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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1949)
Shop and Save With Classified Ads 14 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore.-Wed., Oct. 12, 1949 MARKETS ADMIRAL FLAYS B-36-1m. Arthur W Radford (right) . I'ilic netl onmmmder, is greeted by Rep. Carl Vinson (D., Oa.), chairman of th Houaa Armed Service Committee (left), aa he arrived to tes tify befora th committM In Washington. Adm. Radlo-d told the eontTeaamen that the Air Force'! B-36 bomber Is a "bad gamble with national security" and would be "useless defensively and Inadequate olftnj.vely" In an atomic war. $$$$$$$$$$ Jat $$$$$$$$$ p $$$$$" 0UCATION PENSIONS OR DISABILITY AND JOBLESS BENEFITS ("CI IU") COMPENSATION DEATH CLAIM? ("52-20") 7. 4.S 3.7 3.7 BILLIONS FOR VETS The graph above ahowi amount! of money paid out by the U. S. Veteran! Administration to veterans of World War II In the four years since the war's end. Figures (or each of the (our largest categories are given in billions of dollars. Justice Douglas Lucky; 14, YAKIMA, Oct. 12. 7P V. S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas (evil luckirr on the eighth day since his chest was ePmmta'lait and fflcUni Strvlc BRAKE BLOCKS-LININGS FRICTION BLOCKS III YmT PrvbltPRl, CHAMPION FRICTION CO. VAltUlt WlGtoysto "ffiV MUI Ht flaw U j te Tat NmsW 3lv3i"" Ml AllllllM WAi ASK? I Mi'M..V f 1 i mi vi mil iinrei iod CRaystone 4-8IOO -SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. eirntioHi LIIIPBIY You'v Never Scan Hot Water llks Thltl Hot Water Bckagd-in-Gla57 pi worer neaiori L-j-, j KIER-CROOCH PLUMBING CO. 316 Mill St. Phone 1242 R (ISkA 1 eif photo. TOTAL POSTWAR PAYMENTS TO 15,200.000 WORLD WAR II VETERANS: $W,976,0CO '" Not 13, Ribs Broken j crushed by horse that reared and fell on him In mountains near here. Doudas' doctors have Informed him that he has 11. nt an un- lucky 13, fractured ribs, AllhoiiKh enduring Intense 'pain from Injur! which lncliule a punctured iune, DourIhs sent a telCRiam to Harry t,. Mock fractured rib patient In a Ma Hon. Ind., hospital. Mock, with whom Dnuclna Is not acquainted, wired that his three fractured ribs were had and that "thirteen must be hor rible." Informing him that his count has Rone up one. Pouring wired: "When you have 14 broken ribs a hiccup Is a crisis, a couth a disaster and a sneee a calam ity. And the most unfriendly act in the world would be a pat on the hack." j The Justice Is Imprnvlne rapid ly In a hospital here and may be able to leave within a week or 10 days, his physicians said. The average capacity of V. S. freight cars is more than ofl tons. Y it ULimriunuiEi tatlor IfUD touinamint t new Siscovtrv (live you cleaner, purer, automatic hoc water;;, tor every home uie ... sparkling clean is the source itielt ! At. Corrosion dirt discolors vour balhttttank rusl ruins rnhne clothes. MaA are hamshrd hv the Perms, gtms X'ater heater. Its lank is mirror smooth, sparkling blue fllajta ttsu-fMieti'to-sttel. It CANNOT run or cor rode! Sanitary as a clean drinking glass. If vou want vears of trulr carefree hot-water conven ience, come in totlav and see this modem heater. aTsaisi . mtHmmmmJm 7! -.? look for tfcit Imkltn PRODUCE PORTLAND, Oct. 12. (.