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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1949)
10 Ths Nswi-IUvltw, Hs-burs, Ots. Set., Oct. 8, 194f P -4 a MM SLEEPING CAR SMASHED IN DERAILMENT Six punger, of tight aboard thii sleeping ear war injurad whan it wa derailed and ihaarad naarly in two by a bridge -pier ai tha Graat Northarn Railway'i Empira Builder had uit laft tha St. Paul. Minn., Union itation, bound for Saattla. (AP Wiraphotol. LOCAL NEWS Ta Portland Mr. and Mra. A. S. Mitchell have returned to their home In Roseburg after a visit In Portland. While there they at tended the Gordon Culbertson boxing match. Visit In McMlnnvillt Mr. and Mil. M. C. Smith of Rose burg were recent visitors In Mc Minnville, where they visited friends and looked alter property Interests. Mixed Foursome A two-ball mixed foursome has been planned at the Roseburg Country club to begin at 2 p. m. Sunday. This will be followed by a buffet supper at 5 p. m. according to those In charge of arrangements. Nurses to Meet Oregon State Graduate Nurses association will not meet at the Roseburg Veter ans hospital, hut at the home of Mrs. Vein Keel, 218 Court street, at 7:30 Tuesday evening, Oct. 11, at 7:30. Rally Month Green Sunday school it observing rally month for the remaining Sundays In October. All friends of the school are urged to attend. Sunday school la held In the old Green school, house five miles south ot Rose burg on old highway 99. Local Visitors Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Gilatrap of Medford were brief visitors in Roseburg Thurs day. They were enroute to Eugene for a visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker. Mr. Gllstrap is bus Iness manager of the Mall Tri bune in Medford. Here Friday Mr. and Mrs. Grover A. Youngs of Wells, B. C, spent Friday night in Rosehurg visiting Mrs. Youngs' sister, Mrs. S. V. WrlRht and her brother, W. H. Allen and families. They were enroute to Reno, Nev., after spending the summer months In Canada where Mr. Youngs has a hunting lodge. They plan to con tinue to California, where they will spend the winter months. Ill At Home Mrs. Mary Wat aorr is reported to be Improving slowly at her home on East Doug las where she has been 111 since Tuesdav. Hirlav ii'.i.. Seattle has arrived In Roseburg ' " "rs. vvaison nis sister-in-law, and her brother. Dr. James Blower of Akron, Ohio, Is living? tn Rnarthnra 11.. I. AknH man of the state board of medical examiners lor Ohio. HOME TOWN NEWS "I TOLD MY WIFE I WAS GOING HUNTING . . . I'VE GOT TO TAKE SOMETHING HOME." You won't leove the ROSEBURG LUMBER COMPANY empty-handed once you've seen our tine selection of slab wood and sawdust ... it will solve your winter fuel problems. Moves Office Attorney Dexter Rice has moved his office from the Umpqua Savings and Loan Building to 424 Pacific building. Leave Today Mrs. O. A. Ken nerly Jr. and children left today for Oakland, Calif., where they will make their home. Mr. Ken nerly arrived in Roseburg Thurs day to drive his family south. They were accompanied by Mrs. Kennerly's mother, Mrs. J. C. Hume, who will spend a short time in Oakland, before return ing to her home here. Search Launched For Huntress In Idaho Mountains COEUR D'ALENE. Idaho.. Oct. S.iPl Men, dogs and planes searched the snow covered hills of northern Idaho today for a 27-year-old Idaho huntress. Mrs. Lois Schrelgost, 27. of Rose Lake, Idaho has been sought since late Wednesday when she was missed by members of her hunting party. Calls for more volunteer search ers were Issued by sheriff's of ficers and ponce tn Shoshone and Kootenai counties last night. Two trained dogs from Spo kane have been taken to the scene of the search In southern Kootenai county. Officers return ing from a camp set up in the Latour creek area have described the region as "extremely rug ged." More than a foot of snow has fallen in parts of the mountains there. Temperatures In the Ln tour creek region fell to 21 de grees last night. Freezing tem peratures prevailing in the area. Planes flying low over the tim bered hills yesterday found no sign of the woman and reported that the search was hampered by low clouds and rain. Officers and residents estimated nearly 100 persons took part In the search yesterday and It was hoped broadcasts for volunteers would attract several times that number today. Today's efforts were