Five Appeals Lost In Rulings Of Supreme Court; Non-Red Oath Of T-H Statute Argued WASHINGTON. Oct. U.-MV-The Supreme Court held its llrt business session of the new term Monday. In 275 orders it tabbed the cases on which It will, or will not, hear arguments. Amone us actions, the court: Refused to throw out two suits by which the federal government seeks to establish its paramount right to oil-rich marcinal lands off the Texas and Louisiana coasts. It gave Texas and Louis iana one more month in whici to answer the federal action. ... R?'"ted ,0 consider appeals filed by former Representative Andrew J. Way of Kentucky and Henry and Murrav Garsson, war time munitions makers. May was wartime chairman of the house military affairs committee. He and the Garsson brothers were convicted on conspiracy-bribery charges. Each was sentenced to 8 to 24 months in prison. Each has been at liberty under $2,000 bond pending the supreme court's action on the appeals. The justice department charg ed May received some $53,000 for helping the Garssons get war contracts. Negrss Las Appeals Refused a trial review was Willie .McGee, a Negro convicted of raping a Laurei, Miss., white woman. McGee was sentenced to death. The court also declined a second hearing to Albert Lee. Negro of Hinds county Miss., who was convicted of assault with in tent to commit rape. Denied a hearing to James Zarichny who said he was ex- Klled from Michigan State col Xt because he attended a meet ing addressed by a communist. Zarichny said the speaker was Carl Winter leader of the Mich igan Communist party and one of the communist leaders on trial In New York on charges of work ing for forcible overthrow of the government. Refused to review a decision that an employer is entitled to $1,161 damages from a union and its members because of an u n authorized work stoppage. The award was granted the Motor Haulage Co., Inc., of New York City, by an artitrator. The ar bitrator declared local Union No. 807, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs. Ware housemen and Helpers of Amer ica and members of the local were liable for the payment. Non-Rsd Oath At Issue After its opinion session, the court heard arguments on cons titutionality of the non-communist oath requirement in the Taft Hartley labor act. That requirement is questioned by the CIO United Steel workers of America and the CIO Amer ican Communications Association in two appeals. The Taft-Hartley act requires Hiss' 2nd Trial Awaits Ruling NEW YORK, Oct. ll.WP)AI- ger Hiss' second perjury trial was adjourned today until Nov. 1. Federal Judge Alfred C. Coxe reserved decision on whether to grant Hiss' request to have the trial transferred to Rutland. Vt. Coxe gave attorneys for Hiss, former high state department of ficials until Thursday to answer th government's arguments op posing the change. In his brief opposing transfer to the trial, assistant U. S. At torney Thomas F. Murphy denied that newspaper publicity had bi ased the minds of prospective Jur ors, as Hiss claimed. Murphy said an analysis of all the news stories on the first per jury trial in the New York area showed 68.5 percent were "com pletely factual." The trial was to have started today, with Hiss asking that the case be transferred from the New York City area. Hiss, who has spent a number of vacations in Vermont, has said he believed the public in Vermont was not prejudiced against him. Exercise Hour Enjoyed By Men At Jr. High Gym. - Thirteen men participated In the YMCA men's exercise hour last Thursdav. and Marlen Yoder, YMCA general secretary, report that if more men want 'he exer cise hour, another night may be arranged. Men who want some exercise are insured of a good time if they come to the activity period at 5:30 everv Thursday night In the Junior High gym. It has been found, according to Yoder. that to defray expenses the cost will have to be raised to 25 cents. This price will not change again. It includes the use of a towel for a shower after the games. Follow the Crowds to Shop and Save During WARD WEEK One hour FREE parking with $1.00 or more purchase Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Adair's