16 Th New$-Rviw, Roieburg, Ort.-Wcd., Oct 12, w. Thirty Years Of Road Pavina In Oregon Represent $392 Million Cost r . ; FIRST SICHT OF L 0 V E B I R D Elizabeth Jane Arnold, of Wuhlniton, D. C. 5. born with Impaired vilon, smll-- at the lovebird she ran tee after an operation or ur. Jonn mci-ea i In which the defective cornea of one ere waa replaced br or-- taken Immediately after death from a patient who had offered Ik The Slate Highway commission, since 1917, has lifted the leet of Old Man Oregon, and his rubber tires out of the mud and onto a network of continually expanding pavements to the tune of approximately $392,000,000. This pavement has been built out of a magic mixture of ladips lipsticks, cosmetics, jewels, mink coats, whisky, gin, gasoline and what have you; and comparatively little out of taxes coming from the land which the highways have been built to serve. Throughout all the "B17" era, from 18.9 until the Highway I purpose and $363,513.30 con- commission was created in 1917, : tributed by (he counties. Of that roadways were built out of taxr-s taken from the nearby land. The cost of newly opened roads were assessed against the property con latter sum only $1,643.33 was for maintenance paid by the counties. In the years 1920 to 1948, in clusive, the counties of the state tiguous to them; old roads were received as their allotted share maintained bv direct taxes levied of road-user, gasoline tax, funds throughout the respective coun- i the sum of StrUJiJ.txiz.iU. ties. Since 1917 most of the load During 1949 the highway map has been lif'ed off the land and shifted; by the federal govern ment to Its Indirect lipstick et al income and by the state to gasoline. The total amount spent from i U. S. -Canada Highway jyii io June ivtrj uie uumt was extended by the expenditure of $.'0,000,000 while $23,500,000 have been allotted to the 1930 1951 construction program. of the fiscal yearl for construc tion and maintenance or primary, secondary or feeder roads, and county roads was $392,000,000. Of this the state contributed $275,- 000,000; the federal government $100,000,000; the counties $IK,- 000,000. An additional $1,000,000 came from miscellaneous coop erative sources, Included In these totals are $4,716,465.82 spent by the state for construction and maintenance of county roads not on the secondary system, plus $3,694,279.24 spent by the fed- Link Nearer Reality SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Oct. 12 !') Progress was reported today in the effort to form a highway link between the U. S. and Canada. A hundred miles of the 300 mlles between Fairbanks and the Alaska-Canada border has been paved, Col. John R. Noyes, Alaska roads commissioner, told the National Association of State Highway officials. Ihe project is part of a $100, Big Campaign On To Get Women To Exercise Their Right Of Suffrage By DOUGLAS LARSEN NEA Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON NEA Today'i professional fighters for the rights of women have a far more modest goal than the vision of j the same party for even a large po.lt.ca! equality with men. which Inspired the early suffragette PhW - ? p 000.000 Alaska road Droeram also eral government for the same including a 365-mile gravel road ! from Valdez to Fairbanks and a finally discovered that there was-iad connecting Anchorage and n't enough difference between the is"a.rd a n to Homer. principles of the national Demo- Mween AiasKa anoine U. S. cratic and Republican organiza-! Canada border, CoL Noyes said, lions to fill even a small pam- j lh"? .are ,s"11 .1'72 milci north phlet. Then thev discovered that!"' Edmonton to be paved. But ;, , ., ,.;,.,, ! that section between the border among the state organizations of and Edmonton is paved. leaden to their noble efforts, The great political purge, t h e great revitalizing of Ihe whole American governmental process which giving the vote to women was supposed to produce never materialized. It has turned out that women really' don't give much of a hoot about voting. I' they do get around to It, It's us ually at their husband's urging. And when Ihey