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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1949)
f Every D ay Ds Result Pay n The 'Mem-Review Want "Ads CLASSIFIED RATES 1 day pr word .-. 2 aays 3 days 1 4 days days ' 1 mo. ' Real Estate EXCEPTIONALLY NICE 1-bidroom home about 1 year old complete with lawn front and back, garage and lore-room, 80x100 level lot North of City, gat range, water healer. Venetian blinds, even a Bendlx. Tnii t good and will stand close Inspec tion and a buy at only 70. Seller Prefers 82500 down but may lake l.SOO. NEAR WINSTON. new t bedroom home Juit being finished, nearly half acre lot with fruit, plastered, fully modern and priced for quick aaie at $5O0. 81000 down and 875 per month. NEAR COUNTRY CLUB, new 2-brd-room home with larse lot fine ml ana really good at 1100 with 812UG down 4 ACRES NORTH UMPQUA RIVER frontage about 7 mile from Cily on ecellent road, good fishing .ind at pretty a spot as you have ever seen with grove of fine tree around .' hoube. alfalfa patch, lota of berries, it email barn and room for cow. House u fairly new and hat everv modern convenience including phone. i ou can buy today for W500 but we 11 bet you wouldn't tell for 1 2.000 Owner needs 83500 down but will lake more. CJUST BARELY LIVABLE but outside Is finished and lights and ctty water are inside and you can partition off as many rooms as you need. About 2' acres ground Just beyond city bus line on Calkins Road with nice view of river. Con owner 83250 but leaving state and will sacrifice lor only 2300 with 8750 down. ONE Or THE BEST SHEEP RANCHES in the county for 1U size MO acre, plenty of water, large, modern home with 4 bedrooms better than many ctty homes large new barn with concrete foundation, double garage and shearing shed, older barn and other outbuildings, walnuts, fruit, berries, landscaped lawn, some tim ber, stock and eoulDment if desired. pncea wim some ox tna lowest at 125 500, terms. Roy O. Young, Realtor 309 W. Cass St. Phone 417 Bargains In Real Estate NEW two bedroom home, hardwood floors, tub bath, on large lot In country, on paved road: city water, electricity. This Is a beautiful home and worth price asked. $6500.00, $1,. 000.00 down. Balance like rent. 10 ACRES. 3s acre garden spot, 0 cab in, all rented. On two good all-year streams. Good road. Offer at price of 82500.00. $1500.00 down. ONE ACRE. 3 room cabin garage, wood shed, fruit room. Clow in. Only 91700 00. Terms. 1 BEDROOM home, close In. Not mod ern, loo x loo lot. A real buy for tVtOOO.OO, $500.00 down. Balance like rent. 7 Acres, 3 bdrm modern home In nice lo cation overlooking Sutherlin valley. Only $4700.00. $1200.00 down. 4 ROOM unfinished house on 100 x 100 Int. Close in. A real bargain for $1700. Terms. 10 ACRES. No bui'uingi. Good wll. Electricity available. Only $1600.00. Terms. 250 ACRE ranch on all year stream, 50 acres farm land, balance pas ture. 0 room house, modern, barn, chicken house. Only $14,500. Terms. 60 ACRE farm, 35 acres tillable 2 good springs, good well electric fump. 4 bedroom home, good twrn. his is a beautiful place and priced right at $6500. Terms. OVER 900 ACRE stock ranch,, with lots of water. Beautiful home com- ;p)etely modern. 3 large barns, J00 acres tillable. If you want a real stork ranch see this. Only $47.50 per acre. Paul H. Krueger, Realtor BRUCE TAYLOR. Salesman Opposite City Hall. Sutherlin, Oregon Phone 9711 LOWDOWN PAYMENT-HOME 3 B. R. big utility room, attached garage, new lawn, front and rear, shrubs, nice location. $1200 down $8500. , OWNER LEA VINO TOWN HAS REDUCED PRICE for quick sale Very nice 2 B. R. home, hardwood floors, attached garage, big lot, lawn, shrubs newly painted good loca tion. Terms. $7950. INCOME PROPERTY 1 B E down, 2 B. R. up. not quite completed. Large full basement with playroom, drvine closet In basement. Hard wood floors, automatic oil fur nace In basement. 