to be con centrated In the region where two men heard a woman crving out Wednesday night. The shout ing presumed to have come from Mrs. Schrelgost, ceased before the men could locate her. CUB PACK MEETING All parents Interested In start ing a Cub Scout pack ln the Oil-lard-Winston area are Invited to attend a meeting to be held at the Dillard school house at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12. State Policemen Combing Woods For Fugitives PORTLAND, Oct. 8 (.VI Twelve State policemen were beating through the woods near Milwaukle, today for three per sons who fled from a car being pursued of officers. The car missed a curve and crashed into a house about mid night. Strewn in the wreckage were postage stamps, blank mon ey orders from the Benton City. Wash. Postoffice, and approxi mately $1,110 in currency. Three persons possible two men and a woman Jumped from the car after the crash and fled into heavy woods. An investigation showed the car had been stolen at Vancou ver, Wash., yesterday from Jack Matlick, a Hermiston, Ore., busi nessman. The chase began on the Mount Hood Loop highway near Cherry ville last night, when state po liceman Ben Weber saw a car near a gravel pit. A man was standing outside It. When the of ficer approached, the man Jumped in the car and sped away, too fast for Weber's pur suing car. State police set up roadblocks. The pursuit continued in a thick fog, the car disappearing at mo ments only to be spotter later. About midnight It crashed Into the garage of II. W. Cramer on Outfield road, southwest of Mil waukle. Postal Inspectors reported the Benton City postoffice was brok en into some time Thursday night. They said the postoffice safe, containing about $500 in cash and $3,500 in U. S. Savings Bonds, was taken. The 500-pound safe was found yesterday about two miles from Benton City. It had been pounded open. The burglars also took a large number of mon ey order forms. The Inspectors said the prowl ers gained admittance through a toilet window. The inspector's office In Seat tle said there was no evidence of how many were Involved in the theft, but that the heavy safe was apparently carried out. There were no signs of its having been dragged. Funeral Services Set For Mrs. Martha Finley Mrs. Martha Ellen Finlay, 73, widow of the lale George Finley, died here Wednesday following a long Illness. FuneraJ services will be held In the chapel of Long and Orr mor tuary Monday, Oct. 10, at 10 a.m., with Dr. Morris Roach officiating. Interment will be in Crawfords ville. Ind.. beside the body of her late husband, George Finley. Fire Prevention Week Letter Contest To End Any grade or Junior high school student is eligible to enter the Fire Prevention week letter writ ing contest which closes Monday, Oct. 10. Letters are to be Judged by Fire Chief William E. Mills and two of his assistants. Prize winning letters are to be display, ed in J. C. Penney's Fire Pre vention week window exhibit all next week. Any letters submitted must be turned Into Penney's not later than Monday. BRING YOUR CAR WITH Confidence to Lloyd's Auto Body Shop 501 Fullerton St. Ph. 1025-J OPEN SUNDAYS! 8 to 6 daily including Sunday Complete engine and body repair on anything with wheels. Guaranteed work . . . guaranteed estimates DIESELSTOVE-FUEL BURNER OILS Distributors of Shall Oil Sine. 1926 Try Our Oil Service DENN-GERRETSEN CO. Phon. 128 Harry G. McKibbtn. 60. Former Resident, Dits Harry G. McKibben, 0, former resident qf Roseburg, died Oct 7 at hit home in ban Bernardino, Calif., after a short illness. He was born Ausr. 8, 18H9, in Iowa. He lived in Roseburg for 25 years and was an employee ol trie Lock- wood Motors and the Farmers Co-op. He went to San Bernardino lour years ago to mane ms nome. Surviving are his widow, Ora A.. San ernardino; two daugh ters: Mrs. Grace Cooper, McMinn vllle; Mrs. Alice Jack. risky Jr., Anchoraee. Alaska: a son, rran. cis H. McKibben, Portland; his mother, Mrs. Louise McKibben, San Bernardino: a sUter, Mrs. Myrtle Brown, Fontana, Calif.; and three grandchildren. Funeral services will be an nounced by the Roseburg Funeral home later. LEGAL NOTICES NOT ICS OF FINAL HEARING Notice U fiven that the undersigned executrix of the Htitt of James A. Rice. riaw.aiurf haa filed har final aCCOUnt In (he County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County and laid court has