U. Of 0. Library ? EuGrift. Oregon i , 1 . " 1 ' v-,-t&i tmmm m mm mm 1 WUA hAEf UU1T T-TTT-rr-l . . WM,,W I TTTVx foV i n"v m" nnfli i jots- v 1 1 kro M m ikq PU ij i w I U I nSijv I I Established 1873 ROSE BURG, OREGON WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12, 1949 MARIE HIRST, in charge of Montgomery Ward I, is shown arranging a display in preparation for Ward Week. "One of my oldest employes in length of service," remarked Ed Nolte, manager of Ward's, She knows every article in her department DECEPTION RECOGNIZED Soviet Demand For Count Of A-Bombs Attempt To Fool Public, Austin Says LAKE SUCCESS, Oct. 12. demand for a world wide count Nations. U. S. delegate Warren Austin called the Soviet move "An other attempt to fool the public." In fhe Day's News By FRANK JENKINS F ROM Portland comes this inter esting and pregnant dispatch: "Oregon voters will be asked next year to put both state legls- lative houses on a straight popu- . ,, t- ... ... . 'This would mean the end of I the system in which lightly popu-1 lated districts now gain represen tation. "Both senators and representa tives in the Oregon legislature would be elected ENTIRELY ac cording to population." DO you get the full drift of that proposal? Here is what It would mean: The Oregon legislature would hereafter be dominated by the areas in which the BIGGER CITIES are located. The more thinly populated cow counties would lose the commanding posi tion in the legislature which they have always held in the past. ON its face, it sounds like just another scheme to juggle somebody out of a political job (Continued on Page Four) RECALL NAMES UPPED PORTLAND, Oct. 12. (JP) Some 2000 more names on recall petitions against Mayor Dorothy Lee were turned in today. They will be checked by the registrar's office which found 1734 valid on the first group of 2186 filed Sept. 26. SOCIALIZED MEDICINE British System Wouldn't . Be Adapted To U. S., Says Congressman Ellsworth By LEROY INMAN Great Britain's program of universal socialized medicine would not be applicable to the United States, because of the differences in the governments of the two nations, the nature of the British country and the general psychology of the people. This was the conclusion drawn by Congressman Harris Ells worth, following his three weeks' visit to Europe as a member of the House of Representatives' special committee, delegated to study the English system. Ellsworth returned late Mon day to Roseburg from Washing ton. D. C. He flew west to Po r. land, stopping enroute at Cleve land. Ohio to visit his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Dittman. He spent Sunday night in Portland and flew Mori day to Eugene, where he w.is met by Mrs. Ellsworth by car. Mrs. Ellsworth and their daugh ter, Jane, arrived here about Oct. 1 The congressman discussed briefly his observations In an in- j terview. and also spoke impromp-! tu at the Roseburg Kiwanis club ' meeting Tuesday noon In the Ho tel Umpqua. During their five-day stay In (ha houseware department at by its Christian name. (JP) Russia has renewed her of atomic bombs by the United The Soviet demand was made by Deputy Foreign Minister Malik late yesterday In the U. N. security council. It called for a tally of all weapons, from atom bombs to airplanes and artillery, from battleships to bayonets. Each nation would re port on its own weapons under Malik s proposal, with no pro- vision lor cnecKing on tne irutn ot'he "tatements. Warren Austin, U. S. delegate who is this month's chairman of the councii did not answer Malik on the floor. But immedi tely after the meeting he told newsmen: "A cencus of weapons without verification is meaning less. This is another attempt to fool the public." "The proposal for the addition of atomic bombs to the census adds nothing new," Austin said. "It continues to reflect an un willingness on the part of the Soviet Union to recognize the real nature of the atomic prob lem." Malik Equivocates The Russian proposal was not acted on and Malik refused to go Into detail on It when he spoke to newsmen after the meet ing. Malik was directly asked If (Continued on Page Two) Sale Of Liquor Draws $1,000 Fine, Jail Term Illegal sale of two pints of in toxicating liquor rost a Reeds port man a fine of $1,000, court costs and six months in the Doug las county jail. Sheriff O. T. "Bud" Carter said Walter Roy McConnell, 47, ar rested Monday night, was ar raigned and pleaded guilty to the charge in the justice court of Judge Fred M. Wright Tuesday. He was escorted here by Dep uty Shriff Cecil Beaver. London, the committee conferred each day with British officials, Ellsworth said. The membeis were able to obtain first hand in formation, and