The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 12, 1949, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Wtd., Oct. 12. 1949
Published 0 illy Except Sunday ty the
New-1evie Company, Inc.
lalsrsa Hnii clais miui Mar I. si lk patl sltles
Saaabars. Oragaa. aa4f set ( Marrb t. !
Editor SHaV Manager
Mimbar of tht Aaaoelated Praaa, Oregon Newapapar Publishers
Association, tha Audit Buraau of Circulation!
Baerasaalaa ay MEBT-HOLLIDAf CO.. INC. arflras la H9 tare, Chlcal.
srsnclM Las Aatalaa. sill. rarliaaa. as. Lesls.
ai'Bsi airnoN aaira 1 or.f.n lit Man rat rtar sis saias ssse
Ikra Stasias it Bt CIls C srrlar Par as Us sStsseel. Isss Ikaa
sas rssr ear nsslk OaUiSe Oresea fly Msll ret leaf IS aa. sis
sseaths II Is. thras Seattle SM4
Is That A Promise?
The Roseburg Business and Professional Women's club
is carrying on an extensive educational campaign as a part
of National Business and Professional Women's Week. We
know of no organization having a better right to boast of
its purposes and accomplishments, for B. P. W., both na
tionally and locally, has carved for itself an important place
in business, economic and social fields.
B. P. W. is an organization composed of women actively
engaged in business and professional activities. Its member
ship, by embracing such a large cross section of working
women, has available information touching on virtually
every important issue. Efforts are made to disseminate this
information to all members, thus producing a high degree
of understanding and intelligence.
Although B. P. V., because of its large membership and
closely knit organization, could be one of the nation's
strongest pressure groups, this power is seldom used. Never
to our knowledge has it been used for selfish purposes, al
though it has been exercised in an advisory manner in the
field of national legislation having to do with public wl-
The Roscburg club has been organized since 1921. From
a very modest beginning, it has developed to include more
than 80 members. The membership rolls are kept active
and individuals must justify their membership by partici
pation and cooperation.
From its very beginning, the Roseburg B. P. W. club
has been a "service" organization. It has aggressively in
terested itself in civic affairs particularly those having
to do with public benefit, such as parks, playgrounds, swim
ming pool, tennis courts, juvenile delinquency, etc. It has
carefully avoided the dictatorial attitude, but, on the other
hand, has at all times shown willingness to assume difficult
civic tasks shunned by many other groups because of the
amount of work involved. And it must be said, to the credit
of the Roseburg club, that seldom, if ever, has it failed in
successfully completing any civic task to which it set its
hand, regardless of obstacles.
The Roseburg club, we are informed, has 16 very active
committees, all functioning efficiently.
The legislative committee ascertains that every member
of the club, eligible to vote, is properly registered. Com
mittees on equal rights, public affairs and international re
lations, keep members fully informed on current affairs
and issues. As a result, club members go to the polls to
vote intelligently. On congressional issues it has urged rati
fication by the U. S. of the Covenant on Genocide, the North
Atlantic treaty, the extension of the European Conserva
tion Act, and the adoption of the Hoover commission report.
The health and safety committee cooperates with local
authorities and other groups in protective activities.
The Veterans hospital committee carries on a yenr-around
program of entertainment and help for veterans at the
Roseburg hospital.
The B. P. W. maintains a scholarship loan fund available
to help responsible young women wishing to complete their
schooling, together with an oriental scholarship functioning
under the international relations program. j
The Roseburg club, very early in its organization, raised
funds for the city's first public tennis court. It purchased
land, built the court and fences, then donated the recrea
tional installation to the city. The club still assists in the
cost of maintenance.
Relationships locally are cemented between emploves and
employers at an annual "Bosses Dinner."
Club revenues, in addition to membership dues, come !
from the annual Thanksgiving dance which the group has
sponsored for many years.
The organization maintains a standing invitation for busi
ness women to become members and membership is to be
recommended as a matter of self-education and self-help.
