Indians Face Reedsport 11 Here Tonight Rosebiirej Squad Loses Tackle Glenn Scofield, Out With Broken Ankle The Roseburg Indians tapered oft with light drill last night In preparation lor their second home appearance tonight against an upset-minaea Dana 01 Keeos port Braves. Roscburg's Finlay field will be the scene of the gridiron bat tie, with kick-off time set at 8 p. m. . An on-again, off-agaln Rose burg line will be without the services of big Glenn Scofield, veteran tackle, who was tarried from the practice field Wednes day .vlth a broken ankle. Scofield, a senior this year. will be lost to the squad for the remainder of the season. His ab sence will leave a big hole in the tackle spots, with only two tackles remaining, Don Parr and cnet Kowe. Although Redsport figures to be a weaker team, according to this season's record, Indian Coach Cece Sherwood is not anticipat ing an easy victory. New offen sive twists to Roseburg's regu lar T-formatlon have been de vised during practice this week. The new plays add to the re pertoire Sherwood will draw from for a game which promises to be played on a very wet field. Tentative starting lineups: Raedsport Pot. Roseburg Mansaker LER Blanck McAllster LTR Parr Van Ordcn LGR Wagner Frlese ....C Burnette Abbott RGL. Packard Kaufmann ...RTL Rowe Froman REL Olson Jackson Q Strlckllng Pinion LHR Kenny Thomas .RHL.... Van Horn Rose F .. Weber Dodgers' Reported Sale Of Robinson Is Denied NEW YORK, Oct. 7. (P) Both Brooklyn and Boston base ball officials stoutly denied to day a report that Jackie Kob!.i son, the Dodgers' Stellar second baseman, had been sold to the Braves for a wad of cash and talent. The Washington Times Herald, In a dispatch from New York, reported it had learned Robinson would go to the Braves for $250, 000 and two unnamed players. The official announcement of the deal Is being held up until after the world series,, the paper added. ' The most heated denial came from Billy Sullivan, director of the Boston team's public rela tions. "We have never tried to buy Robinson and you can brt that Brooklyn la not willing to sell him." WRESTLING OPENING EVENT Dan Dugan vs. Billy McEuin MAIN EVENT TAG TEAM MATCH Buck Weaver and Stocky Kneilson vs. Tex Hager and Al Szasi Roseburg Armory -8:30 P.M. -October 8 CAMPUS Many other styles to choose from right on acLion SCRIMMACE SUTHERLIN SATURDAY This squad of Roieburg Junior high school Papooses, coached by Hod Turner and Frank Purdy, will meet Sutherlin Saturday at 12:30 in scrimmage game set or Finlay field. Left to right, first row, Talbot, Landis, Schultz, Bevans, Guthrie, Packard, Stumbo, Oberholzer, Kress, Gill Michel, Gibby, Groves, Johnson, Backin. Second row, Wooten, Morgan, Oerding, Evans, Clarenbach, Sandstrom, Wehde, Kemp, . Linnell, Jones, Townsend, Ridgeway, White, Smith. Third row, MeCehehey, Powell, Hicks, Gilbert, Haryman, Reuchert, H. Backin, Duvall, Langlois, Stristke. Players not present for the picture include Oilar, Langberg, Householder, Shepherd, Were, Reagles, D. Smith, end Reeee. (Staff photo I. Jackie Robinson Draws Warning From Chandler NEW YORK, Oct. l.-XJF-Jackie Robinson, Brooklyn's ex plosive second baseman, has been given a sharp warning by Com missioner A. B. (Happy) Chand ler to "behave himself." On the carpet as the result of an outburst in the spring and banished for a run-in with an umpire In one of the late season games, the Negro infielder drew another rebuke for criticizing the umpiring In the first world ser ies game. After the opening series game, won by the New York Yankees 1-0, Robinson beefed about the work of plate umpire Cal Hub bard. In the dressing room after the Wednesday game, Jackie said, I ve never seen such bad strikes called. He actually called a pitch out a strike." Later when he had cooled down the inlieldcr said he was sorry about his remarks and wanted to make a public apology. 