-Pi Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change: Premium I quality maximum to .35 to 1 per I cent acidity delivered in Portland, bj-ooc in.; nisi quamy, ni-trtc; second quality, 57-60c. Valley routes and country points 2c less than first. Butter Wholesale f ob. bulk I cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA, I 93 score. 62c lb.; A, 92 score, 61c lb.; B, 90 score, 59c lb.; C, 89 score, 56c lb. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Port land wholesalers: Oregon singles, 39-40c; Oregon 51b. loaf, 42-43c lb. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade large, 6.i! otiic; A grade, medium, ol-54ic; small, 42Jc; B grade, large, 56J-58ic. Live Chickens No. 1 quality f.o.b. plants): Broilers, under 2 Ins., 21c; fryers, 2-3 lbs., 24-26c; 3-4 lbs., 27-2)ic; roaster, 4 lbs. and over, 272Kc; fowl, leghorns, un der 4 lbs., 18 2l)c; over 4 lbs., 20c; colored fowl, all weights, 22-23c; old roosters, all weights, 171Sc lb. Rabbits (Average to grow, ersl: Live white, 4 5 lbs., 18-20c; 5-6 lbs., lB-ISc; colored 2 cents lower; old or heavy does and bucks, 812c lb.; Iresh fryers, 50- dJc lo. FRESH DRESSED MEATS (Wholesalers to retailers per ewt.): Beef Cuts 'Good steers): Mind quarters, $54-55; rounds, S1H-51; lull loins, trimmed, $73 7M; triangles, $32-34; square chucks, $40-42; ribs, $52-55; lore quarters, $34-38. Veal and Cslf Good, $3740; commercial, $33-35; utility, $28.32. Lambs Good-choice spring lambs, $11-46; commercial, $36-40; utility, $'i3-35. Mutton Good, 70 lbs. down, $1618. Pork Cuts Loins, No. 1, 812 lbs., $.0.-2; shoulders, 16 lbs., down, $19 10: sparerihs, $47-50; I, carcasses, $32 33; mixed weights, $2 lower. Wool Coarse, valley and medium grades, 45c lb. Mohair Nominally 25c lb. on 12mnnth growth. COUNTRY KILLED MEATS. Veal Top quality, 30-32c lb.; other grades according to weight and quality with lighter or heav ier. 20-28c. Hogs Light blockers, 3031c lb.: sows. 23 21c. Lambs Top qurfllty, 38-39c lb.; mutton, 1214c. Beef Good cows, 20-22c lb.; cannerscutters, 2022c. Onions Supply moderate, market steady, 50 lb. sack Oregon yellows, boilers, $1,50 1.60; medi um, No. 1, $2.25; 10 lbs., 40c; Washington Yakima Spanish No. 1. $2(H)2.25: medium, $1.75-1.85; 10 lbs., 4550c. Idaho yellows, medium-large, $2,25 2.50; 10 lb. sacks, 3K.40c. Potatoes Oregon Deschutes russets, No. 1A, $1,603.65; Wash ington netled gems, No. 1, $3.25 3.10; 25 lb. sacks, $1,00 1.10; 15 Ins., 4!)-52c: 10 Ihs., 38 10c; No. 2, 50 lbs., !M)c $1.00; 10 oz. minimum, $2,353.50. Hays New crop stock, haled, ' K I TII ffllclllrt, IJIHK IT 1? NT n 'I - . 1. Hots f o b. Portland, $36; U. S. No. 1 mixed timothy, $.16; new crop oats and vetch mixed hay, un certified clover hay, nominally $26-28. depending on quality, baled, on Willamette valley farms. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 11. I L'SHA CATTLE: Market op ened rather slow; steers later moderately active, general mar ket steady but some bids on beef cows weaker; sorted load low good around 985 lb. fed steers $25.50; bulk low averace medium grass steers $19.00 - $22.00; lew medium short feds $23.00; com mon steers $16.00 $17 .00; medium grass heifers S1700 S20 00; com mon heilers $13.50. $16.00; light cutter dairy type heifers down lo $1100; cmner cutter cows most Iv S10.00-J1 i .iO; common-medium hoof cous $12 50 $; some un sold; good young rows $16.00; good beef hulls $17.00 $17.50; common - medium sausage hulls S14 00$lh.VI; good liu-ht vealers scarce; few $22 .00 $23 .00 ; good 377 Ih. range calves $21.00; heav ier weights $20.00 down; common medium $I3 00.