Republicans Deride Democrats'
Claim Of "Remarkable Record" j
WASH'NGTON, Oct. 12. (.B While Home claims that the;
democratic Slst congress has set a "rather remsrkahle record" has '
drawn republican disagreement.
Senator Brewster ol MHine, chairman of the republican senatorial
campaign commiltce, expressed his party's line. He told reporters
about the only thing the democrats have to brag about in the
current session Is the passage of foreign policy laws that the
"republicans helped put over." i
Six Douglas Prisoners
Taken To Stare Prison
Six prisoner! were removed
from the Douglas county Jail
to the Oregon Slate penitentiary
Tuesday. The list Included:
LeRoy Martin Burnham, lar
ceny of an automobile, one year;
Willie Welton Hughes, same
charge, five yeara; Quentin Cecil
Wilbur, same charge, three years;
Carroll Welton Hughes, kame
charge, five yeara; Robert D.
Nelson, larceny in an office,
three years; and Charles Hepncr,
non-support and larceny in a
dwelling, six months.
Government Reedy To Purchase Northwest Apples
PORTLAND, Oct 12. I.V)
The Agriculture department an
nounced Tuesday it was ready to
begin purchases of Pacific North
west apples, currently in market
A limit of 247 cars, to be pur-
' chased at S1.70 a bushel for I. S.
No. 1 or better, was set for the
I month of October.
! W. J. Broadhead, field represen
tative of the Agriculture depart
ment, said 200 carloads would be
bought in Washington, 25 in
Idaho and 22 in Oregon. He said
buving probably would begin next
week, mostly of .'onathan and
Delicious varieties,
j Broadhead said additional pur
chases would be made later, but
their size probably would not be
known until November.
Slate production and marketing
I committees sre working out al
location plana in each state.
be accepted. His office has Issued
about 16.000 special numbers.
He said Governor Douglas Mc
Kay would be issued No. 1, the
first time a governor ever has
had this number. Newhry will get
No. 2. and State Treasurer Wal
ter Pearson will receive No. 3.
between 6.15 and 7
p. m.( if you have not
received your News
Review. Atk for Harold Mobley.
ffW Rll Viahnett S. Martin K if
It was a hook-like, gold plated
gadget, a gift from California
that day, designed to clip on a
counter or table and. act aa a
hanger for milady's handbag. Mr.
Algernon Bitwuns shook his head
as he looked at it. "Think you can
find room for one more thing In
that bag of yours? Well," and he
grinned, remembering, "It isn't as
heavy as a hammer anyhow."
Mrs. Bitwuns laughed, too, re
membering that evening In
church, some years ago, when she
had opened her bag for some
thing, and Mr. Bitwuns had spit
ted a small hammer in her purse.
There was a good reason for Its
being there; Mrs. B had used It
to save Jabbing her thumb when
she posted some new notices on
the church bulletin board. She
thought nothing of It until Mr. B
reached into her bag and drew
forth the hammer.
Now Mr. B didn't precisely
brandish the hammer as one
might a lethal weapon; but he did
hold It, for a moment, with a
wicked gleam in his green eyes,
before he replaced it. Suddenly
Mrs. B was seized by a deplorable
desire to laugh, even if she was in
church. The harder she tried to
remain serious, the less auccesr
sh had. This pleased Mr. B, of
course. Maybe he was thinking of
the wifely nudge he had received 1
a few minutes before when he
was quite unaware that he was
Jingling keys in his pocket?
But Mr. B was surprised to dis
cover that the lady on the other,
s-tjaai of him was also showing
slg4sV of uncontrollable mirth i
Now Mrs. J was of the most digni
fied demeanor, the personifica
tion of decorum not only In
church but elsew here. Her friends
sometimes found her perfectionist
tendency even a little trying at
times. Mrs. J was by no means
small of stature either. So when
she shook with the laughter she
was struggling to control, and her
face became bright red, and tears
trickled down her cheeks, Mr. B
was so surprised he smiled ... A
stifled moan came from Mrs. J;
a choked gurgle from Mi s. B, and
Mr. B joined right in with a
downright snort on his own ac
count. . .