3 room apt. In back of house, now rented for 850 per ma Could be used for sm?ll business because of its location. Terms. AU for $14,700. LARGE TOCK RANCH 12R2Acre ranch, 400 A. tilled, large mod ern home, full basement fireplace, fine view. Good barns, some timbtr. will carry 5O0 ewes and also make a good cattle ranch. Not tar from food town. Easy terms. Better see in is soon. Earl & Gladys Wiley, Realtors ROSE HOTEL BUILDING Phone 728-R $$ Specials $$ MODERN AUTO COURT 5 units and 3 room living Quarters. Cooking facili ties, linen and furniture in each. Lo cated in neighboring town on High' way 99. This is excellent Investment ?roperty. It will net $250 per month, otal price only $5500 COM PLETEL Y FURNISHED 3 bedroom k,. home living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Extra room in basement. Furnace. Garage, lots nt flowers, shrubs and grapes. Paved street and sidewalk. Good residential location. Priced exceptionally low at soooo. $3000 down. Bruce V. Gllley Real Estate 335$ N Stephens Ph 199-J-2 Office on Highway 99 North When It's Real Estate tn Myrtle Creek and South Douglas Co. Winston & Wynter Surveys Maps Plans Percy C. Armstrong Civil Engineer tit So. Main St Ph. H17-RX APPROXIMATELY 1 acre on South Umpqua river; 4-room. modern house fireplace. 2 nxm cabin, garage, win ter s wood, pressure pump ft fruit trees, strawberries, lawn, hedge Har old Yost. 2 miles South of Roseburg on Tipton Road 3 TWIN -ROOM bungalows, hardwood floors, all modern Double cement driveway an.1 garage Lot onxTuo ft . Industrial part of town. Worth $11. 000 Full prica $10,500. $7500 cash, balance term. Call 624-J; if no an-swercall458-Y fbn SALE BY OWNER 2 B R. home eo-npletely furnished. living room, kitchen and bath, utility room and garage. 6 acres of very good iand. Happy Valley, L. G. Rt., Mrs. H. Muhle. WELL-CONSTRUCTED ' 2 " B Vt home: living and dining room, big utility room attached garage. 9 acres of land 0 mien ou'h of Roseburg Mrs. H. Muhle, Happy Valley, L, G. Route FOR SALETwo bedroonT mode-h home well located, on bus line, lxlWI ft . nice lawn. My equity and Mianc ai 55 month. 14 Milter Lane. (Off East Douglas -IPMESITES of about 's and 1 acres: Vrms to suit you. A. F Suksdorf, i W ins ton. I Real Estate LOCATION Minutes from down town Roseburg. in another world from the hustle and bus tle of Industrial and business activity. Na turally beautiful rolling terrain has been divided Into large lota by con toured streets pavea for perma nence and cleanli ness, with each lo: affording a view Cloverdale Park is Roseburg s largest and most beauti ful suburb. . CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION, continuous con crete. FLOOR JOISTS on 16" centers. PLlBgrsded. No, 1 and better. CEILING JOISTS on 16" centers. 2' x 6-. PLIB grade d. number 1 or better. WALL STUD DINGS, on 16" rent -re. 3' X 4" PLIB graded. No. 3 or better. DOUBLE WALL construction, papered or painted inside wall, Reynolds Alumi num foil insulation, wood sheeting, building paper, siding PLUMBING AND WIRING according to code. CEILINO INSULATION of Kimsul In tails WINDOW GLASS area exceeds FHA re quirements. WINDOW VENTILATION ditto. ATTIC VENTS louvered FOUNDATION VENTS screened. INSPECTIONS MENTS WATER HEAT- ER, Rheem 40 gai. electric FURNACE. TO. 000 B.T.U. oil forced air, auto matic, spun glass inierea. WINDOW schp.civh. nyionc aluminum. DOOR SCREENS, front and rear. WINDOWS. Lock wood. "non-stick, float ing sash" weather stripped DOOR BELL, front and rear. DOOR LIGHT, front and rear. GUTTERS DOWNSPOUTS, aluminum. BATH TUB. Briess. "non-skid " SHOWERS in every bath, FIREPLACES. s-enutne "Heatilator". LAWNS, planted and tended to first cuiiing. FINANCE The most flexible fi nancing plans ever offered to Roseburg home buvers. FHA financ ing on low intr,l IniH down pay- ment. long term schedules, or CON TRACT financing for as little as $500 down, or NO DOWNPAYMENT special arrangement. "Live in Cloverdale Park" Drive out now or phone for transpor tation. It doesn't cost a dime ts look. FIES AND CLUTE REALTY Exclusive Agents Phone 1591 Open 10 a. m. 8 p. m. j Cloverdale Of flea j '- Open Daily Including Sunday Own Your Own Home L RANCH STYLE S bedrooms located sp prox, 2' miles from Roseburg en nearly an acre of land with river frontage. Fireplace, insulation, wide eaves plaster and knotty pine finish. view windows, and other distinctive features. Occupancy in 30 days. FHA or siate ui financing. SHIPSHAPE, older 3 bedroom home and 3 oversized city lots In North Jack son street area. Has new paint on interior and exterior, the roof is good, the modernised kitchen has rubberized tite floors, and the large Hvine-dinina room combination plenty of window light. Garage. A real opportunity tor someone a em ring a good older home and