( T. Diving Bird HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted feathered creature 7 It is bird 13 Come 14 Reviser 15 No (Scot.) IS Girl's name 18 Greek letter 19 Preposition 2 Astronomy muse 3 Anger 4 Kings (ab.) 5 Always Network 7 Consider J Unoccupied tVerb intra nsitive (ab.) 10 Follower 40 Made creamy 1 1 Observe 22 Heredity unit "ales 23 Place 17 Laughter 25 Contest of sound speed 20 Fastener 27 Injure 21 Traps 28 Greek (od of war Whirlwind 30 Depart 31 Atop 32 Chaos 31 Entranced 35 Domestic slave 38 Otherwise 39 Rip 40 Indian mulberry 41 Shapes again 47 Tantalum (symbol) 48 Owing 50 Bristles 51 Pronoun 52 Printing mistakes S4 Take from 58 Be sorry for 57 Eats away VERTICAL ; 1 Pertaining to ' Denmark 1 - "75 o 1 6 B U In hi iLZZE zr iO ti ii n ' ' 5 rr50 5i I 3 li 3 ! Mill HIMt FUNNY BUSINESS CPU "I stuck out my hand as we went through 2 flock of wild sreeneV BLONDIE LI'L ABNER . . , 1 UL- v N S BUT IF vou'Pe HAVINS r ' J. uFLL IP VOLrt?e THEN ITS J ( CADPVS f A GOOO TIME AND THE OTHER HOW LATH CAN " "W ). POPSAVS fHAviNG ;AGOODTME ALL THE BOSS-- S CHILDREN STAY, VOU MAV AT THE SOUAR' :CE JtEnN NOT LATER ANO THEOTHEP, SETTLEOfljMW-Tn, COME HOME V. STAV UNTIL ELEVEN f- TONIGHT, -(oCUXk) THAN TEN fcHILDPEN ST, VOO . kll W' r-.AT-JeN- r ' r " STA,V UNT"" j V ' TjTcAjTtkEEpT ANDV-CANJ'T V most Uf'wEU-.SOMEBOOV MTTU.? sO THEVPE THE Vr OnC MOUB LATTB-lN THE. HILLS. THE OUOTA LAVSiV "EM-LIKE AWV AtovaWC MEaPOMttlALK i the STATES CITIZENS, ABE ? ?-THPEE PITIFUL HILLBVLUSS CHIEF-QOOTAS TOTMCK SWARM ll'l FOR -EMT HVPUtfT) THEY? TELL THOM SHAMBLINQ SLOWLV ALONQ.THt ARE FOB OIl A Ot" UHDESIBAIUJ )o-lttrS K Kiy-HAVE S ofth' A WKUW TO Oavr FASTEST WAV THEV CAN. I'LL Vff TH EVA INTT S CBEATUHEe.'.'C VOO ( fOO KKSMIES ) YOKum V MERE THE mBTT IT GIVE "EM A LIFT. FOB LAUOSj PEOOLE-TMEY-M JlTHEY RE TOO J ever S OOT ANY family A VN TM-Y CAN.T T , wl" rrtrrif HELATtvE in of S ' Artsoyt A. ) I Cr I LOVABiX.'rJ I THE UNITED SWTES? DOCPatCh ) 7 Bdff l s yy FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By MerrillTlosscr (C-CWU LAPd'TSOBaDWE ) t A rT 11 r WVlATS NEW ABOUT A "S MOT WTTM A peVOLVlfJS- T WE'LL, SStDO wSiNESS ' 71 I I OKAY. MP5TUCTU- 1 PROPELLER W( INS . ANO BUNICIN& B6KBM J CAlx'tX CAN UJ y BEAM, YOU TALKED I SOLO HLUJDBEOS OF EM .' U&HT ON EM .YOU J BEaMIES.' TV rl II Rf w'r rYp " ALLEY OOP By V. T. HAMLIN J ThFPE NOlje K'DNAPEE AND BUT MV JC9 I ALL RSMT. WUCE TALKING MAKE KM LL FIND Tr VI"T M S-EZ .XJ CAN JlS TCSET 'EH I I'LL &VE 1 SENSE .. IP THERE 14 WITH THE T"EeE5 MCBE ' U 7t esir kcjE AND VSAXCH N3T JL5T . J ML I ANV SENSE JO Tm'S GADSET5. TO IT THAN V 'Th 57 Efev K7E.' ?C AT CM THE HELP 7 CBA2Y BUSINESS'' DOC--LET5 j'MAKINd WITH SYt ICa'S OETfiCINS A GADGETS.'" ; Answer to Previous Puzzle li'Airt o'6'lI InIAI II- fggfc CARROL ZjE, n gE,pT A.ciTio.wi s:eic xfft - UX A 5'er el! 5TCT w g e jnggg aTTTw 24 Soldiers 26 Waken 33 School book 34 Entice 36 Inborn 37 Expunges 42 Italian town 43 Flesh food 44 On time (ab.) 45 Burden 46 Ruminant 49 Unit of energy 51 Secreted 53 Area measure 55 ArtiAcial language By Hershberger IW IY MCA HlVICf. IMC T M'tTC HT Off Tuet., Oct. 11, 1949 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 9 I MODEST MAIDENS I Tratavk ImM U I hMI Din I lite J 'OU tfJOvV, IVe DKCOVERED IT4 THE LOrJ6 ISLAND I LIKE, NOT THE DUCKLIUS FROM NINE TO FIVE Ioj ,i ( iiave to get up on the table the I r By Jo Fischer gentlemen. Just put you feet way you usually do. By Chic Young By Al Coop Social Security Fund Permits Uncle Sam To Build Reserve Fund That Earns Bond Profit By JAMES MARLOW WASHINGTON UP) Do you social security tax you pay into There are arguments over how there is no sign that the present The arguments will be outlined briefly here. Hut, first, here is the background. If you're covered by the pen sion plan, you and your boss each pay yearly one percent of your salary up to the first $3,000. That's a total of two percent you and your boss pay. The gov ernment now Is collecting yearly about S1.8D0.000.000 that way. Out of that, it's paying yearly In pensions and other benefits about $700,000,000, leaving a year ly reserve of around $1,100,000. 000. Since 19.17. when It first started collecting this tax. the Social Se curity system has built tip a re serve of around $11,700,000,000. The money doesn't lie Idle. Con gress said it should be invested In government bonds, which now pay around 2 1-8 percent Interest. So the Social Security Reserve fund, invested in those govern ment bonds, is earning money. So much for that for a moment. The government has a debt of $255,000,000,000. It got into that debt mainly in the war and de pression days. That's w hen the cost of running the government far exceeded the money It was able to collect, mostly in income and corporation taxes. So, as it got further and further Into debt and needed extra mon ey to keep going, it borrowed money. It did the