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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1949)
i Th Ntwt-RtrUw, Raiekurg, Or.. Sot, Oct. I, 1949 Bushey-Meredith Rites OAKLAND GIRL Wl.. BROWNSVILLE MAN IN CHURCH RITES Miss Dorothy Balrd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don K. Baird of Oakland and Lawarence Gil lett of Brownsville, son of Mr. and Mi's. C. E. Gillett, of Rose b trg, were married at the Free Methodist church west of Suth erlin Sunday afternoon, August Marry In San Diego I SOD OuvFI 28 at 4 p. m. Rev. E. E. Bush of Bridge-Luncheon At Country Club Feature Event Of Week Wild crab apple and chrysanthemums formed a fall totting tor the bridge luncheon held at the Roseburg Country club Tues day afternoon at 1 p. m. Hostesses for the affair, one of the largest In recent monthi were Mrs. L. W. Joss, Mrs. Jack Josse and Mra. L. G Kablilua, mother of the latter, who Is visiting here from San Francisco, Calif Each table was centered with a bouquet of fall flowers and other bouquets were arranged on the mantel and about the club room. Due to the illness of Mrs. L. W. Josse, Mrs. Vel Broadway assisted Mrs. Josse and Mrs. Kablslus during the afternoon hours. Bridge was at play with Mrs. Charles B. Wade holding high acore, Mrs. Wm. F. Amlot, sec ond and Mrs. H. C. Wells, low. Traveling prizes were given Mra. George Wharton and Mrs. Hana T. Hansen. Invited to the affair were the Mesdames Clara Lundgren, J. C. Hume, C. W. Wharton, J. A. Hard ing, W. R. Brown, Harry Staple ton, Roy Bellows, H. C. Berg, Edgar Lewis, Kenneth Kinney, George Houck. B. R. Shoemaker, Sr., J. T. Pierce, Fred Hamilton, Guy Cordon, H. E. Schmeer, A. A. Wilder, D. W. Hclllwell, Chester Morgan, Charles B. Wade, Albert Mloelli, H. C. Church, H. C. Wells, Lotus Knight Porter, Wm. F. Amlot, George Wharton, Jack Wharton and H. C. Pargeter. Also the Mesdames Dexter Rice, Carl Wimberly, Stanley Kidder, Paul Helwig, Al Kent, A. B. Col lier, Hana T. Hansen, Albert Fie eel. A. B. Taylor. Vel Broadway, 3. F. Barker. T. B. Virden, Fred Chapman, Sr., Natalie Baum, Leon McCllntock, Kenneth Bailey, W. H. Carter, H. A. Watzlg, Harry J. Hlldeburn, Walter Fisher, John ; Robinson. Lester Twohv. and Har- ria Ellsworth; the Misses Reglna Sawyer, Gertrude Rast, Helen Casey, Naomi Scott and Rosa B, Parrot t. LUTHERAN CHURCH BIBLE CLASS ENJOYS LUNCHEON Midweek Bible class of St. Paul's Lutheran church enjoyed a potluck luncheon on the ver anda of the home of Mrs. C. W, Perry on the south Pacific high way Thursday. During the fter noon Mrs. Carter conducted the meeting and plans were outlined for church work for the Vail and winter months. Men of the parish are serving a chili supper beginning at 5 o'clock this afternoon to mem bers and friends of the church. Mrs. Pearl Cain and Mrs. Lewis Wilson will be hostesses to the Bible class Nov. 3 at 2 p.m, Enjoying the meeting were Mrs. Pearl Cain and son, Rusty, Mis. Lewia G. Wilson, Mrs. A. Erny, Mra. L. Hill. Mrs. V. Andraess, Rev. and Mrs. Walter Sylwester and son, Robert and daughters, Rosemary and Margaret; Mrs. Arthur Rletmann, Mrs. E. W. Carter and daughter, Susan; Mrs. E. Buettner and son, Billy; Mrs. W, Vogt, Mrs. Louise VolRt, Mrs. M. Hashatgen and the hostess, Mra. Perry. LAOY LIONS PLAN OCTOBER MEETING ' Lady Lions will hold their Oc tober meeting at Carl'a Haven at T p. m. Monday Oct. 10. Host esses for the evening are Mrs. E. R. Buckingham, Mrs James Daughtery and Mra. W. H. Allen. Social NOTICE Social Items submitted by tele phone for the society page must be turned In before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday snd by 10 a. m. Friday at which time the social calendar and hat. urday'a aociety page are closed weeKiy. SATURDAY, OCT. Rlversdale Folk Dancing club at grange hall at 8 p. m. MONDAY, OCT. 10 Annual fall guest day for Can yonvllle Woman's club at I. O. O. F. hall