appointed Tuesday. November S. IMS at 10.00 o'clock In the forenoon In tne uounty ".ouri noora in inv tuurt House In Roseburg. Douflaa County. Oregon at the time and place for head ing obteclions to said account DATED October S. 1040 EI.t.rN A RICK. Executrix of the estate Of James A. nice, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of Elizabeth Zlnlker, def eas ed, now pending in me uoumy couri of Douglas County, Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned executor at tha offices of Orcutt, Long a Neuner tn Roseburg. Oregon, within six 8i months from the Itn day of October, 1040. ERNEST J. Z1NTKER. Executor of the Last Will and Testament of EMmm beth Zlniker, deceased. NOTICE Of FINAL SETTLEMENT The Executor of the estate of Jose phine Lark Ins. Deceased, hereby gives notice that the County Court of Douglas County. Oreaon. has fixed November 9. 1949. at ten o'clock in tha forenoon as the time, and the County Court room in the Court House at Roseburg, Doug las County. Oregon, as the place for hearing objections, if any there be, to tne iinai account or tne xeruior. first published Oct. 8th. 1949. HARRY LARKINS. Executor of the Estate of Josephine Lark ins. Deed. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE It hereby given that Monday November 7th. 1949, at the hour of lo oo o clock A M. in the County Court Room at the Court House in Roseburg. Douglas County, Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for hearlna ob jections, if any there be to the final account uieo oy tne unaersignea ad ministrator of the estate of Mmnle M, Fraier. deceased. Dated and first published October Sth, 1049. Ira B. Riddle, Administrator of the elale of Minnie M. Fralcr, Deceased. NOTICE Or SHERIFF! SALE No 1O0-72S IN THE CtFCtMT COURT Or THE STATE Or OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH Lillian Standlsh, Plaintiff Vs. Reidar Buck and Adeline. Buck, husband and wife. Defendants. By virtue of an attachment, execu tion, judgment order and order of sale Issued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitled cause, to me directed and dated the 22nd day of September. 1049. upon a Judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 1.1th day of August, I IMS. In favor of Lillian Standlsh. nlalntiff. aealnst Reidar Buck, defendant, for tha sum of 9I14H ;i0 with Interest thereon at the rate of a per cent per annum from the 2nd day of February. I ft 46. until osld. and the further sum nf $200 00, and for the further sum of $29.15 costs and dis bursements and the costs of and upon this writ commanding me to make sale or tne rni towing aescrtoed real prop erty heretofore attached In said action situated in Township 33 South. Range S West of the W. M , In Douglas County. State of Oregon, to wit: All of the southeast ' of the North west Northwest ' of the southeast '. and the East lt of the southwest Section 4. flout acres. Northwest of the southeast and Lot Three of Section five '80 H8 acres; Northeast '4 of Section eight "IflOi acres: Lots three and four: south of the Northwest ', Northeast , of the Southwest '.. and the north fl of the southeast U of Section Nine (280 45 acres. Now therefore, by virtue of said at tachment execution. Judgment order and order of sale and In compliance with the commands of said writ. I will, on Saturday, the Sth day of November, 1949. at 10 no O Clock A M.. at the Tront door of the County Court House, in Roseburg. Douelas County. Oregon, sell at public auction ituhject to re demption! to tha highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendant Reidar Ruck had on the 15th day of May. 1946. the date of the filing of the certificate of attachment, or since that date had in and to the above described property or any part thereof, to sattsfv said attachment, execution, judgment order. Interest, costs and accruing costs. Dated this (Ith day of October, 1949. First Publication, October Rth. IMS Last Publication, October 29th, 1040 O. T CARTER. Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Martha L. Coenenberg. de ceased, now pending in the countv court in Douglas Countv, Oregon, are herehy notified to present the tame, verified as required bv law, to the undersigned at the officea of Orcutt. Long Si Neuner, at tor nev a, Roseburg. Oregon, within six months from Sep tember 17th. 1949. MARY A E1.SON. Admini stratrix of the Estate of Martha L. Coenenberg. de ceased NOTICE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that Mondav the 31st day of October, 1940, at the hour of 10 o'rtock A M. In the county Court Room in the Court Home, Roseburg. Douglas County. Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections, If anv, to the ftrfal account filed by the undersigned in the County Court of the Siata of Oregon for Douglas County, LEE WINN 1 FOR D Executor of the Lent Will and Testament of George B. Wlnnlfoid, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Freeda L. Easton. de ceased, now pending in the countv court In Douglas Countv, Oregon, are herehy notified to present the same verified as required by law. to the un dersigned at the offices of Orcutt. Long A- Neuner, attorneys. Roeburg. Oregon, within six months from September l?th. 1949. HENRY EASTON. Executor of the Iist Wtll and Testa ment of Freeda L. Easton. Deceased. NOTICE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that Tuesdav. the 1st diy of November, 1949, at the hour of 10 o'clock A M . In the County Court Room in the County Court House, Rosehurg, Douglas Coun ty. Oreaon. has been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections, if any. to the final account filed bv the undersigned in the County Court or the State of Oregon for Douglas County. 1NGA ITSTFRFRG Administratrix of the Estate of Bertha Parrott. Deceased. 402 W. Oak St. SIMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Of THE STATE ur umoun rus DOUGLAS COUNTY No. 12421 LXONA CREASON KQFF, PlalnUff, vs. Tha Unknown Heir of FRANCIS U VL1ET, deceased; ALLAN ODEN and FRANCES ODEN, his wife: MARGUER ITE ODEN: GEORGE A. BONEHRAKE. KATHLEEN WEBER and MAURICE WEBER, her husband: HELEN FRED EH ILK. SON Fir r EH and JOHN DOE F1FFER. her husband; The unknown Hem of LAURA M FREDER1CKSON. deceased; HERMAN ODEN and ESTEL LA ODEN. his wife; Also, all other per sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real estate described la the com plaint herein. r Defendants. TO: The Unknown Heirs of Francis M. VHet, deceased: Allan Oden and Frances Oden, his wife; Helen Frederickton Fider and John Doe Fiffer, her hus band; The unknown Hetri of Laura M. Frederickson. deceased; Also, all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in tha real estate described In the com olalnt herein. Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Or OHEGON You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled court and cause, on or before four 4 weeks from the 17th dav of September, 1U49, that being the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fall to so appear and answer said complaint, plaintiff lor want thereof will apply to the court for the relief demanded ln said complaint, a succinct statement of which Is as follows: That It be decreed that plaintiff Is the owner ln fee and entitled to the possession of the following described real property, to-wit: The NE'. the SE'. the Ki of the NW', and the South 60 acres of the SW' of Section 5. Township 27 South, Range 3 West. Willamette Meridian. In Douglas County, Oregon, subject to a contract of sale entered into between Rlainuff and Fred C. Heinz and Paula Heinz, husband and wife, on tha 3rd day of October, 194A, and that the right of possession and title to said premises be forever quieted In plaintiff, and that It be further de creed that any claim ot the defendants, or either of them. In or to said premises, 01 any part thereof, ta with out foundation in law or in equity, and that plaintiff Is the owner in fee of said premises and of the whole thereof, free from any and all claims and In terest of said defendants, or either of them, of any kind or nature whatso ever, and that said defendants and all persons claiming by, through or under them, or either of them, be forever restrained and enjoined from asserting any right, title or interest in or to said premise, or any part thereof, and for such other and further relief aa to tha court shall appear equitable. This summons Is served upon you by publication once each week for four 4' consecutive weeks In the Rosehurg News-Review, a newspaper of general circulation, as provided by statute, pub lished and Issued In Roseburg, Douglas County. Oregon, by order of the Honorable Carl E. Wimberly. Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 14th day of September. 