$19.00. HOGS: Market uneven. Influ enced by Hawaiian shipping de mand; steadv 50 cents lower; ijotxl-choice 180-230 lhs. $20.50 S.'l.OO; small lot choice 200 Ihs. 1.2.V 2XI-2!H1 Ihs. $1S,t0.$19.00 -'"n"1!n In- Sli'OnS-'OOO: good! 1.KI..MSI 111. SOWS Slhno-Sli.tiO: some under .Hfcl llw. S17 .'SCI: food. choice feeder pi;s laigrlv $21.00; one lot choice IJil Ihs. $jl 50 SHE El': Market active. leinly; good - choice slaughter lamb mostly SL'1.00S21."y); siahle lots mostly choice- !2 lh. fed No. 1 x'lt Inmlx SJJ.00; medium-good around J-.'O.OO: good f.-eilers strong at SlT.jO.SlS .iO; good vear Imu's $17.00: good ewes $fi.(X Stv.'HI; common down to $150. PIE SOCIAL SLATED Edenhnwer Community club ill meet for a pie social" at the school M'ltlay. Oct. 11. at P ! All l.uhcs are asked to bti;ic I'ics. Movies will he provided for the entertainment of the chil dicn. Til Wmw of A mo on rho air smtv VM'S av HrnrY. and Andv started out iAdrtimnt Kal-O-Dex Real Relief l For Gas, Constipation I "Vntir nrdicin hnn hflpfd me mnr lhn nHnm 1 h.ts rr trttMi, it'.d I 1 . onl.lti t l wiihoul H k this a bo rm oal me up i niv itiim- i ir a1 a up hot a A w.ur .ii .Vfrmrd a H.i t i T.I Iro v. itraa .it rolling and thoul annual turd to tr a). mi ha- rhn(1 Iha' ,-liw-a n. mate a ee p iiaa a lop n Herbal Fnrmu.a Naturr B Planla II ppl v. ho had . .in KM. O IIVX !t a. ici!ar a I in.l and 1 h. i. o nrx la 'f a 'I... r (n.m hlp1 l-'or b. an. thorilv before rrtfaiv hf!.'lti 4i IrouMeV h rlri' 1 4 fro t rm ih vtm rt-in I o on ul- trnt IX Kji-O-DEX l all Druf '.or nday. IMA Tflrpholo) MIDWESTERN TRAIN WRECK-C""" " th dlewl unit of Rock Wand streamliner lie scattered on ram-3aced around 3 miles from Meade, Kans., si tee the train plunged from tracks where rails had seen undermined by heavy rain. At lea&l lour persons were lulled and an estimated 50 others injured In the wreck. r: R 'A ( Vi ' WlS M n iv - r M Af 4 ft JUL' TWINS MARRY TWINS The twin Philippe brothers of Paris. Michel and Gilbert, 12, pose with tbeir twin brides, Thercse and Claire Bonte, 24, after marriage at Lambersont, France, - j -z!' NEW HELP FOR COTTON onstrated at West Memphis. Ark., can Rather in 3200 poundj of cotton a day. With the aid ot eight compressed air suction tubes, the operators draw the cotton from the boll. The cotton is then de posited in the wagon behind the tractor and taken directly to the gin. Since the pickers do not have to drag heavy baj of cotton behind them, the new machine greatly speeds the picking process. Canyonville Lions Hear Address By Dist. Governor Forrest C. Losee of Roseburg. district Linns governor, was hon or guest at a dinner given Mon day night at Ford's cafe by the Canyonville Lions club. H. M. Anderson presided at the meet ing In the absence of R. E. Olsen, local president. Refoie presenting Ixsee In the group an informative question and answer quiz was led hv Lion P. V. Gill, after which (iill ex- nrpsceH anTiiprialtnn fnr the erv. ices of the district governor an.l his siaff In helping the local or ganization. In Losee's talk a history of LI- onism was given. He related the Lions club is the largest service organization in the world, formed 32 years ago by Melvin Jones of Chica go. Losee Invited the Canyonville Lions to attend a luncheon In Roseburg on Saturday. Nov. 12. I from 12 noon to 1 p.m. honoring I Walter C. Fisher. Lions Interna- ! tional president. I Losee also urged the local group lo send delegates to thn state convention '.n Medford In June. ! The group was entertained by FriU Snyder of Pa Crek. who i played several numbers on his1 Solovox and by Miss Barbara Smder. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Smder, who sang two , songs. I Attending the dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. Losee. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Haith. all of Koseburg; Mr. and Mrs. (".. H. Townsenti. Rid-i die: Ralph Thrift and Al Stanley. Suthctlin: Mrs. Bruce Hermit, i Vernonia: Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Smder. Days Creek; Mr. and I Mrs Henrv Ford. Mr. and Mm. I W. tlill. Mr. and Ms. 11. M. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mr sick. Mr. and Mi s. Pax ton Bai ' lev. Mr. and Mrs. Carl' M. Hill. : Mi. and Mrs. Cent ge Binder. Mr. , and Mrs. Cordon ll.itry. John Hamlin. Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Howard Mr. and Mis. Ijiwreme Bmle. Mr. and Mis. Kd Oaks. ITCH tarua and will con- it for llf If not td If fhil causer ordm tr.trr(nt rORA kills f h Iter- -mi' alu.Wt trttr!' Onl thrt na a FOPl tratmnt ti rnuir0l Mail ordr iv prompt atttauoav Tr4 Mrt fctff, mm m mil stinsifn ; .( i i-l PICKERS This new semi-mechanical cotton Dicker, beim dem : r " til xi- lr z F MODEL MODEL iIJi tM This model railroad of Herman Howard at Los Anteles County Fair, has block system which flashes signals and gate w hich drop a trains approach. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vault. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. John Bingham Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chappell and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hays. Hunting Cod Violations , , - . - , ., Send Teen-Agef TO Jail A game violation involving five ""'S "i"- teen age tvn, occurred Friday l""! V night at 10 15 just off the north. Dover St.. Long- .vil iie v I ii-ri iiihii on nni -i iwk. accurduiR to Canyonville's ipsident doputy sheriff. W. J. ; Worrall. j Thf olilMt of the boys wm cit ed for the violation. He pleaded KUtlty before .lust tee Nina Pi t- ; ft. Id at Canyonville to three charRes: one. killing illei;al deer, j a doe and a spike buck; second charge, hunting alter sunset: and the third, killing oeer with a :22 caliber rifle. The bov was fined S.h on each chat ge. Heing unable to pav the fine he u committeil to the l"ougla county jail in Rosehurg pending payment. W r- j rail was assittd hv Chief of Po-j lice Ward of Mrtle Creek. Guclielmo Marconi. Italian in ventor, first began to experiment with wireless in lKf0. He obtained hit first EnglUh patent In 1597. I Bt&Jl,JLM Auto Damaged In Crash Near Myrtle Creek Deputy Sheriff W. I. Worrall of Canyonville reported an accident which occurred at 1:10 a m. Sun day 2 12 miles south of Myrtle Creek, involving two cars, both northbound. One was owned and driven by Clifford Andrew a . ?nt.a t,,PnlnA Int.. ih. driveway of the Philbrook place. when his car was struck by a car driven by James Kdward Young of Azalea who was attempting to pass, said Worrall. With Young were Vivian Reose and Llton Dil lon, both of C.lendale. Roth cars were badly damag ed but no one was injured. The peculiarity was that th Iji Korge car got into the ga rage but in so doing went