Parking Lot that union officials must file aff idavits saying they are not com munists.if they wish to use ma chinery of the national labor board. The Steel Workers' union ap pealed from a Chicago circuit court decision that its officials must file such affidavit before the labor board requires the In land Steel company to bargain on pension plans. Suit Yourself at Joe Richards Dependable! Performance! VSSTOfi CH4M SAW Designed and built by Diuton, America's fortmott saw manu facturer, this is th. saw you nod to lower your costs and step up your production. It's asy to operate, and built for trouble-free ervice. Let us givt you all the facts about the Dititoo Chain Saw with Mercury Gasoline Engine. Com in and talk it ovr. CARL J. PEETZ Phone 279 920 S. Stephens ENJOY this ' (BEIT STRAIGHT BOURBON 45 Quart Pint "Tlu Sonrk'l.j Centurj" nlnM laaraeaWUskiT-Si Tmt liHcml Dutmtn Fntacti CuMX old-time Tyr quUty Roseburg, Oregon ' AM FK. flCHiUJD (33SJ nri if til Ms 1 entire stock tt 'JTJJJ PyAlz h 7 REG. 39.98; COMPARE RAYON BLOUSES V J Vfff ( CUT'NPRICE nW7t lffirfPS& WITH $45 COATS 2.68 . fMii ilX W Iwi sk- Ml fk v ) .ill .. Wu s. : ! 3yi88 Washable rayon crepes, TJ j! Ti yV 7 1 " V 1 i I SpecoHy Priced )JJJl with or without loc- fntyV W) ll ill ' f ! For Ward WeeJt U trims. In jewel-neck ond lsLi I VV II III ,' ' I 1 I eollor styles. Select toil- jfi II K i f ' 1 1 i ored or dressy types for ' J I jjQ ill i j, I ill ' suits and skirts. All or 4 I 111 ii 1 I 1 ' Now, utt as you need their warmth ond smartness, buy outstanding buy,. In I If I Y I ' i th... new Fall lip-cooU at 8r.ol savo,l They'r. pur, whites, pastels. 32 to 38. f l-? I I 1 I V I 1 F t 3 . , ul i J! I X-S I I 1 I V 11 H ! I- I W00' coverts or tweeds all hove leother zip-lmingi, all 1 jf'JfX 111 1 V I I a 1 ' ' U I ' llov hond-mad bulton-holes ond rayon crep. linings, IWi.n i, I 1 I 1 I I j. jif 1 . . $ 'j torn hav. hoods, many hav. belts. Tomorrow, choos. I llll ll W' ' l! ! your coot ond savel Winter colors. Sizes from 10 to 20, I Tp r-i ll ! h u-; ENTIRE STOCK I j V ' I ' MISSES' NEW V L '.nS-rJ' . S AUTUMN SKIRTS "X " 2.68 : I 1 " ' ' ' ' Menswear greys, wools, jC Vv rayons, tweeds, ploids In B 1 i ' v . , gmm v . 111 straight and Hared styles, fS & . I 1 ij I If 1 I I If J I Hfx" 1 5.98 MEN'S WOOL fi) flij Sav.l Wear It as o jacket or ! iffrf I If "T) A I . X WPjNNsUll tucked In like a shirt, full 20- rjj , , .Aft il "Tsl - V- UsSHs5 - v.; '-' ' 'r hiJp I ounce weight. Bold new plaids. ..A--'" " S fClrI P. -ejj "f 1 1 ' & '' l r TX 1 REG. 98c "CHARACTER" rffi '' - SSSS 'Tii ' M. SWEATSHIRT iJff -fST" V ' rL His (avorita "hero" Is st.ncill.d ' 'CSiSV'''. l J 'S L ill right on the frontl Heavy cotton (&-ii)r ttj- fcX lf 'V- nl-Ax ' T I knit with fleecy insid.. 4 to 14. N3j "T .' V''' , . 2.98 L SANFORIZED FLANNEL SHIRT 268 Guaranteed to stay right size any way you wosh It. Sofl napped cotton boldplaids. Men's sizes. NAILS REDUCED OVER 30l 9C lough iW Lb. Stock up on nails at this low, sale pricel Your choice of B, 10, 16 ond 20 Penny sizesl SALEI REG. 43c SPARK PLUGS eec 28c Riverside pay for themselves In gas savingsl Give your car pew pp, prformonce! Buya setl REG. 6.50 HEXAGON SHINGLES 585 Rugged ceramic -aipholt . . . re sists weather, fire, luting col ors. 'Covers 100 si. f"t. tsssssssssMssssasassBS' f-, -mmr Qjr Qflt- fCTTj) SAVE $1 TO $2. Quality-built .ledricols for yourself or gift-givingi Cords included. e Automatic Iron, Corn Popper, Heating Pad e Radiant Heater. Jumbo Single Waffle Baker 3H3E SAVE UP TO $15. large 5-foot steel tub, lovotory porcelain-enameled. Stoinproof vitreous china closetj leot. 0 With chrom.-plot.d Fittings, Tuts., Oct. 11, 1949 The Nfwt-faviaw, Roseburg, Or. 7 (CEH REG. 59.9S low Prlcd for Ward Weekl "floater" type base rock.r. Hardwood from.. A99 ledl 12300 ftrmm 0nm iIm MwkMv PLATFORM ROCKER REDUCED! 4288 coil spring seat and back. High pile . , -figured Frieze. Walnut finished wood. ' Mm Mtthtf I ,T7T7TttfflT7Et x CTZ o51T nctj. 27.95 . . . now ot this spe cial Ward Week low price! 180 1TSO Premier Wire coils, sag-resisting 1 outer-roll edge. Reg. 19..S Platform Spring, 16.U ssoiise umm mm o ooai mm