Faces turned their way . . .
after church there was a converg
ing upon the now quite serious
adults: "What on earth ?"
Mr. B had only to produce the
hammer from Mrs. B's bag, and
again there was laughter. You
see, the newspapers Just then
were full of details about a lady
who had used a hammer as a
lethal weapon!
Auto Owners To
Get Notices Of
Cost Of License
500.000 automobile owners wi'l
get stalements from Secretary of
Slate Newhry next week telling
them how much their new license
plates will cost them.
Wilh the new permanent plates
expiring at different times in or
der to put the staggered expira
tion system into effect, the stale
ments are necessary to let the
owners know how much moncv
to send in.
The plates will be mailed be
ginning November 15. but they
can't be used until December 15.
Numbers assigned to automobiles
from now on will be the perma
nent numbers.
Newbry said applications for
special numbers can no longer
. . . with really GOOD insu
lation. Ask us how blown
rock wool will cut fuel costs,
add value to your home. Free
estimates of course. We give
a written warranty with
every Installation. Absolutely
fireproof rock wool pneumatl
cally Installed by profession
als. Bu:lder's Insulating Co.
"Chuck" Edmonds
230 N. Stephens
IIJI4M Phone 1018-R
s .
?lUe ' ',e 'S".sorl""'!. a
.7". b.m- .9, ..
"a'l. - - v . c- f - -r s-, oini. -faai
Roseburg Review,
Dee. 19, 1912.
Seeing the above news item wos published December 19,
1912, we don't doubt the burglar's motive for thieving
was goose-pimply cold! Please note that four suits, one
pair of trousers and a skirt were valued at $100 in that
year. Shows how prices (and income) have advanced. If
your property is insured by 1912 values better reach for
your phone and call us Your fire losses would be 1949
values quite a difference!
It Pays to Insure In Sure Insurance!
Phone 1277-R
: - is- fr J
k M
t2 i!tm
214 W. Cass
(Next door to
, Bill Tipton Pst Office) Car perm J
In the Day's News
(Continued from Page One)
Folio 18 Republicans Peiide ....
Hiewslers blast came In reply
Wilh respect to the President's
demand tor repeal of the Tail
to the While Houses Issuance of Hartley act. the summary said
a summary of w hat had been done ,, , hm wa, WSM, bv
hy t ongress in passing bills I'ri-sl- a,p Jlmp ;tn , ,I m , tn c.
dent Truman favors
Charles Ross, a
secretary, said
cord Ulth lhl 1Vi,w inl'i cwv....
a presidential mendalions." That was the ver-
tt Showed a .lnn Senalnr T-ifl i R .1 Ihim (....-.J
rather remarkable record of ihnuigh the Senate. The House
.aneiven repeal attempts and did
not act on the Taft bill.
! Listed as accomplishments were
such legislation as Ihe strengthen
Ing military unification, continu
ing the Kumpean recovery pro-
Kiani inn inner foreign alrt meas
Brewster disagreed.
"Foreign policy matters are
about the only major ones they
hav put through and the Itenub
licens helped put them over, he
said. 'The only foreign policv pro-
Tutl n:l.-t.l ulFkAlil IJ a, ..! ..... n
support was the extension of the "T"' extending rent control and
reciprocal trade agreements pro- olhrr ro,''"K domestic actions.
gram without the peril point '
amendment. ... . . .
