
were expected here to attempt
positive identification.
Bodies of Mrs. Mitchell and .he
boy were recovered a few weeks
after the tragedy. Those of Ml'
chell and his daughter were not
found. The search, however, had
turned up the bodies of two oth
ers who drowned earlier.
be fanned and make them burn
Theresa Durand.
Another Service From
Window Shades
WINNING LETTERS of grade and junior high school students who participated in the J. C.
Penney't'Sponsored Fire Prevention Week contest are shown here, displayed in Penney's window.!
Fire Chief William E. "Dutch" Mills, above, and two of his assistants judged Theresa Durand'
of St. Joseph s school winner of the $5 first prize. Second prize went to Odelle Desbians, also of j
St. Poseph's. Fire equipment pictured above was loaned by Clenn H. Taylor, owner of the Fire
Equipment company on N. Main street.. I Picture by Paul Jenkins.
think thi l a litttp unfair of (ho
fairer wx. Ifp'd likt eithrr to
drat with a lady as a I a fly, or
have the prosm t rode of othlcn
and otiqiirttp modifiod to allow
him to holt a prosumptuou to
malo with a hasohall hat if slio
(irtR out of lino. Hicht now he's
ronfmod. Should hr tako off hi-,
hat ho for or aftor hitting hor?
In any cast tho doublo-cr.ih-hinjr
frmale is building up a vast
rosontmont in tho hrrast of tho
puzzled malo, who rogards hor
an a stranpo kind of hybrid -somolhinjj
liko a mulo.
"Womrn in husinosit brag thov
don't tako advantaco of thoir
srx." said ono oxooutive I know,
"Thai' true. Thoy tako advant
age of our rox."
And a veteran bartender added
this observation:
"Women don't want equal
rlchta i hoy just want all righu."
Prize Essay On
Fire Prevention
Is Made Public
Theresa Durand' prize win
I nlng letter, entered In Penney's
I Kite Prevention week essay con
' test, is printed here. Theresa is
a seventh grader at St. Joseph's
school. Fire Chief William K.
j "Dutch" Mills and assistants of
his department were the Judge?.
The letter follows:
St. Joseph's School
Roseburg. Ore.
The Honorable Mr. Albert Flegel
Douglas SI.
Roseburg, Ore.
Your Honor:
The careless use of matches
causes many fires, which result
C PER 10-z-PKG- J
in burns and explosions. Matches
should he kept out of the reach of
small children. Inflammable ma
terials, such as gasoline and kero
sene, should be kept awav from
heaters and hot pipes. Never
pour kerosene or gasoline on a
lire to make it burn better, for
they mav cause explosions. Mai.v
serious tires nave been causen bv
carelessness in the use of electric
Kires can be prevented h.f
keeping electric wires in good
condition. The attic, basement
and garage should be free of
rubbish, oily mops and rags.
Pipes going from stoves to chim
neys should also be in good r,--
pair. When you build i fire in
the woods, or fields, it is best to
clear away twigs and leaves from
i a wine space, build a fire from
fallen twigs, then before you
leave the fire pour water on the
coals and turn them over sev
eral limes. Mix the dirt with the
coals until you are sure it is all
cut. Another wav is to dig a hole
and bury the ashes. Many forest
fires are started by carclss mo
torists or campers.
Should a file brenk out and a
fire extinguisher is not at hand, a
fire can be put out by throwing
water on It or by smothering it
with sand, a rug or a blanker.
When a person's clothes catch
fire, he should be rolled in a rug
or blanket to smother the flames.
Running will cause the flames to
i ! m.
The secret Is our ability to cut
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j shades to the exact size you
jwant. (See directions below.)
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I Soft colors painted on sturdy
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Here's how to measure
widih- measure rollers tip-to-tip
with wood or steel
length unroll old shades all
the way to measure cloth.
321 N. Jackvon St.
Phone 26
Have Some for Dinner This Week
Buy by
the case
and store
in your
cold storage
locker or
home freezer
Distributed by
here's something
and hvrVs Chof Mrfno's
own favorlt rcp
Yewr ftjvtV' rtMtf I tM fJ'tj'a4
I if .!. (rrt
f. I !M Iff I PVtlVMMI,
1 cwm (Mke4 tatct 1 if. b"r
Ck Mt(in Egg Nodli in bilinf
Mtti wtr unfit tndr yt thtwy. 0fn
wll. $w nion and Riuihrfit In bwf
lr fr 5 mm., odd pa end lomottM,
M with nedt. Holf hwr bfor rooit
la dn, pwt thi v9tabl and nod
ailvtvr in n nd f railtnf pan nd
Mw I cek bi uk f nott,
bottmf aiinlly fr rmtntnf
! Mlnwfvt. $fvt 6 and it's
dtlliwt change tram moot and
U. S. Suit Against Oregon Medical Society Dotttl
PORTLANT .. Oct. n -;!aThTm"ed'ica. society, the Phy,,.
.L. u. .t Mnndav to open dividual phjsiciani are ae-
In federal court here Oc't. 18. j fendants.
i... .u .riafi' mntitllt'S ! 100. w
m - v f:
iiit?w .
! .j. f . ':
mi go for
if Cinch
m -
Yes! And women love Cinch
Cake Mix, too. It'$ fully pre
pared with all the quality In
gredients that go into finest
cakes. You simply add water,
mix and bake. Then get ready
for "his" compliments on the
most delicious cake you ever
made. Bake Cinch Cake today.
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