'I lost my head," he said. "We were beaten legitimately and I thought, all In all, Hubbard caled a good game." In the meantime, Commission er Chandler had told Manager Burt hhotlon of the Dodgers that he expected better behavior from Knmnsnn. Chandler Instructed Robinson. through Sotton, to be more cir cumspect in dealing with urn- plies In the luture and act like the big league ball player he Is." The commissioner said he wanted Robinson to quit "pop ping off" about umpires. Grid Gossip In Northwest Loop CORVALUS, Ore., Oct. 7 tP) Oregon Slate, with four sopho mores expected to move into the starting lineup, leaves today for a Saturday game against Wash ington at Seattle. Coach Kip Taylor Indicated he would promote to the starters Guard Don Zaroskinski. End John Thomas, Right Halfback Bill Sheffold and Quarterback Gene Morrow. An air game was expected to result. Morrow, a star passer at The Dalles. Ore., high school, was Impressive in passing in the few minutes he played last week when Oregon State was drubbed by California, 410. PULLMAN, Wash., Oct. 7-7P) Coach Phil Sarboe today came out with a cautious prediction his Washington State Cougars stand a better than outside chance of defeating Oregon In their coast conference football game here Saturday. Prospects were for a soft and squishy turf. Heavy rains have soaked the stadium field all week. Sarboe probably will have to do without the services of his star sophomore Halfback, Bud Roff ler, who has been sidelined by Injuries for more than a week. EUGENE, Ore., Oct. 7 -Ml The 37-man University of Oregon football squad sound of limb and In good condition left here bv train yesterday for a Coast con ference game Saturday against Washington State. SEATTLE, Oct. 7-P)-Wash ington's Huskies tapered off their drills today in preparation for their Coast conference football opener against Oregon State here Saturday. The surprise of yesterday's fi nal heavy scrimmage was the switch of Dev (One-Play) Gos sett from end to left halfback. Coach Howie Odell indicated he will rely on the Renton B-fnoter for the safety role on defense. Gossett earned his name hv against Stanford In 19U on the against Stanford In liXi on the single play he made In the game. With three first siring backs benched by Injuries, Udell's of fensive backfield is expected to consist of Don O'leary at quar ter, Jim Wiley at left half, Kenny Dunn at fullback and Jack Seth al right half. State Bird Refuge Near Hot Lake Considered LA GRANDK. Oct. 7 --.T-Sortsnien and farmers are mull ing the question of whether thev want a State Bird refuge near Hot lake. Game commission officials said the proposed refuge would take In ."S.OOO acres, and that about I.SOO of the acres are not ar able land. The Game commission said i would not press for the refuge, however, should farmers think the land should be retained for crop production. M far a limited time only! New Men's Pedwins that bring a new standard of quality and value to your dollar. Only $95 Stanford-UCLA Battle Features Coast Grid Card By BOB MYERS LOS ANGKLKS, Oct. 7. Stanford and UCLA occupy the feature spot of the Pacific Coast conference Rose Bowl race to morrow in a contest that prom ises to be bruising and close. Of equal Interest is the re newed swing at Big Ten football prestige by the University of houtnern calllornla and Califor nia's Golden Bears. Southern Cal engages Ohio State at Los Angeles, California plays Wisconsin at Madison and there is reason to hope that both coast elevens will have better luck than their conference cous ins, Stanford and Washington, had against Michigan and Min nesota. Rounding out the Saturday slate, Oregon should get by Washington State at Pullman, but Oregon State faces no such prospects at Seatle against the University of Washington. Idaho takes a rest after an un happy experience with the Texas Longhorns, and Montana goes against Colorado A M at Ft. Collins. The surprising thing about the conference campaign is that the Stanford-UCLA game at Palo Al to may be billed as a crucial affair. Stanford rates a slim margin of favoritism although proving last week that one of the bet ter teams in the west still Is not quite prepared to cope with a Michigan or a Notre Dame. Oregon, a splendid team, none the less got a convincing 35-27 whacking from UCLA. The Web foots should prevail over a stout but pitifully under manned Wash. Ington State squad. i-ersonai prediction dept.: UCLA over Stanford In a rip roaring game; USC over Ohio State; California over Wiscon sin; Washington over Oregon State; Oregon over WSC. and Montana over the Colorado Aa. gles. Reedsport Boys Football Prospects At O. C. E. Two Douglas county boys, both from Reedsport, are rated highly by Bill Mi-Arthur, head football coach at Oregon College of Edu cation. Expecting somewhat of a breather this Saturday against the George Kox College Quakers, McArthur Indicated the two ex Reedsport high plaveis, Chuck Pinion and Jack Bahta. will see plenty of action in the coming game. The two Reedsport bovs were listed as possible starters' for the Monmouth Wolves, despite the fact they