over 1-3 ai re of land in the city limits. Only $6,3oo. $2300 down. Balance at $30 a month. WELL-APPOINTED 3 room home near Rose school The interior has been completely and expertly redecorated. This home has 2 bedrooms down, expansion room up. Partial basement, gnrage. A newer home in a con venient location. Full prica $9,500. Terms. NEW 3 ROOM modern home, of superior construction in North Roseburg At tached carport big lot. An excellent value for $7,150, Total price. Terms. EXCEPTIONALLY NICE 9 bedroom home in fine suburban location. Dsndy kitchen. Inside uitility. attached ga rage, insulated, Venetian blinds, and la r fie free soil lot Owner must sell. MAKE AN OFFER. I.!. $mo down to buy 4 mom house that is ceiled inside and outside. wird for electricity, water piped into house. 62 x 100 lot Eden bower district. S ACRES and modrn 1 bedroom home in desirable location. Reasonable cash offer will be considered. THESE AND MANY OTHER FINE PROPERTIES FOR YOUR INSPEC TION. Stanley E. Short REALTOR Call 10R2-R 114 West Lane St. Always Have It Surveyed Jim Omuw herty the eng1neerPh .IR7 R FOR-SALE OR TRADE for Oregon or California property with small acre age. 3 room house. 50x170 lot. well improved. 1 mile north of Sutherlin. Box215. Sutherlin. FORSALE LVCAVYONVILlETwb lots in ML Reynolds Addition, on ; paved road, lights, water and sewer j available Ph 7:r7-L. Roseburg COTS FOR SALE CityVater end lights' available. Low down payments. Eugene i Sidenour, Phone 730-J-5. ' ' u 7 BY NvLlr,X ' nninc- 5A'ir J ,n "' m K'vftfmr' in,p-tora I -Vrife53 contractor t J Llpaa. Inapertora I 1 Tiirf ' Ro- 1 1 I i IrfH b u r JaaaajjJ, 1 1 77 ff H o ro . l 49 Inipcctor, 'H A, J W. all tnda- w pcndentlv. gfki APPOINT- Real Estate More For Your Money NEW S-BEDROOM HOME large plate glass windows, wide eaves, lot 83xlu0. city water 4c elec. needs some fin ishing inside. The price is now $J0OJ, ti75 dn. NEAT MODERN S-BEDROOM HOME IN TOWN, choire location, extra bund ing lot. fruit trees, detached garage. A buy for $6500, S2.VK) dn.. $30 mo OWNER WILL SACRIFICE THIS BEAU TIFUL WESTS1DE HOME. It ha 1 good sized bedrooms, large living room with dining alcove Ac fireplace, bath & shower, hardwood floors, dual gas furnace, fully plastered at insult ed, large picture windows, attache garage. 75x110 free soil lot with new clover lawn: the price la ONLY 879 W. l'i STORY HOME in new close-In neigh borhood, the large living room has a fireplace, there are 2 -bed rooms, din., kitchen A bath, the lOOxJOO corner lot has 10 bearing walnut trees. For quirk sale the price Is $7750, liberal terms, 4' Int. on bat. it Large & Small Ranches 1t Business Opportunities j Mortgage Investments River Frontage Acres Leases Hayden H. De Camp REALTOR 749 8. Stephens Street Phone 173-L VACANT Immediate Possession THREE bdm. home at 560 N. Pine. Fine 50x175 lot on river, three min. walk town, stores, schools. See tnis for a buy at $6,300. with $1,300 down, or $5,800. with $3,000. down and $.V). per mo. on baL Owner at Box 89W Melrose Rte. Notice No Trespassing ON MY PROPERTY C. D. Burgoyne 1 Riddle, Oregon NO HUNTING or trespassing on our groperty South of the North Umpqua iver to the Garden Valley Road and West of the R. R tracks to the South Umpqua River. Ed Marks. John Marks. Ora Welker, Ware Bros. WE WILL Prosecute anyone found hunting or trespassing on our prop erty on Roberta Mountain Road. Merle H. Doering and J. Carl Doer- ing. NO HUNTING or trespassing "on my property at Wilbur, Oregon. G. W. Short. NO' HUNTING or trespassing on our property North and East of Newton Creek Road. Ware Bros. NO HUNTING or "trespassing "on foT- mer J. T. Culver Ranch on Rice Creek. A. A. Bellows NO TRESPASSING on theC EGH- breath Ranch at Glide, C R. Clump- ner. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my property, including the Harris place Phtl Strader. Glide. NOHUNTING on the Burnett Ranch at Round Prairie and Roberta HilL G F Burnett. NO HUNTING or trMpTsslng-onthe J H Short Estate. J, v. and Claude Short. NO HUNTING or trespassing on our ranch north of Roseburg to New ton Creek Road. Baraga r Ac Son. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my property one mile cast of Wilbur. Stanley Short. NOTICE No hunting or tresassrngon T- F. Kerr property. NO HUNTING or trespassing on Happy Valley Ranch.. Rohr and Marsters. NO HUNTING or trespassing on the aianaiey nancn, uiiae. NO HUNTING- or" trespass! ng oti the DeBernardl Ranch. NO HUNTING or trespassing on Sun- shine Ranch. Frank Strader NO HUNTING or trespassing on my Roberts Creek property. Ray Rauch. NO HUNTING or trespassing on "my ranch at Round Prairie. Henry Weber. NO HUNTING or trespassing on-my property. J. C. Livingston, Glide. NOHUNT7nG or trespasingonthe Lane Mountain Ranch. Ora Welker. NO HUNTING or"-trespassing. Kruse Bros. ' NO HUNTING on John H. Robinson Ranch. NO TRESPASSING on the Grubbe ranch Bernard Grubbe. NO" HUNTING-or trespassing on' WhiN son Bros, ranch, 2 miles S. of Dlllaro. NO "HUNTING or trespassing CaJ Henry, Umpqua. MY PLACE is posted. Keep offoTit! Fred Stone. Livestock Schricker's Auction MILES NORTH OP ROSEBURG. ON 99 SALES EVERY MONDAY LIVESTOCK AT 1 P. M Furniture at 1 CONSIGNORS MAY EXPECT A FAIR MARKET PRICE AT THIS AUCTION. SCHRICKER A SONS. AUCTIONEERS Bring Your Livestock WHERE they bring in the most money Sale everv Friday. Livestock 12 o'clock. Furniture T p. m Roseburg Auction Phone 191 Beautiful chestnut sorrel colt, flax en mane and tail. Gentle, broke for lady to ride, a real pet and very outstanding. Age 2'i years, named Traveler by Doughboy. Price $150 Seem him at Voeller's near Rodeo Grounds or call 1244-R. WANTED Fat lambs, yearlings and canner ewes. Write or call, Jams E. Lewis. Mvrtle Creek, Oregon. Ph. B4; Darrill W. Ray, Rt. 2. Box 398-B, Roseburg. Oregon. Ph. 695-R-l. GOOD MILKING Sho"rthorrT'calvM.Tome weaned. Several yearlings. Also some family cows. Nichols, Melrose Rt., Bnx .TOl. FOR SALE Two 1st calf heifers, milk ing 2 months. Reasonable. L. H. Ritchie. JRlj 2. Box 271. FOR SALE Guernsey cow and eal?, $150 Ph. 6814 Sutherlin. WANTED -All kinds of livestock R M Cox Ca 1 1 W0-J-4 fiULL SERVICE) Artificial Insemlna- tion.Ph. 1.100. WEANEH : PIGS for sale. Ph7 52 :-F4. Poultry Baby Chicks Ramps, Reds, Crosses. Every week tn the year. Best of breeding. Pullorum passed. Hatching Eggs Wanted Year around market City agent, Douglas Co Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery Looking lata Rt Phone ISjT-S FOR SALE -New Hampshire fryers, 15e Jb.. New Hampuhire pullets. Tvery day, year around. Clar-Mar Poultry Farm, lit house on Curry Road. Ph. 1599-J-4. FOR SALE-Parmenter Red Pullets. $! B0 each Mrs. Forrest Tandy, Yoncalia, Oregon FOR SALFJFryers S mileouVMefrose Hifhwiv Howard Ransom Rabbits BABBIT Whit, Nw Zealand burkf, d and fryers. Char lea O .Neill, Look tniKlaaa Rt WITH RABBIT MEAT A MEAL S COMPLETC U. V. H B. A. I TUrll TV Tt- Fwrv Tim Rv Timmv Hariri I I XliVJ MJ, AS. ?V "V j J J i i 'V i . jii-m 1 1 it wr w.'j m i m j?!- rr w t i ev" v n " t " .... i Help Wanted Card Salespeople $$$ EARN up to $50 dailr. Be first show NEW PLASTIC Christmas Cards that sell on sght 7 SUPER IMPRINT LINES SAMPLES FREE Write for 44-page catalog of eye-opening bar gains. WESTERN ART STUDIOS Dept. N-11. 257. 8 Spring. Los Angeles Wanted Experienced Studebaker Mechanic KEEL MOTOR CO. 443 N Jn-ksnn LONG NEEDED "INVENTION Established Company. Every home, fac tory store, farm a prospect. Low price, long profit. Exclusive. Fine outfit. No deposit. Information sent airmail. Write Red Comet, Inc., Dept. 118. Littleton, Colo. Housekeeper Temporary housekeeper to assume re sponsibility of homa and 2 children. Ph. 5-F-12. AVAILABLE. The best one-man bus iness in Southern Douglas County. We provide capital. Car requires!. Write J. R. Walkins Co . 137 Dexter Avenue. Seattle. Washington. "NEED CHRISTMAS money?" The big Christmas season means big profits for Avon representatives. We train you. Write Avon Mgr., Route 2, Box 05. Creswell. Oregon. WANTEDMiddle-aged.reTtned woman as housekeeper and cook for 2 in modern home. News-Review Box 0. HELP WANTEDOne varder ensrineer Four miles east on N. Umpqua road. Decker Logging Co. WANTED Walnut pickers. Ph. 55-F-S waiter r . wrigm, curry nsiaie. WALNUT" PICKERS wanted.