1949 ORCUTT. LONG & NEUNER, Attorneys for PlalnUff Postoffice address: Roseburg, Oregon. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY SUMMONS 3. H. DUNAWAY, Plaintiff. vs. JOHN C DIEHL, REEDSPORT REALTY COMPANY, a corporation: DAME LYONS HEED, DAME LYONS REED as administratrix of tha estate of W. P. Reed. Deceased; EVA I, REED now Eva I. Graham and JAMES GRAHAM, her husband. MAKJORIE ELIZABETH KNAPP: O. LYTLE: The Unknown Stockholders of Reeds port Realty Com pany, a dissolved Corporation and a)io all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the Complaint herein. Defendants TO: The Unknown Stockholders of Reedsport Realty Company, dissolved corporation: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the amended complaint in the above entitled suit on or before four 1 4' weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons and If you fall to appear or answer plaintiff's amended complaint for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief praved for in his complaint on file herein, a succinct statrmcnt of which is that lt be adjudg ed and decreed that the mortgage from John C. Diehl and Harel A. Die hi mort gagors to the First Bank of Reedport as mortgagee aa the same la recorded in volume 43. page Kit. mortgage records, Douglas County, Oregon, cover ing the following described real prop erty, to-wit: Lots 11 and 12. Block 26. Reedport. Douglas County, Oregon, is now held by the plaintiff and is a first lien on said real property prior and superior to the Hens, claims and interest by the defend ants and each of them. There Is now due and owing on said mortgage the sum of $600 with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per annum from Mav 6. 1:18. and that the plaintiff la entitled to recover herein the further sum of fl.0 as attorneys fees and his costs and disbursements and that said mort gage be foreclosed and that the said defendants and each of them be barred and forever foreclosed from any right, title or interest in or to said real dfod- erty save and except for statutory rieht of redemption and that said property iw soia as an execution to sanity tne lien and for such other and further 1 relief as tha court may deem just and proper. 1 This summons Is served by publics-! Hon pursuant to an order of the Honor- 1 aoie iari e. wimberly. circuit Judge for Douglas Countv. Oreeon. made and entered on the 2Hth day of September. 1949. d tree tine nuhllratlnn nnr m u kr for four consecutive weeks in the Rose burg News-Review, a newspaper of gen eral circulation published ln Douglas County, Oregon. t-ari M reiker. Attorney for Plaintiff Dated and first nnhllihH thi. i.t day of October, 1949. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby srtven that TuMriar the 18ih day of October, 1949. at the hour of 10 clock in the forenoon, in the County Court Room tn the Court House. Rosebure. Douelas Countv Or. gon. has been fixed as the time and place ror hearing objections, if anv. to the final account filed bv the under signed tn the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County KUiH HAr TLT Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of David Franklin Haffly, Deceased. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice la herebr liven that the un dersigned as guardian of the person and eviate of Louise Lehman, an in competent person, will from and after the 2Mh dav or October. at his office in the Pacific Building, Rose bure. Douelas countv. Oreaon. nm- reed to sell at private sale for cash in nana an tne right, title and interest of Iiulse I -eh man In and tn the fol lowing described real propertv: Lots 11 and 14 of Block 90. Rail road Addition to the City of Rose burg. Douglas County. Oregon. Said sale shall be subject to the unexpired term of a lease of a portion of said premises, To-wit: that part thereor described as 1 37 South Ste phens Street, now under leae to Mid Oregon Printing and Stationery Com- Kany. Oregon Limited, and which said ase expires August I, 1931. Roy O Young, Guardian nf the Person and Estate of Louise Lehman, an incompe tent person. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is herehy given that Tuesday, October 2th, 104ft. at 10 o clock am. in the county court room In the Court House In Roseburg. Douglas Countv. Oregon, have been fixed as the time and place for hearing object tons, if anv. to the final account filed by the un derlined in the County Court of Douglas Countv. Oregon BFULAH D PALMER PET ERSON. Administratis of the Estate of Charles O. Palmer, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLFMFN'T Notice ta hereby given that Tuesday, November . 