Presenting Roseburg BPW Leaders During National Week's Observance Jean Whittenburg was presi dent of the Roseburg Business and Professional Women's Club, lor 1947-8. ROOF GOING BALD? Than stay on step ahead of tha weather by replacing unattractive, weother-damogeri shingles this week! Our skilled Roofing Experts will give you the competent advice you require ... provide you with tha necessary notarial from our fin stocks of durabla JOHNS-MAN-VILLE and CERTAINEER ROOFING! Stop by today! MONTHLY PAYMENTS AND INSTALLATIONS ARRANGED UPON REQUEST! 2)evw Gerfe sen NOT to "Saxon EoW in black suede AAAA to B Sizes to 10 As junior past presidnet of B. P.W.C.. Jean is In charge of ar rangements for tonight's home coming dinner at the Roseburg Country club, 6:45 p. m. Jean came to Roseburg from Colorado in 1943, joining a P. W. C. here. She is a homemaker as well as a business woman, and the mother of three sons. Govtrnmcnt Purchase) Of Dried Prunts Urgtd DALLAS, Ore.-m-The Polk county prune growers have asked the government to buy small dri ed prunes, saying there was vir tually no commercial market for them. The growers were notified by Oregon congressmen that the fed eral government is considering buying prunes for the school lunch program. To make snaps fast, use a t least four or five stitches in each hole. Buttonhole stitches hhld snaps better than ordinary stitches. "llicli One?" "How Hanf UVT the Imly-in-a-tlilcmrna, one look at our Carol" In black suede "MtoB Sizes ta 10 O. & C. Timber Is Offered For Sale At Auction Twenty parcels of O, AC. tim ber and eight parcels of Public Domain timber carrying a vol ume of 51.334 M board feet of timber, and 5.050 lineal feet of Western red cedar poles, with an appraised value of $393,067.00 will be offered for sale Nov. 7, 8 and 9, by the Bureau of Land Man agement, region 1. it was an nounced today by Daniel L. Goldy, regional administrator at Portland. Twleve of these parcels will be offered for sale by sealed bid Nov. 8. at the regional adminis trator's office in Portland. These tracts carry a volume of 120.9 M board feet and a value of $94, 161.00. The remaining parcels will be offered for sale at oral auction as follows: Nov. 7, 5 at Roseburg carry ing a volume of 14.690 M board feet with an appraised value of $96,827.75. Nov. 8, 4 at Eugene earning a volume of 8.290 M broard 'feet with an appraised value of $64. 801.25. Nov. 9. 7 at Salem carrying a volume of 16.295 M . board feet with an appraised value of $137. 277.00. The tracts are located within the following counties: Lane, Douglas, Josephine, Jackson. OkMRIAl WALLPAPERS, 1 WAltPAPIRS, JtSSL refr I Wise buyers look for th Imperial ""TJsViCip M wallpapers. Guaranteed to with- IlJ flj stand room exposure without fad- w-4CsJ? ,n9 an 10 e'0,, ai,'ac,ori'y (fyeJ j whn Instructions or followed. 1 llrtur rnniiicuiiJftc I I PERSONALIZED SERVICE FOR THE HOME . , . will settle the question:. You just can't get enough of these wonderful go-everywhere, everything shoes for all of foil's informalities. How irrestible can shoes get? Just come and see these fresh these exciting new style-ideas Jilmk Short Guldt To Control Of Bang's DIsmso Issued You can keep brucellosis out of your dairy herd if you pay attention to the "Do s" and "Don'ts" outlined by authors of a new four-page folder recently issued by the O.S.C extension service. It is extension circular