10 ' Th Nwi-Rvltw, ReMbbrg, OrtTuai., Oct. 11, 1949 LOCAL Chair to Matt The choir o.' the Dillard church will meet lor practice at the church Wednes day at 7:30 p.m. 'Meeting Postponed The meet ing of Riveralde Happy Hour club acheduled to meet Wednonday haa been poatponed until further notice. ,etary Anna Ta Meat Rotary Anna will hold a no-hoateaa lun cheon at the Rainbow Grill Thursday at 12 noon. All wives ol Rotary memoera are invnea. The regular monthly meeting of the Roseburg Rod and Gun club will be held at 8 o'clock tonight at the Winchester Club house. L. D. Bloom, club secretary, urged all members to attend. Return Monday Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Stanton returned home Monday evening after a two weeka vacation in California. They visited friends and relatives in San Francisco and Sacramen to. Laavee for East Miss Twyla Jean Arnold left last week for her home in Murray, Iowa, after a visit with her cousin, Mrs. James Conn, and family at Mel rose. Miss Arnold accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Conn to Salt Lake City, Utah, where Mr. Conn ai tended meeting recently. The Conns drove her to Salem where she took the bus to Portland for train connections. Walnuts Wanted to Dry Afttr Oct. 10 ACON ant) IAC0N Curry Estate HEATING OILS Diesel and Stove Oil Quality Oils For Evtry PurpoM PROMPT METERED DELIVERIES I. A. PMrton, Distributor General Petroleum Products Phono Stl-J Aibottoi Siding and Roof Shingles Meant Fir proof and Indestructible ly time fir or weather elements. Let Us Give You An Estimate C0EN SUPPLY COMPANY Everything For The Builder Phono 111 Flood and Mill Sts. u t M i i u m i n i rmrd v z " 'I dc ...Let the car prove it! I Try sVfrtnf without shifting in the car with the simplest automatic transmission ol all . . . the. car that gives you complete control. Waato fhrarvah Seee and storm that would stall any other cart You've the first and only wttrprotf igmlitH system on any passenger car. lk wider the fonder and body, there's protootivo undercoating no other car gets at tbo factory. Look at the Safety Rim heels .ftftOTOR CO. Rose fir Lane Sts. Tuno In Your Chryslw Dealer's "Sammy Kay Showroom' Every Monday Wednesday Friday 7:15 P. M. Station KR.NR NEWS Club ta Meat Melrose Home Economics club will meet at the home of Mrs. Carl Nickens with Mrs. Walter Kruse assisting at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Return Hera Mrs. Fred Scher ner and Mrs. Clifford Vang have returned to Roseburg alter spend ing the weekend in the John Day country with their husbands, who are on a hunting trip. Plan Rooster Night Melrose grange will hold a Booster t.ight Tuesday, Oct. 18, at 8 o'clock at the grange hall. Members and the public are invited. This will be an open meeting. To California Vernon Crane of Garden Valley left Monday lor Fortuna, Calif., on a three-day business trip. He will visit Gun nar Hedberg, who was a recent visitor In Oakland at the home of his brother, Fred Hedberg. Visiting Grandparents Larry and Ros-,4 Barker of Eugene are visiting at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Beaver. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barker of Eugene. Meeting Plies Changed The meeting of Oregon Slate Nurses association of District No. 11 will be held tonight at the home uf Mrs. Vernon Keel rather than the nurses quarters at the Vet erans hospital as previously an nounced. Returns Horns Cliff Thornton haa returned to Roseburg from Emmanuel hospilal, Portland, where he haa been receiving me dical treatment for the past few weeks. Mrs. Thornton, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, drove to Portland over the weekend and brought Mr. Thornton home. Raok to Roseburg Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hess have return ed to Roseburg after spending the weekend in Portland, where they attended the Pacific Live stock International. Saturday evening they were guesta of "Wild Bill" Elliott at the show. Mr. Johnson renewed