Secretary Matthews Believes Navy Cuts Impair Security WASHINGTON. rv in m Secretary Matthewi said Satur day the navy believes that run In naval spending ordered In the Pentagon would impair the na tions security. He testified in a house armed aervlces committee hearing where E"EXTHi New MOONEYmisi lAtnwm 250'! iulla 2J0'1 Ca AT II0m.HH. Owe Dsuvaev Imr tn tMiTitm SlI IT. FtYlT- NOW ! GREEN FIYIN6 SERVICE KOSESUR AISPOW a storm aheady had been set off by a, charge that "secret orders" from the defense department threatened to ditch the navy's air arm. Matthews said the navy Is bucking the cuts and Secretary ol Defense Johnson has agreed to give It a hearing. Chairman Vinson (D-Ga) first reported the cut orders, and said the apportionment was decided by "defense leaders In the Penta gon and the other services . . . out of sympathy with the navy Oregon's Tax Exempt Property To Bt Surveyed SALEM, Oct. 11 .P The State Tax commission Is going to make a survey to find out how much property In Oregon Is ex empt frirt taxation. The commission said today H doesn't know how much tax ex empt property there is in the state, but It said the amount "is prodigious In the aggregate." That means there'i a lot of It. Exempt property now Includes that owned by charitable, relig ious, scientific and educational Institutions. The survey probably will be used by the next legislature to help decide what exempt prop erty can be put back on the tax rolis. In Oregon It's McCredie Hot Mineral Springs Resort Highway Travelers Welcome, Too, O.i Short-Cut Highway 58 McCredie Springs, Oregon air arm." Vinson said the $336,000,000 re duction assigned to the navy, out- side the cuts made by Congress, i would cut navy and marine avia 'tion "about in half." Building up his complaint of unfairness in the Pentagon, Vln son said he has reliable authority for a report that the air force wants all large aircraft carriers and their air groups out of the navy. "The navy would become a pro tective convoy to move troops and fight submarines," Vinson said. He got verification of his fig ures from Rear Admiral HerBert G. Hopwood, the navy's budget of ficer, and Wilfred McNeil, con troller of the defense department McNeil said he knows of no dis crimination against any one serv ice. It Is all In line, he said, wl:h plans Johnson announced months ago to try to bring about an $800,000,000 saving in defense spending. Rep. Brooks (D-La) said John son is merely trying to carry out reductions for which the commit tee applauded him when he tes'l ficd about his plans months ago. Of E)DJE) Twenty-nine states hive no laws requiring vision tests I n schools, according to the Amer ican Optometric Association. fxn uj IW liMU on ih iramige with the THE BRILLIANT NEW CONTROL PAN ELI Here's the most exciting range you've ever seen! No other range has ever been so complete . ; ; so amazingly engineered with advance features! Look! that new "Top-O'-The-Range" control panel! Works like a dream recessed and set on an angle for easy reading . . . signals light when units are in use! Just set the "Automatic Cook" take the after- Here's ke "bfofe." The ' Aotomitie Cook" turns current on, timf the cooking, turns current off even though you're miles away! New) "Up-Dews" wi. Down, it's a Scotch Kettle. Tp, it's e 4th surface unit! Prejiwire eook entailable, too, for deep-well. noon off come home 1o a piping hot dinner! The "Automatic Cook" controls Scotch Kettle, too and the handy appliance outlet! New "Up-Down" unit convert from Scotch Kettle to a 4th surface unit in a jiffy. And all units give seven accurate heats , . . from simmer to ertrn-fast! See this miracle "range with a brain" . . . today! your bnakfott coffee perti wMe you soeosef This handy appliance outlet's alao "Auto, matic Cook" controlled! There's s second one, Minute-Timer con. trolled! New Ehdrk-Fatl Sue. face Units . , . tilt up, etsTup, for eeey cleaning. Broiler Oreo holi)na25-lb. turkey h eaae . . , broils h radiant best e charcoal! L -is oillCrofceoTerDoo't ".i I 1 "f eTe '"' , 'In 11 , deipair! Hereyour e' VnJ "1 N Down , -ex-" Poyment j Other Keivinator PrirM ahowfl U fnf He hwtrw in your autrben. In ataUatinn, if an, and Mat and local tax ritra. Prir and aponftrafinn atihiet to change) without aotica. Ranges from 154.95 FREE DELIVERY LIBERAL TRADE-INS O r. d d The early morning "Breakfast Gang" show, (7:15 a.m., T., Th., Sat.) following a special two-day appearance at Eureka's "Salmon Derby," has been propositioned by 12 cities up anil down the Pacific coast to originate a special performance and stay-over to do a big nighttime show under the auspices of various local or ganizations. The show, which originates at Don Lee affiliate KFRC in San Francisco, consistently draws 50 to 75 people at that early morning hour to witness the proceedings. The "Breakfast Gang" features Mel Venter (sorry, no picture) and pretty songstress