The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 08, 1949, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 The Newt-Review, Roieburg, Of Sot., Oct. S, 1949
Who's Kidding Whom?
Further Decontrol
Of Rents Ordered
On Speed Basis
Tlghe Woods, Federal Rent Con
trol boss, has ordered a speed up
to end rent ceilings in commu
nities with 25,000 population or
Top-ranking aides who repoit
ed this today said Woods has set
as a goal the removal of restnic
tions from 40 such areas each
week "until the Job Is done."
The accelerated pace of decon
trols results. In Woods own
words, from an "assumption"
that rents in most smaller local
ities have "come back to nor
mal." Just how long it will take to
lift ceilings in all such areas, no
one would say.
Bu. Housing authorities releas
ed figures showing that controls
now have been lifted from an
even 500 areas most of them in
areas having less than 100,000
population in states scattered
across the country.
A summary of decontrol activi
ties since the federal rent act
became effective In April showed
that a total o? 1.780.623 dwelling
units were Involved in the action.
t r
! CD r.
Published D illy Except Sunday I y the
Newt-1evie Company, Inc.
Ur.1 I. i.r.Gl cl,.i .f . !. tte MJ
EsMbarg. Or(B. dr Ml ! ftUrcfc I. II. 1
Editor U Manager
Mimlxr of tho Associated Preea, Oregon Newspaper Publisher.
Aetooiation, the Audit Bureau of Circulations
BUTMaaM' HT.HOLLIDt CO., INC. !" I N '. Clof..
1.. ,ouu L.. tDiiln r..ll.. L LtaU.
SUBiimcrioN iArti.ii or.,.,B, Mu-r .' ' A
tkr.. aiull. l I'll,, HOW . Inml, Ijm tk
nlba II. 14. er naalhs lt.H
Eastern German Republic
Proclamation Strategic
Move To Win West Germany
AP Foreign Affaire Analyst.
Proclamation of the Eastern
German Republic, under Russian
domination, is a strategic move
by Moscow aimed at winning
over the republic recently esta
blished In the British French
American zones of Germany with
Bonn as capital.
The Soviet union thus Is Inten
sifying Its drive for a unified
Germany which can be brought
under control of Moscow.
The establishment of this East
ern republic doesn't materially
alter the status of that part of
(Jermany as a Soviet satellite.
The Russians already have com
munied it heavily and are
maintaining control with a big
army of Red troops.
What has been done by letting
up the republic is to create a
symbol of Nationalism which the
Muscovites hope will prove at
tractive to Western Germany and
bring about a union. That's an
Idea which, of course, cuts two
ways, for the Western powers
are equally bent on drawing Eas
tern Germany Into the Bonn re
public. So a hot contest is in
In any event, what we have
been calling the "Russian zone
of occupation" now has become
a state which takes
its place among Moscow's satel
lites. Thus the Red empire bulges
westward Into central Europe
like a huge fist or battering
Within this bulge lies Berlin,
once proud and powerful capital
of the Reich and, next to Paris,
the most populous of the conti
nental cities. That is a highly
important circumstance, as I
pointed out In a previous column,
and Is likely to figure heavily
In the struggle for control of all
Berlin not only Is the hub of
central Europe the greatest
transportation center of the con
tinentbut it is dear to all Ger
mans as the symbol of the
country's former greatness. A
Mrs. Roy Young
Attends Meeting
Of Republicans
Republican organization receiv
ed concentrated attention Oct. 1
and 2 at a Portland meeting of
the Republican State Central
committee, attended by Mrs. Ruy
Young ot Roseburg, member of
the state executive committee.
State Republican Chairman Slg
Unander, Portland, reported that
since the last election, Clacka
mas and Linn counties have
swung into the Republican col
umn In voter registration. All 36
Oregon counties now have active
farty organizations, according to
Inander's report, with Wheeler
county being the most recently
organized county In the state.
A statewide clean up of county
registration "Us to assure up-to-date
voters' lists was urged by
the committee, in response to a
charge made by Leslie Rcas of
Bend, Deschutes county chair
man, who stated that 3.000 vot
ers' pamphlets were returned by
the postnffice as non-deliverable
In Deschutes county at the last
general election.