100. at 10 o clock A. M . In the County Court Room, Countr Court House. In Rneeburg Douglas County. Oregon, have been fixed as the time and place for heai log ob jections. If any. to the final account filed by the undersigned In the County Court of Douglas CoimH, Ore on CURTIS P BARKER. Administrator of the Estate of Perry Franklin Barker, Deceased. WALLBOARD Firtex Sheet rock Mjsomte PAGE LUMBER t FUEL 164 K. 2nd Aw. S. Phon 242 Livestock For Sale 3 exceptionally good Dairy Cows: I Holstein, 3 years old, 2nd calf. I Jersey-Guernsey. I brindle Swiss and Jersey. Will sell at private sale if sold before Monday. If not, will take to Schricker's Auction to be sold at public sale Mon day, October 10. Also I fat 7-months-old calf. Will butcher and deliver if desired, 32c lb. Ph. 492-J. Artificial Insemination Semen from Holstein Jersey Guernsey REGISTERED PEDIGREED Ph. 1300 Dr. Dallen H. Jones ROSEBURG ANIMAL HOSPITAL lor Information or appointment Bring Your Livestock WHERE they bring in the most money Sale every Friday. Livestock 12 o'clock. Furniture 1 p. m Roseburg Auction Phone 191 SUMMONS TN THE CIRCUIT COURT Of THE STATE OR OREGON, FOR DO LOLAS COUNTY WAYNE WEIST and CLARA WE I ST. Plaintiffs. vs. The unknown heirs of ELIZABETH JOHNSON, Deceased: the unknown heirs of FRED JOHNSON, Deceased; the unknown heirs of JANE SHEK RITT. Deceased; the unknown heirs of HERVE SHERRITT, Deceased: and also ail other persons or parties un known claiming any right, title, es tate. Hen or interest in the real estate described In tha complaint herein, Defendants, TO: The unknown heirs of ELIZA BETH JOHNSON. Deceased: the un known heirs of FRED JOHNSON. De ceased; the unknown heirs of JANE SHERRITT. Deceased: the unknown heirs of HERVE SHERRITT, Deceased; and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described la the complaint herein: IN THE NAME Or THE STATE OF OREGON, You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiffs filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before four 4i weeks from the 1st day of October. Ift49. that being the date of the first pub lication of this summons, and If you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, plaintiffs, for want there of, will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, a succinct statement of which la as fol lows, to-wit: That It be decreed that plaintiffs are the owners In fee and entitled to the possession of the following de scribed real property, to-wit: Lou one 1. two 2", three 3i and four (4i of Section 31, Township 30 South. Range 10 West of the Wil lamette Meridian: and the North west quarter iNW',i of the South west quarter 'SW'4l of Section 32, Township 20 South, Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, all being located in Douglas County, Oregon. Subject to a mortgage to the Federal Land Bank of Spokane, dated April 6, 1(M9, and recorded ln Volume 83 of the Mortgage Rec ords of Douglas County. Oregon, bearing recording Instrument No. 91148. And that the right of possession and till to said nremises be forever Quiet ed in plaintiffs and that It be further decreed that any claim of the de fendants, or any of them, tn or to said premises, or any part thereof, is without foundation in law or in equity, and that plaintiffs are the owners in fee of said premises and of the whole thereof, free from any and ail claims and interest of said defendants, or any nf tham nf anv kind or nature what soever, and that said defendants and all persons claiming by. through or under them, or any of them, be for ever restrained and enjoined from as serting any right, title or interest in or to said premises, or any part there of, and for such other and further relief as to tha court ahall appear equitable. This Summons Is served upon you by publication once each week for lour 14' successive weeks In the Rose burg News-Review, a newspaper of general circulation as provided by statute, published and issued tn Rose burg, Douglas County. Oregon, by order of the Honorable Carl E Wimbei ly. Judge of the above entitled court, msae on the 23rd day of September. 