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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1949)
12 The Newt-Review, Roseburo,, OrrWed., CM. 12. 1949 Pandit Nehru's Visit To U. S. Outstanding Event Of History By DEWITT MACKENZIE (AP Foreign Affairs Analyst) A dozen yean from now we are likely to be reminding ourselves that today's arrival of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on nil first trip to this country was a far-reaching event. The prime minister of India Is one of the outstanding leaders of our time. As. head of this great new nation, with Its population nf more than 300,000,000, Nehru al ready is demonstrating a leader ship which Is making itself felt throughout Asia. His influence on world unity will be vast. Therefore Nehru's visit to ' punnc scnoois i realty privatei Washington, where he Is to he; and at the University of Cam entertained hv our president, be-i h"di;e. Later he studied law In comes a matter of moment. For .London and returned to his na upon the Impressions which thls!,lv" land " polished Intellec brilliant and highly sensitive !'"'.. who had he marks of guest forms may well depend fu- i genius. lure relations between the t'nit- At the outset he showed little ed States and an India which Is Interest In the Independence going to play a dominant part in movement, but soon he Joined the development nf Ihe Orient, 'and thereafter devoted his whole Nehru, who will be 60 on the life to the ideal. He became one 14th of next month, not only was born Into a family of great wealth but he Is a Kashmiri Brahmin the highest aristoc racy of all India. He was educat ed in England. He attended Har- I row, one of the country's famous km U WmK ki'-'r .". " lTLe I y Electricity Traps Boy Because Of Hole In His Shoe DETROIT, Oct. 12 ?n Be cause a hole was worn in the sole of his shoe, 11 year-old Leon Banks became the conductor of a heavy electric current when he touched a high-tension wire Sun day night, Detroit firemen re ported. The youngster's finger touch ed the wire while he was climb ing a tree near his home. Since his bare foot touched a branch where the shoe was worn through, his body grounded the current and he was unable to move. Firemen removed the partly conscious boy from the tree 13 minutes later. Witnesses in the horrified crowd that watched the rescue reported sparks had flown from Leon's head and flng'TS. The boy's finger, hopelessly burned, was amputated at re ceiving hospital. Physicians said Leon also had a large blister on his foot. Nowhere, , finer i ( service t No matter how high inflation goes, ' w pledge to keep our prices reasonable ' and within the means of everyone. sssssssssssssssssssssssssssnsHSkMstSMiskMaaAillllililsM ':- THEY'LL GIVE MOVIES TECHNICAL ADVICE -Trov. N. Y. mother, dad, and all 14 kids as studio at Hollywood and mat a movie star, Jaannt ut lar - Hera's the Harry Bayly thay checked in at the 20th Crain (far left). Tha studio family of; Century Fox . 1 t -I i-r al . -1 J ll D I . 1. L ...Til. - u:a -I 1 U-T-.l movie about large tamuy lit to may invireo int oayiyi to com our wnn a bit of nnunin advica. Thay did, in tha specially mad bus shown behind them. Tha children! ages range from 18 to one year. Tha Bayly! ara (front to raarl: Banard 2, Beryl 3, Bernadetta 4, Brenda 6, Bsrnica 9, Blalca 8, Brian 10, Bradley 12, Betta 13, Beverly 18, Barbara' 14, Barry' 16, Buddy 17; mother, Mri. Varnoica Bayly; Benjamin Naale, I, in mother's arms, and father, Harry Bayly. 38. (AP Wirephotol. 107 YEARS OLD ST. LEQNARDS ON-SEA, Eng. , innui I O ,1 V tlllU is making a Iheartv. Mrs. Matilda Connin rele. brated her 107th birthday Tues day. In Stroud, Kent, her brother. Charles Evans, 94. said he would drop around to his local saloon tonight to drink a toast to her health. Mil INiUIAMCI a IlUltl a HCIOWi of the most devoted disciples of and a socialist and is a bitter op-1 132-year-old school In 1950. Mohandas K. (;andhl and follow. p,)nnt 0f dictatorship. He Is, ed the saintly little Mahal ma i however, what might be describ faithfully In the drive for Indian :P(j a a middle-of-the-road social- independence until Ihe tatter's as sassination on January 30, 1948. The disciple, like the master, became a plague to the British and he was several times In pris on, serving all-told some 13 years. Like Gandhi, Nehru toured the 1st. He believes in what he calls a "mixed economy In which the state assumes management of key