at 8 p. m. Lady Lions to meet at Carl's Haven for 7 p. m. dinner. Host esses are Mrs. James Daugherty, Mra. E. R. Buckingham and Mrs. W. H. Allen. N. O. W. Thimble club at home of Mrs. Robert Burton, 1005 South Kane street. D. A. V. auxiliary. Dean Perrlne unit regular meeting at 7 p. m. at Del Key cate at wincncster. Followed by dance at Veterans hospital. All members attend. Camp Fire council meeting at cnamDer oi commerce rooms ai 1:30 p. m. TUESDAY, OCT. 11 Country auction a XI Epsllon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi at home of Mrs. Bernard Saar, 1110 North Jackson street at 8 p. m. Badoura club, Nyriia Temple, Daughters of Nile at Carl E. Wim berly home, 7:30 p. m. Dessert supper. Rice Valley grange meeting, at hall in evening at regular time. Rebekah lodge at I. O. O. F. hall. Bring sack lunch. Meeting begins at 7:30 p. m. District No. 11. State Nurses association, at nurses' quarters, Veterans hospital, meeting to honor nurses with 2!5 years active service. Begins at 7:30 p. m. Martha Circle, Faith Lutheran rhurch at home of Mrs. Steve Fowler, 2037 Catherine avenue at 1:30 p. m. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11 East Douglas Home Extension Unit meeting at Glide grange hall ! By BETTY ALLEN New Arrival ; "f A Picture by Paul JankllM Miss Barbara Kltt A new arrival In Roseburg Is Mlsa Barbara Lou Kltt of Mis soula, Mont., who will serve as executive secretary for Camp Fire Girls, Inc., in Douglas coun ty. She comes well-recommended to her position end is a grad uate of Montana State univer sity. Her office is located in Miller Mercantile store and she has taken up residence at 116 Blakeley street. BETA SIGMA PHI MEMBERS DISCUSS THEATRE AT WARREN TOZIER HOME "The Theatre and You" was the topic of discussion at the meeting of XI Epallon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi the evening of Sept. 27 at the home of Mrs. Warren Tozler, 1040 Union Ave nue. Dr. Eleanor Carlson read an article on the subject follow. ed by a general discussion of the tneatre. ine memrjers also con sidered "what it is to be an 'Ex emplar'." Attending the sorority meet ing were Mrs. M. C. Bowker, Mrs. Sidney Moon. Mra. J. R. Wharton, Mra. E.F. Marcel, Mrs. Claire K. Allen, Mrs. Joseph Wlk off, Mrs. Ray C. Brown, Dr. Carl son, Mrs. Jackson Beeman, Mrs. Worth Davis and the hostess. A country auction will feature the meeting Oct. U at the home of Mrs. Bernard Saar, 1110 North Jackson street at 8 p.m. Calendar at 10 a. m. Those attending bring own lunch. Textile painting to be topic. Circle No. 2, St. Joseph's Altar society to sponsor public card party at 8 p. in. at armory. Pinochle, bridge and five hundred will be at play. For reservations call Mrs. H. J. DesBiens, 42-R-l. THURSDAY, OCT. 13 Woman's Society of First Pres byterian church in parlors. Des sert luncheon at 1:30 p. m. with Mrs. Chester Morgan as hostess chairman. Mrs. John Runyan, act ing program chairman. Woman's Benefit association to meet Thursday al home of Mrs. Margaret Havens, 412 Fullerton street at 2 p. m. Woman's Society of Christian Service at Methodist church. Topic, "Why Home Missions Schools." One-thirty p. m. dessert luncheon in charge of Circle No. 1. All-day meeting of American Legion auxiliarv sewing club, at Legion home, 118 South Kane street at 10 a. m. Sack lunch, cof. tee lurmsnrn. Nnrthside Sunshine club, home of Mrs. Ora Worthlngton, 532 tasi iane street. Country club women to spon sor annual fall guest-day bridge luncheon at clubhouse. Reserva tions by ticket only to be secured from Lee Sharman, caterer, or the president, Mrs. E. A. Pearson. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 Woman's Missionary Society of First Christian church, installa tion of new officers at 7:30 p. m. in church parlors. Rice Valley Home Extension unit, no-hostess meeting at Rice Valley Community hall from 10 a. m. until 3 p. m. lesson on "Streamlined Home Sewing." TUESDAY, OCT. 18 Dessert supper and card party at Terrace room. Elks temple, by Ladv Elks. Tickets available from Lady Elks. Public Invued. In formal fashion showing to be featured. OCTOBER 1722 Membership drive of Commu nity Concert association. 15 i .. ' ' ft CHURCHILL FAMILV REUNION EVENT Or SUNDAY AT HALL The Churchill family held a re union last Sunday at the Melroe grange hall. Potluck dinner was served roiioweo ov visiting. Attending the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Terry Dunham, Camas Valley; Mr. and Mrs. David S. Churchill, Sheridan; Mr. and Mrs. George Churchill, 'Villa mlna; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wil liams and children. Linda, Con nie and Joan, of Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krohn, Jr., and children, Susie and Stephen; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nlrkens and chil dren, Dick and Marylln; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fenn and daughter, Dorothy Dale and Jimmy, all of Roseburg, Also Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cooper of Sutherlin; Mrs. Georgia Funk and son. Billy of Long Beach, Calif.. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kru- ! se and Darlene, and W. R. Van Ornum of Wellington, Nev. Later In the day, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thompson of Roseburg and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krohn, Sr., of Melrose, Joined the group. O.E.S. PAST MATRONS HOLD DESSERT SUPPER AT VIRDEN HOME The Past Matrons Club of Rose burg Chapter No. 8 O. E. S. met at the home of Mrs. T. B. Vir den Mondav evening October 2ndf or a 7:30 dessert supper with Mrs. Earl Plummer and Mrs. Grant Osborn assisting in the serving. Mlchaelmus daisies and zin nias were used about the rooms and on Vie serving tables. Presi dent Mary Marshall conducted the short business meeting and a social hour followed. Those attending were: Mrs. Giles Ashman, Mis. G. C. Fin lay, Mrs. Florence Hercher, Mrs. Ella Lenox, Mrs. Frances Lin tott, Mrs. George Marshall, Mrs. J P. Motschcnbacher, Miss Mar garet Page, Mrs. S. J. Show maker, Mrs. H. H. Turner, Miss Ethel Webb, Mrs. R. D. Williams, Mrs. Carl Wimberly, Mrs. R. L. Whipple, Mrs. Sturgell Walker, Mrs. Stanley Kidder. Mrs. Ber tha Wilson, Mrs. Mabel Lang, and the hostesses. MRS. DONALD CASKEY IS HOSTESS TO SORORITY Final plans for rushing season for Alpha Chi chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha were made at the recent sorority meeting held at the home of Mrs. George Caskey with Mrs. Donald Caskey as host ess. The rushing affair was held last evening at the Slg Fett home with those attending attired in Chinese dress. Following the business meeting Mm. Caskey served refreshments to Mrs. Robert Nazelrod, Mrs. Jack Rodeers. Colleen Ireland. Mrs. Tyler Evans, Mrs. Robert Elliott, Mrs. Bill Benson, Mrs. Lyle Qulst, Ardyth Andrus, Wil ma Melton, Dolores Wagoner. Betty Hunnlcutt, Marge Roberts, Mrs. Ward Cummlngs, Jr., Mrs. Martin McClay, Mrs. Richard Gadway and Mrs. A. C. Knife. CANYONVILLE WOMAN'S CLUB TO BEGIN FALL CALENDAR OF EVENTS Annual fall guest day will open activities for the Canvonvllle Wo man's club at the l.O.O.F. hall at 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 10. Mrs. Dorothy Chappel, new president, urges all members to bring a guest. All ladles In the commu nity who are interested in the civic club are Invited. Mrs. Joan Hays, Mrs. Veda Anderson and Mrs. Verne Wor rail, chairmen of the hostess committee, will he assisted by the officers and Girl Scouts. Officers for this year are Mrs. Chappel, president; Mrs. Mary June Bingham, vice presldnet; Mrs. Jennie Stumbo, secretary and Mrs. Joan Hays, treasurer LUNCHEON HELD AT COLLINS HOME Mrs. Charles S. Collins enter tained a group of officers and P-TA members of Fullerton school