He urged that county clerks
purge the rolls in accordance
with state law, which he said re
quires that after every general
election those who have not vot
ed in the past two elections be
School Warrior Guards
Assist During Contests
The Roseburg high school War
rior Guard has as Its principal
duties assisting at athletic con
tests and various other school ac
tivities. This year's officers are Betty
Hurd, chief: Silvia Hill, vice
chief, and Doree Ellis, secretary
treasurer. At the end of the year swan's
are given to the members who
have done their part in the or
ganization. Mr. Strauburg and
Mr. Barnick are the advisors.
Bang's Disease Case
Penalty To Be Appealed
ST. HELENS, Oct. 8 .D
A dairyman convicted here of
refusing to permit cattle to be
tested for bang's disease an
nounced plans today to appeal
the case.
Chester Grooms. Scappoose,
was fined $50 and $19.65 In costs
In Justice court. There also was
a 15-day jail sentence, which was
Leonard W. Heflin, aviation
machinist's mate, first class. I'SN,
on of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Good
rich of Yoncalla is serving with
Jet Fighter squadron 52, based at
the Naval Air station. San Diego,
Calif. Souadron 52 Is the first
squadron in the Pacific to attain
the Navy's top score of "outstand
ing" In alr-to-alr gunnery since
fleet training competition wa re
lumed In 1916.
nation's capital and Its flag rank
together in the hearts oi us citi
zens. ine situation is curiously com
plicated by the lact that, wmle
licnin lies within the t-tussian
zone, all lour powers have areas
wnicn are under their control in
the city Itsell. because ol this
britain, France and America are
saiu oy diplomatic ollicials in
Washington to oe consiueriug t no
iuea ol aduing tneir tx-rlin uonvn
10 tne VvvsieiO oeiman republic.
As a matter ot lact uiman
politicians at lionn have been ag
itating tor the incorporation of
tne western part oi tierlin in
their government, 'inus lar. How
ever, me tni'ee uemociaciea nave
iciusca to make sucn a move be
cause it ooviousiy wouiu antago
nize Russia.
On Capital
Now mat Moscow has es
tablished tne Eastern Geimaii ,e
puonc tne oonn government may
get its wisn. ihen we shall have
ine odd circumstance ol one city
serving as capital oi two separ-
rate governments at the same
Wnatever may happen as re
garus tne capital, tnu jasi Ger
man communist leauers in pro
claiming tne new satellite gov
ernment yesterday claimeo to
speak for all Germany. More
than incidentally they also have
their eyes on the great Indust
rial resources of Western Ger
many. The new government Immedi
ately cabled New York, asking
that the big four foreign mini
sters again take up the German
question. The message was an
appeal to Soviet Foreign Minis
ter Vishlnsky to work for unifi
cation of Germany through the
eastern government.
The new regime denounced the
Bonn government. The feeling
wa mutual, for Bonn character
ized the formation of the communist-dominated
eastern republic
as a national catastrophe.
It Is easy to see that warm
times are in prospect.
Suit In Circuit Court
Asks Rental Judgment
Albert D. Applegate has filed
suit In circuit court against E. A.
McDonald, sometimes known as
Lode McDonald, asking Judgment
for sums alleged due as rentals.
Under four separate causes of ac
tion, he asks Judgment for $rxK)
as rental alleged due for prop
erty near Yoncalla In section 2,
3. and 11, township 23 south,
range S west of Willamette merid
ian; $233.33 for house rental; $15
for a ton of hay allegedly sold the
defendant, and $j00 as additional
rentals for the Irene A. Titus
property a mile and one-half east
of Yoncalla, the account beini
assigned to the plaintiff.
San Francisco State
Rallies To Beat SOC
Southern Oregon college of
Ashland saw an apparently safe
lead melt away last night as San
Francisco State rallied In the
fourth quarter of their football
game to gain a 21-21 tie.
Two touchdowns by Snuffv
Smith and one by Bob Campbeil
had given S. O. C. a 210 edge
early In the final period. The
staters bounced back on the uner
ring passing arm of Quarterback
Sam bcvlto who set up one touch
down with a 20-yard aerial and
connected for two more TD's by
the air route in the late going.
Library Advancement
Aim Of School Club
Roseburg high school's llbrarv
club's aim is to further the ad
vancement In library fields. The
club meets the first Wednesday
of each month.
This year's officers are Carol
Moily. president; Ladlna Wal
kins, vice-president, and Marilyn
West, secretary. Mrs. O. J. Mon
ger Is advisor.
Speakers ate secured fur the
meetings. At Wednesday s meet
ing R. I'loyd Riffe spoke on the
Kvanston and Princeton librar
t'pon ix'litlon of Roy O. Young,
the estate of Emma R. Cantrell
has been admitted to probate
upon order of Count V Judge D.
