Indians Facing Tough Battle At Coos Bay Marshfield Will Put Wtll-Tralntd Squad In Field Friday Night Thli week' practice for the Rosehurg Indian will stress suc cessful offensive tactics against Jiarshfield' tough defense. The Cooa Bav area crowd use a five man line which la almost an eight-man line, with three line barkers up close. Due to Marshfield'a remark able pass defence. Roseburg may pass very little Friday night at Coos Bay. The Marshfield Pir rales football roster ia studded with basketball players that are death on pasa attempts by their opponents. The team Is made up of tall. rangy lads who roll up yardage either on the ground or In the air. Coach Pete Suslck will depend upon a hack field marie up of quarterback Barney Holland, left halves Dave Wasburg. Ron Rob hlns or Tommy Crahtree: Ken Scott at right half and Wayne Thompson at fullback. The line mav include Gerald Miller at left end. Tone Anusich at left tackle, Dale Reiver at lert guard, Stan Gottschalk or Fred Jacobson at center and Keith liillstrom at right guard. Rosehurg's coach Cece Sher wood expects to make consider ' able use of mixing single wing running attacks with the usual Tformatlon plays. New single wing strategy will be one of the big items on this week's practice menu. Bill Van Horn, who scored three touchdowns Reed sport last weekend, will be fea tured Thursday night at the Rose hurg Lions club meeting aa the "most outstanding" offensive back of the week. His name will be engraved on a trophy. At the end of the season, the player 16 The Newt-Review, Roteburg , Ore. Tuet., Oct. 11, 1949 Grid Gossip In Northwest Loop PULLMAN. Oct. 11 P Washington State college will be at top streng'n lor tnn satur day's tiff with Idaho, trainer Jack Mooberry Informed Coach Phil Sarboe yesterday. Tackle Landy James, out of the Oregon clash wltn injuries was on hand for yesterday's drill, SLABWOOD In 12-14 ond 24 In. length OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLI LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Phens tit End 'Gate Seeders . Victor Doubla Fan Endgata Seeder, with gross seeder attachment. Lime Sowers 10' Wooden box with (tool top, either steal or rubbtr-tired. Drag Saws R. M. Wade, Standard or Lightweight. Harrows Spikt Tooth, Lightweight or heavyweight. Spring Tooth, Horte or Tractor. BUY WHERE YOU SHARE IN THE SAVINGS DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange ROSEBURG, OREGON Phone 98 Located W. Woshlngton St. ond S. P. R. R. Track. Major League Teams Seek New Talent For Next Year; Dodgers Plann To Drop 6 Men NEW YORK, Oct. 11. UP) With the world series now a part of baseball history, the major league teams continue building for 1950. No team in either league Is standing pat. They can't afford to. The newly crowned champion New York Yankees are looking for pitchers (who isn't?) a first baseman and long ball hitting outricidpr. The uncertainty of the physical well-being of Tommy Henrirh, Joe OiMaggio and Johnny Mize necessitates the Yanks search for a first baseman and an out fielder who can sock with authority- Brooklyn's National league champion Dodgeri also are on the prowl for pitchers but they hope to obtain that rare commod ity from their vast Minor league empire. The Dodgers also want to chop off at least six members of their championship club In order to add some of their budding minor leaguers to their reserved lit. At present the Dodger reserve list totals 39, one less than the legal 40. Unless the Dodgers can Jettison part of their present crew they stand to lose some green but valued timber In baseball's annual player draft next month. Dodger president Branch Rick ey told a press conference v terday he would like to get rid of at least a half dozen player. He refused to name the sextet but reports have outfielders Marv Racklev. Dick Whitman, Mike McCormlck, a third base man and pitcher Ralph Branca as the most likely heads to roll. Rickey started putting his house in order at the close of the season, selling five prize minor leaguers for an estimated $300, 000 and seven players. He sold ou! Holders Sam Jeth roe and Bob Addis to the Boston Braves, first baseman Irv Noren to Washington and shortstop Chi co C'arrasquel to the Chicago White Sox. The Philadelphia Athletics also have been active. Connie Mack is stocking his team with infielders. He has pur chased three third basemen Krankie Gustlne, Kermit Wahl and Gene Markland. Gustlne, for mer National leaguer, was ob tained from Los Angeles. Wahl from Montreal and Markland from Buffalo. Trade rumors are rife In every other Major league city. MOSCOW. Idaho, Oct. 11 IIP) Maybe It s something special perhaps it's Just psychology, any way, Coach Dixie Howell locked the gales on his University of Idaho football drill last night. The reason, of course, Is this Saturday's clash with neighbor ing Washington State college a foe the Vandals havpn't knocked over in more than 20 years., EUGENE, Ore, Oct 11 l.V Scrimmage