at a 12:30 o'clock lunch eon at her home Thursday. Dalhias centered the luncheon table and during the afternoon the group held an executive meet. ing. Attending were Mrs. W. D. Rollman, Mrs. C. D. Parkinson, Mrs. Roy Cornwell, Mrs. Jack Chapman, Mm. N. D. Johnson, Mrs. Robert Hclllwell, Mrs. Charles Williamson, Mrs. Ber nard Voting, Mrs. Clifford Smith. Mrs. J. M. Bovles, Mrs. Harold Backen. Mrs. Lloyd Hayes and the hostess. DINNER HONORS RETURNING ROSEBURG RESIDENT AT HOTEL Miss Esther Fllldseth who re- turned to Roseburg Friday after spending the past three months in Norway visiting relatives, was nonoreo at a 7 o clock dinner at the Hotel L'mpqua last evening by a group of friends. On hand to greet her after her absence during the summer months were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howe. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wal ton, Mr. and Mrs. W. Maddox, Joe Murphy and Ernest Butler, and Mayor Albert Flegal. the latter giving a few words of "welcome home" to the honored guest. LAZY DAISY CLUB MEMBERS HOLD ALL-DAY SESSION AT LYOA HOME Lazy Daisy club members were entertained Thursday at an all day meeting and potluck luncheon at the home of Mis. E. E. l.yda Jr., on Sunset lane. All members were present and plans were made for the Oct. 20 meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. L. W. Pittam. Attending were Mrs. L. W. Pittam, Mrs. Monty Glover. Mrs, M. C. Smith, Mrs. Flovd Otter son. Mrs. A. F. Mitchell, Mrs. l.eo Wilkerson. Mrs. Bill Weaver, Mrs. Clifton Age and the hostess. 1 Jo ' 1 1 ; .... 4 ' jA 1 '""-sCTlL V . - :. TP, ; """o Plclura by Photo Lab. Mr. snd Mrs. Robert W. Meredith Miss Donna Bushey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bushey, and Robert W. Meredith, son of Mrs. M. M. Meredith, all of Rose burg, were married Thursday evening, Sept. 29 at the home of the bride s parents, 534 South Jackson street. The 8 o'clock ceremony was read by Rev. W. A. MacArthur, pastor of the First Methodist church, as the bridal couple stood before the fireplace which was banked with white gladioli. On either side were tall candelabra with lighted tapers. Only mem bers of the Immediate families were In attendance. R. Cloyde Riffe played the wedding march and sang two se lections, ininK on Me ana "Because." The bride selected an after noon gown of light grey wool with thre quarter length sleeves and carried a nosegay of stepha notls centered with a purple orch id. She wore blue accessories and complimented her costume with pearl earrings and necklace, a gift of her cousin, Mrs. Reed S. Havens, of Glendale, Calif She was attended by Miss Bet ty Brannon of Roseburg who wore a pink ensemble. Best man was the uncle of the bridegroom, w. B. Mereaitn. me nrme s motn er wore black, outlined with old rose beading and a gardenia cor sage. The bridegroom's mother wore black with white carna tions. GENEVA GUILD HEARS TALK ON "DELILAH" AT OCTOBER MEETING Mrs. Nels Llmiell presented a discussion of "Delilah at the Oc tober meeting of Geneva Guild of the First Presbyterian church Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. John Dlngley. The program Is a continuance of a discussion of famous women In the Bible. Mrs. Fred Field presided dur ing the business session and rou tine matters were discussed. The November meeting topic will be "Abigal" given by Mrs. James Loomis. Mrs. Vance Shugart and Mrs. David Evans were added as new members to the roll. A social hour closed the meet ing. Roses and lighted tapers dec orated the table and refreshments were served buffet style. Attend ing were Mrs. Marcus Brown. Mrs. W. H. Allen. Mrs. George Erickson. Mrs. Robert Evan, Mrs. Fred Field. Mrs. Wm. D. Green. Mrs. W. G. Henson. Mrs. Donald Monroe. Mrs. Earl Neuru. Mrs. Robert Sahin. Mrs. Paul Wray, Mrs. Nels Llndell, Mrs. Alva Laws. Mrs. James Loomis. Mrs. Russell Knutson, and her