No. 533, extitled "You Can Stop Brucel losis." As with other college pub lications, copies are available free through county extension of fices or by writing direct to the college. Brucellosis, frequently called Bang's disease, affects both coas and humans. The human form of the disease, spread by contact with infected animals or through unpasteurized milk, is untlulant fever, the circular authors relate. Among "dont's" outlines are: Don't purchase animals from un known sources; don't make herd additions except from clean herds; don't let your cows run at large; and don't harbor stray animals, including dogs. "Do's" Include having your dairy herd blood-tested regular The News-Review Classified Ads bring best results. Phone 100. Coos. Tillamook. Yamhill, Clac kamas. Linn. Polk. Roseburg. Lake, Harney. Baker, Crook Des chutes and Klamath, Oregon, and Okanogan, Wash. match ' colors, at "Sue" ... In black, brown, blue or (rreen calf. AAAA to B Size to 10 writ ruKiuninviw i co e a z3iivV Jt FOOTWEAR lV y&Vslv " Sf black, brown, blue if I I Of E) Say you might make that next hunting trip in the State of Washington? AP news-wire discloses that it'll cost you no less George and Breoksit "We are not trying to start a race, but we insist on equal treatment." So there. Our good friend "Esther" arrived In Roseburg last Friday night after her aoress-ths-oeean jaunt to hr Nor way homeland. She's still a bit tlrtd after her long trip, but it won't be long before you'll bs greeted by her once again In the Umpqua Hotel Umpqua Hotel staff hear: "The Cisco Kid" rides guard to break the Jinx of the "Hoodoo a young newspaper boy and valuable diamond bracelet, present George Valentines case in the dramatization of "Everybody Makes a Mistake," on "Let George Do It." In the,picture Brooksie the low-down on the science of "moulage." He se cured his knowledge of this portion of scientific criminal In vestigation which has to do with building up evidence from foot prints, etc, in the Los Angeles Sheriffs Crime Laboratory. A physical resemblance between two cousins, one a famous actor, backgrounds a macabre tale titled "First Act of Murder" on "Murder by Experts" tonight at ten. John Dickson Carr Is the host KRNR Mutual Broadcasting Svstem 1490 on Your Dial REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4 00 Fulton Lwti. Jr. 4 IV-Frank Hemingway. 4 ia Loral Loan Show. 44.V-Nfwi. 5 oo Tips and Tunaa. 5 15 Music .10 Tom Mix oo Kewtng Machine Center. 6 IS Mutual NewsrccL 0 30 Sporta Page. s:ifl Music. 40 Local Nawa. House, Commercial and Industrial Wiring Electrical Trouble Shooting Motor and Appliance Re pair Free Pick-Up and Delivery service 17 Years Experience ACE ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician 316 E. 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 1095 L Trudy" ... In blark. brown, green or red calf. AAAA to B Sizes to 10 DUE) HD D than fifty smackers. The non resident hunting and fishing license fe was formerly $25. The Commission said It raised the fee to bring It in line with Oregon's charge for non-residents. Oregon now charges $25 for a non-resident hunting license; $10 for a non-resident fishing license and $15 for a non-resident deer tag. The Washington increase is effective Immediately, and the fishing license for Oregon non residents will go to $15 on Jan. 1. Commissioners put it this way: Coffee Shop. No more will the "Whm'i Esther coming back 7" on a special shipment attempting Driver" tonight at 7:30. At 8, his wife, suspected of stealing a above, George is explaining to 0 45 Southland) Singing. 