sessions are on tap today and tomorrow for the Ore gon ducks as they prepare tor the Saturday game with Colora do. Only a light, workout was held yesterday. su-attt f rw 11 im Rapid Roily Kirkby, expected to be in top shape by this Saturday, will romp from the fullback spot ,..h (ha ITnlvArailv nf Uavhinp. ton Huskies tangle with Stanfoid. Kirkby a swltcn to iunnacK was made necessary when Coach nHftll lanrnwl VMterriav that it was extremely doubtful II enner i-iugn mcr-inenny or Hank Tiedeman will have shaken off their hurts by game time. McElhenny already has missed two games ana neaemann one. The News-Review Classified Ads bring best results. Phone 100. whose name appear on the cup the most times will r awaraea the trophy after graduation. Fighter Close To Death After KO DETROIT, Oct. 11 UP Tal mage Bussey, a 26-year-old De troit lightweight, lay near death today after being knocked out in the ninth round of a ring battle last night. Surgeon performed a delicate operation to remove a blood clot from hi brain. Several hours la ter they reported the fighter's condition "slightly Improved but still critical." Bussey and Luther Rawllngs of Chicago fought. A hard left to the Jaw knocked the Detroit Negro unronsclous In the eighth round. The bell rang before the referee hart finished counting him out, and his seconds revived him to start the ninth round. But with Bussey ready to col lapse, referee Herman Spinelll stopped the fight after only a blow or two had been struck In the ninth. Rawlings was award ed a technical knockout, and Bus sey fell unconscious to the mat. Shotton, Stengel Will Centlnut Monehjerlol Jobs NEW YORK. Oct. 11 .P Manager Burt Shotton of the Brooklyn Dodger has received a vote of confidence from his boss and lifelong friend, Branch Rick ey. Shotton. who led the Dodgers to the National league pennant in a stirring drive, hasn't signed a contract for 1950 but that' not odd. Old Barney ha been working for Rickey for 33 year and never operated with a contract until Na tional league rule forced him to ign one. Rickey gave Burt a vote of con fidence during an informal pre meeting yesterday. "I consider Shotton a sound manager, Just as Casey Stengel and Leo Durocher are sound manager." the voice of Brook lyn aid. "I will always go along with a sound manager in nit front guess. Meanwhile, Stengel who pilot ed the New York Yankee to vic tory over the Dodger In the World Series, contradicted re ports that he would not return because of ill health. "Nothing to it," said Stengel. "Why, I'm so healthy that I'm the only guy on the club who hasn't had a doctor all year." Casey Is operating under a two year contrac that call for W0, 000 per season. THE FOUR WHITE-TAIL BUCKS pictured above were killed by a hunting party led by Warren Tyton of Roteburg last weekend in the Devils Knob area of the South Umpqua-Rogue river divide. Members of the party shown above are Mr. and Mrs. Tyson, at the left, and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ferguson of Portland at the right. The Tysons' eldest son peers from between two of the bucks with complacency; he already had killed his own. Mrs. Ferguson is a niece of Mr. Tyson's end her husband is a captain in the Portland police department. He left Monday for Ashland, where he was scheduled to deliver en address on automobile control before civic body of that city. (Picture by Paul Jenkins.) J. N. BOOR OUTBOARD MOTORS -UGdn.Vally.Rd. Ph. oi M JOHNSON Sea Horse Dealtr Beat Trailer: Marina Equipment Exhibition Bout Series Planned By Joe Louis BALTIMORE, Oct. lll!P) Joe Louis is planning to begin train Ing soon at Pnmpton Lakes, N.J., for a series of what he calls "ton- round exhibition bout with ten ounce gloves." hollowing a four-round exh h tlon with Curtis iH.itrhetman) .Shepnard here last nicht. Louis disclosed he would like to en gage in about six or eight of the ten-rounders with the rounds of three minutes duration. Normally, heavvweitrht exhibi tion bouts are four two-minute rounds and 16-ounce glove are used. The retired heavvwoiuht cham pion boxed in good style and mov ed sharply last night although he was carrying considerable excess weight at the midriff. Louis said he is willing to meet any challengers in the proposed exhibitions. Asked If he was considerine a comeback, Louis said: I m not thinking along those linos now." He planned to fly today fo San Francisco, where Ezzard Charles will defend his heavyweight title against Pat Valentino Friday. Stanford Loss Puts Red Neckties In Mothballs PALO ALTO. Calif., Oct. 11 (.) Charles Moulds, local haber dasher and an enthusiastic Stan ford supporter, stored away a large shipment of red neckties today. They arrived Saturday lust af ter Moulds returned from watch ing the Indians' 11-7 defeat at the hand of UCLA. "Maybe they'll sell better next year." he said. On earh was a picture of an Indian driving a little car to the Rose Bowl. ing six-man football talent and a real battle is seen