1040. DAVIS. WALTON RICHMOND Attorneys for Plaintiffs 218 U. S. Natl Bank BIdg. Roseburg, Oregon. IN THE JTSTH'E COI RT FOE DUR t Rr fcK DISTRICT IN AMI FOR THE COf NT OF DO! (iLAS. OREGON CASK NO. 24C SIMMONS ALBERT G. FLEGEL. d b a Flegel Transfer & Storage Co.. Plaintiff, vs MAURICE LANGrELDT and JANE DOE LANGFELDT, husband and wife. De fendants. TO: Maurice Langfeldt and Jane Doe Langfeldt, husband and wife, defend- nN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OHEGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled case on or before four 4 weeks from the date of tha first pub lication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer said plaintiff's complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the full sum of fl.U.SA together with interest thereon at per annum from March 19. 1949. until paid, and for costs and disbursements Incurred in this action, as demanded In the com-. vide that the moneys heretofore gar nished in the above en til led case tn the sum of $352 97, belonging to Mau rice Langfeldt. shall be turned over to the above entitled court by said gar ntshee for and In behalf of the plant iff toward the satisfaction of said Judg ment in full This summons Is served upon you by fiublication thereof once each week for our 4 successive weeks in the Rose burg News-Review .a newspaper of gen era, circulation as provided by statute, published and Issued In Roseburg. Doug las County, Oregon. Rv order of A J. Geddes. Justice of Peace of the above entitled court, made On the th day of September. 1949. The date of first publication of this summons la September in, 1949. GEORGE LUOMA. Attorney for Plaintiff. V. S National Bank Building, Roseburg. Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of LOl lSE A SMITH. De ceased, now pending tn the couny court of Douglas County. Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned administratrix at Roeeburg. Oregon. ?r to R L. Whipple, her attomev. U S. National Bank Building. Roseburg. Ore gon, within sis months from the data1 of this notice, hich la October L, HTLFNt t WTVBERLT. Admlnnt-atri of tha EM eta of Louise A. Smith Deceased). Shop and Save With Classified Ads Livestock Schricker's Auction MILES NORTH OP ROSEBURG ON SS SALES EVERY MONDAY LIVESTOCK AT I P. M Furniture at T CONSIGNORS MAY EXPECT A FAIR MARKET PRICE AT THIS AUCTION. SCHRICKER SONS. AUCTIONEERS 'Beautiful chestnut sorrel colt, flax en man and tail. Gentle, broke for lady to ride, a real pet and very outstanding. Age 2li years, named Traveler by Doughboy. Price 150 Seem him at Vocller'a near Rodeo Grounds or call 1244-R WANTED Fat lambs, vearltncs and canner awes. Write or call, James E. Lewis. Myrtle Creek, Oregon Ph. 84: Darrlll W. Ray, Rt. 2. Box 30s-B, Roseburg. uregon. rn. oaa-H-i. GOOD MILKING Shorthorn calves, soma weaned, be vera I yearlings. Also some family cows. Nichols, Melrose Rt., Box joi. FOR SALE Two 1st calf heifers, milk ing 2 months. Reasonable. L. H. Ritchie, RL 3, Box 271. FOR SALE Guernsey cow and calf. S130. Ph. SHI 4 Su then in. FOR SALE OR TRADE Gentle saddle pony. fh. 821. WEANER PIGS for sale. G. A, Brown, Lanyonviue. rn. iki. WANTED All kinds of livestock. H. M Cox Call WW-J-4 BULL SERVICE Artificial Insemina- t on. Ph. i.too. WEANER PIGS for sale. Ph. 52-T3. Autos Used Cars Low Prices Terms to Suit Dwn. Pymt PriC, CHEV. Spec. Del. Std TOS00 TORD Sedan, very food, black 1 IBS 00 HUDSON Sed. Lonk new. blark. 134S.00 (279.00 100 00 490 00 440 00 750 00 400 00 HUDSON Sed. Gray Mtr. Recond. 1295 00 HUDSON Sed. O. D Si extra. HUDSON Sed. Ma roon. Exc HUDSON Super Coupe. Air Rida tire. Exc. Cond. NASH Amb. Sed. O. D. Mtr. JUft ov erhauled FORD Del. Cp. DeSoto Sed LINCOLN, 11 CyL Sed STltDE. 2-dr. Sed. PLYMOUTH Coupe. INTERN Panel . H U D 8 O N Sed. Maroon. . WILLYS JEEP 4-W. Dr. 719 00 290.00 909 no 6N5O0 090.00 405 no 1S500 429 00 129.00 200 no 250.00 220.00 900 00 1MI 1(440 1040 1M0 in:tn lira 1S4S 200.00 229 00 390 00 More Car For Your $ At Roseburg Hudson Co. HUDSON DEALER 702 S. Stephana Ph. 1274-R Better Buys At Barcus 1f)46 Olds S, T sedan 149!. 1B46 Dodge Custom sedan, R tic H. new tires, perfect 1494 1947 Hudson sedan, low mileage, like new A real bargain 134S 1943 Dodge sedan, excellent con- diliou . S43 1942 Studebaker Commander Land Cruiser sedan 1940 Chev. Coupe with factory built pickup box (JBS 1939 Studebaker Commander se dan , 3M 198 Packard Coupe. Xi 10.17 Ponttac S-Pass. Coupe. 