6.VV Bill Henry. 7 (to Dirk Haymsw Show T 15 Sammy Ki) Showroom. ? .TO Cisco Kid 1 00 Let Genre Do It I :o You Name It. B 45 Tex Beneka. 9 oo News. ISHI Neighbor. M Scandinavian Melody Tim, a 45 Fulton Lewia. Jr. in no Murder By Experts. 10 .KV Treasury Varietlea lino-Don Wright Chorua. 11.30 Sign OIL Tt RflDAT. OrTOBCal 11, tilt. II on SunriM Serenade 6 15 Nw. a 20 Music 8 :t Rie at Shine. 7 00 News. 7 15 Breakfast Gang. 7 45 lx-al Newt. 7 .10 Beehive. 7 55- Music. oo Waiiy's Coffe Time. 8 15 Music. $:0 Haven of Real o no Modern Home. 0 15 Muse A Music. 10 Man About Town. 8 -10 Music 9. w Shop per 'l Guide, 10 OO Newa 10.15 Sweet wood Serenade. 10:;io Say It With Music. 10 45 Art Baker. l.:'H Ladiea Flrat. ll::io Queen for a Day. 12:00 Music at Noon. i::15-Sport Pace. 12:5 Mimic Vl HO ClHcklnr the Stare, 12:40 Local News 17:45 National Newi. l-:5.5 Market Report!. 100 Man on the Street 1.15 Listen to Llebert. 1 .m Standard School Broadcast 200 Aiatnat the Storm. A Mow., Oct. 10, 149 The t m tt'l ftaajuaataal. 3.00 Muilr. 3 IS School Shaw. 3 Jtt-cood N.wt Pncrua. 3 4A David Imt i io ruiinn Lawts. Jr. 4 IS Frank Haminswar. .10 Loral Loaa Show. 4 45 MubIc. 3.00 Straifht Arrow 3 30 Captain Midnlsht oo Cavairada of Safaty. 5 IS Mutual N.wiraaL S30 Sporta rasa. :i9 Muftie. 40 Ux-al N.wa s 43 Southland etnfina 133 Bill Hanry t oo Frank Purdr T 13 Mu.le You Rfmtmhah T 30 Music of Manhatua. S on Bos Thtrtaan. 8 :w Jovtn Jamboras. S oo Nawa. S IS Ruth H Judjr. . W Guaal Star. S 43 Fulton Lawla, Jr. 10 00 Gragorv Hood. 10.30 Rubb Morgan Oreh. 11:00 Enrhantad Hour. 11:30 Sun oil. Railroad Through To Alaska Canada Studltd WASHINGTON. Oct. Ryron Johnson, premier of Bri tish Columbia, is expected hee thli week to confer on propojuO to construct a railroad through his Canadian province to connect with the Alaska railroad. Senator Magnuson (D-Wash) said Saturday he looked for Johnson to arrlvt today or Tues day. Magnuson and delegate Bart- lett of Alaska are backing legis lation lo aumonze president Tru man to negotiate with Canada for a survey of proposed route for the 1.400-mile railroad. It would link a railroad at Prince George, B. C with the Alaska line. The House has passed the re solution. It is pending In the Sen-tat e. Talking About a Home? So many peopla do noth ing but tolk about It! But if yoi really want to our home, consult m now. Personal attention. Economical terms. RALPH L RUSSELL Leant and Iniurone Lsan Rapraatnitlvs Equltabl Savings Lean Assn. 112 W. Cass Phone 113 All Colella shoes shown In this ad are one new low price 11. News - Review, Roseburg, Ore. I FLOOR SANDING and FINISHING EstirtMtts J)- L Leslie Pfaff f Y 320 Ward St. Wone 134S-J Coming WEDNESDAY NOW SHOWING Yvonne DeCarlo George Brant in "SLAVE GIRL" Color By Technicolor AND paoaKH m mutbhcs it amaxic imawt STARTS WEDNESDAY Now Showing Sea All of Our Tall Hits! JIVCIIUII rSK Williams)1 V TWO t I I COWS '"iyasB. CO-FEATURE " "Northwest Stampede" Mil I MocMURRAY 1 -0'iiara aSC0ACH WHO V j 4$cJ NIVII WWS Vj WT A AMI- 1 jT;l awritai sua 1 Sf'', -aV cuaasiss- ft f -. SSTTiaja 0SI TUC irV ? orienAi' )! WYNN V t-stiM aVfTTY SAatllT ,-VvVf aaviaa cvaaT -ainr Ml OtKHtSTTL SHOE DEPT. MAIN FLOOR