found the matter a most interesting study. Incentive Lacking Under the plan, the English doctor is strictly a servant of the government. A good doctor's pay may be the same as that of a poor one, in that the fee of each is based on 18 shillings a year for every person on the doctor's list, whether or not the patient is treated. He stated there is an apparent lack of incentive for a phvsician to improve his abil- j ity. and the possibility is always prevalent for them to neglect heir patjem,. Doctors are only human, he stated, and the onlv criticism which could be aimed (Continued on Page Two) Halsey Joins In Sco ffing At B-36 Bombers Pover Can't Stop An Enemy Plane, Inquiry Told Admiral Says Major Need In War It Speedy Craft To K. O. Foe's Transport WASHINGTON, Oct. 12 (P Salty Fleet Admiral William F. (Bull) Halsey scoffed at the air forces' big B-36 bomber today as a "siege" weapon. He said it can't stop an enemy and likely would never stop anything ex cept bullets from fighter planes. Halsey was before the House Armed Service committee as the navy put its top sea dogs of the last war into Its fight against a military policy that cuts down on the navy and builds up a big B-36 bomber force. . Backing Halsey up with a state ment was Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King, wartime chief of naval operations who is ill but still punching for the navy. The navy also had a statement from Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nlmitz to be put in later. And it sandwiched in a direct plea from Capt. A. A. Burke, present assistant chief of naval operations, for reinstatement of the navy's thwarted plans to build a flush-deck super-aircraft car-1 rier. Halsey's general argument was that the need in event of war will be for fast planes which can har rass an enemy's armies, knock out bridges and disrupt his trans port. History Offers Proof He said that by passing the ar mies and hammeringi at urban centers far to the rear.' vould not stop an army. If military history shows one thing, Halsey said, it is this: "Siege operations have never succeeded against an enemy while that enemy possessed troops in the field which could attack the besieging forces." Navy men contend the B-36 could be of use only for "mass (Continued on Page Two) Businesses Fall In Czech Dragnet; Reds Take Over PRAGUE. Czechoslovakia, Oct. 12. (JPh New nationalized busi nesses sprang up in Prague to day in shops whose owners had been seized in widespread police roundups. The purge arrests were reported continuing. Several people who went to trade with their former neighbor hood druggists, bakers or book shops reported they found communist-controlled national admi nistrations had been installed. The businesses had been seiz ed by the government. In some cases It was reported the famil ies of the former owners also had been thrown out of their apartment. This lent substantiation to per sistent reports that police action against small businessmen which engulfed most of Prague the last 1U days nad been aimed at li quidating remnants of the middle class. Big enterprises had long since been nationalized. But the businessmen were only one class arrested in these round ups, which were reliably estimat ed to have seized thousands in this capital alone. Landlords and other propertied persons, toget her with many doctors and law yers and Just ordinary people, also had come into the police dragnet. Reliable reports said manv of the people seized had been sent to forced labor camDS bv Com munist-Controlled National com mittees. After more than a week of sucn arrests there still was no gov ernment statement of the action, nor on wide -spread purges in government offices. People still found it difficult, If not Impossible, to obtain in- lormation about arrested rela tives. The government yesterday ex tended its hold over Czech eco nomy by taking control of pri vately owned farm machinery, barns and storage cribs. Annexation Plan Wins In Yoncalla Election With only 33 votes cast In a special city election at Yon calla Monday, residents ap proved annexation of 14.4 acres located southest of the former city limits. The vote was 27 for ane" ( opposed to annexation. Judges for the election were O. F. Thiel and Mrs. Fred Kru se. Mrs. Bernice Mideke serv ed as clerk. - I'assssf f 'TB i - Jlf i v MISSING Jean Elizabeth Sprangler (above), 27-year-old movie bit player who ii reported, muting since Oct, 7. Police spurred learch after her ripped handbag was found in Griffith park, in Lot Angelei, Calif., with a punling note inside. (AP wirephoto.) Hubbard Creek Rancher Dies Of Gunshot Wound Fred S. Beecher, 62, died about 5 p.m., Tuesday from an alleged self-inflicted gunshot