SECTION TWO Established ROSEBURG. OREGON THURSDAY, OCT. 241-49 13, 1949 " l " -il--" " - 1 H 7; A. M. IAGLEY, owner of the Bagley Crate and Box Company at Deady, is pictured beside a handhole machine of his own design. Mr. Bagley purchased his present plant in 192?, operating it with partners as a sawmill. In 1932, buying out the other interests, he converted the plant into a box manufacturing concern. Born in Ma'ne and to the sawmill business, he removed to Minne sota when his father, a sawmill man, took over an operation there. "It was mighty tough going here in Douglas county during the early thirties," he recalled. But he hung on! (Picture by Paul Jenkins.) Protestant Film To Be Shown To Hit Race Hatred NEW YORK, Oct. 12 UP) In 100 cities throughout the coun try next week, the Protestant church will show how well it ts learning from Hollywood. Wiih a splash and hoop-l;i usually associated with million dollar spectacles from movie land, the Protestant Film com mission will conduct simultani1 ous premieres in those cities Monday of its latest full length movie. "Prejudice." Produced by the commission In cooperation with the Anti-Defamation league of B'Nai B'riti, the $100,000 movie was backed financially by 17 major protes tant denominations. It "presents the Christian ap proach to the problems if relig ious hatreds." says the commis sion and is the first motion pic ture ever produced under exci'i sively religious auspices to be shown in commercial theaters. In the premieres the film will be show'n to invited audiences of Clergymen. Civic and Labor leaders. From there it will go into the big time movie houses to compete with such current Northwest Transmission Lines' Addition Assured PORTLAND, Oct. 13.-4.PV Continued progress in building transmission lines to meet the Pacific Northwest's power short age is assured through another year, Paul J. Raver, Bonneville administrator, said Wednesday. When President Truman sign ed the Interior department appro priation bill yesterday. It made available $46,524,000 for the 1949 50 Bonneville fiscal year, Raver said. The monev will be used on projects in 6regon, Washington, Northern Idaho and Montana. The total sum Includes $26.284,. 500 for construction and $4,000, 000 for operation and mainten ance. The bill also gives $16,239, 500 in contract authorizations, the administrator said. Although the money Is $5,000. 00 short of the President's budget request, it is about $6,000,000 over the appropriation for the past fiscal year. commercially made features as "Pinky" and "Lost Boundaries," which also deal with racial pro blems. Experienced Hollywood actors were hired to play all the parts. Corn Crop This Year 2nd Largest In U. S. Records WASHINGTON, Oct. 13. .P The Agriculture department Tuesday estimated this year's corn crop at 3.476,986,000 bushels. SUIT j the second largest of record. This estimate is 4S.755.000 bushels less than the 3.525,741,000 forecast a month ago. It compares with last year's record of 3.650, 548,000 bushels and with the ten year H938 47I average of 2,787,- 628,000 bushels. Wheat production was put ar bushels, or 2.855,000 less than the 1,129.081,000 forecast last month. It compares with the 1948 crop of 1,288.406.000 bushels and with the ten-year average of 991.950,000. The indicated production of other crops compared with a month ago, last year and the ten year average, respectively, in cluded: Oats 1.321,075,000 bushels for Everyone Likes POPCORN see the POPPER-PLUS The tops in poppers 95 plus tax There's no stirring, no stick ing and you'll make fluffy, flavorful popcorn every time with THE POPPER PLUS. Made of spun alum inum with a glass top, this 1114-inch high popper can bo used separately as a ket tle or grille. It's a big value that makes a grand gift. Housewares Department T? ' Downstairs UMPQUA VALLEY 202 A Home-Owned and Operated Store N. Jackson Phone 73 JSLi) friHsb " ' .... lU&SW-.i, .'At -Jt" (rl WmAfimm ll&WS" - - .tm , -Sat il A VIC VAIJ CI FFT at lUm mft in he Dhoto above, and Cerald Claypool operate the cutoff .w the Baolev Crate and Box factory. The plant manufactures boxes of all kinds, including fruit boxes, milk bottle containers and Coca Cola bottle containers. It eaters chiefly to local trade. (Picture by Paul Jenkins.) MRS. DOROTHY GODFREY, left above and Martin (Popl Brown operate a rip-saw at the Bagley Crate and Box Factory at Deady. The plant is a small one, employing from five to seven work men. It's extremely neat. "Cleanliness