scan the ballot, If they don't see the name of a man whom they think to he "cute" chances are they'll fol low thilr husband's advice on the matter. The great social and economic liberation which political free dom was supposed to produce for the gals has been Ihe other way around. What little political I n iluence they exert today has lar gely been won through the social and economic liberation they got at first. And those freedoms have been won more by auch crusad ers as Max Factor and llnttie Carnegie than by the profession al women'a rights fighters. League Sounds Tocsin The exceptions such as Mar garet Chase Smith and Helen (ia nagan Douglas have been too rare over the years to prove any thing except their rarity. Proof of all this can he found In the big new program of the League of Women Voters which has Just been launched here. A spokesman for the league calls it, "the most ambitious drive this organization has ever under taken. The official announce ment explains It as "a series of eleven regional conferences t o train leaders of the league 1 n ways to arouse women voters to accept party responsibility." Miss Anna Lord Strauss, nat ional president of the league, sounds the following keynote: "The connecting link between you and your government offic ials Is the political party. High government oflicials will makp the final decisions on problems of peace and prosperity, but it is the political party that deter mines who these officials shall be. Vou can take an active part in the political party If you wish. 'Politics is everybody's busin ess'." The big excuse that the league gives today for women failing to lake a significant place In U. S. politics Is that It's Ju.it too tough Jor them to get started In the game. This drive, apparently. Is to cure that by showing them how to get started. A pamphlet called "What's the U. S. to Vou? a Quiz." Is to he the Bible and guide of the lea gue's drive. The publication is unique In that none of the ques thins are supposed to be so chal lenging to the female mind that they send the reader off In hot chase for the answers. Then Mellowed Aof LUCKY KM Distributed by Western Distributing Short and Burks Sta. Prion 1294-L Roteburg. Ortgon Co. questions which thev had been collecting over a period or six . . . . .,, years and made a pamphlet out when she finds the answers she II I lhl,m insI,a( be all fired up to get into politics. I By flooding the country with A league spokesman explains the Interesting reason for a pam phlet In this unusual form. For six years Ihe leanue staff tried to get one out which was to be called "Know Your P-tv." Thev the league's new quiz publication and with Ihe 11 regional confer ences Miss Strauss hopes that by the 1950 election "all women will be active workers in the par ty of their choice." tor ops' on Orainboards Set Phil Ournant Linocum Laying and Venetian Blinds 920 S. Main 1336-J lorn HAVE THE SELECTION! ONLY THE mmm oil he, GIVES YOU COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC mm HEATING! WITHOUT ELECTRICITY Exclusive J( "FLOATING FLAME'9 and Modulating Control brings nw convenience new economy cf operation! IlOII ynu buy an nil heater, rome in and let ue ahow you lh Gopher many ctueive ad van la gee, OHLf THI OOP HI ivM you automatic beat without lex-maty! OKHY THI OOPHIt give vou the "flouting flame" which floata up and down, auto tnaliratlv. giving the enact amount of beat to maintain even temperature. NO OTHIt Oft HIATIR givaa auch eoon Droy of operation. No other oil heater fivea ynu an much for your money. Coma in to morrow. I,et ua ahow you tha naw 1949 Gopher Oil Heater. 5t tf In th Fall...Forgt It 'till Spring I Hat your (lop her Oil Healer at tha eiart temperature vou deaira when you light it in tha fall. Forget it till you turn it off in tha aprtng. No matter what tha temperature ta on l aide, your rooma will vary laaa than 2 dogreea. Onlv (top her givea you this truly automatic operation without electricity! Evn temproturw 24 hour a day I Karlv In tha morning, nrwn, night - your moma are alwaya comfortable, always tha tame deeired temperature with Gopher Floating Flam heatert. No more freezing at breakfaat, raaating at lunch. Fewer rolda thia winter. Now everyone can enjoy "clock around" even heat. Dcn't Buy An Obsolete Heater I See The NEW GOPHER OIL HEATIR BEFORE YOU BUY! 