wound at his ranch on Hub bard creek near Umpqua, ac cording to a report from state police, and Coroner Harry C. Stearns, who investigated. Beecher's body was found at the gate to the pig pen by John Roeher, according to Stearns. He left a note indicating that he had been despondent for some time, and had asked that his step son, Deputy Coroner Douglas Tu dor, be notified. He- was born Sept. 16, 1887, In Negaunee, Mich., and had lived in Detroit, Mich., until he cime to Oregon five years ago. He was a communicant of the Episcopal church. Surviving are his widow, Mar Ian D., Roseburg; a brother, Wil liam, Detroit, and a sistrr, Mis. Grace Cooper, Palm Springs, Fla. Funeral services will be held In The Chapel of The Fuses, Roseburg Funeral home, Friday, Oct. 14, at 4 p.m., with Rev. A. Tyson officiating. The body will be taken to Eugene for cre mation. Missing Trusty Returns After Nap Outside Prison SALEM. Oct. 12. (JP) State nriunn nffiHula U'prp Irvine, In ligure out today whether Jack rowell, 24. Umatilla county auto mobile thief, escaped and changed his mind, or if he really did fall asleep. Powell, a trusty, was discover ed missing at 9 o'clock last night. An hour and a half later, he re turned to the prison. He said he had fallen asleep outside the wall. j : uf?v - i ' fall :iib$5" nitfPi -: :'''' W i& RETURNS Congressman Harris Ellsworth is greeted here by News-Review Editor Charles V. Stanton in the office Ellsworth formerly occupied prior to his entry into the legislative field. The congressman returned to Roseburg late Monday from Washington, D. C. He recently made a three weeks' tour, mostly by member, Eugland'i socialized Union To Win Steel Strike. Murray Says Industry Mum While Conciliator Takes Over; Labor Picture Still Bad Illy Th AwocUlcd Pma Philip Murray. CIO president, predicts the steel strike will end soon with a union victory In the fight for free pensions and insur ance. "I assure you that before very long we will all be happy," Mur ray said in a fighting address at Youngstown, O. it was his first talk of a pep tour to take him to several of the nation's steel cen ters. There was no reply from in dustry to Murray's optimism ir ed 5.000 of his men to strike. The U. S. Conciliation service went ahead setting up separate meetings with union and top in dustry leaders, in an effort to break the strike. The first session is scheduled with Bethlehem Steel Corporation tomorrow at New York. In other labor developments to day: John L. Lewis and soft coal op erators went back to contract talks at White Sulphur Springs, Va., as the coal strike continued in its fourth week. Conciliators said a crisis Is near. About 100 left-wing faction lead ers of the CIO in Cleveland asked (Continued on Page Two) Soldier Shoots Himself After Orgy Of Robbery CHEYENNE. Wyo., Oct. 12 (JP) An 18-year-old air force sol dier from Ashland. Ore., whose apartment was filled with rob bery loot, shot himself yesterday because he feared police were closing In, police Chief Fred Schmoker said. Sehmoker identified the soldier as Pvt. Robert Eugene Bunch, who enlisted last December and was to have been graduated from base training school next wee)-. The police chief said Bunch's 19 -year -old wife told him they started long evening walks after she became pregnant and on them they began a series of house burglaries. "Since I was always hungry, I usually went to the kitchen and got into the icebox and ate and then I'd help Gene carry the stuff home," Schmoker quoted her as saying. Police said they found In the apartment loot from 10 Cheyenne residences including six rifles, several ,-evolvers, clothing, cos tume jewelry and an $800 dia- mond ring. Schmoker said Mrs. Bunch told him that one night her husband asked her if she ever played Rus sian roulette, put a cartridge In every other hole of a revolver, spun the cylinder, pointed the gun at her and pulled the trigger. "Heavens, it didn't go off," she said. , r 1 , , . ,. air, of Europe, where he studied t Europe, wnere ne nuoita medicine plan. (Picture by Paul Obligations Of Topic Of SOCE President At Workshop For Teachers Rose school auditorium was packed this morning as 325 elemen tary teachers from throughout Douglas county met to hear remarks from speakers who opened the two-day elementary teachers' 7 josrtW 1 WORKSHOP SPEAKER Dr. Elmo Stevenion, above, South ern Uregon college president, addressed 315 Douglas county elementary teachers at the opening of the two-day work shop program at Rote school to day. His topic was "Education in Roseburg in I960." Prisoner Nabbed By Sheriff After Dive From Plane NASHVILLE, Ark., Oct. 12. (JP) A daring young soldier named Pvt. Howard, A. Shineman may own the dubious distinction of being the first military prisoner to narachute Irom a Diane. the 23-year-old Clinton, 111., war veteran dived out of a C-82 com monly known as a "flying box car' at about J.ouu tert over southwestern Arkansas yesterday afternoon. I he plane was carry ing a crew and 10 military pris oners from Forbes air force base at Topeka, Kas., to Clarksdale air force base, fahreveport, L.