through the side wall coming to a halt just hefoie going through the op posite wall. A recently developed device makes possible the use of an or dinary garden hose as a fruit tree spraer. The Pintrtct of Climhi M mi let or railway. hit Autos Better Buys At Barcus DODGE CI'STOM idn. R H nw tire. prfx-t 114" HI'DSON vedn low mileage. hk new. A real bereain 1343 DODGE sedan, excellent eon- STrDCBAKCR COMMANDER LAND CHl'lMER aedan . NASH AMBASSADOR aedan. R & H . very clean . CHEVROLET roup with fac tory built plrkup box BUICK CENTI RY aedan. very good condition STL'DEBAKED COMMANDER aedan . .. - FORD Vd coupe A buy PACKARD coupe FORD V aedan. good CHRYSLER edan DODGE Tudor, good work ear MS 793 793 ess 1930 1040 IP. Ml BI7 If) tfl leas TRUCKS 1947 DODGE abort lof trurk Brownie, iaa, excellent condition iriVi 194 DODGE ton pickup, etaka bed. 7 f)00 milea. like new . 1S93 1943 CHEVROLET l' ton CI- truck, flat bed body; alt h itumn rwi and hoist. Reduced 1939 FORD MODEL A panel BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Highway 90 N. at Garden Valley Road Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Reasonably priced. C M A C. terms. Chevrolet Butck Pontiac Cadillac Trade-ins 19:WI PACKARD, 140. Good rubber, food motor. Call 127B-Y or see at 1801 Wal nut after 3 p. m. LOCAL NEWS Working Earl Wiard has ac cepted employment at the Doug las County Flour Mills. Meeting Scheduled The Jay-C-Ettes will meet tonight at the home of Mrs. Melvin Heggie at 210 First Avenue N. Visiting Here Mrs. Scott A. Layman of Springfield is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Harrah. Mrs. Layman is a for mer Roseburg resident. Meet Friday Home Economics club of Rlversdale grange will meet with Mrs. Ray Hampton Friday at 12:30 p.m. for a pot luck luncheon and afternoon meejing. Tonsils Removed Miss Janet Lee Inman, seven-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy In man, underwent a tonsilectomy at the Roseburg sanitarium Mon day. She is reported progressing nicely at her home. Pledges Sorority Mrs. Mary McKinnev, daughter of Mr. and Mis. T. "M. McKinney of Rose burg, has been pledged to Sigma Kappa sorority at Oregon State college. This is her freshman year on the Corvallis campus. , Local Visitors Mrs. W. R. Con nors and two children, Linda and "Butchie." have been visiting at : the home of Mrs. Connors par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Starmer. They left last week for Portland for a stay with her sister, Mrs. Gordon needs, before returning to their home in Tacoma, Wash. ' Meets Friday Florence Night ingale tent No. 15 will meet at the K. of P. hall Friday, Oct. 14 i at 7:30 p.m. At this time the state department president. Martha Curran. will visit the tent to make plans for the state department convention, which will be held in Roseburg in June, 1950. All mem bers are urged to be present. Home From Hunting Pete Serafin has returned from a hunt ing trip to the Steens mountain region, in company with one other Rosehurg man, Ray Emery, and five others from Coos county. He reported the party had to leave the area because of a bliz ?ard, hut had killed four bucks. The other six, however, remain ed In the Burns areu to continue hunting. He said that 10 inches of snow was on the ground bv the time they got out of the moun tains. Vital Statistics Marriage Licenses WILLIAMS FARMER Char les Lindsey Williams and