about a mill keeps insurance rates down," Mr. Bagley, the owner, explained! "It alto makes the place a nicer one in which to work." (Picture by Jenkins.) First Woman Is Nominated For Ambassador Post WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 Up- Mrs. Eugenie Anderson of Red Wing, Minn., was nominated Wednesday as ambassador to Denmark. She would be the first woman to hold that rank in the diplo matic service. President Truman sent the nomination of the Democratic national commltteewoman from Minnesota to the senate. Active in the Democratic party since 1944, Mrs. Anderson has long been Identified with the League of Women Voters. While other women have serv ed this country as minister Mrs. Perle Mesta. former Wash ington hostess holds that rank in Luxembourg Mrs. Anderson is the only one this country has ever had with the full rank of ambas sador. Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen was minister to Denmark before the mission there was raised to em bassy rank. The post In Denmark has been vacant since Josiah Marvel Jr. left it some months ago. JOE Mrs. Anderson was born In Iowa in 1909. Her husband, John P. Anderson, is an artist Married in 1930, they have a daughter, Johanna and a son, Hans. -i RICHARDS the October: 1.314.258,000 a month ago; 1,491.742,000 last year and 1.234,082,000 for the ten-year ave rage. Dry field pe. 3,418.000 bags; (yourself YOU CAN ENJOY TANK GAS SERVICE Propane Tanks For Rent No Need To Buy UTILITY WSERVICE Roseburg Pacific Bldg. 3,418.000: 3,584.000 and 5,620.000. Potatoes, 378.805,000 bushels; 363.061,000; 445,850,000 and 393, 403.000. Apples (commercial) 132,126,. 000 bushels; 129.423,000; 88,407, 000 and 111.114.000. Peaches, 75,114.000; 75,729,000; 65,352,000 and 68,947,000. Pears. 35,936,000 ; 35,505,000; 26,334,000 and 30,832,000. Estimate On Eggs, Milk The production of milk In Sep tember was reported at 9,390,000, 000 pounds compared with 10, 546,000.000 in August. Production in September last year was 9, 124.000.000 pounds and 9.102,000. 000 for the ten-year September average. Production of eggs In Septem ber was reported at 3,576.000,000 compared with 3,853.000,000 in August. This compared with 3, 516,000.000 in September last year and 3,004,000,000 for the ten year September average. Youth Accidentally Kills Himself With Shotgun RRFMFRTOW Oct 13. (!P A 16-year-old youth was acciden-1 tally killed by a : last from his Own snoigun weanesuay wniie driving a tractor in the fields of his dairy farm home, seven miles south of Port Orchard. He was Richard G. Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hall. Several hunters had seen the youth a few minutes before the accident occurred, driving the ma chine with his gun on his lap. They heard the discharge and re turned to find him wounded in the back. Just above the hip. He was dead on arrival at a hospital here. I AT I Bank With A Douglas, County Institution , Home Owned Home Operated Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Douglas County State Bank Phone 235 The United States has one of the world's highest accident rat es, an annual 67.1 deaths per 100,000 population compared with a world average of less than 50. ps fori pasting ' 5 L'alOjlA hTihly baked in Vr,;'"a''fi r j" Roseburg everyday I r- T m YOUR SHOES TAKE PLENTY OF WEAR . . . more than ony other part of your outfit . . . thot's why they require constant expert attention. We resole, reheel, reline, reinforce of points of extra wear. . f MM IH If they're worth wearing they're worth repairing HILL'S SHOE SERVICE 108 t. Washington change to GOLDEN WEST'S RICHER FLAVOR get . i ... " It -f II KICHER flAVO m me cup... ...SCAUSir'S KtCHCG IN THC TIN! H - A smile of satisfaction is your reward for serving Golden West. This mellow blend, so rich in luxury flavorCentral AmericancofTces, has the tempting, richer flavor everybody prefers. Serve Golden West for coffee satisfaction every time. You pay no more for Golden West than for other coffees. But you get tworfc naturally rich flavor from the grind that's right for your coffee maker. Make it as you always do. Just use less. And you'll agree that the rich flavor is unchanged. J'jJl Junvtpm,4HiHt&j foil tit! It's naturally richer. ..ground 3 ways so your coffee maker can extract all its goodness. Itgives you more cups per pound! Kaeh pound goes 13 further... giving you as much as 18 extra for Other groceries. That's the way to save. 1 V Colfse Pot or Ptrcolotor Sil or Glan Matter Drip Method