borrowing by selling bonds to banks, life insurant ? companies, you and me, and to the Social Security Reserve fund. On all the bonds it sold, oi course, including bonds sold to the Social Security Reserve fund, the government must pay inter est. . Double Taxation Apparent So the government has a double Job in handling that debt: to pay off some of the debt while at the same time paying Interest on it. The man and his employer who pay a total of two percent social security tax on the man's first $3,000 of salary, also pay income taxes. And part of their income Is used for paying off some of the interest on the debt including the interest on the government bonds bought by the social secur ity fund. Crllics of the present system say this is double taxation. They suggest that the old-age pension plan be placed on a pay-as-ou go basis, which means: Instead of collecting enough so cial security taxes every year to pay out social security benefits for that and still have enougn left over to build up a reserve that can be invested in govern ment bonds, the government should collect yearly from the people in old-age pension cover age enough money to pay the old age pension expenses for that year. Those In favor of the present system argue If the government had borrowed from banks or oth er privale organizations, by sell ing them bonds, the government would have had to pay interest Lets Seeta Soto CORKRUM 114 N. Rote Street, DE SOTO-PLYMOUTH ever wonder what happens to the the old-age pension plan? that tax money Is handled. But system will be changed on them anyway. So part of the income tax money paid bv peo ple who also pay the social se curity tax would have had to be used in paying off the interest on the bonds no matter who had bought those bonds. Richtcra Movo From Camas To Roseburg Home Mr. and Mr. Ralph Rlchter moved over the weekend from C'amaa Vallev Into their new home at MtO N. Stephens St. They spent the last five months at their Camas Valley home while i1r. Rlchter was engaged White, In the operation of the with his son-in-law, Wilmer Rlchter and White sawmill, nine miles west of Camas Valley on the Signal Tree road. The mill has been closed for the winter season, Mr. Rlchter reports, and machinery and equipment is being prepared for the long shutdown. Operation will be resumed in the spring. The plant is on a high eleva tion where winter snows often reach eight feet in dept. limit ing the operating season to about five months of each year. PIANO MOVING We're tpecialittt at this. Modern equipment, quick service ROSEBURG TRANSFER & STORAGE Phone 927 ACINTS FOR IONS DllfANCI MOVINO OS ICONOMT-llI US MAN01I All 0ITAI15 Th Sot Cm Mom frnt'lhar Sedan you drive without shifting! .Ttt' Mock Gun Dutl Of Boys PORTLAND. Oct. 10 VP) A playful duel between two young brothers Saturday caused the death of an 8-year-old by gun shut. County Fireman Donald Young was among the first aid crew man who rushed to the home, where Young discovered the vic tim was his own son, Michael Lee. Eleven -year-old Donald Young Jr. sobbed out the familiar storv of playing cops and robbers. He Fluff-dry a washer load of clothes in 20 minutes ; 95 X k. - Frigidaire Clothes Diyer S2397S e-Now, get greater freedom from washday work wtlh" a Frlgidalre Clothes Dryer I No heavy lifting or carrying , . . no clothes to hang upl Any 20 minutes of any day It drying time. Just put in clothes; set the timer and forget ill In IS to 25 minutes, clothing, towels, sheets, chenille robes or spreads, bath mats come out soft, fluffy and tweet smell ing; either damp-dry for Ironing or bone-dry for Immediate use, as you prefer. And It't all done automatically. See a demonstration of this Frigldaire Clothes Dryer todayl UMPQUA VALLEY APPLIANCE 120 W. Oak ' Phone 121 before you decide! """"J -Tyro matter what car you may have thought or "" IN buying.. .see this wonderful De Soto before you decide, e will show you why it offers yon more comfort, convenience snd value for your money than any other car . . . rrgnnllea of price. Strong words. But we're ready to prove them to youl Come in and see "The Car Designed with YOU in Mind." Come in and see a car that is truly modern without lieing freakish . . . that gives you more head room, leg room and arm room ... not Uss. Come in and see what real visibility means. And see how seat springs can be tailored to your weight. Come in and diicover the miracle of De Soto's Tip-Toe Hydraulic Shift and gyrol Fluid Drive. Let us show you the dozens of extrs-value feature that no other car can match. Then decide! MOTORS Roseburg, Oregon SALES AND Ends In Death Of On had picked up a .38 caliber pis tol and aimed it at his younger brother while they romped in mock duel In a bedroom. The mother had gone shopping. WINDOWS DOORS FRAMES PAGE LUMBER l FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 Easy Terms fTW D Soto Cm Hi- CkkCmpu SERVICE