"The Democrats are welcome Mistrial Declared In
oui'oi "that"" cwm .'h"y ca" R" : P'Kn Tucker Case (
The White House summary, a CllllWOIO Oct. 12 i.V - Kedrr-I
13 page document, listed minor al Judge Waller J. I-altuv Tues
recommendations of the President (lav declared a mistrial In the I
to Congress and noted what had Preston Tucker mall fraud case,
been done about them . ' Defense lawyers for the would-1
and Juggle somebody else In. Such
schemes are almost as old as the
Republic. We even have a word
for It. We call it "gerrymander
ing." The political process Is so old
that the word is actually in the
dictionary, which defines It thus:
"To gerrymander: To divide a
state, county, etc., Into election
districts or other civil divisions in
an unnatural and unfair way so
as to give a political party an
advantage over Its opponent."
THE word takes it origin from
Governor Klbrldge Gerry, of
Massaehuscls, whose party, back
In 1H12, divided Essex county,
Mass., up Into a DRAGON
SHAPED district whose bound
aries were so drawn as to take in
all the areas populated hy Gerry 's
cohorts and to LEAVE OL'T the
areas that were antagonistic to
him and his crowd.
THE founding fathers wrestled
long and bitterly over this
same issue. When the federal
union that is now the United
States was being put together,
the thickly settled states with big
cities wanted representation In
Congress according to population
be rear engine automobile maker
and seven associates asked lor a
mistrial. They claimed that a
government witness who referred
to one of the defendant's 14-year-old
criminal record prejudiced
the Jury.
A new trial probably will be
sought by the government. Tli
Indictments stand against Tuck
er and his associates In the multi-million
dollar fraud charges.
The battle finally ended In a
I compromise w ith member of the
House of Representatives elected
according to population and mem- j
bers or tne senate according to
states each state having two
senators REGARDLESS of popu
lation. s
BECAUSE of this compromise,
the West has been able to hold
its own against the heavily popu
lated East. I think nearly every
one in the West will agree that
the Far West would NEVER have
been able to make the gains we
have made.
Without the Senate (whose
members are elected by STATES,
regardless of population we
would never have been able to
get reclamation of our arid lands,
which is the foundation upon
i w hich the growth of the West
has been built.
It doesn't need reclamation
of arid land.
I It has always fought It.
I think it Is safe to say that If
Congress had been dominated by
the heavily populated Eastern
states the wide-open spaces of the
West would still be populated
by Jack rabbits and coyotes.
I HAVE such confidence In the!
sound thinking and the political
integrity of the people of Oregon j
that I believe even the heavily- j
populated Willamette valley w ill
be against this scheme as a mat-j
ter of fundamental principle.
I am sure that Eastern Oregon '
and Southern Oregon will he'
against It. We certainly don't
want to be the dog that is con-
stantly wagged by the big-city !
iu WondE
120,000 owners of other cars
Switched to midsoi
Look at all the Extra Value they're getting!
What a car! What value! Is it
any wonder Hudson swlee t hia
year are 30 per cent ahead of last
year'i record?
Every day more people are dis
covering that the New Hudson,
with its unique "step-down" de
sign, is p-cked, right now, with
ttyling. performance and comfort
features they thought were yeara
Only in Hudson do you get the
most of the four advantages
people want most in motoring . .
the most beauty, roominess, road
worthiness, and all-round per
formance. In roominess, for instance. Hud
son offers vou, not just more, but
the MOST1 the roomiest seat in
anv mass-produced car built
today! You get amazing head
room the most efficient use of
interior space in any motor car!
Come in for a Revelation Ride
see all the extra value Hudson's
unique "step-down" design gives
you. Take the wheel yourself, and
put the wonderful New Hudson
to any test that pleases you.
You'll find that here, at last, is a
new kind of motoring. And you'll
see right away why. of the mora
than quarter-million owners of
New Hudson. 120.000 are motor
ists w ho have changed to Hudson
from other makes!
Bring your present car when vou
come in. Let us work out a deal
that is bound to please you!
today and let us ahow you figures from the
National Automobile Dealers Association Official
Used Car Guide Rooks that prove "step-down"
designed New Hudsons command top price in
the nation'a used-car markets!
Only cap with rue srep
702 S. Stephens
Phone 1276 R