&. The spectacular break was en gineered. Shineman said, to win a $5 bet he doesn't expect to collect and for a thrill. He said he didn't intend to escape; but had planned to report to Barksdale on his own. It also 11) earned Shineman brief freedom five hours of trudging five miles over unfa milar and muddy country a hunt ed man, and (2) created quite a commotion in these parts. Sheriff Arthur E. Hicks of How ard county and a "courthouse friend," as he was Identified, cap tured the young fugitive by fol lowing rumors of a man In uni form cutting across fields and roads. The catch was made In Buck Range community, five and one-half miles soulheast of here. Shineman said his fast, down- I ward trip was "smooth as silk. He suffered only a scratched finger. Jail Tertn Imposed On Charge Of Larceny Melvln Ray Adams, 25, of Reed, Okla., pleaded guilty to a charge of larceny under $35, upon arraignment Tuesday, reported Justice of Peace A. J. Geddes. He was sentenced to 30 days in the county Jail. Adams was ar rested Monday night for the al leged theft Sunday of automobile accessories at Union Gap. j ' i ' :it. a .wnyrwinai bwiM,i Jenkins I. 240-49 Profession workshop. Dr. Elmo N. Stevenson, presi dent of Southern Oregon college at Ashland, was featured this morning, telling assembled teach ers of the vast changes and im provements to be expected in the future, in his talk entitled "Ed ucation of Roseburg in 1960." "We teachers must become a professional group." Dr. Steven son said. "Otherwise, there won't be a teaching profession. And as a profession, we must get rid of our own incompetents." He told the audience that teach ers must bring out all the latent possibilities in all youngsters they instruct. He said it was the profession's obligation to pro vde equal educational opportuni ties to all in this American democracy. Some of the more startling changes foreseen In America's educational setup were listed by Dr. Stevenson as all-year-round schools providing summer camp ping facilities and work oppor tunities for all youngsters; in structlon in art, music and rec reational activities for every stu dent; providing as wide a variety of experiences as possible to students; and all school build ings designed on a one-floor level, with no school containing more tnan auu students. Kenneth Barneburg, county school superintendent, Introduced Dr. htevenson and other visit ing educational experts. Follow ing the opening address, teach ers began the lirst In the two day series of group meetings held In Rose school. Group Sessions Planned The elementary school work shop will resume Thursday at Rose school, with a contlnua- (Continued on Page Two) Canton Tottering As Commies Near HONG KONG, Oct. 12. VP) Nationalist defenses In Soulh China crumbled today before fast moving communist armies. Red elements were reported within 35 miles of the tottering provisional capital at Canton. The government fled to Chungking, far In the interior. Thousands of evacuees Jammed Hong Kong. fro rationalist reports nere said communist troops had en tered outlying suburbs northeast of Canton. Hard driving Red columns under General Cheng Keng struck toward the city on all northern fronls. Independent military observers expressed belief the main body of communists still is probably some 50 miles to the north and north east of Canton. There has been no sign of re sistance from the five Nationalist armies supposedly lined up to de fend Canton. An estimated 80,000 government troops were falling back on the city. Communist dis patches speculated that thov would be evacuated by sea to Formosa and Hainan islands. The poor, the hundreds of thou sands of Canton's ordinary people, were struck. They could do noth ing but wait for the Reds to take over. Most didn't seem to care. Their attitude: How much worse could it be, anyway? Minton Sworn In As Supreme Court Justice WASHINGTON, Oct. W.