'A WHAT IS "FLOATING FLAME"? 1. KraH THI NIW OO'HH HUTU WITH HOATINO PIAMI ., . and iiKhiiiia'inf fonttitl te tK h.1 flu.,", Ki o-i 59 to 114 V Oil i'I. ORDINARY Oil MIATItl have inn lUmr-low nd hifra, V hti nrnl hfrr"f co ,1. the hviaHoiilM lrn Aim up ta hitrti, end rlw b,t tnf tS fttne rrvttm rn. t-t a, 'fmpwimrs Sr -rial trfir'''it I I teui Ou M tag t c lair tejuitoat iru.L 0 Personalized Service for the Home 1 1 1 N. Jackson a Phone 330 Plea Of Insanity Made For Slayer OGDE.V, Utah. Oct. 12. (.Pi Richard Dix Pack of Pocatello. Idaho, Monday pleaded Innocent by reason of insanity to first de tree murder charges. His attorney, Wade Johnson, told District Judge Charles Cow ley that a physician had examin ed Pack and found him Insane. Pack is accused of the slaying of Shirley V. Scott. 29. Scat lie. whose nude body was found In a cheap hotel closet Aug. 19. She had been strangled. "We are not going to prove he ia so Insane that he doesn't un derstand what ia going on in this court," Johnson said, "but we are going to prove that his men tality Is such that he could not have premeditated this crime." Johnson added that he was pre pared to withdraw the innocent plea If the charge were reduced to second degree murder. He fur ther requested that the court name two alienists to examine Pack and that a sanity hearing be scheduled as soon as they pre pare their report. Oregon "Blue Book" Soon Ready For Distribution Oregon'i new state directory, better known as the "Blue Book", lis nearing completion and will soon be ready for distribution. I Secretary of State Newbry an J nounced. j The directory contains current and historical information on all phases of state and local govern ;ment, as well as statistical mate ! rial and features of general in terest to the state. It is distrib uted without charge to schools and public offices. Newbry. whose office Is direct ed by law to compile the book every tw0 yart, remnided per sons wishing to purchase a copy that the last legislature Increased the price from 25 to 50 cents to cover increased costs of printing. Failure to include the correct amount with an order is causing extra correspondence and delay, he pointed out. Kansas is by far the greatest wheat state in the union, produc- nearlv twice as much as Ing its nearest competitor Dakota. North I I FLOOR COVERING Linoleum Kentile Large stocks assure ease in selecting pleasing patterns. See the display at . . . COEN SUPPLY COMPANY EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER Prions 121 Floed and Mill 8U. I I h3J I Do The Job SR FE3 Parana 'oeteiq DISSTON One-Man CHAIN SAW Save your muscles. Head tor tha woods with this new Diitton One Man Chain Saw. Light weight. a oline-driven power saw. Fells . . . Bucks . . . Limbs. Operates at any ancle . . . even upside down. CARL J. PEETZ Phone 279 920 S. Stephens (or fori f '3 6 J lPJ 111 Jr JaatoQggl You Can Purchase a CH. kffl -ROSiE Wffm FROSTMASTER' -- for only "SCM REFRIGERATOR DOORS ARE JUST DOORS" BUT A CROSLEY "Shelvador" hands you twice os much front-row foods many times every day . . . Stand ard Model M-88 it o big 9.1 cu. ft. big capacity re frigerator witfc every standard Crosley feature. An outstanding value in quality refrigeration at a pop ular price. Mode! .'.'.-88 as shown . 259.95 CROSLEY "FROSTMASTER" n JJ T WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT on the nUr- Wat, PLAN Your mealtime can go modern with a CROSLEY "FROSTMASTER" A handsome cabinet with gleaming white, easily cleon ed finish with spacious inside compartment thot holds more than a 100 pounds of frozen foods . . . top lifts easily . . . handy basket for soon-to-be-used foods . . . Famous CROSLEY "Electrosaver" hermatically sealed unit that is efficient, dependable, quiet. Compact size fits in any kitchen (Floor space 293 4"x26'2"). 149.95 Personalized Service for the Home 1 1 1 North Jackson Phone 330