2 The Newt-Review, Roieburej, Ore. Wed.. Oct. 12, 1949 Couple Survive Fall Down Face Of Rooster Rock PORTLAND, Oct. U.-JJPl-A young couple fell an estimated ISO feet down the sheer face of 285-foot-hlgh Rooster rock in the Columbia river gorge yesterday and suffered only severe bruises. "I'll see Joe fall as long as I live." mumbled Shirley Jean Ami carella as rescuers lifted her and her husband, Joseph, Into an am bulance. The husband recalned con sciousness after sheriff's deputies had eased the man and wife down the rock in wire rescue baskets. Something hit me on the head that's all I know," he said. His wife reported falling rocks had knocked him out and he fell. Their safety rope snapped her off the rock fare and she landed on a rock ledge. Her brother, Sherman McClure, low man of the roped trio, managed to hold on and came down safely despite a leg Injury. He was struck by a boulder. A motorist, Mrs. May Lawrence Bljler, Hood River, witnessed the fall from the Columbia river waterlevel highway. She was also Injured by a rock while standing on the road to flag down a sher iff's patrol car. A sheriff's deputy was nit on the hand by a falling rock. Secloliitd Medicine Not Adapted To United States tCon'Inued from Page One) Deception Recognized In Russian Demand (Continued from Page One) Russia has atomic weapons. He answered, "read the Tass communication." That Soviet press agnry said on Sept, 25 that the Russians have atomic weapons at their disposal. The agency statement followed disclosure by President Truman that an atomic explo sion took place recently In Rus sia. Malik's statements yesterday In the security council took on added interest because it was the first Russian statement of atomic policy since Mr. Tru man's disclosure. His resolution demanding the over-all tally was the first time that Russia has put its demand Into a formal resolution. But the Russians have always opposed moves for an arms census un less It Includes atomic weapons ana have always said they should be outlawed. A few minutes before Malik made his proposal, he cast Rus sia's . 39th veto in the security council to kill a French proposal for conventional arms-counting excluding the A-bomb and th establishment of confidence among the nations. It did not FLOORING 9 Siding Finish PACE LUMBER I FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 at them would target the human race. Under the plan, the British wnulri treat nnvnne who annlieil for care, in the furnishing of med ical attention, glasses, false teeth or a wig. All one has to do is to present himself to the doctor. In order to determine fully his understanding on the issue, Kllv worth said he asked one of the officials if he would be entitled to a pair of reading glasses. He was Informed he would, hut that he would have to wait five months for them. The people do not pay for the protection through any form of social security, but only through general taxation. Other Countries Visited Kllsworth's trip took him by boat to England, thence by air to Sweden, where the proposed Swedish socialized medicine plan was studied, and thence to France, with further brief visits to Germany, Switzerland and It aly, and home by air. In all he flew 12.2IX) miles, spending i'4 I hours in the air. The committee was also dele gated to study civil aircraft and transports. In Sweden the mem bers visited an airplane factory consisting of 25,000 square feet, blasted out of solid rock 100 feet below the ground. Total of 1.000 men were employed building civil and military aircraft. The parly also studied the Swedish synthe tic fuel plants, as a further legis lative responsibility In the study of fuel. In answer to questions at the Klwanls meeting, he expressed the opinion that the general eco nomic situation and the morale of the European people are brighter. He said he believed this due partly to affects of the F.uro pean Recovery plan, even though this represents only about five percent of the nations' financial needs. The English, though try ing, do not seem to be doing as much as thev might to lift them selves out of their slump, he in dicated. Ellsworth said he hopes to ne home until about the first of the year. He left shortly before the adjournment of Congress, expect ed this week, beci.use he missed out on the summer recess. All Important bills and appropriation measures have been taken care of. . He described the past lengthy session as not only "rough on us," but definitely "detrimental" to the country, in the long delays. He said he couldn't assess 'lie hlame, but the session has been the most unsatisfactory and mott confused during his seven years in Congress. Ellsworth said he hopes to visit