mother, Mrs. Winifred Gilchrist of Seattle; Mrs. Victor Ding. Mrs. Vance Shugart and Mrs. Da vid Evans and the hostess. Assisting Mrs. Dingley were Mrs. Donald Monroe, Mrs. Earl Neuru and Mrs. Robert Evans. The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Russell Sahln with Mrs. Allen, Mr?. Brown and Mrs. Erickson assist ing. COUNTRY CLUB LADIES PLAN ANNUAL GUEST DAY BRIDGE-LUNCHEON Roseburg Country Club ladies enjoyed luncheon and cards at the 'clubhouse Thursday after noon. Of particular interest to members was the announcement that Mrs. Harrv Stearns won low gross In Class B of the Oregon Women's Golf Association tourna ment in Eugene. Club members are making plans for the annual fall guest day bridge-luncheon to be held Thursday at the clubhouse. Tick ets are available from Lee Shar man, caterer, or the president. Mrs. E. A. Pearson. Committees working on the affair Include Mrs. Ed Murphy. Mrs. Harold Schmeer, Mrs. Lester Twohy and Mrs. Herman Matisnff, cards; Mrs. Roy Sedell. Mrs. W. C. Calli son, Mrs. James Hughes and Mrs. Clyde Knight, decorations. Attentlng were Mrs. Harold Schmeer and her guest. Mrs. F. A. Short of Portland. Mrs. Rnv Sedell. Mrs. E. R. Harvey. Mrs. l.oon MeClintock. Mrs. Deming Bronson. Mrs. Lester Twohy. Mrs. Evelyn West. Mrs. Robert Simmons. ' Mrs. Ed Nolte, Mrs. Joe Perrault. Mrs. Walter Bryd ges. Mrs. Ralston Bridges, M'rs, Emily Judd. Mrs. Bud Kies. Mrs. Bert Corkrum. Mrs. Hal Ayotte. Mrs. Ernest Pearson. Mrs. Er nest Dawe. Mrs. W. C. Callison. Mrs. J. F. Dlllard. Mrs. Kenneth Bailey and Mrs. Wm. Amiot. X V : At 8:30 the wedding party was Joined by a group of relatives and close friends of the couple for the reception. The service table was centered by the wed ding cake which was first cut by the bride and bridegroom. The table was laid with an Italian cut-work cloth and punch was served by Miss Connie Augustus from a punch bowl 40 years old w hich has been used In the bride's family on many occasions. Miss Brannon presided at the coffee urn and Mrs. Havens serv ed the cake. Others assisting were the bride's great aunt, Mrs. C. H. Crowe, the bridegroom's runt, Mrs. W. B. Meredith and the bridegroom's sister, Mrs. Don Gum. Out-of-town guests included the bride's great grandmother, Mrs. H. A. Crowe, of Riddle, Mrs. G. J. Aspey and Mrs. Phil Blun dell, also of Riddle and Mr. and Mrs. Read S. Havens, of Glen dale, Calif. The couple left on a honey moon to coast points in north ern California and southern Ore gon by way of Grants Pass, and plan to make their home at 5401 South Jackson street. Mrs. Meredith graduated from Roseburg high school and Is em ployed at the Bushey Music Shop in Miller's Mercantile store and Mr. Meredith, also a graduate of Roseburg high school, is employ ed at Martin Box company at Oakland. YONCALLA COUPLE WED IN SUTHERLIN AT QUIET CEREMONY Mr. and Mrs. Tim Miller of Yoncalla announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Ella Joyce Miller to Herman Keith Hudson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Her man A. Hudson, also of Yoncalla. The wedding took place Saturday morning at Sutherlin with the Justice of Peace W. A. Watson performing the ceremony in the presence of Immediate members of Ihfir families. The bride chose a dove grey suit with dusty rose accessories and a corsage of pink carnations and gardenias. Her sister, Miss Gloria Hudson was maid of honor and wore an afternoon dress of dove grey with a corsage of pink carnations. , Best man was Nor man Staplman. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Following the ceremony the couple left for coast points, Port land and Salem for a week's hon eymoon. I'pon their return they will reside at the Tim Miller home. The bride is a popular Yoncalla girl and Is attending Yoncalla high school where she is a sopho more. The bridegroom Is associ ated with the Harold Wooley Log ging Co. as a high climber. Attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Tim Miller; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Stapleman and daugh ter, Barbara Jean, Mrs. Mabel Ferrler and daughter Wanda Lee and Miss Gloria Hudson. LAOY ELKS SCHEDULE FALL CARD PARTY WITH INFORMAL FASHION SHOWING An event of interest to residents of Roseburg and vicinity is the approaching dessert supper and card partv to he held Oct. 18 hv Lady Elks. The affair will be in the Terrace room of the Elks temple and will be open to the public with men and women in vited. Tickets may be secured by con tacting Lady Elks or by making reservations with Mrs. Paul K. Rvan, 532-J. or Mrs. E. L. Taus clier, 1081-L. An Informal fashion parade will be given during the evening through courtesy of the Fashion Center. The event promises to be particularly outstanding and is a highlight of the fall months. Similar affairs have been held the past two years by the Ladv Elks and have brought out ca pacity crowds. DISTRICT GRADUATE NURSES PLAN SILVER ANNIVERSARY "Silver Anniversary" night, honoring nurses who have been active for 2S years, will be the feature of the meeting of District No. 11, of Oregon, State Nurses association Tuesday evening at the nurses quarters of Veterans hospital. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. and special music has been arranged. Refreshments will, be served. All graduate nurses are Invited. Grants Pass read the ceremony. The church was decorated with baskets of ummer flowers and lighted tapers In tall cande labra. Miss Muriel Stewart of Salem, accompanied her sister, Miss Grace Stewart, who sang, "Always" and "I Love You Truly.'1 The bridal party entered the church to traditional wedding music and the bride was given In marriage by her father. She wore a gown of white satin fashioned with sweetheart neck line, lace Insert In the front and full train. Her long sleeves came to a point at the wrist. The veil, finger-tip in length, was held in place by a coronet of ribbon streamers and she carried a bou quet of pink rosebuds and white carnations tied with satin rib bons. Mrs. Tom Sutton, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. She wore a fingerlength princess style gown of yellow taffeta and car ried a nosegay of white carna tions with satin ribbons. Brides maids were Mrs. Mervin Lee, sis ter of the bride, in orchid, and Miss Mae Olive Gillett, sister of bridegroom, in pale green. Each carried nosegays of pastel car nations tied with satin ribbons. Best man was Willlard Gillett of Prineville. The candles were lighted by the ushers, Alfred Gillett the brother of the bridegroom and Bob Porter, both of Brownsville. The bride's mother wore navy blue crepe dress with black ac cessories and the bridegroom's mother selected green with black accessories. Both wore corsages of pink rosebuds and white car nations. At a reception following the wedding cake was cut by Mrs. Clifford Casey of Harrisburg; Mrs. James McCalley of Harris burg, Miss Mae Olive Gillet, Miss Nancy Carey assisted. Miss Al berta Forry had charge of the guest book. The gifts were In charge of Mrs. Mervin Lee and Mrs. Tom Sutton. The bride attend Roseburg and Sutherlin High schools and was graduated from Oakland. She also attended Pacific college at New burg for a year and a half. The bridgegroom graduated from Hal sey high school and served over three years In the navy as S.O.M. 3c on the U. S. S. Wiley in the North China naval force. He Is employed at the BrownMlle limber company. Following a honeymoon in southern Oregon the couple have returned to Brownsville where they are making their home. MRS. FAY CLARK HEADS MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN CHURCH Officers were elected at the meeting of the Woman's Mission ary society of the First Chris tian church last Friday evening. Mrs. Fay Clark will serve as pre sident; Mrs. Estelle Harmon, vice president; Mrs. Sally Leep, secretary and Mrs. Emma Beck ley, treasurer. Installation will be held at the next meeting, Oct. 