-4P) Sherman Minton took the oalh as a Justice of the U. S. su preme court today In a White House ceremony. Minton, a former Democratic senator and "new dealer" from Indiana, was sworn in by Chief Justice Vinson. President Truman picked Min ton from the seventh U. S. cir cuit court of appeals from Chi cago where he has served since 1941. He succeeds the late Jus tice Wiley Rutledge. Oregon Circuit Judge Post Given E. H. Howell SALEM. Oct. 12 IJPl Ed H. Howell, 34 -year -old attorney of John Day, became circuit Judge of Grant, Wheeler. Sherman and Gilliam counties yesterday. Governor Douglas McKay ap pointed him to surceed the late Judge David N. MacKay. Howell is a graduate of Wil lamette university and served as a captain in the air force during the war. Apartment House Fire Fatal To Three Persons SEATTLE, Oct. 12.'P Fire In a two-story Ballard apartment house brought death to three per sons shortly before midnight last night. Six other occupants fled to safety. The victims were Jack Schaum. 70; his wife, Caroline. about 67. and Carl H. Rapoe about 65. Mrs. Schaum and i Rappe died In the flames, i Schaum dead on arrival at the hospital. Fatal Crash - Takes Place Near Yoncalla Man Aged 80, Woman Of 60 Dead, Husband Hurt; Another Man Loses Arm Two aged persons were kill ed and a third seriously Injur ed as the result of a twe-cae collision near Boswell Springs north of Yoncalla, Monday aft ernon. State Police Sgt. Lyle Harrell reported that Warren A. Shaw, 80, lone occupant of one eae and believed to be of Warren ton. Ore., and Mrs. Charles S. (Cora) Wolf sen, 60, of Everett, Wash., were killed outright as the result of the accident Mr. Wolfsen. about 73, was removed to Mercy hospital by the Drain ambulance. His con dition, according to Sgt, Har roll, Is serious. The exact cause of the accident was not determined. Information obtained from Wolfsen was that he believed his car dropped off the side of the pavement, caus ing him to lose control of the ve hicle. The Shaw car, traveling south, struck the side of the front half of the other car. Both vehicles were described as total losses. The bodies of Shaw and Mrs. Wolfsen were removed to Stearns Mortuary, Oakland. Motorist Loses Arm A car-truck sideswiping Inci dent resulted in the loss of the) left arm of George G. Colson, 30, route 1, box 387, Battleground, Wash., about 9:45 o'clock Tues day night, eleven miles north ot Roseburg on Highway 99. (Continued on Page Two) Indian Kids Can Be Forced To Go To School, Ruling SALEM. Oct. 12. UPV-Klamath Indian children can be forced to go to public schools by Justices of the peace, Attorney General George Neuner ruled today for the State Department of Educa tion. But, he said, no state court can prosecute Indian children for crimes committed on the reser vation. Rex Putnam, state superintend ent of public Instruction, said that in most places where the slat has contracts to educate Indian children, things are working out line. But on the Klamath reserva tion, Putnam said, there is a "vacuum" as far as truancy and Juvenile law enforcement Mr concerned. "Juvenile delinquency Is ram pant and local authorities are hesitant to enforce the compul sory school attendance laws be cause they are not sure of their authority. No court is taking Jur isdiction over Indian children," Putnam wrote to Neuner. Neuner said the nearest Justice of the peace to the reservation can make the Indian children go to school. He pointed out that the Klamath tribal council had agreed to let the state enforce the com pulsory school attendance law in regard to the Klamath Indians. But when the children commit crimes on the -reservation, they can be punished only by federal or tribal law. The state can prose cute them only for crimes com mitted off the reservation. Argentine Train Crash Kills 25, Injures 100 BUENOS AIRES. Oct. 12 (JP) A resort-bound passenger train crashed into a freight Just outside the big President Peron termi nal here late last night, killing about 25 persons and Injuring about 100. The accident was the worst since train services were nation alized two years ago. It was the) third major one to strike Argen tina in the last two weeks. An airliner carrying member of the Eva Peron foundation who had been on a rescue mission to Ec uador crashed at Castllla, Sept. 26. killing five and Injuring 19. Sixtv-eight persons died In the sinking of the navv minesweeper Fournier in the Straits of Ma gellan. Church Burglar Says He Found Peace Of Mind MOLINE, 111., Oct. n.-f.P) Jimmy Carl Jones, 30, seized by police on charges of burglariz ing churches, offered this ex planation: "They were the only places where I could find peace of mind." Police said Jones, of Green ville. S. C, broke Into three Moline churches. Jones slept In one of the churches one night, police said he related. Jones was charged with burg lary and held on $3,000 bond for a hearing in police court Oct. 21. Levity Foct Rant By L. I". RelzeMtetm In declaring they would de fend Canton to the last ditch, Chinese Nationalists art adher ing strictly to form a the Rod army noon. Thoy aro getting out of Cantoo at rapidly as possible.