193S Chrysler Sedan. 123 FORDS 1940 V-8 Coupe. 1037 V-S Sedan. 1039 V-8 Sedan. lf3S V-S Sedan 102 Model A PanaL . 309 . 249 TRUCKS 1949 Dodge ' ton pickup, stake bed. 7 000 miles, like new. ...1593 194S International ton pick up - 430 1942 Chev. I'i ton G I. truck, flat bed body; also his dump box and hoist. Reduced price 430 BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Hlchwar M N at Garden Valley Road 1:I9 CHEV. STANDARD 4-door aedan. Exreptlonally food condition. 1393 I'mpqua. Ph. 980-Y. Poultry Baby Chicks Hamps, Reds, Crosses. Every week tn the year. Best of breeding. Pullorum passed. Hatching Eggs Wanted Tear around market City agent. Douglas Co. Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery Lookingglaaa Rt Phone 1S-P-3 FOR SALE New Hampshire fryers, 13c lb.. New Hampshire pullets. Every dav, year around. Clar-Mar Poultry Farm, 1st nousejm Curry Road. Ph. 1A99-J-4. FOR SALE Parmenter Red'Puliets, tl 60 each Mrs. Forrest Tandy, Yoncalla, Oregon. FOrf SALETryers 3 miles" ouTMelttwc Highway. Howard Ransom. Rabbits RABBITS White New Zealand bucks, does and fryers. Charles O Neill, Look Ingglass Rt. WITH RABBIT MEAT A MEALS COMPLETE. Dogs THOROUGHBRED COCKER Spaniel puppies. S10 Billfe Ward. Vertical Acres. 2nd house, 1st road left west of Brook way. Jacob's Kennel's PhT736J GRA-HO COCKER- KEVNELS. fhnne 636 or 452-Y Reg and ped. pupoieali rmfrs rv1r- Personal ALCOHOLICS ANOVYMOV9. Pa 1116 or Phono 1506-L or 506-J. Autos Lockwoocfs USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere 1940 TORD CONVERTIBLE 1750 1 104B PORD CLUB COL'PE 1095 00 1940 OLDSMOBILE SEDAJ4ETT .1949 00 1948 FORD COUPE . 993 00 1942 CHRYSLER New Yorker 1U5.H0 1941 FORD TUDOR SEDAN 849 110 1941 PLYMOUTH Fordor Sdn. 903 00 1940 PLYMOUTH Fordor Sdn. 343 00 1938 FORD TUDOR SDN. 350.00 19:17 PONTIAC tudor aedan 399 00 1938 FORD FORDOR SEDAN 199 00 1941 INT. McCormlck Davrlna Farm Tractor , 890.08 Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups 194 1948 1947 1940 1949 1947 1942 1942 1942 FORD 1 ton Hake rack 1973 00 WILLYS JEEP 999 00 STUDY 1',-lon chaula It cab 999 00 WILLYS Station Wagon ..1343 00 FORD LUMBER TRUCK . W1HH3 UU 999.00 499 00 749 00 848.00 WILLYS 1-ton pickup FORD l'-ton Flatbed FORD ,-ton Pickup FORD H-lon .Panel You Pay Less For Used Cars At L0CKW00D MOTORS Easy Terms Studebaker Used Car Lot 3 Day Driving Tria Landcrufser. Can hardly tell H from a new car. Overdrive, H. Hill holder. Radio and climatirer and many other accessories. New car guarantee. Commander 4donr sedan, only 3. 600 miles, overdrive, H. holder and climatlzer. New car guaran tee. Champ., clean and excellent mecn anically. 4-Door Mercury. Real clean and In perfect condition. Radio and heater. Buirk sedan special. Radio end, heater. De Soto 4-door sedan. Interior like new. Chevrolet Coupe. Chevrolet 4-door sedan. 1947 1946 1941 1941 1940 1938 Commercials 1946 Ford Pickup . 1949 Studebaker Pickup 1 ton. Sad Sacks 1936 Dodge. 4-door. 1934 Chevrolet 3-door. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL t P. H. Keel's Used Car Lot Nut to Roae Hotel Phone.: 129 or 144o-J How Good Is Reputation? Only as good as Its foundation. And that Is good purpose bu i 1 1 on service and desire to please. We'd like to serve you and our wide selection of fine Guaran teed Used Cars awaits your in spection. Coma In TODAY! Special 194 CHEV. Club cpe , R a H 1 Other Good Buys 1946 1946 1947 1946 I46 1942 1942 1941 1940 1940 19.19 1938 STTDE Sedan 1575 1545 1475 1395 125 845 FRAZER R fr H STLDE Sedan CHEV. Sedan RAH CHEV Sedan RAH OLDS Sedan FORD Club Cpe. R & H 7 DESOTO Sedan RAH 8P5 PLYMOUTH Sedan R H 595 OLDS Club Coupe 595 CHRYSLER Sedan 595 FORD Sedan 250 Corkrum Motors, Inc. VOIR DeSoto Plymouth HEADQUARTERS 330 S Stephens Ph. 9Q6-J "We'll Be Here Tomorrow to Back Vp What We Say and Do Today!" Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Reasonable priced. O il A C terma. Chevrolet Bulck Pontlaa Cadillw trade-ins. 19.16 BUICK 4-door. 6300. 1931 Stude haker. good condition: sale or trade for what: Ray s Truck Shop, 2065 N. Stephens, ph. 499-J-4. MORE MONEY for your car Cash on t he spot Cork rum Motors. Inc ua Soto Plymouth- Phone 406 114 N Ho St AtTOMOBiLXfofaalt. cheap. 340- Jackson 19.17 FORD V-6 sedan delivery Reason stw .116 g 2nd Ave ,N Ph. lOOVU 1 9 w-CTi?K OL rTft tarxle H Run. 13. Bc it. Rifle Bang Road.