-M. Lehne, Lower Garden Valley. WALNUT PICKERS WANTED. CTTL Spray. Garden Valley. NEED 3 "Fiillerettes! Fuller BrushCo. Call Mr. Brown tUS-Y-X after 7 p. m. Loatis MONEY $10 $25 $50 $75 $100 $200 $300 UP TO $500 Borrow on your salary All steadily em ployed men and women may qualify today for a salary loan up to t.100 whether you're in a new Job or an old one. Borrow on your ear or furniture. Your furniture or automobile make excel lent security at Local Loan paid for or not Up to $300 on your furniture bus to $500 on your car. Special "Pay Day" Loans, $10. $21. $50 loaned till "Pay Day" or longer Pay only for the actual number of daya you keep the money. $21 cot I9e for one week. Na ether charges. Phone for your Loaa LOCAL LOAN CO. Leo Sevy, Mgr. $35 No Jarksosl Phone 1173 Lie. 1-275; M-353 Roseburg LOANS UP TO $300 On your Signature. Furniture or Livestock UP TO $500 On your automobile (paid for, or noti Loans made quickly, privately for any worthwhile purpose such as Cnexpected expenses Medical and Dental bills Consolidate debts Re-financing When vou borrow get your money from the company that makes It convenient to borrow and convenient to repav Lower pa v menu now available up to 20 months to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. 309 Douglaa Cnunrv 8f Bank Bld Phona 4SA M-3J7 suta Lie. f.4 Financial F. H. A. LOANS ""UMPQUA REALTY lit N Stephens Ph 1VU-J Atim fr'im Pot fffl-e on Hig--ai Miscellaneous ' rO GIVK AWAY Four ... alt Una Apply Roaaburf Country Club. Rentals BRAND NEW HOMES FOR RENT Automatic oil furnace, large elec tric water heater, houses fully in sulated, windows weather-stripped, large lots, paved streets, sewer, attractive district. 2 bedroom house at $70 per month 3 bedroom at $75. fireplace 2 extra. Phone 1537 or 1566, 405 W. Casa St. FIES AND CLUTE REALTY FOR RENT POLISHER. WAXER and scrubber All in one tool. Light enough any child can handle finger-tip control. F & W Floor Covering Co. 327 S Stephens Phone 1478-R Rent A Singer Electric portable sewing machine for use in your own homa. , SINGER SEWING CENTER 204 N Jackson Ph 723 Basement UNDER LOCAL store In center of Rose burg. Ideal for storage. Alley entrance Contact Manager Joe Richards Men's Stcre. TRAILER SPACE BY WEEK or month. Constant hot water, heated showers, laundrv; drv. weil-graveled park; chil dren welcome. "At-Last-A" Trailer Park, north 99. Room And Board Phone Ml-Y-X OWNER'S-BEAUTIFUL home for rent, unfurnished. Reasonable to relianle rouole with references, lfl miles out. See Mrs. Edwards at the News-Ra- TWO-ROOM. FURNISHED apt , closeTn; private bath, aas and haht meters. No drinkers. $1A per week per couple. Mrs. Payne, 112 Brock way. FOR RENT 2-bedroom apt., unfur nished; modern apartment house In city; kitchen, living utility room. $80 Including utilities. Ph. 855-J 2. POR RENT Modern. 2-bedroom apt., automatic hot water heat, close in. Roseburg News-Review, Box 37. refer ences exchanged. REFINISH your own floors, easily done with our high speed floor sender in expensive. Montgomery Ward at Co Phone 95 FOR RENT New 3-bedroom home", fsvement, sewer. $77 per month, les & Clute Realty, 403 W. Cat St.Ph 15;t7. FOR RENT Bedroom: new bed, private entrance and bath; large lounging room. Men only. 1108 Corey Ave. , Ph. 124A-R. THREE' ROOMS AND BATH, partially. iiirnisnea tor cnupie: reasonanie rent. News-Review Box 45. FURNISHED 3-bedroom house. Flsk Property. Keasey Road. Contact next ouse evenings. 3-ROOM HOUSE. mile from Junc tion on highway 42, 2nd road to left. Anderson. 3-BEDROOM. unfurnished: gas furnace ciose to ouainesa district. $tu. rn. 533-R. 1 FOR RENT 30xtO warehouse, concrete floor, new construction; close in. Lehman Real Estate. 1 BEDROOM furnished house. " close to sfhool and business district Write New.j-Review, Box 15- Trucks for rent you drive, long or short trips. Bee Hive truck rental 7. South Stephens. Phone I4M-J fRUCKS and trailers for rent, move yourself. Thompson Signal Service Stephens at Washington Phone 795 WARM SLEEPING rooms7wfth oPwith- nut private bath. 100 Spruce, West Washington. HOUSE FOR "R ENT 5 a miles soulh. Hignway 09, turn left General Weld ing Works. APARTMENT 3 rooms and kitchenette. H. Miller. HUUbE THAILER. Phone 715-J-9 after 9 p. m. FOR HENtSmatl furnished- apt., suit able ior l laav. cioae in. Laii 7H4-K, CLEAN SLEEPING room. 1051 Military . i-n. iMiH-r. APARTMENT for 1 or 2 ladles. Apply 104ii Corey, Apt. 3. SLEEPING ROOMS for men. Close In. .129 W. Mosher. ROOM FOR RENtTladv-or'ntleman. 724 Cnhb St (Ph. U22-J. UNFURNISHED DUPLEX for rent. $40. per month. Bert 1-auranre, Dillard ROOMS FOR RENf7withand without kitchen privileges 5QB Fowler Df 'MP TRUCK reritalsT Cany orivlfie. Phone 755. TRAILER SPACE, close to town. 54$ Mil St. 3- R OOM A PT. , pa rl ly furnished. 