Polly Lawrence with Lyle Bardo's 12-piece musical aggregation. TONIGHT: "Musis ef Manhattan" at 7:30; Alan Ladd starring in "Box Thirteen" at 8; Citlzenoftheweek Inter view on "Jovin Jamboree at 8:30; and "The Casebook of Gregory Hood" at 10 starring Elliot Lewis, when a pay roll robbery, a red-haired girl and a reelpe for a rum omelet are th Ingredients of his latest adventure. WEDNESDAY: Special Columbus day broadcast. Superior Court Justice John E. Swift of Massachusetts, supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, will be heard in a special Columbus day broadcast over KRNR. His topic: "Columbus, the World's Bene factor." (Wednesday, 3:30-3:45 p. m.) KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System 1490 on Your Dial REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4:Oft Fu Hon Ltwli. Sr. 4:15 Frank Hemingway. 4 ;iO Local Loan Show, 4:4 Music. 5:00 Straight Arrow, 3 ;tO Captain Midnight. 6:0O Cavalcade of Safety. 6:15 Mutual Nrwtrecl. Sporta Pag. Muatc. 6 40 Local N?Wf. 6:45 Southland ftlntftng. 8 55 Bill Henry T OO Frank Purdy. 7:15 Muiic You Remember. 7 so Muiic of Manhattan. 8 00 Box Thirteen. B:tO Jovin Jamboree. 9 00 Newa. B 15 Ruth ft Judy. 9 30 Gum t Star. 945 Fulton Lewie. Jr. 10 no Gregory Hood. 10:.tO Ruhb Morgan Orch. 11:00 Enchanted Hour. 11:30 Sign Off. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER II, 6 00 SunriM Serenade. 6:15 Newt. 0:20 Muaic. 630 Rkae at Shine. 7:00 Newt. 7:15 Muele for You. 7:43 Local Newa. 7 .-VO Muatc. 8:Oft Waliy'i Coffee) Time. 6:15 Mu 8::t0 Bible Initituta. p 00 Modern Home. 9 15 Book of Bargalna. 9::io Man About Town. 9:40 Muale. 9:50 Shopper'a Guide. 10:00 Newa. 10:15 Goapel Slngera 10 :to Say It With Muale. 10:45 Art Baker. 1100 Lad tee Flrat. 11 .TO Queen for Day. 12:00 Muni c. 12:15 Sporta Page. 12:25 Muilc. 12:10 Clocking the Start. 12:15 Muatc. 12.40 Local Newt, 13 45 National Newa. 12 55 Market Reporta. 1 oo Man on the Street 1.15 Party Line. 2 iio Against the Storm. 2 ;t0 It a Requeated. 3 00 Muilc. 3:15 School Program. 3 30 Columbua Day Addreaa. 3 45 Harry Jamea. 40O Fulton Lew la. Jr. 4 15 Frank Hemingway. 4 30 Local Loan Show. 4:45 Newt. 5 (M Ti pa and Tune. 3 15 Music. 8 .to Tom Ml 6 00 Men Behind the Melody. 615 Mutual NewareeL 6 .10 Sporta Page. 6 .15 Muatc. 6 40 Local Newt. 6 45 Southland Singing. 7 00 Frank Purdy 7:15 Muaie You Remember. 7 :m ctaco Kid. 6 00 What a the Nam of that Song? 6 30 Three Sunn. 8 45 Tex Beneke. 9 oo Newa. 9 15 HI Neighbor. 9 10 Scandinavian Melody Time. 9 45 Fulton Lewia. Jr. 10 oo John Steele. Adventurer. 10 .10 Runt Morgan. U noc ue to Muale, 11:30 Sign Off. YOUTH DIES IN FIRE SWEET HOME. Oct. 11 Fire killed Faul Johnson. 21, near here Sunday night. He was trap ped inside the hlazinp; home of Rex Rogers, a mile east of Sv?et Home. The house burned to the ground. Johnson was alone In the building at the time. The origin of the fire was undetermined. Tuet.. Oct. 11 1949 Th Nswi-RtvUw, RoMburg, Ort. I Make UNION PACIFIC your i ravel headquarters Businessmen really enjoy traveling by Union Pacific. The unexcelled service and accommoda tions make it possible to handle urgent business matters... or to take a well-earned rest. Delicioui food... convenient schedulea. Join the thousands who go Union Pacific 1 DAUY SIRVICI IAST SttCtXmliHCX CITY Of SOiUAND Fast, convenient schedule... earliest arrival . in Chicago... Stewardess Service. 'PORTLAND ROSE" Denver, Ksnsas City, Omahs, Chicago, St. Louis with connections for Texas, Southwest and East. IDAHOAN" Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis... through cart connecting with "City of St. Louis" streamliner. Pullmm snrf coec accommgnVioni VISIT SUN VeUUT... Enjoy sun-filled Indian Summer day. For Compht Trawl Information Coaiult GENERAL PASSINGS DEPARTMENT Reem 7SI Pitteck Block, PefHend 5, OrefM liSO le S30 s.m. Moneeya tkrevflh Prider UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD TZotut y tie StemtHt SOUTH END FUEL CO. Phone 1195 R 207 Rice St NELSON and PYLE WOODWORKING CO. It's re your advantage to get aur estimate en: O Sash O Frame O Windows O Custom Planing Our Prices Are More Than Reasonable Phone 1242-J Mill and Mother Sti In Rear of West Coast Product COMING WEDNESDAY The Greatest Kickof f Of All Time Four Days TOMORROW "NORTHWEST STAMPED In Cinecolor A Great Rodeo Hit Jack Oakie Joan Leslie James Cregg CO-FEATURE jlr jVI Tonight: "Slave Girl" and "Red Menace" You'll Fall Head-Over-lteel for Father., .ant! bit family wfca M him WHISTLING FOR TIMI OUT , a. m Y lyaa Rtwy Valwa . HURRY ENDS TONIGHT eaiNci or psnk ' ouiin or mismsios Skelton-Williams I 3 1 I. , j m- v i sira wai s sn. 'tUtnltnnttmmJt'' See All Of Our Jamboree of Hit Pictures NOW: "Neptune's Daughter," Red Skelton, Esther Williams SUNDAY: "Father Was a Fullback," Fred MacMurroy COMING: "The Great Gatsby," Alln Ladd "The Sratton Story," Jimmy Stewart 222 W. OAK PHONE 348