N. Husenhark. Mrs. 1'antrell died
iln Alliance, Nehr., Feb. IS. 1!M7,
i leaving proierty located In Doug
; las county. Young was appointed
! administrator with ill annexed.
1 and Mums Webber. Clyde Kester
and liert Sandish named ap-
ll .IIM-I S.
Based uxn the stipulation of
the part ii's, the complaint of
Ralph W. Pearee. Mahle V.
Pearee and Howard A. Pea roe
vs. Roy Call has been ordered
Two Juveniles, aged 15 and 14.
both of Aberde, n. Wash., are
being held In the Douglas countv
Jail. They were arrested by state
Jill writ
HUNGARIAN VILLACE BRID E Rrlativrs assist Katira Bojnar (renter) as sha
dons the traditional national costume for her wedding to Janos Nary in Mrzakovesd. Hungary.
In the Day's News
(Continued from Page One)
gesture made by any nation to
ward other nations.
ANOTHER one from Wash
ington: 'President Truman today
signed the $1,314,010,000 (one bil
lion, three hundred and fourteen
million) arms aid bill, calling It
a notable contribution to the col
lective security of the free nations
of the world."
THAT one Involves a somewhat
different principle.
What we're doing there is to
give guns to our friends In West
ern Europe In the hope that if
communist Russia runs amuck
they'll be able to stop her before
she gets to us.
Our motive in this case is some
what less altruistic.
AGAIN I hope it works. We ALL
hope It works. But it's a
gamble a rather long one, in
fact. As of now, this is the
If Russia, even after waiting
for us to get our billion dollars
worth of guns into the hands of
our friends, should go on the prod.
It seems certain that she could
trample all of Western Europe
into the mud before we could do
anything to prevent It. '
In that event, we would mere
ly have poured our billion dollars
vorth of guns down a rat hole.
By giving them away, we'd have
weakened ourselves to that
know this much:
We hope we can convince Rus
sia that it wouldn't be safe for
her to start a war.
IF Russia Is bluffed out of start
ing a war to conquer the world
in thi name of communism. It
will he our TREMFNDOl'S ABIL
ITY TO PRODICE that will do
the Job. it was our fantastic abil
ity to produce that won the last
war and the war before that.
If we're going .to bluff Russia,
weY better keep our great pro
ductive machine operating at top
efficiency. As we read the head
lines of the past few days, we
can't help wondering If the effi
ciency of our machine isn't begin
n'ng to suffer.
IF so, It isn't because of any de
fect in the machine itself. The
machine Is better than ever. The
trouble seems to be that we can't
agree as to how it ought to be
Boyer and Nancy Thelma Caskey,
bothenf Roseburg.
COOK-Hette vs. .luett I.en
wood Cook. Married Oct. 12. 1347.
at Roseburg. Plaintiff asks cus
tody of their one child and SoO a
month support. Cruel and in
human treatment charged.
KI.Nt! - Thelma from Edgar T.
King. Custody of their two chil
dren and SS0 a month support
granted plaintiff.
I.AWRENCK Mina Darlene
from Arthur Raymond Ijiwrence.
Custody of their one child grant
ed plaintiff and $Ti0 a month sup
port to he paid upon defendant s
release from the state penitenti
ary. CLAYRORN Virginia from
I-eo T. Clayborn. Property settle
ment ratified.
HOLLAND-Marv from Stew,
art Holland. Plaintiff's maiden
name of .Mary Litilefield restored.
HOSK INS-John L. from Jose
phine lloskins. Plaintiff awarded
ownership of described Mvrtle
Creek property.
Your Sewing
New ond Used Machine;
All machines ond lepairs
Hemstitching, Buttonholes,
Buttons ond Belts mod to
your requirements.
Sawing Machine Center
542 N. Jackson Phone 6B9-Y
. " JI-"
Insurance Agents
Urge Caution In
Fire Prevention
Almost every hour, day and
night, a fire is started somewhere
in the L'nited States by careless
smoking and handling of matches.
Losses from this one cause alone
total $51,500,000 yearly more
than half again the cost of the
Golden Gate bridge. In addition to
adult carelessness, children, play
ing with matches, cause more
than 20.000 fires a year.
As part of its drive to secure
full eommnuity cooperation dur
ing Fire Prevention week, Oct.
!M.. this alarming Information
Is brought out by the Roseburg
Association of Insurance Agents.