Colleen Elizabeth Farmer, both of Rose burg. SANDERS JOHNSON" Ver non Euvon Sanders and Jeanette Leone Johnson, both of Winston. BEGLEY. OZ,P Roy C. Beg ley and Grace Marilyn 6lp, both of Sutherlin. ! HATHAWAY- VU G Harrv T.yle Hathaway and Vienne Marie ! Klug. both of Reedsport. I FAIRBANKS CALK Charles Topliff Fairbanks and Clara Jane Gale, both of Sutherlin. SCHINDLFR-ROWEN At Vancouver. Wash.. Elmer Sohin dler and Alpha Bowen, both of Roseburg. Divorct Suit Filed BIERWARD -Jessie vs. Joseph i Bierward. Married Jan. M I at Reno, Nev. Cruel and .nhuman treatment eharged. Property tet i tlement t!ked. A utos October Used Car Specials 1949 PKmmith Snl. Dlx. 4 -Door Demonttrator 2 000 miles 9199319 1941 Pontiac C. Coupe, slick and lota of extraa 1463 09 1941 Chevrolet Sedan, radio, healer, very clean T95 n 19.19 Plvmouth Sedan A nica car a good price 385 Of CHEAPIES 197T Chevrolet Coup . I93S Plvmouth Sedan 1037 ford Panel ..swsne ISO 09 sss oe TRUCKS Dod a1, -ton Log Trurk. Brownia and 900 Rubber Dual Ax t- Trailer 4750 00 Cleaneat Outfit In Town! Dodce S'i-ton C has all Brownit, 16500 Eaton New rubber 2450.08 Dodge 1'j-ton Flatbed, new tirea clean as new 1395 09 Ford l'j-ton Chaniia. Motor and rubber food 5BS 0ft Dodce 4-ton Pickup 12M 00 4-apeed HD Tirea Clean Dod 4-ton Pickup 845.00 HERE S A STEAL AT Si Dillard Motor Co. Used Car Lot Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere lf49 FORD CONVERTIBLE 1 750 00 1M9 FORD CH'B COt'PE 1695 no 1H47 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR REDAN 1145.00 1346 OLDSMOBILE SEDANETTE 1595 1142 CHRYSLER New Yorker .11H00 1941 FORD TI'DOR SEDAN B45 (iO 1M41 FORD TI'DOR SEDAN fW.S (i0 1341 PLYMOUTH Fordor Sdn. 5iU TO 1A40 PLYMOUTH Fordor Sdn 5 .00 1940 FORD TI'DOR aedan 4!5 00 lfl.tfl CHEV e1an '. 445 no lS.tfl OLDSMOBILE nedan 305 no 1938 FORD FORDOR SEDAN ....195 00 1941 1 N T. MrCormlck - Deering Farm Tractor 850.00 Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups 104$ 104 I94A 1!47 194 FORD 1 ton itaka rack . WLLYS JEEP FORD PICKUP STUDY l'j-ton rhatuli At WILLYS Station Wagon FORD LUMBER TRUCK WILLYS 1-ton ptrkup . FORD 1'i-ton Flatbed FORD 'i-ton Pickup FORD ',-ton Panel 1B75 no 850 no ... 1145.00 cab 995 iMl ...1345 00 1095 no ..... 905.00 495 0 745 00 845.00 1045 1047 1142 1042 1942 You Pay Less For Used Cars At LOCKWOOD MOTORS Easy Terms What Is A Promise? A few words, and only as good as the firm be hind them. Our Reputa tion and prestige back up our every promise! We'd like to show you our finer Guaranteed Used Cars each a true value. Won't you come in TODAY? Corkrum Motors, Inc. YOUR DeSoto Plymouth MFADQUARTERS !.M S Strphena Ph. 506 J ' W 11 Be Here Tomorrow to Bark I p What We Say and Do Today:" . FOR SM.E 1942 Pontiac 8 3 -door R. I H txrellent condition. Price 9nn. onlv ! .i5i down Family car. Offered on from dealer ?th houe aouth of Dl Rev Cafe on 99 htajhway. Herb Har-n. FOR TRADE-1041 Ford 2-door aedan Tfor late model truck. Chevrolet preferred. Harry H Smth. Bo til Melroa rtt. I , milei N Cleveland achool MORE MONEY for your car Cah the apot Corknjm Motor. Inc . De Soto Plymouth. Phone 408. 114 V I Roif St 37 PLS'MOUTH01TEcheap2lroc'ti 1 pat Log Cabin atore on S. 99. 4tn 1947 CHEVJ-door 4e7oedanrl50iX Box Wt, Riddle. Oregon. Harold R'ipP. AUTOMOBILE lor" aalc. chmmpT 40 . Jackson fti? rORD V-8 aedan delivtr- leaaoat M. 311 E. 2nd An, N. PK 10t-L