acquaint ence with Mr. Elliott, having known him in Hollywood in past yeara. Elliott la the former "Red Ryder" of motion picture fame and took part in the Livestock International show, entering three quarter horses in the events. RETURN FROM HUNTI-NQ Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Lehrbach, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Freed man, Nicholas Lehrbach, Henry Cox and Mrs. Mary Newhouse have returned to their homes in Rose burg after a hunting trip in east ern Oregon. Dr. and Mrs. Lehr bach stopped in Portland for a visit with Dr. Lehrbach'a Brand- daughter, Shirley Lehrbach, who recently underwent an appendec tomy. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lehrbach and is reported to be improving satis-factorily. n i NEW YORKER ves more than you 11 ask of any car . . . blowouts can't throw a tire under almost any normal driving. Sea how common sonso and imagination in engineering and research make you more comfortable. With chair-height seats. With besutiful interiors for full size people. Telephone your noorby Chrysler slaoler ... he will bring the car to your door. In any body style, 4-door Sedan, Club Coupe, Convertible Coupe, the powerful 8-cylinder New Yorker will do more for you than you've aked of any other car. Explorer Scouts Attend Council Meet At Coos Bay A croup of 14 Roseburg Ex plorer Scouts, led by their advis er, Chuck Allen, were among the 85 explorers attending the Ore con Trail council at Coos Bay over the weekend. Boys from eight Oregon cities gathered for two days instruction in basketball, coaching, rifle shooting and sand skiing. The convenl, j Explorers camp ed out near the Mingus park ca bin at Coos Bay, sleeping in their own tents and cooking in the rain. Mingus park la a commun ity recrealion center where boys participating in scouting activi ties are given preference over olher groups in use of the grounds and facilities. By special arrangement with Ben Perkins of Coos Bay, the Roseburg group was taken to the lighthouse at Cape Arago by the coast guard cutter Bonham, where they were instructed In the various phases of visual and sound signal coordination be tween the light house and ships at sea. The Roseburg Kiwanls club sponsored the trip to the coast and transportation was provided by Roseburg Lumber company. Attending the conclave from Roseburg were Leader Jack Rlcheson, Harold Rietman, James Stone, Dennis Hayden, Bob B. Adair, George Tenneson Jr., Charles Merrill, Jack Gerllng, Ed Hall, Doyce Carmon, Larry Crawford, Laurie Clumpner, Tom Churchill, Bob Bevans and Gor don Clayton. Windstorm Kills 2 Persons, Deals Damage To Corn MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 11 (JB Winds that ranged up to 90 miles an hour in gusls swept into south ern Minnesota Monday, while In South Dakota deaths of two per sons were blamed on high winds, over the weekend. Beams blown from bulldlnrg caused the death of August Wie derhoft, 77-year-old watchman for the Brandt Engineering com pany of Sioux Falls, S. D., and that ol Duane w. Ryan, ID, Lead, S. D yesterday. Reports of heavy damage to corn came from southern Minne sota and South Dakota. In the latter state the wind, which reached a velocity of 50 miles an hour last night, was recorded at 30 to 40. Windows were blown out in many homes and stores. Corn, awaiting harvest, was flattened In both slates with farm experts estimating something like a million bushels of corn af fected In the Fairmont vicinity near the Minnesota-Iowa border. Loss will be tremendous, they added. In Minneapolis, the windi. blew a fiO foot brick chimney onto a wing of the Sheridan hotel on the edge of the Loop district, and trapped 20 persons in their hotel rooms. There were no reports of serious injuries. The News-Review Classified Ads bring best results. Phone 100. NEW LOCATION I Dr. H. B. Scofield Palmer Chiropractor Rifle Range Road 4 10 ml. North of County Shops Of fir noun 10 II and 1-1 Saturdar, lo-tl A. If . X ray neuro-ealometer eerrleo Alt T HPihr mil t -jr; n, m aMlaaBaMsMsHIISjWMSBVm JAPANESE BOY SCOUTS PARADE Japanese slay eonvenUoa and Jamboree la Tokyo by parading through the Radio Operator Exams Dated At Klamath Falls Radio operator examinations will be held in the city council chambers at Klamath Falls on Saturday, October 29. The sched ule is as follows: 8:30 a. m. Radiotelegraph All classes, code and written ex aminations. 