437 Fttrer St. No drinkers. fflCE Ct-EAN room for rent, nien only miu. rn. i.t37-YA. FURNISHED smail cabTn. Ph. 855-R-l. SLEEPING ROOM. $30 N. Jackson. SLEEPING ROOM 1203 N Jackson. NICE, clean room. 245 Booth. ROOM FOR rent. 1249N. Jackson. SINGLE ROOM I1M Military." Fuel PEELER CORE: mill ends; planer ends; fireplace wood. Double loads, prom pi delivery. Claude Wilier. RL f. Box 4.1 Ph 15-J-3. or 143-J-3. 6AK AND MADRONE; also fir stove- wood and chunks. C J. falconer, Can- yonville. PLANER ENDS, double ioadsrrompt delivery. I2 and up. Claude Willey. Phone I5-J-3 FOR" SALE Slabwood. Logging Equipment FOR RALE TD tractor In excellent condition. $4.010. Also TD-14 with h0 hours since completely rebuilt, HjO0. Located 8 miles E. of Oakland. R V. Hasseil. Oakland. Oregon, Gen. Del. FOR SALE DT 18 International tractor A-l ennditinn RX 2O0 Skagit yarder A-l condition K5 International dump Uuck. Ph. 818-J-ft evenings. J IFor Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service Septic Tanks Cleaned Tank, opened free, prompt aarvira. rea- Konable ratea. No mileage charge. Phone 12M.V 74 Short It J. Edmnnd. Proo Carpenter Work REMODELING CEMENT FINISH1NO By hour or contract: Ph. I6I4-J-3 ALL BUILDING construction, new and old, remodeling, 10 down, no Job too large or too small AU type masonry construction, flagstone and brick barbecues and patios a specialty Mat nestte floors and drain boards Phone 1MO-R-1. comra.ctnr.A R Snow HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wishes place to work for room and board while finishing senior year. References ex changed. Write Box 44, News-Review. SECRETARY Stenographer.' wide ea pertence. desires position In Rose burg. Box 42. News-Review, or write Margaret Wylle, Harmony Farm, Brockway. I WILL take care of your children w.iite you work and if necessary do light housework. Write Box 35, co News Review. WILL" CARE for pre-schoo. children from 8 00 to 5:00 or during working hours: nursing experience. 500 Piuer, pn. iJn-T WORK WANTED Garden and lawn work: rotary tillage: fertilizing and piannng isii .rn.vj-j. HOUSEKEEPING FOR ONE In or near Roseburg. for a home, by a reliable miuaie-agea woman, write box j. WASHINGS ROUGH dry " or fintshT In my home. Call 1704-J-L Pick up and ae nver. BASE MENTSAN Dhic ka r dsieaned Light pickup and delivery C. A DcalPhone 15HH-J-3 Ros burg. ALTERATIONS DRESSMAKING All types Mrs Don W Garrison. 1005 Madrone StPhone 802-L MIDDLE-AGE lady rieslresh"ousekeep. ing Job. small wages. Rt. 2, Box J74. WILL TAKE CARE of children any time in my home. Ph. 1150-L-X. WILL CARE for ona'chlld In my home days. Call 50-J-2. WILL DO IRONING In myhome7"Call 1358-R.1024 Eddy St. WANTED To care for pre-scfiool' "rfVil- dren In my home, days. Ph. 1313-R-X. WASHING AND IRONING liTmy homa Ph.iei8-R-a WILL CARE FOR children ages 4 uTll Phone HW3-Y. TRAILER TOWING"! Ph 530 - R - X - 2 iSoursi 919 Garden Valley Road. WANTEDIroning In my home 531 Fowler SI Phnne53fl-JX IRONING IN YOUR HOME. Call 863 J. Wanted Wanted Real Estate listings. If you have had trouble In moving your prop erty see us. We are extremely short of home listings. Lehman Real Estate Ph. 722 J 414 N. Jackson Wanted To Buy Christmas Trees Write fo C 8 'Tnsley, L. O. Star Rt, giving informal ion. Wanted BEET. VEAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phona 922-R-3. or 499 R-S or writ. Montr 1. Ru.burf Will Pay Cash WE BUY used furniture, all types. Call at 444 No. Jackson. Phone 1S93-J. The Bargain House COUPLE WITHIBmonth oldch"lid need one bedroom house or apart ment. Furnished or unfurnished Ex cellent care. References. Call 2AA-J. WANT ED Junk, all "kinds; eoppr hr-tss. aluminum, lad. rags, hatlertes Bob's Salvage Yard, 2338 N. Stephens. Phone 1H9-J-3. WANTED-Good, fresh, yo'ung row. or coming fresh soon. Chas. F. Wilson, Looktngglass Rt., Roseburg. Oregon. FAMILY OF 4 need a 4 or 8 "room house or ant., reasonable rent, or will lease. Ph. Ifl.'t2-J. REFINED, middle-aged lady wishes fur nlhed house or apt. Ph. 1148-L, or 412 Fowler ft. W ANTED-Furnlture. sewing machine and tools Anything sf vaiua. Private party I'hone 855-R - 3. WANTEDTO B1IY-AII kinds of furnT ture Let us hid on ynur house of fur niture Call :(. R at Mift N Jafkson F,t WALNtTTS WANTED to dry" after Ort in Bacon Baron. Curry Estate. WANTED "TO BUY Hides. Roseburg Mfnt Co phone 3fW Fruits and Vegetables DELICIOUS AND Ortley apples, $1 00 u ll' w per nox ruing containers. 