each of the seven counties in h' district during Is stay here. He has been asked to officiate at the dedication of the Dorena dam Oct. 23. Movies Of Canada Jaunt Shown To Rod-Gun Club Members of the Roseburg Rod and Gun club were entertained at the regular business meeting Tuesdny night by E. R. "Chub" Harvey, Glendale, who presented motion pictures and slides taken during a 30-day trip Into the Prince George lake section on the headwaters of the Fraser river in .British Columbia, Just south ol the Yukon Territory border. Ha Ivey and his party traveled more j than 100 miles of connected water I ways. His motion and still pic turf's were made in colors and depicted the scenery and recrea tional features of the area. He also showed motion pictures of a boat trip down the Rogue river. At the business session the club heard committee reports, consid ered a program for curbing land abuse during pheasant season, planned the fall trapshoot season, which will begin with a "tune-up shoot next Sunday, and transact ed routine business. James Vaughn, superintendent of the Rock Creek trout hatchery, told the club that work has been completed on a dam across Rock creek to Increase water supply and that Installation of holding ponds and pipelines Is in progress. The new ponds will be used to hatch salmon, according to pres ent plans. Halsey Joins In Hitting At B-36 Bomber Power (Continued from Page One) The Weather U. . Weather Bureau Oft Ice Roseburg, Oregon ; Fair with morning cloudiness today and Thursday, Highest temp, for any Oct. ... 9 Lowest temp, for any Oct. .. 22 I Highest temp, yeeterday .... it j Lowest temp, last 24 hre. ........ 4 Precipitation last 24 hre. .05 ' Precipitation since Oct 1 2 21 precipitation since Sept. 1 .....4.17 Eicees since Sept. 1 1.33 Union Will Win Steel Strike, Murray Asserts (Continued from Page One) Include atomic weapons, Malik complained. The Ukraine, only Soviet sat ellite on the 11-natlon security council, voted with Russia. . . . the most personol gift . . . tha most desired gift 'trait ...id uoui a have your portrait taken NOW ot big savings for Christmas giving. 3 For the price of Fo Don't fc miL nu For a limited time only Don't forget to bring the children 1 'er SluJi Second Floor erne Miller's Dept. Store SeC tAe 'PtOQfuklH WHY YOU SAVE MORE Oil WITH Aiiiirn Oil HEATERS j ' 1 1 " Quaker heaters I AS LOW AS N-H. '67" ) IOW DOWN PAYMENT I CONVENIENT TERMS 1 WORK-FREE CLEAN HEAT AT LOWER COST Fe the famous 5-minut demon ttration! Learn why Quakm oil heater pay for thertuelve in the fuel they wive! You can actually aee why mny oil heaters amoke and wate your valuable fuel- You will know why people everywhere art (witching to Qt'Axra for work-free clean warmth at lower cost! Kind out how you can own a Qua urn . , . the finest oil heater made ... at the price you'd expect to pay for an ordinary heater? Drop in today and ak to tee the Quake S -minute fuel-saving demonstration! I iOe"i Um Oil , , . I . t hwtt t UMPQUA VALLEY APPLIANCE 120 W. Oak Phone 1218 attack" on large areas. With a reference to that, Hal sey said a successful war "can not be ought. by carrying on sep arate campaigns against inJu trial and civil populations." He scornfully compared this concept of strategic air warfare to medieval "siege" operations. Halsey. whose carrier-based airmen drummed the.lapanese up and down the Pacific, said the lesson from World War Two is til need or Immediate heavy air at tacks at the military body of the enemy "who would be trying to crunch his way across Kurope. ' "The objective of stopping and finally driving hark the enemy onrush can only be done by at tacking the enemy's armed forces and the transport system which moves him and his sup plies." Bombers by passing these par amount military targets, he said, "won't stop anythings -except possibly bullets from the thou sands of high flying fast fighters an aggressor will ' ." Attack en Cities Futile Strategic bomuhifc ... .ear area population centers can't stop en emy ground forces, llclsey rum hied on to an attentive commit tee. The mass bombing of citlf-s can only produce delay, remote and Indirect effects on the course of the war. "The weight of evidence In our own and the British bombing sur veys shows this very clearly. ''These reports show that it was a mistake to believe the B 17s, or later B-2Ss. could, by un escorted mass bombing attacks on cities, gain military advant age In proportion to lucii' cos,, or to believe that results would be directly and Immediately effec tive." Air Command Vital Halsey went on to say that the lesson from the last war that stands out clearly above all ol ti er is, "If you want to go any where In modern