8:30 a. m. Radiotelephone ! 1st and 2nd class. 11:00 a. m. Amateur Code tests. Class A and B. 1:15 p. m. Amateur written examinations. Class A and B. Examinations will start promptly, and no variation from Ihe above schedule will be pos sible due to limited time. Pens, ink, rulers and pencils are to be furnished by the appli cants, and those desiring code tests must bring, in addition, telephone receivers. Applicants desiring code tests are cautioned that they must arrive on time. Blank application forms 756 and 756-B will be furnished upon request to tne f ederal communi cations commission, 307 Fitzpat rick Bldg., Portland 5, Oregon, and will also be available at time of the examination in Klamath Falls. No showing of United States citizenship will be required for those who have citizenship through birth in the United States, or who hold certificates of naturalization or derivative citi zenship. Those who have citizen ship by other means than men tioned above should submit doc uments which are available as corroborative evidence of United Slates citizenship. JAMES M. CHAPPLE, Engineer In Charge Radio Dist. No. 13. Retail Trades Assn. To Discuss Yule Opening There will be a meeting of all members of the Retail Trades as sociation Wednesday noon at the Umpqua hotel. Principal topic ior discussion will be preliminary plans, Includ ing selection of a date, for the forthcoming Christmas season opening. JOINS U. OF O. STAFF SPOKANE, Oct. 11 (.VI Dr. George A. C. Snyder, patho logist at Deaconess hospital here, resigned yesterday to becoms as sistant professor of Pathology at ne university oi ureron men- cal school. DOOR SEDAN Spend li minutes with M PI A TVt M ON lOVaU WVMOtOff. AtsTOOa. NfW YOtKM MOOHf the beautiful Cfask FIGHTS LAST NIGHT iBv the Associated Press) NEW AUK Bernie Reynolds, 186, Fairfield, Conn , outpointed Vern Mitch all. ltt. Detroit '10. DETROIT-Chuck Davey. 14H. De troit, knocked out Ken Brown, 143. Detroit. 2. BROOKLYN Joe Mlcelll, 145'. New York, outpointed Chuck Taylor, 148, Co I poet. Pa. 1 10'. MIAMI. Fla-Frankle Abrama. 147, Detroit, outpointed Bobby Dykes, 148'., San Antonio. Tex. '10. ALBUQUERQUE, N M Harold 'Baby Face Jonea, l.TC'g. Detroit, knocked out Tnni Perez. Ml. El Paw, Tex. '4'. SALT LAKE CITY Keith Nuttall. 126. Brifham City, Utah, outpointed Lou Al ter, Montreal (10.. Red Cross Needs More Workers Douglas Simms, executive sec retary of the Roseburg chapter of the American Red Cross, said today that the Red Cross volun. teer recruitment drive has been fairly successful to date. However, he said thTe is still a need for workers, both men and women, to assist in the program at tne Roseburg Veterans hospi tal. Women are also needed to work on production and home service tasks at the chapter neaaquarters at tne armory. Simms said an indoctrination course, acquainting volunteers with the principles of Red Cross work and the relationship of the organization to other commun ity groups, will be given in the chapter rooms Thursday and Friday at 2 p. m. Poor Flying Weather Grounds Helicopter Here Poor flying weather caused an unscheduled slop at the Roseburg airport last night by three Naval personnel, flying a Sikorsky heli copter. Lt. Joe Rullo, officer In charge, said the plane is destined for Seattle from San Diego, but that the men were forced to stop over temporarily here when poor visi bility set In at about 5 p. m. yesterday. Thev plan to leave Roseburg early this afternoon. Upon reaching Seattle, Lt. Rullo said his mission will he to fly a nonstop flight from there to Long Beach, Cal. Other members of the rrpw