Do You Really Want To Buy House? Give Heed To Voice Of Experience By SAUL PETT NEW YORK, Oct. 112. CP) If you're having difficulty buying house, pull up a chair and listen. I'm an authority on the subject I have been buying a house every Sunday for three years. I have driven 15,682 miles tin just the suburbs, of course! and'l have spent $322.43 on gas and oil but I have been able to do ail this with the tame car, the same wife, and the help of only three psyciatrists. And so I say to you, friend, i don't be afraid. You can have i J. N. BOOR OUTBOARD MOTORS - Udn. Vally. Rt Ph. oi M JOHNSON Sea Hers Dealsr Boa's Boat Trailar- Marina Equipment Havt Your Home Landscaped on F. H. A. Terms Trees Topped or Removed Lawn Planted Shrubs Pruning Coll us for information L. H. McPherson Rt. 2, Box 153 Phon 715J-1 Hews Views By SHERMAN PLIMPTON When Christopher Colum bus arrived on Oct. 12, 1492, he discovered a land he didn't know existed and started the greatest c-ie way tourist trip in history. The tourists have been coming ever since , . , and mil lions of us have stayed long enough to turn Columbus' beachhead Into a pretty fair sized project. Did you ever think that if Chris' had stayed at home we might not be here now? Maybe someone else would have made the trip, but It was Chris who took the big Jump and found a New World. The Jewels that Queen Isabella pawned to buy ships are still drawing dividends . , and we're collecting them. K. m. CAMPBELL, $14 Cebb Street, collects a dividend this week. Drive your ear in for a FREE LUBRICATION, Mr. Campbell, A Los Angeles woman sued her husband for divorce be cause when he came home at night he kissed the dog be fore he kissed her. Now, there's a real dog lover. Don't let youi car go to the dogs for want ol expert repairs and service Bring it regularly to CORK RUM MOTORS, INC., 114 N. Rose St. You can depend on our quality service and con sistently low prices. Phone 408 ft the price, the w Guild A-S fives you more for your money thin any other u on th mariwt todsyl It's rutftd. Powerful. Accurate. The euttinj fuid is siwsys vitible. Fn ketpi euttini line free of sawdust. Extra-broad base fives steadier rest on work. Harmful dust cannot enter motor. Blade easily lowers and riises for cuts ranging from I to Cuts practically 11 materials. UMPQUA A home-owned and your home and sanity, too. House- nunung is not as confusing as you might think. Just don't buy on impulse. Don't buy on. faith. Be prac tical. Make sure you answer ail the vital questions before buy ing: Will the style of architecture be outdated in five or 50 years? Is it colonial. Cape Cod, Cali fornia bungalow, modern, Eng lish Tudor, early American, French provincial, Dutch col onial, Georgia, Spanish, Nor mandy or ranch? Be careful; practically everything these days is called a - ranch house. All some builders need is a small, high window in the bedroom and they think they've got a home on the range. Who owns the lot next door and are they planning a glue factory? Is the agent over-selling you or underselling you and does he have a thin, hard mouth or a police record? What exactly does he mean by saying, "You can own this home if you earn $4,000 a year." Does he think you'll be able to eat, J too? When he says vou can I heat the place for $8 a month, does he mean in the winter or summer. Are metal cross pieces between floor joists better than wooden bridging? How good is the commuting? Don't take anybody's word for it. Take a week off, ride the railroad yourself with an ac curate watch. Do you sit or stand? Can the guy across the aisle play canasta? I Are the rooms big enough for J the furniture and the children? Which will fhuve to go first? Is there a full basement and, if there isn't will radiant heat ing prevent dampness and where will you store all the things you will never use again? Also, is it true people get fiat feet from walking on concrete floors? Do you really like a picture window and what do you get a picture of and what will the neighbors get a picture of and those small little sections which open, will they be enough t carry a breeze? How good is the insulation? Is it rock wool, glass wool, cot ton blankets, wood fiber hlan kets, metal foil, mica bubbles and, by the way, what are mica bubbles? Is the sewage already In or will a picturesque old man come to tear up your front lawn every two years or so? Do you want a house like 100 other houses in a development or do you want to pay more to be distinctive? And what makes you think you want a house? I don't. I just like to have some place to go Sundays. Skeleton Of Student Found; Suicide Indicated ST. MARIES, Idaho. Oct. 12 UPi A skeleton found Sunday in the Canyon Creek area new St. Joe, Idaho, has been identified as that of a University of Washing ton student who disappeared two years ago. It is that of Tra E. Ellis, who disanneavod while no i the St. Joe Forest service Aug. IS, 1947. Sheriif Lee .Sivolioui said. There was a bullet hole through the skull and beside the skeleton lay a .22 caliber rifle from which one shell had been fired. The sheriff said the rifle was Identified as one owned by Bern! Morrison, the foreman of th camp where Ellis was stationed. Outstanding Value 87.M uts up iVt' Weight only 14 Ibt.t Quality. built throughout I New Guild A-S is BALANCED for easier handling . . . faster sawing . . . less fstiguei Hr the ast kvy ... see the new Guild A S today! Available with am'f. attachment, rip piide and carrying esse for $99 95) VALLEY operated store mm A 1 4 HI 1 C j f it i CLOCK WATCHE R 110 clocks which, with Mi ') It' TV' - INDIAN DANCER Atnrarie, dancer In India and