war, in the air, on the sea, on the land you must, have command of the air." Command of the air won't be gained hy heavy bombers, Hal sey said, and added: "It is gained by attacking en emy air ticlds and their support ing installations. sylit i en d gsia "Inhngiodw otn the enemy pilots faster than he can train them." Grand Jury Session Is Haired By Stork's Visit OKLAHOMA CITY. IVt. 12 t.Tt The entile Oklahoma coun ty Grand Jury heiped member John A. Oicutt sweat out th arrival of the stork yesterday. Oicutt reported for jury duty, then asked to he excused so ho could II. iK the stork In. The Jury wailed, and waited and waited for Orcutt's return. In the Jury room, they paced the flour. And in the hospital, Omni paced the floor. Finally, eight hours later, the stork ar med with an eight pound boy. The Jury dismissed for the day. and decided to subpoena Orcutt to show up with a box of cigars. Murray to do all he can to "keep the CIO united." Talk that left-wing CIO unions may break away and form a third major labor organization was denied by (Jrant Oakes, pres ident of the CIO Farm Equip ment Workers. He denied repoi's which named him as one of the key planners of the rebel move. In New Orleans, southern CIO officials and the president of 'he CIO Gas. Coke and Chemiral Workers investigated reports that ft .000 of the 15.000 southern mem bers of the Gas and Coke union have seceded. 8teel Industry Accused In Washington, a group Includ ing Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, accused the steel industry of act ing "in favor of its profits a.id against the national interest" In the steel strike. The statement was issued by the Americans for Democratic Action, a political group. It said the industry should accept a pres idential fact-finding board's re port, and declared the union's de mands for company -paid pen sions are Justified. Among the signers of the state ment were Senator Humphrey (D Minni, ADA'S national chair man: Senator Morse Ft Orel, and Rep. Mitchell i D-Wash, i In New York, the Iron Age, a trade weekly, said consumers' steel stocks are smaller than had been thought when the steel strike started. It said big fabri cators can work 30 days longer wilhout curtailing production. The steel strike, and the 24 day old strike of 380,000 United Mine workers who also seek welfare and pension concessions are growing more intense dally In their effect on American econ omy. Iron Age said that unless there is real bargaining soon the na tion can exiect "one of the woisl tie-ups in its history." Steel fabricators, employing half a million steelworkers, are threatened by strikes set to start Saturday, when some contracts expire. In Chicago, International Har vester company said it will lay off 3,500 more workers Friday in a parts tie-up, resulting from a strike hy 4.6ii0 CIO Farm Equip ment workers. About 17.000 Har vester employes at other plants already are idle as a result of the tieup. Punchboards OKd At One City, Lose At Another EUGENE. Oct. 12. .P You won't be able to have lun with punchboards here but you can skip over to neighboring Spring field and play the pinball ma chines. The city councils of the two communities have arrived at op posite conclusions on the merits of legalizing the operation of amusement devices. Springfield Mayor B. P. Larson voted "yes" Monday night to break a 3-3 deadlock and okay the licensing and regulation ot pin ball machines. At Eugene, the same night, the council reversed a previous derision and said "nay" to punchboards of the question and answer type. The previous vote was 5-2 in favor, but after hearing church and civic group protests, the vote against the idea was unanimous. House. Commercial and Industrial Wiring Electrical Trouble Shooting Motor and Appliance Re pair Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service 17 Years Experience ACE ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician 316 E. 2nd Ave. N. Th. 1095 L OCTOBER SPECIAL (TgGHjJBH Auto Collision Near Yoncalla Kills 2 Persons (Continued From Page One) State Police Sgt. Lyle Harrell reported that Colson was travei ing south, and was over the cen ter of the left lane, when he met an Oregon-California-Nevada fast freight, operated by Alder Ray mond Conrad. 