In. elude Aviation Pilot Jack Kem hro and Mechanic William Buch anan. Congress Adjournment May Occur Saturday WASHINGTON. Oct. 11-("Pi-Democratic congressional 1 e a d ers Informed President Truman Monday that unless compli cations develop Congress will ad journ Saturday. Speaker Ray burn told report ers afterward that it all depends on the Senate, since he can guar antee the House will be ready to quit on the target date. Vice President Barkley, acting senate democratic leader Myers and house democratic leader Mc- Cormack also attended the White House talks. Rayhurn said he thinks the Sen ate will pass a displaced persons bill pretty much in line with that already approved by the House. He expects little delay in ap proval of a conference report on the appropriation carrying funds for the military establishment. BURVIDIN An Analtxlc FOR AID IN THF. HKI.1EF OK Ml SCri.AR ACHFS AN!) PAINS ASSOC1ATFO WITH Rheumatism and Arthritis Ak vour local druxgut or Write Burvldin !,ahoratorle. 4 N W dth Av.. Portland 9. Ornn, ipt. R-ll I KNOW f(VD WHL IILICVf j STUBBORN SKIN TROUBLES RMPU3. SDN ITCH. ACMt RINGWORM. CCSMA m4 att 98c FRED MEYER INC. 112 N. Jackson Ui- A Im. kT. - aw m mttmm Mmoarr fmw J T mm dMrrr tsnasMki. m la ton. MDD MED CAITD POWPOI cojw aa wttmjmm p-ttal TV war piRoo-ry hn ROD Wfe Boy Scouts hishliahted Ihrrr. , streets to the palace grounds. Myrtle Creek To Open Bids On New School Building Housing of Myrtle Creek school district's 900 pupils will be one step closer to reality this Wed nesday, Oct. 12, when the board of directors will open bids on an elementary building and an ad dition to the present gymnasium. Superintendent M. C. Deller stated plans for the new struc ture call for 13 primary and low er elementary rooms with most recent educational innovations incorporated. For the gymnasi um, adequate dressing rooms, showers and an enlarged playing lloor are Included. A lively interest In these pro jects is indicated by the receipt oi approximately a cozen pre qualification questionnaires from various contracting firms, report ed P. B. Froellch, district clerk. The housing problem of Myr tle Creek's schools, following the pattern predicted by educators and sociologists for the West Coast, Is one of the most intense of its kind. The district is bond ed, for all practical purposes, to its full capacity; every grade from the second on up to high school is operating on a double shift. The new building will place the entire grade schooloupon a regular six hour day, providing onlv that the enrollment remains quiescent, which from all cen sus enumerations it cannot do. The growth of the high school is Imminent. All rooms in th building are now fully occupied and one class Is "looking for a place" to "alight". T. G. Bryant, chairman of the board said, "We may present a five or ten year plan for the im provement of our schools to in clude additional rooms, building and ground upkeep, purchase of needed equipment and furni ture". Theresa Durand Wins 1st In Fire Prevention Essay Theresa Durand of St. Joseph's school was declared winner of the Fire Prevention week essay con test, sponsored bv Penney's, an nounced Fire Chief William E. "Dutch" Mills," who, with his as sistants, fudged the essays. First prize was $5. Second place auara oi j went to uaene Des bians, also of St. Joseph's. The followine received SI each for their contributions: Mary Lou Reidy, Sandra Bourbeau, Shirley Tyrer, Colleen McDonald, Felix Durand, Foster and Mary Mar garet Luhman, all of St. Joseph's Helen J. Brant, Umpqua; Dan E. tsburg, and Yvonne Artman, both of route 2, Roseburg; Donald Thronbure and Shirley Jean White of route 1: Jeannetip ioung, Orlle Pope and Raymond Marsh, all of Roseburg: Carol Brant, Umpqua and John Mo uraw, Lookmgglass. Chinese Youths Raid Red Celebration In 'Frisco SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 11 (.) A riot in San Francisco's color ful Chinatown Sunday night broke up a meeting in celebr ation of communist victories i n