Successful fire prevention be
gins at the indis'iduai level, the
agents emphasize. They point out
several frequent causes of fires
which everyone can help prevent:
home dry cleaning, careless smok
ing, overloading electrical equip
ment and forgetting to unplug
electric irons, faulty chimneys,
hazardous stoves and unsafe stor
age of trash.
Last year, national fire losses
topped the $700 million mark,
according to figures released by
the Board of Fire Underwriters
of the Pacific. There were 650,
000 fires in all, and approxi
mately 11.000 people, more than
half of whom were women and
children, died as a result of lire.
Vet Hospital Patients
Will See Movie Starlets
Patients at the Roseburg Vet
erans hospital will be entertained
by Joan Wallace and Roxy Stu
art, movie starlets from the
Twentieth Century-Fox studios,
who ait making tours of the
veterans hospitals under the aus
pices of Veterans Hospital camp
shows. The young ladies are ar
riving from Portland on Sunday
afternoon and will tour the wards,
handshaking and visiting with pa
tients. They will return to Port
land on Sunday evening.
between 6.15 end 7
p. m., if you hare not
received your Newi
Review. Ask for Harold Mobley.
Chapter Of DeMolay Sets
Installation Of Officers
Installation of officers will be
held Thursday, Oct. 13, by the
Roseburg chapter of De Molay.
The officers to be installed are
as follows: Master councilor,
Dwight Raines; senior councilor,
Tommy Taylor; Junior councilor.
Dale Carlson; scribe. William
Loftin; treasurer, Sid Smith;
marshal), Ver .on Thompson;
chaplain, Jim Anderson; senior
deacon. Bob Laws; Junior dea
con, Frank Olson; senior stew
ard, Dick Nickens; Junior stew
ard, Bruce Voeller; sentinel,
Johnny Raushert.
Other officers were not disclos
ed. The installation will not be
presented to the public.
De Molay is sparking a drive
for new members. The master
councilor, Dwight Raines, is plan
ning new field of activities for
the members.
Blackout Bewilders Fans
At Roseburg-Reedsport
Game On Finlay Field
Perhaps most bewildered by
last night's sudden power short
age were the several hundred
fans watching the Roseburg
Reedsport football game played at
Finlay field.
The blackout occurred Just
prior to the second half kick-off,
as both teams were preparing to
line up. After several minutes of
waiting, the teams groped their
way back to the dressing rooms,
leaving fans huddled in the dark
ness of the stands.
Entertainment during the pro
longed half-time Included a spirit
ed game of "night football,"
staged bv the three- officials and
a dozen Roseburg grade schoolers.
Meanwhile, the Roseburg high
school band played on providing
an Impromptu band concert and
featuring such tunes as "Blues in
the Night."
Faraday Science Club
Officers Are Announced
The Faraday club at Roseburg
high elected officers for the 1949
50 year. The list includes: presi
dent, Dennis Hayden; vice- presi
dent, Tom Brady; secretary. Nor
ma John; reporter, Gordon Gibbs.
I he raradav club consists of
students especially interested in
science. The' requirements are
that a student takes a course in
science each year. He must ob
tain a grade average of a 2 in
science classes and 3 or better in
other subjects.
The members are now soliciting
membership in the club. They hold
regular meetings at which dif
ferent scientific experiments
are demonstrated and explained.
Through this club, members
hope to obtain better knowledge
and more understanding of
"Individualized Floors
of Beoutiliry."
222 W. Oak Phone 348
Better Hearing
The Rose Hotel
Roseburg, Oregon
Ask for Mr. W illiam H. Miller
Monday, October 10
Acousticon-Portland Co.
W0 Equitable Bldg. 421 S. W. 6th Ave. Phone 4552 Portland 4, Ore.
HONORINC COLUMBU S-Feleelta Lox.da decorates
the family "err tree" with empty
folk, the jlbaros, prepare to crlebrate the birthday of Christopher .
Columbus who visited their land
We have jobs for trained workers.
If you hove the training, we have the j'ob.
If you don't have the training, come in or call tomorrow
Fall enrollment now u.ider way
112 N. Stephens
Bank With
A Douglas County Institution
Home Owned Home Operated
Member Federal
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special 1 ae,
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See our advertisement In
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Instantly! Eliminates Tell
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O No Heavy, Bulky Batteries
O Noise-Free Hearing
If you are unable to come to hotel,
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Service and Batteries tor ALL Instruments
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