Industries but still allows plenty of chance for private en terprise to operate. The prime minister hadn t long 'Opportunities for women In law still are limited, however, and the faculty is well aware that many able men are turned away from our doors every year," Dean Criswold said. WINDOWS DOORS FRAMES PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 lenilhli Vour Inleresls Title insurance protects your investment in real property. Should your ownership be chal lenged, the title company will defend you in court and indemnify you for any loss sus tained. When you buy real property, safe guard your investment w ith a Title and Trust Company title insurance policy low in cost ...high in protection. Fast... Accurate Title Insurance Service Titt. t Trast SaildiRg 32S S.W. Fourth t. . PsrtlaMl 4, Or.foa rM mmd 4UMMH OMcmi Mum Aitaria Sxri Cams Mas Iva . Mil ir M bl la Iran MeMlnnMa . Ma4tar naja. CHt . Imlii . Saiaai St.lMaaa TU Ma IIS TaMa C A a f A I, SUiriUS AND til I IV IS OVII t1,J.0t highways and byways of India to 'been In office when he initiated preach lnneiendence to tne peo-1 a movement for closer coopera pie until he became an object of hero worship among the masses. So it was natural that Gandhi should have designated Nehru as his "political heir" and that the disciple should become the first prime minister of the Dominion nf India when Britain granted in dependence. Nehru Is an Internationalist lion among the Asiatic nations. And there you have the person ality who now is about to get his initial first-hand impressions of our country. 111! SOUTH END Phone 1195 R FUEL CO. 207 Rice SL Harvard Law School To Be Opened To Women CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 12 .'!) The doors of Harvard law school will be open to women for the first time next year. Dean Erwln N. Orlswold an nounced Sunday that a "small number" of women ' graduated from accredited colleges will be eligible for admittance to the mm TO FORD OWNERS 'using Entire of October Month GENUINE REBUILT ENGINES $flrn6o u INSTALLED Includes Labor, Oil and Gaskets With tha Sam Guorante es a New Motor! WHY PAY MORE? GET THE BEST FOR LESS! 0 pew Ml IN PAYflflEMT on WW at- ,. . . V NOTHING jgfa J DOWN... LONG, EASY TERMS TJi3U-i-f)S SAVE TIME . . . SAVE WORK . . . SAVE MONEY Th Kelvinator Home Freezer keeps all meats, fruits and vegetables as fresh as the day you get them for months ond months. You'll be amazed at the savings on your food bill and you'll save time because it takes only a minute to prepare foods for freezing. You'll get lots more enjoyment from your hunting trips if you keep your wild game fresh for months after you shoot it. You can eat wild game any month of the year if you have a Kel vinator Home Freezer . . . you don't have to give it away be cause it will spoil. Come in tomorrow and see the Kelvinators on display at our store. Ask for your free copy of "91 Ideas For Better Living With a Home Freezer." Model FR-6 210 Lb. Capacity Built By Kelvinator The pioneers in the refrigeration industry. Separate Fast Freezing Section Freezes foods quicker, more economically. Compact Takes Less Floor Space Easily fits into almost any kitchen. 4- S-Wall Refrigeration Four walls and the floor are refrigerated surfaces. 4- Economical, Trouble-Free Operation Powered by Kelvinator's dependable, penny-pinching Polar sphere Unit. NO DOWN PAYMENT I Model FR-9 . . . 320-lb. Capacity "J Large 320-pound capacity for the larger family. I Handsome white porcelain cabinet and stainless ' steel interior for easier cleaning ond durability. I Push button latch on the door and a divided fast freeze section. Powered by the oversize Polar- sphere unit that gives operating economy. . NO DOWN PAYMENT. $339.95 I 'Model FR-12 . . . 430 lb. Capacity I Twelve cubic foot freezer with 430-pound capacity for farm families. White porcelain exterior and stainless steel interior for cleaning ease ond longer . ' life. Large divided fast freeze section to meet all I freezing requirements. Push button lotch ond seal- j ed door. , NO DOWN PAYMENT .... $389.95 i I - j mSK Model FR-20 700-lb. Capacity The largest freezer of the famous Kelvinator line that is ideal for farm or commercial use. The 20 cu. ft. capacity will hold 700 pounds of food at one time. The fast freeze section will freeze 100 pounds. NO DOWN PAYMENT. $559.95 O Easy Terms on Our Budget Payment Plan LOCSCWOOD MOTORS 222 W. Oak Phone 348 Rose and Oak Phone 80