as a prospect of the midweek tussle, as both clubs struggle for the coveted ti tle. In the South Douglas county league, two schools play under the light for the first time. Both games are non-leaguer. Glendale travels to Taler.t Thursday night, while Canyon ville plays Coos River at Coos Bay Saturday night. JOBLESS TOTAL UP SALEM, Oct. 11. (,P Some 46.000 Oregonians are out of work, the state unemployment compensation commission re ported. The Jobless total is 1,000 above figure of a month ago, and 73 5 per cent above last year at this lime. Elkton, Yonealla Win Battle For Zone Title The North Douglas county foot ball championship will be decid ed In a grid lest at Yonealla Thursday afternoon, when unde feated Elkton visit undefeated Yonealla. Both schools feature outstand- ILife... jfl Ways0 p-, :im f; I A cool breere on the lake ... solitude H - gff I 1 4T!' ' " I I 'he rippling sound of waves .. . 1.1 , I ' T f iK ! I then homeward bound t twilight It t Tl I , P. (.?''., ' ! I to cool, refreshing glass of H ' 'if it K I . ivS ' S' ! I light Olympi. These re mong the 11 " fi I .V j"Y1 4 " I good things of life. It . lO 7 I jf M Alympia rar g5m!d i wmsm Mccklin, Famous Grid Coach, Dies PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 11-.T1 John Farrell Macklin, who in five years of coaching built up one of the best records in the football record books, died at his home here yesterday. He was 6.". Macklin was the founding fath er of big time football at Michi gan State college, newly elected member of the Big fen. The school named Its stadium Mack lin field in his honor. Macklin coached Michigan State from 1911 through 1915 and lost only three games. He piloted the first Spartan team to defeat a University of Michigan eleven. That red letter day was in 1913 when Michigan State upset a team coached by the great Field ing (Hurry Up) Yost by a 12 to-7 score. Michigan came back to win In 1914 on a 60-yard dropkick. 3 0. But Macklin wound up hi col leglate coaching career in 1915 with a 24 0 trouncing of Michigan. USED TIRES 1.00 UP See us for all sizes of good used tire at the lowest prices Late model 19, 16 and 17-Inch wheel for all make car. Frt Tub with every tire purchased. DOYLE'S Sales & Service Highway 99 at Garden Valley Phone 611 DEATH TOLL DROP SALEM, Oct. 11. (Tt Traf flc accident have claimed 219 live In Oregon so far this year, the secretary of state office re ported. There were 27 traffic death in September. The year' death toll 1 well below last year at this time, when 324 persons had fallen victim to traffic accident. COMING SUNDAY . Vim imnAllt wit rnrnn c ci nrv t'l rrxCLILML JLHU Jl AND Hll OKCHISTIA Kennedy' Dutch Mill Sunday, Oct. 14 Dancing from I 'til 12 Adm: 1.2S person plui tax FARMERS Local claims service is your assur ance of fost repairs when your cor is damaged. LOW RATES . . . on collision and liability cov erage gives you standard protec tion at substantial Paul H. Krucger tit 8. Stephen Phone 21S SAVINGS $10.10 Liability oCveroge $5000-10,000 bodily injury. $5000 property damage. Each six month Current Rate Plus S5.00 Nonrecurring Fee - at Beginning of Policy No Extra Charge for Age, Mileage or Business Us Over 800,000 Western Motorist Insur and Sav Through Farmer Standard Form Nonassessable Poliela. The West's Leading Auto Insurance' Carrier Formers Insurance Exchange Economy ratio : 19 to 1 ! .it" V ' i r Imagine 19 miles per gallon, from a 135-HP Eight 1 Packard does ill u RUDIE RITZMAN 1703 Brown Ave. Phono 1066-J Roteburg, Oregon As every motorist know, gasoline mileage varies with speed, traffic, terrain, and individual driver habit. So, to give you a comfileli pic ture of Packard gasoline economy, we've made a nation-wide survey among over 1,000 owners of the new 135-HP Packard Eight, equipped with overdrive.t and we've charted their reports. . Notice that the most frequently menliontd figure is 19 highway miles per gallon nd that 33 of the owner reported getting even more than 19 mile per gallon! That' the opertting economy you get from Packard "free-breath ing" engine design along with a delightful new kind of silent smooth ness... sensational brand of "safety iprint" reserve power . . . and a greater measure of trouble-free du rability than you've ever known before! Come in and sample it soon. See for yourself why Packard power is the thrift sensation of the fine car field! Godsn Anniversary Packard CAS MILEAGE REPORT-based on current reports from over 1.000 owners of the new 135-HP Packard Eight, equipped with overdrive-f mux I u i Optional st moJtrttt txlrs toil. Price New, tool At new, lower Golden Anniversary prices, yoa cae buy a new 135-Hf Packard Hijht, 4-door touring sedan, for only $2562.28' Delivered hore-iMe tnd Itxtl Uxn, if my. tnd ubitt Wu till tS21 ). exfr. Pritti msy t iry slightly in mdittinint rt btcsmsi of trtnt' porlstion cbsrgtt. AS 1HI t AM WHO OWNS ONI Hiwey BARCUS SALES AND SERVICE 99 N. at Garden Valley Rd. Phene 1JS4 e