1 mile West of Ixnklngglaaa Store. Marsh Ranch. Phono 27 F . Closed Sunday RED DELICIOUS" APPLES, fl 00. $150, S2 25 a hox. Washed and free of spray. Bring containers. 3'j miles 8 of Dixonville. Wm. H. Bailey. CRAPFA. many kinds. U-plck. Dale Zel- le'. mocKwav Timber Sawmills Wanted Second Growth Logs CONTACT WILBUR LUMBER CO FOR SALE lSswmlll or any part. CMC diesel edger anrt other units. Roy Denny. 8351 Winchester. Aon., 0e. 10, 1949-Th Nws-Rsviw, Roseburg, Or. 11 For Sale Miscellaneous FRIGIDAIRI Refrigerator. 8 cu. ft., new unit, 4 year guarantee, porce lain Interior and exterior $188 78 FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator, 8 1-1 cu. tt. 4-year guarantee, used nine months $234.18 APT. SIZE G E Refrigerator, 2i cu. ft., sealed unit, quilt ..$ 88 88 USED CUSTOMA1RE oil heater. 8" burner $ 48.00 USED QUAKER heater. 8" burner $ 38-89 1 EASY RPINDRIER washer, food condition - $ 18.88 1 ABC-O-MATIC washer, washes and rinses, never used, was $248 50. now $124 80 USED EASY ironer. demon strator. excellent condition ..$ 88 50 MAGIC CHEF gas range, used very little, automatic timer and lamp, smokeless broiler, three large utility sections, now $125 00 OLYMPIC wood range, good con dition - $ 48 85 MONTAO WOOD RANGE $ 45 00 KNOX MEALMASTER wood range 4 48.83 WESTING HOUSE RANGE, table top, white porcelain, 3 surface units and deep well cooker ..$ 88.78 WESTtNGHOUSE RANGE, white porcelain with stainless steel top. 3 surface units u $ 47.50 1 WESTERN HOLLY gas and wood combination range, late model $129 00 THREE lea boxes. $10. $15, 32 50 Umpqua Valley Appliance 120 W Oak Phona 1218 SPARTAN 24' 20' 30 - 34 The life time trailer Has a body we believe will last 80 years or mora. No dry rot Kit i - ! iv - o - a Columbia 12 14' SO' 22 13 The West's Fastest tellers and Other Trailers of Quality Also used trailers, trade-ins accepted Bank contracts Contracts to 3 years on Spartans. Earl E. Smith N W Largest Dealer Eugene Ore Phone Springfield 2021 i Miles South on 00 Rt 4. Box 22, Eugene 3 Compact vacuum cleaners complete with attachments. These machines are practically new, been In use only about 3 months. Will accept bids. 1 Singer electrto Iron. 1 Motorola portable battery or electric radio. Good condition. $20. Inquire at 200 Douglas Ca Bute Bank Bldg. or phono 460, New 2-Bedroom House Hardwood floors, v acre lot. $5000, Full prica terms If desired. Suiter's Bldg. Supply 1 720Wa I nutSL Ph. 12P7-R FOR SALE Power winch. 120 H P. power unit Transmissions. Rear axle assemblies. Log trailer. A-frame. Axle shafts for all trucks. Ray's Truck Shop 2051 N. Stephens Ph. 408-J-4 SINGLE ROLLAWAY bed, chests of drawers, auditorium size guitar, new radlo-phnnograph combine I ion. lamp table, swing rocker, smstl rocker, small table and chairs, library table, old davenport set, buffet. Phone 220 J-2. or see at first drive to the right north of Mountain View Homes, hlgh way 99. Home OTWheels EVERYTHING BUT THE BATHROOM Heavy gauge aluminum exterior Elect. reirig. ana water neaier. sleeps Terms may be arranged. Sea this at Umpqua Trailer Park Hwy. 98 N., N. V. C. Klnch, Ph. 1557-J. Kiver Loam ueliverea GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS We have an abundant supply. Paul Casey 57 W Mosher Phone Ut-y HAVEVou trtedlha easy modern way to wash? The Self-Service Laundry 18 COBB ST. Try Our Friendly Service FOR SALF277tr7ationaitralier. east ern built, like new; tandem wheels. 1 electric refrigerator, butane cooking ' and heating, sleeps four. See at 1ft house north of Trailer Court arrors Vet's Hospital on Garden Valley Road. ! Priced to selL Claude LeFevtr, Rt. 2,Box 180-F. FOR SATE --Olympic oil range cost 209 7 months ago; will sell for 175. Ph. 7;-R-4; highway 98 No . turn risht at Loa Cahin Grocerv: last small house. Evenings only. C. L. Biggest. FULLER BRUSH MAN PHONE 6 1 5-Y-X F6RSALE"-ORRENTiSchuls" DV- tuxe model luxury liner, aa ft. trsiier home. Orchard Trailer Court, 8 miles south, Highway 99. Will sell for our equity, and you assume contract. 1 John Davidson. FOR SALE OR TRADE - One Urk sender and buffer, orismal cost 78: for Vs-inrh electric drill, or tanie saw, or Jointer. 