China. One Chinese was injured. A flying wedge of Chinese youths broke up the gathering of 400 members of the Chinese Workers Mutual Aid association in Chinese American Citizens Al liance hall. Bill Kerner, west coast d 1 r ector of the committee for a dem ocratic far east was about to speak when 40 youths charged into the hall. Kerner said the attackers were armed with lead pipes, eggs and a blue dye which was splattered in the room. Rural Overseas Program Announces Products Goal DAYTON. Ohio, Oct. 11 (.T) The Christian Rural Overseas Program (CROP) has announced a goal of 3.5iX) railroad carloads of America s farm products to fill friendship trains for overseas needy. The farm to-farm campaign in the cooperative church relief proj ect is to be concentrated in the nation's 33 top agricultural states. It will be conducted during the individual state's harvest season timed generally in late October Truck and Auto Repairing Welding Radiator Servico Truck Parts Bought and Sold All Work Guarantied Ray's Truck Shop 2055 N. Stephen Phono 499-J-4 Shop and Save With Classified Ads Autos October Used Car Specials 1M Plymouth Spl. Dlx. 4-Door Demotutrator 3 000 mile .11895 00 ltMJJ Pontlae C. Coup, flick and lota of axtraa 1485 00 1M1 Chevrolet ldin. radio. heater, vary clean - 703.00 1030 Plymouth Sedan. A nica car a food price 503.00 CHEAPIES 1S.17 Chevrolet Couim . IBM Plymouth Sedan -S2S5M - 150 00 . aes oo 1S3T Tori Pinal TRUCKS 1M7 1MT IMS IMS 193 ISM 194S Dona SS-ton Lof Truck. Brownie and Boo Rubber. Dual Asia Trailer 4750 00 C leanest Outfit In Town! Dodee S't-ton Chllill Brownie. 16SO0 Eaton New rubber 3430.00 Dodae l'i-ton Flatbed, new tlree clean aa new 1393 00 Pord l'i-ton Chaiata. Motor and rubber food 393 00 Dodge H-ton Pickup 12AA 00 4-ipeed HD Tlrea Clean Dodge u,-ton Pickup S43.00 HERE'S A STEAL AT Si Dillard Motor Co. Used Car Lot What Is A Promise? A few words, and only as good as the firm be hind them. Our Reputa tion and prestige back up our every promise! We'd like to show you our finer Guaranteed Used Cars each a true value. Won't you come in TODAY? Corkrum Motors, Inc. YOUR OeSoto Plymouth HEADQUARTERS 130 S. Stephena Ph. SOS J "We'll Be Here Tomorrow to Back Up What We Say and Do Today!" Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Reasonably priced. G MA C. term a. Chevrolet Bulck Pont lac Cadillac Trade -Ins Fuel PERlaER CORE: mill ends; planer endi; fireplace wood. Double load., prompt delivery. Claude Willev. Rt. I, Box 43.Ph:l.VJ-3.or143-J-3. PLANER ENDS, double load-, prompt delivery. SU and up, Claude VYilley. Phonel S-J-3. FOR SALE Slab wood, lawdust. planer ndt Phone rWVT Johr.ion Fuel C. Dogs Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GPA-HO COCKER KENNELS. Phone KW or 432-Y Re and pad. pupDieali color, stud erv1re Business Opportunities EXCLt'SIVC TERRITORY lor middle ajted man telling specialty ttemi. Every bu.inesa place a pronpect. SMti ItHelf. Write News-Review 46. State ad drens and phone. Financial F.H.A. LOANS ""umpqua realty 111 N Stephens Ph IVIS-J Acrfj from P'xt Office on Hifniv ta Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE lit. 3nd. and 3rd ruttlnc alfalfa hav, All very food hay De livered any place. Ph. 838. f. L Personal ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. PO Bos 111, or Phone l.VXl-L or 30t-J WLM OK. write S.A R. and tarlv November. The states and their goals ln carloads, which will vary in con-1 tent according to the state's prod ucts, include; California 2on. Kansas 1V. Washington and northern! Idaho 4-4. 1 Autos Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere FORD CONVERTIBLE 1TM FOHD CLUB COt'PE 1H9S f PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN 1145 00 OLDSMOB1LE SEDANETTE 1M9 U0 CHRYSLER New Yorker -lHlWiO FORD TUDOR SEDAN 84.100 FORD TUDOR SEDAN ..- 895 00 PLYMOUTH Fordor Sdn, 591 0 PLYMOUTH Fordor Sdn. 525 OO FORD TUDOR SDN 350.00 PONT1AC tudor sedan 395 00 FORD FORDOR SEDAN 15 00 INT. McCormick - Deering rarrn Tractor 50. Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups 1949 1948 1948 1947 194 143 1947 1942 1942 1942 FORD 1 ton stake rack 1975 00 WLLYS JEEP 850 00 FORD PICKUP 1145 00 STUDY IS -ton chassis oV cab 995 00 WILLYS Station Wagon 1345 00 FORD LUMBER TRUCK WILLYS 1-ton pickup FORD 1',-ton Flatbed FORD 'i-ton Pickup FORD S-ton Panel lfP5 00 995 00 495 'tO 745 00 45 00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At L0CKW00D MOTORS Easy Terms Better Buys At Barcus I94fl Olds 6. 70 sedan 14M 1946 Dodfe Cuitom sedan, R it H. new tires, perfect 1491 1947 Hudson sedan, low mileage, like new A real bargain 134S 1942 Dodg sedan, excellent con dition S43 1942 Studebaker Commander Land Cruiser sedan ,. 97 J 1941 Chrysler Windsor Sedan 733 1940 Chev. Coupe with factory built pickup box 093 1939 Buick Century sedan, very good condition . 32S 1939 Studebaker Commander se dan 393 Packard Coupe. 325 Chrysler Sedan 123 I9M 1938 1933 Dodge Tudor, good work car 75 FORDS 19411 V- Coupe. ln.17 V-8 Sedan. inns V- Sedan 1929 Model A Panel. . WIS . 245 TRUCKS 194A Dodge i ton pickup, stake bed. 7.000 miles, tike new. 1943 International ton pick ..1593 KM 1942 Chev l'j ton CI. truck, flat bed body; also has dump box and hoist Reduced price 430 BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Highway 99 N at Garden Valley Road FOR SALE 1942 Pontiac 8 2-donr. Excellent condition. Price 99O0. or.iy 350 down. Family car. Offered fl 0 from dealer. 7 house south of Del ReyTafe on 99 .highway Herb Harms. MORE MONEY for your car. Cash on the apot. Corkrum Motors. Inc.. De Soto Plymouth. Phone 408, 114 N. Roue St. FOR TRADE 1941Ford 2-doorsedanfor late model truck. Chevrolet preferred. Harry H. Smith, Box 311. Melrose Rt, l' miles N. Cleveland school. -37 PLYMOUTH COUPE, cheap2"blocka East Log Cabin store on N. 99, 4th ouse. 1933 C H E V! STAN D A R D4ooTled in . Exceptionally good condition. 1393 Umpqua. Ph. 9W-Y. 1947 CHEV. 2-droorAero tedanT15O0. Box 88. Riddle, Oregon. Harold Rupp. AUTOMOBILE for sale, cheap. 540 S. Jackson 1937 FORD V-8 sedan dellverv. Reason able. 316 E 2nd Ave., N. Ph. 1095-L. Notice No Trespassing ON MY PROPERTY C. D. Burgoyne Riddle, Oregon NO HUNTING or trespassing on our Sroperty South of the North Umpqua iver to the Garden Valley Road and Went of the R. R. tracks to the South Umpqua River. Ed Marks. John Marks. Ora Welker. Ware Bros, WE WILL Prosecute anyone foun3 hunting or trespassing on our prop erty on Robert Mountain Road. Merle H. Doering and J, Carl Doer- lng.; NO HUNTING or trespassing onmy property at Wilbur, Oregon. G. W. Short. NO HUNTING or trespassing on our property North and East of Newton Creek Road Ware Bros. NO HUNTING or "trespassing onftr- mer J. F. Culver Ranch on Rice Creek. A. A. Bellows. NO TRESPASSING onlhe C EGf breath Ranch at Glide. C R. Clump ner. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my Property, including the Harria place. h Strader. Glide. NO HUNTING onthe Burnett Ranch at Round Prairie and Roberta HilL G F Burnett NO HUNTING or trespassing on ttie J H Short Estate. J. V. and Claude Short HUNTING or trpa1ng " on mi? ranch north of Roseburg to New ton Creek Road.Baragar At Son. NO HUNTING or trepain gonrny property one mile east ol Wilbur. Stanley Short. NOTICENo hunting or trespassing on T. Kerr property. NO HUNTING or trespassing on Happ Valley Ranch. Rohr and Minir i N 2. "i'NTING or trespassing on the I Standlev Ranch, Glide. SrvT1NG rtrt.pawing"on the DeBernardi Ranch. : NO HUNTINGor"treTpasiing on &un I shine Ranch. Frank Strader. i?000 "trespassing "on-my RobertsCreekproperty.Ray Raurh. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my ranch at Round Prairie. Henry Weber. NO HUNTING or trespassing onm property. J.C. Livingston. Glide NO HUNTING or trespaving""onthe Lane Mountain Ranch. Ora Welker NOUNTING or txe.pa.ing. Krume NO TRESPASSIVGon the"Gbberinch Bernard Grubbe. NO HUNTING ort!pWingonWh.?: sonBroa. ranch. 2 mi.es S. of Dillard. fiO HUNTING or trespassing. Cal Henry, Umpqua.