37 12 High street, Eugene, traveling north. Jolson's left arm apparently was out the side window, accord ing to the officer. The arm caught on the truck and was sev ered above the elbow. He was taken to Mercy hospital, whete amputation at the shoulder was necessary. Damage to the truck and trail er was negligible, and only slight damage to the left side ol Col son's car was reported. India's Prime Minister Getting Eyeful Of U. S. WASHINGTON, Oct. 12. OF) Prime Minister Nehru of India set out today on a strenuous get acquainted tour of the United States. American officials hope it will help make India incline more strongly toward the west in the cold war with Russia. Nehru is a hero of his coun try's fight for Ireedom and firobably the outstanding figure n Asia. He was greeted person ally by President Truman on his arrival yesterday for a state visit of nearly a month. Last night he was Mr. Truman's guest at a formal dinner at B'air house. It is Nehru's first visit to the United States, of which he has been critical at times, partly on the score of American race re lations. A moderate Socialist who heads India's majority Congress party, he also has expressed doubts in the past of the virtues of Ameri can style capitalism. Neva Dallair Interment To Occur At Tenmile . Funeral services for Neva Croucher Dallair; Havfork, Cali who died recently, will be held at Medford this week. Interment will be in the family plot at the Tenmile cemetery Thursday. Surviving are her husband, Vic tor Dallair; three children; her father, Frank Croucher. aid brother Donald Croucher, both of Medford. Mrs. Dallalr's parents were formerly from Olalla. Obligation Of Teacher Topic Of SOCE Proxy (Continued from Page One) tion of instruction classes for teachers in grades one to eight respectively, according to Coun ty Superintendent Kenneth Barne burg. Almost the entire day, begin ning at 9 a.m., will be taken up with group meetings with demonstrations. The teachers will continue to divide up into the various class rooms for their sessions. Luncheon will be at 11:45 a.m., with the group meetings re suming until 2:30. Following a brief intermission, the combined group will assemble in the audi torium for a panel discussion. Preparations are being made to entertain an additional 200 county high school teachers, who will be here Friday, swelling the total number to more than 500, for the all-county institute. Sev eral speakers, and special pro gram features will be included on the program. News-Review Classified Ads bring best results. Phone 100. ,. j ;Ts-5esw .- -i Revival Meeting FREE 7i " METHODIST t ' J CHURCH l'..i w j Harvard and Umpqua 'mh October 923 7:45 P.M. " Each Evening Rev. L. T. Edwards Evangelist Colored movies and tlidet to illustrate sermons EVERYBODY WELCOME The original forest area of the United States is estimated at 820 million acres nearly half the country's land area. Scuff Tuff Tips for school wear! Mother, here's Buster Brown's answer to school yard scuffers. More wear per pair than you've dreamed of! Backed by Buster Brown's half -century of thoemaking Only BUSTER BROWN can offer all these quality extras! Here's hy your children should wear Buster Browns: Forty-five yean of overwhelming popularity. Perfect fitting on lasts developed through the years. Beautiful, peak-quality leathers. Authoritative styling. Wear-resistant construction, e Best selection in town. It pays in the long run to buy the best. That means Buster Browns! Won't ou stop in soon? Right on Jackson FRESH! Fruits & Vegetables THEYRE ON ICE FRI. AND SAT. POTATOES DESCHUTES NETTED GEMS U. S. No. 1 15-LB. BAG 69c 10-LB BAG. DRY ONIONS 63c SQUASH DANISH ZViz ib. Green Peppers 2 lbs. 15c COMPLETE FOOD SHOPPING CENTER Highway 99 N. Roseburg FREE PARKING? BRING COUPONS TO WALLY'S See What You Save at Wally's! Wally'sSell Nationally Advertised Brands?, CATSUP Del Monte -Rich & Spicy-14-oz. Bottle 2 FOR 29c SWANCO MARGARINE Guaranteed Quality 9 lb. CHEESE 2-Lb. Pkg. VELVEETA 79c COUPON Good for 5c On 2 cans Del Mont Corn No. 303 Tim Fancy Cream Style Good for 65c on a case of 24 COUPON Good for 5c On 1 can Willamette Peart No. IVx Tins Holves Good for 1 .25 on a case of 24 COUPON Good for 5c On 2 cant Dal Monte Peas No. 303 Tim Early Garden CAKE MIX l ADD ONLY WATER ' Wh. 39c Powdered SUGAR 2 Lbt. 23c LIBBY'S MEATS Corned Beef 12" tin 39c Corned Beef Hash No ltln 33c Roast Beef llb "" 49c Genuine Dev. Ham No- tln 17c Deviled Meat No 8c No- 4 13c Veal Loaf 7"n 27c Vienna Sausage 17c ipiSSSK (MSsaMSsaHSSMMSIBaMSaSSISlSBlSlSlSlSHSMSiSSlSHSSlSlSlS GOD'S WORD 1. And he ssith unto me, write, blessed are they which (re celled unto the merrisge supper of the lamb. And he saith unte me, these are the true saying of God. Revelation It I FLOUR Gold Medal or Drifted Snow 25-lb. Sack 1.89 B oyer's Meat Market Effective Fri. & Sot. SWISS STEAK Atabig JLm saving, Ib. WWl, BEEF LIVER Why pay C more' Lb. 09C SAUSAGE At a price you can afford, Ib. 35c LARD . . 14c Ib. Mb. can our own make. Bacon . . 49c Ib. Guaranteed to satisfy or your money back. SEE US ABOUT LOCKER MEAT The Place You Always Save Quality Considered I