Pakistan, expresses "enticement" one of the, firures of her recital Bnder anspices ot the Royal India Society la London. Morrison reported It missing at the time Ellis disappeared. The sheriff said it appeared El lis had taken hrs own life. Rorkefeller Center's tallest building the RCA Building is S50 feet tall. 0LDS1 a t J J i mm wear "mm H'9i i. - nl r- Leopold MeUenberg, of Chirato, sits In his study beneath some of the rare watches, he bti toUected a a hobby ever period C jean. ' New Union Move Points To WASHINGTON, Oct. 12, A top official of the CiO said (Tuesday the Farm Equipment i workers leadership has voted to merge with the United Electrical workers in direct rebellion against action of the last CIO convention. The Farm Equipment workers and the United Electrical workers both are led by so-called left-wing sympathizers. The Farm Equip ment workers were directed by the last convention of the CIO to combine with Waiter Reuther's United Auto workers. This the smaller union, headed by Grant (lakes, declined to do despite in sistent prodding by CIO President Philip Murray, The Farm Equipment board, i meeting in Chicago between Sept. j 27 an.d 30, voted to combine with j the more svmpathetic leadership i of the U. E. i The chances are great that both ' Phone 1289 S FUEL OIL 343 N, Jackson at Douglos has Everybody Talking PHONI Phone 311, FIA Ml a II 3rd Labor Federation unions will be tossed out of the CIO at the forthcoming conven tion in Cleveland Oct. Si. The action was regarded by some CIO officials as the fore runner of a move to establish a third labor federatinn composed of so-called ielt-wins unions, un der the leadership of Julius Em spak and James J. SJatles of US, Harry Bridges of the West Coast Longshoremen's union, and Ben Gold of the Fur and Leather workers. WHY "SUOS" SUSH LOS ANGELES, Oct. 12 C.'Pi Ever w onder w ny your beer fush ea over when you open the can or bottle? Dr. Philip Gray, here for the Master Brewers' association of America convention, gave this explanation: "Laboratory studies indicate SERVICE Day phsna 12SJ Night phens 104? New Futu ramie YOUR NIAXIST SMITH MOTORS, 40-Year Resident Of U. S. Battles Ouster Attempt PORTLAND, Oct. 12 f.TI Hearing in the government's ef. fort to deport a 40-year resident of the United States opened here Tuesday. It is one of four deportation proceecu.fS brought by the gov ernment on a charge that those named are members of organi sations advocating overthrow of the government by lorce or vio lence. John L. Stensort, 4, West Linn, is defendant in the current hear ing. The organization In which he Is alleged to have member ship was not brought out and that brought a motion tor dis missal w hich wa denied. Louis C. Hafferman, presiding inspector, when asked to name the organization, said the hear ing was designed to learrt it. One ot Stenson attorneys, Neis Pet erson, then moved to have the warrant of arrest canceled. This was denied. Irvin Goodman, also attorney for Stenson. said the immigration department record in Portland "demonstrates pre-judgment in political deportation case. He asked that Ilafferman disqualify himself. Haffermais declined. Most of the morning was taken that wildrtess is primarily physi cal in character. Colloidal parti cies. acting as nuclei, are re sponsible for the liberation of car bon dioxide gas from the unsta ble, super-saturated solution of carbon dioxide existing when the container is opened." There are believed to be abntft WO.fWO javelina wild pigs In the United States, the herds center ing Just north of the Mexican border. IB ,iuJ)Nw it ft iwvitt f Jlsi" ,o4 I sW 111! VOU WAN' Imperial It mod by Hiram IQ'i graia neutfil spmts. Hinm ft yazm in iff) v or visit 233 N. STEPHENS ST. Wed-., Oct. 12, 5?49 Th Nws-Cti.w, Kosaburo, Or. 7 up with testimony by Paul crouch, Miami, FIs., on commu nist narrv xcrn?t V," 4Hiri. ed himself as a former commu nist. He expected to give simi lar testimony as groundwork In ail four cases. Other defendants are Caslmlro Ahsolar. 44, Portland; Mrs. Kar olma Halversori, 64. Portland: and Mamish Scott MacKay, 43 Portland. After Crouch's testimony is completed, in about two days the hearings are to be recessed for two months st the request of Goodman who said he is oe cupwd with work in connection with the Harry Bridges perjury FIX THAT LEAKY ROOF ! We hsv soma beautiful news, W just received s shipment of siding end roofing end we have our own expert crew to app'y them. SAVE! Yes sir! The place to buy your building materia), roofing, siding, etc., is the Lunv ber Sales Co, Drop in and see us today. LUMBER SALES CO, Garden Valley ltd, Nef to the Riveriids School Fres Estimates Phons 264. J .2 VPT 1 1j Of THi Itll ..All Walker Bkndei whiskey. $6 moot Waik $ Sons Isc, Peont, Iltsoi. Everybody's talking it eTerybodVt trying it! Tht OWsmobile "Rocket" is the most enthusiastic iff received engin ia motoring hittorrS Mor thsa million prvp! have Hrivea a "Rocket" Oisismobiie m the past year and each of them is telling kit friend ill about it' "Racket" powrr! "Roclctt" tmtsAsmt "Rock" yatefftessj "Rock" tmnomyt "Met km" tenmKwfe uitk OldsmnbiWt Vvdra-AfaaW Drive! Thers'i f Futursmie. combinatiosi tTerrthirj you'v siwtri waateti m your csr'i pa war smM driver dreaai com true! But doe't take vat wmi take the wfceel and find out for yrmrsefl Make a drmoristrttioB data with the OrdsiBofeli "86" Eow-est-priced "Rocket" Engine ear. Sooa ymiH h u!k tog that way, tao 'SOCKET "ROCKETr ROCKET! trial In California. ITQrni New MOQNEYMtH Fwft- NOW I fiYW SEIVICC sosnua jewevt ufTTrlt tfVKiSTtEf 6Ag9 CitrtT- w 1 fit m it 9 r r 3' la 202 N. Joeksoit Phono 73