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the church par lor to which all women and friends are invited. Mrs. Estelle Harmon present ed the lesson study by resolving the group into a woman's club with outside speakers. Mrs. Eva Hester spoke on Jarvis Christian College, Hawkins, Tex; and Mrs. Erros Osterloh discussed South ern Christian Institute, Edwards, Mi-is., and the Mexican Christian Institute, San Antonio, Tex. The business meeting was pre ceded bv a piano solo bv Miss Lois Hess with Mrs. Edith S. Ackert giving the devotions on the subject of "Rejoicing" -Romans 5:11. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Veldean Bridgess and her committee served refreshments to Etta Wilson, Mary Curtis, Fay Clark, Esther Anderson, Sally Leep, Erros Osterloh. Eva Hes ter, Estelle Harmon. Gertie Hess, Althea Amon, Elsie Cof fell. Pearl Anderson. Edith S. Ackert, Ethel White,. Amanda Horn, Martha Knox, Gladys Coates, Veldean Bridgess and Emma Beckley. R. A. AND E. SOCIAL MEETING ENJOYED AT WORTHINGTON HOME Roseburg Art and Embroidery club was entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ora Worthington at a 2 o'clock social meeting. Plans were con cluded during the afternoon for the next meeting which will be Oct. 19 at the home of Mrs. Mil dred Poirot, 1905 Harvard ave nue. Attending were Mrs. Lenora Page, Mrs. Winnie Hawn, Mrs. Lucia Ingles, Mrs. Hattie Neal. Mrs. Alice Bradlev. Mrs. Blanche Snyder, Mrs. Mildred Poirot, Mrs. Belle Stephenson. Mrs. El sie Sinclair. Mrs. Sammy Betts, Mrs. Gladys Bergh, Mrs. Peggy Kent and the hostess. "TEXTILE PAINTING" TO BE TOPIC OF EXTENSION UNIT "Textile Painting" Is the topic of the East Douglas Home Ex tension unit meeting to be held Wednesday, Oct. 12 at 10 a. m. at the Glide grange hall. All wo men of Glide, Dixonville and South Deer Creek communities are invited. Those attending arc requested to bring their own lunch. W. B. A. TO PLAN FOR OFFICIAL'S VISIT The Woman's Benefit associa tion will meet Thursday, Oct. 13, at the home of Mrs. Margaret Havens. 412 Fullerton street, at 2 p. m. During the business meeting preparation will be made for the coming of the state field director, who is planning a visit to Roseburg in November. CAMP FIRE COUNCIL SCHEDULES MEETING Roseburg Camp Fire Council meeting Is scheduled at 1:30p.m. Monday at the Chamber of Com merce rooms. ifSii Mr. and Mrs. News of Interest to friends In Douglas county Is the announce ment by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fer ris of Sutherlin of the recent marriage of their daughter, Miss Ruth Ann Ferris to Mr. Thomas E. Robinson of Flndlay, Ohio, in San Diego, Calif., Saturday, Sept. 24. The double ring ceremony was read in the First Presbyterian church in San Diego at 4 o'clock with about 60 friends attending. The Ferris family resided in San Diego eight years ago. The Rev. Thomas Law Coyle officiated at the afternoon rites. Mrs. Ethel Kennedy presided at the organ and prior to en trance of the wedding party played three selections, "Dedica tion", "O Perfect Love" and "Liebestraum". During the cere mony she played "O, Promise me." Mrs. Anderson, contralto, sang "Because" and the bridal party entered the church. Mrs. Ken nedy played Mendelssohn's wed ding march. The bride was gowned in an ankle length dress of white slip per satin with French train and deep collar fashioned In folds of self material. She wore satin mitts, and a cameo brooch which had belonged to her paternal grandmother for "something bor rowed" and carried a linen hand kerchief of her aunt, Miss A. E. Ferris of San Diego. Her bouquet a nosegay of pink roses with blue dalphinium and she wore a cap of nylon net embroidered MRS. KENNETH OUINE ENTERTAINS CHRISTMAS