958 S. Jackson. Ph. , I2in-R 1 tor saCe oh Trade i-ft 1949 Cshanctte trailer house Equity 81 , 087.90. Will sell for 1725 or trade for equity In small house. Can he seen st 5jl5 Wsrt1 St.. Roseburg Your Shake Maker Bill Badger, Drew PARRfOiL- circulator-used 4 months; at a reduced prire, or will trsde for large wood circulator in like condition. tVa W. Lane St., Rose burg, Oregon. If AVE OUR venisoncut anTwrappVd for the locker. Locker meat at wholesale. Deck's 1 mile north nf the Garden Valley Rnad Junction, onHlghway 99 Ph. 35fl-J-4. FOR SALE -1948 27-ft trailer house, good condition. Terms, or will trade equity far smaller trailer house. Ph. fW8 SCHITLZE HOUSE TRACER, 21 ft: 8850. Will take furniture or what have you? I mile W of Kennedy s Mill on looktngglass Rt. JesseMotta TWO "BEVERAGE refrigerators. one" eu ft Suitable for restaurant or tavern. Inquire at Idle Hour Tavern Via N Jackson. SEI.lT" EQIMTY In lai 27 ft trailer home Balanre 850 month. Telephone 41-F-.12 Kee at Roy's Automotive Ser re,Oakland SEW AND USED furniture: faa and wood stovaa and heaters. Wood stove repairing a specialty. Call 1 ..21-R. Al's Furniture Center, 8I4 Winchester Ut LARGE CEDAR fence posts 'for ""sale Roseburg Shingle Co. N Umpqua Rd Phone 127.1J WILL" CRE 6Rird7e1TBgea 4 ta 1. Phona 83-Y. For Sale Miscellaneous 4T ALL METAL 22 4 -ft Columbia hou-a trailer, excellent condition. Can ba seen at Camp Vlew: M O DELE R S Forrester 89 and pla ne vt0 complete; Vivell 35 and plane, complete, $8. Ph. 1562-L after 0. FOR SALE Monarch wood range, $50. Good condition. Ralph Sands, Wtl bur. V NEOI-TTWOTOR- COURT and "no VB- cancy" sign. Straub's Court, 1001 N. Stephens. Ph. 199-J-l. - HOUSE MOVING, foundation, leveling. 14 vea-s experience P a B Towing, 743 S Stephens Phone 026. BEAUTIFUL CANARIES 10 and up. Hillcrest Aviaries. Melrosa Route. Cleveland Hill road. Roseburg, Ore. FOR SALE 1 gray Wilton" rug,i2xl3, $100 Callj8T4-J. 6lL STOVE.-used veryHtttle: roorru 830rH. WJHuuhard, Umpqua Park. FOR SALE 1 used washing machine. $25. 322 So. Jackson. FOR SALE House trailer porch." Ph. 1321-R-X. FOR SALEElectrntux vacuum cleaner, A-l condition. 373-R-2. 555 Barager. TRAILER HOUSE for sale, $400. Roy Mirhener, Looktngglass NEW KIRBY cleaner, williicounT$2 for cash. 547 8. Stephens. .tlRWAY 8ANIT17.0R vacuum. CasiTor lerms i-none isis-h Trucks FOR SALE or trade for lata model car. Large equity in 3 Ton GMC truck. 8 mo. old, 2 -speed axle, Booster brakes, 8 25 tlrea. Phone 8J7.J-1 between 1 a. m. and 8 p. m. 1 1046 INTERNATIONAL pickup. 1 1948 International pickup: I single axle piling trailer For information Phone 4.12 129 2nd Ave South XLC' SHAFTS for all makes of trucks. Rsv's Truck Shop. M55 N Stephana. Phona 499 J 4. Farm Equipment FOR SALE CHEAP One 2-bottom 14 plow, and almost new Masaey Harris tractor, model 2a Must salt Call 144M-R-X jr 149-J-5. FOR SALE One "ten -foot tractor dis and a subsoller. Phona 17-F-J. Lyla ft. Marsters. Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE 1st. tnd, and 3rd cutting) anaira nay. ah very gooa nay. ue live red any place. Ph. 838, J. L Belts. For Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE For property nesr Roseburg. 3 lots: aluminum shuu, 20 tt. x 24 ft., concrete floor; 1947 Na tional 27 ft. trailer house, fully equip ped. Clayton Busrh, Gen. Del.. Su'h erltn. or see at corner Central and Pine. Sutherlin. Dogs Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GRA-HO COCKER KKNNE1.4. Phona M or 452-Y Rc and owl. DUPOIa.11 color. Stud Hrvlr. Personal ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P O Bo tt la or Phon. 151B.L or 50.-J W L af O K. wrlla. S A it. ' " Ufe "Saved my A Cod-urK) lor GAS-HEARTBURN" lerscrllM the r.v tret -acting mriilrinrs knnwn fnf ymi.totnallcn)!' f mttllriimllktUhoseln BfH-sne Tnhlrt NoUaitva. Rll-aiia brings comfort to a llfly or return bottle to us for dnuM money bark Q BEli-ANS for Acid indigestion 25t ITCH Srahles Is highly con tagious and will con tinue for life if not stopped. Its sole causa is the Itch-mite, which is Immune to ordinary treatment EXSORA kills the Itch-mite almost instantly Only tnree days' EXSORA treatment is required. Mall orders given prompt attention. Fred Msysr Drags. Ressbarg Best-known home remedy you can use to relieve distress VAKOKUII DON'T MAKE AMOVE 'til you see FLEGEL Transfer and Storage Phone 935 V