CLUB AT DESSERT-SUPPER Christmas club members en joyed a 7:30 o'clock dessert sup per at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Quine last Friday. Fall fruits and yellow tapers formed the center piece. Canasta was at play during the evening. Present were Mrs. Guy Cordon, Mrs. Sanford Palmer. Mrs. Claire K. Allen, Mrs. Ivan Pickens, Mrs. Charles B. Wade, Mrs. O. M. Berrie, Mrs. L. E. McCllntock. Mrs. Dean Bubar, Mrs. Jack Wharton, Mrs. R. D. Bridges. Mrs. Harry Pargeter and the hostess. NORTHSI0E SUNSHINE CLUB TO HOLD MEETING Northslde Sunshine club will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Ora Worthington, 532 East Lane street Thursday, Oct. 13. Polly annas will be rememhered and games have been planned. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Celebrating National Business Women's Week, October 9 to 15, the Roseburg Business and Professional Women's club will observe the following program: Sunday: Attend the Episcopal church in a body. All mem bers and friends will meet at the Umpqua Hotel for breakfast at 9:30 a. m., going from there to the church. Those who do not wish to be present at the breakfast meeting may meet the others at the church at 10:45 a. m. Monday: Homecoming. Dinner meeting Monday, 6:45 p. m., at the Roseburg Country club. Past presidents of the club In charge. Please make reservations with Jean Whittenburg before 9 a. m. Monday. Those who can supply transportation and those needing trans portation, please notify Jean. Tuesday: Hospital Day. Card party at the Veteran's Hospital, 7:30 p. m.. Mildred Herman In charge. All members who cannot attend, please furnish prizes or refresh ments. Notify Mildred where to call for them. - Friday: Radio Program, 3 p. m., over KRNR. Stella Spencer la charge. i FKolo by Plerca-DcWItt Thomas Robinson with seed pearls. Miss Betty Knight was maid of honor and wore a brown lace afternoon ensemble and carried a nosegay of white carnations and blue delphinium. Harold B. Bradley of Pasadena, Calif., was best man and ushers were Robert Lyon and John Osgood, both of San Diego. The bride's mother selected a grey crepe afternoon dress with iavendar accessories and a cor sage of gardenias. A reception followed In the so cial parlors of the church and thj three tiered wedding cake was cut by the bride and bridegroom. Miss Fanny Mclntyre and Mrs. Otto Koellein served the wedding cake and Mrs. Charles Newton and Mrs. Herman Carpenter pre sided at the punch bowl. The guest book was in charge of Mrs. H. B. Bradley, of Pasadena, Cal. For traveling the bride chose a suit of bronze tone with black accessories and an orchid cor sage. After a short honeymoon at points of interest In the south west the couple are at home at 121 East Snyder street, Hobbs, New Mexico. Mrs. Robinson graduated from Roseburg high school in 1947 and attended Oregon State college for two years. Mr. Robinson was graduated from Oregon State college in June, 1949 in engineer ing and is now employed by the Ohio Oil company in New Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris accom panied their daughter south sev eral weeks before the wedding. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN'S SOCIETY MEETING PLANNED Women's Society of the First Presbyterian church will meet in the church parlors Thursday, Oct. 13 for dessert luncheon at 1:30 p.m. Hostess chairman is Mrs. Chester Morgan. Arrange ments for the afternoon program are in charge of Mrs. John Run yan, acting program chairman, and an interesting program Is being anticipated. O. A. V. AUXILIARY TO HOLD MEETING D. A. V. auxiliary, Dean Per rine unit will meet at 7 p.m. at the Del Rey cafe at Winchester, Monday, Oct. 10. The change in time, the meeting was previously announced at 7:45, has been made In order that members may at tend the dance at the Veterans hospital. Officers urge a good attendance at the meeting.