are both freshmen. Pin ion. OC'E frosh quarterback, is definitely in line for a starting berth against the Quakers. Ban ta, frosh halfback, will also see action when Coach McArthur starts an all-freshman eleven against the George Kox College team. Oregon-Cougar Game To Be Aired Over KRNR A play-by-plav account of the Oregon Washington State game to be played at Pullman, Wash., Saturday will be aired locally over KRNR. Broadcast time Is 1:45 p m. The game will he narrated hv Asso ciated Sportscaster Lovd Salt and Commentator Bob Curtis. Do The Job YOURSELF The PrfLW DISSTON One-Man I till CHAIN SAW Save your tnuscfes. Heid for the woods with this new Dim too One Man Chain Saw. Light wnght. gat olineslrivrn power taw. Fella . . . Bucki . . . Limb. Operate at any angle . . . even upaide down. CARL J. PEETZ Phone 279 920 S. Stephens Bowling Scores INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Team Won Loit Umpqua Valley Hdwa. ...10 t r O. E 8 4 Veti HoipiUl Jovin Brake Supply 6 Junea !na.. Myrtle Crtek S T B P. O E. 5 T Don ut Bar 5 7 Elka 328 3 9 (iimei Oct S: Donut Bar S, Elki .126 1; Ump. V. Hardware 2, Veta Hoipita) 1: Jovin 3, B. P. O. E. 1; T. O. I. 3, Jones lna. 0. REMARKS High Individual game afore: Barney Rost, 23.1. High individual aerie acore: Barney Boat, M7. r. O E. 98 M M 204 Mk. E. 143 1S1 113411 Morris 152 177 140 4fifl Mek. D. ISO IRS 161 476 Barker - 1K.1 Hi2 128 473 Root 160 2.15 192 587 888 988 8342710 JONES INS., MYRTLE CREK 61 61 61 16.1 Bftner 1.S8 176 121 453 Jnnea . 1R1 143 163 4B9 Sellers - 114 1.(7 88 339 Groom - 108 130 138 376 Chapia - 143 130 130 443 765 797 7232283 B P. O. E. 139 139 139 477 Walls - 142 143 1.W 443 Smith , ..107 133 129 39 Barber . 171 146 8H4 4()3 Rvan ...1.(3 116 134403 Haakins . 167 143 149 4.r9 879 842 835 2556 JOVIN BRAKE SUPPLY 121 121 121 MM C. Harris . . 131 171 176 4HH Doc Campbell ... 171 172 149 492 E. Lenli 135 i:!8 173 446 H. Taylor 143 1!1 159 43 J. V. Nordltng .. 143 172 155 470 814 9A3 9332762 VETS HOSPITAL - 103 103 103 309 Eaberf - 145 191 190 326 McNult - . 113 104 H2 381 HuKkina , 148 1HO 1M 439 Tannlund 134 i;tl 1R6 417 Betley . 140 134 182 476 803 843 974 2622 UMPQUA VALLEY HARDWARE 82 82 82 246 Roberts . .1H7 162 115 444 KlKKrns - . 170 184 184 3.18 Harding .. . 182 1K3 189 5 14 Milliard 174 141 137 452 C. Fini erlos 177 150 140 467 932 882 8412681 DONUT BAR 133 135 123 405 T. Buettner 211 188 135 534 C. Wellman 193 214 137 544 B Travis 120 123 144 389 W. Johnson 13 134 . 138 433 R. Try m 179 133 156 4K8 1001 929 8452775 ELKS 326 90 90 90 J70 E. Radlgan 91 1) 185 4.(6 B. Stock 1.50 1H3 169 302 H. WeUgerher ... Itl2 134 111 407 B Brown 138 162 171471 Abaentea . 145 144 1 52 441 776 873 8782527 Chili Feed Enjoyed By Girls Athletic Assn. The Girls Athletic association at Roseburg high held a chill leed alter school Oct. 4 for all G. A. A. members and those wishing to join. Points towards earning a letter were gained by memoers at tne ieea. For the Droeram. Norene Kruysman played the guitar and sang. Lois Morgan played the pi ano, and President Wilma Pope gave a snort talK. After the din ner skills were demonstrated, with two points given for each Kill. "I 'IS 6 Th Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Fri. Oct. 7. 1949 o 8tPGM5 o I Oregon's High School Grid Teams Slated This Weekend For Featureless Contests By MATT KRAMER AuaeUUd Prw lull WrlMr Unbeaten Hood River and competition of the year tonight, school fooball leaders Just laze Hood River, high-score winner of three straight games, will trav el to Gresham, a team that has been downed only by Franklin of Portland. It will be the top en counter of the District 5 chase. Astoria, unbeaten in District 7. will be host to Central Catholic of Portland, perennial contender for the district title. Salem, downed by Klamath Falls, but still in the running in District 4, also will face a severe test, playing host to Bend. Eu gene, unbeaten in the same dis trict, is expected to romp over Cottage Grove. The Southern and Eastern Ore gon leaders got a respite. Grants Pass will be Idle. Medford will play an inter-state game, meet ing Eureka, Calif. Milton-Free- Tag-Team Bout Promises Lots Of Rough Action Buck Weaver retained his Pa cific coast wrestling title here last week over Georges Dusette but fans know that if time hadn't run out on the strong French Canadian, he might have thrown Weaver for a long loss. The rules state that a championship battle must be won on 2-out-of-3 falls and Dusette only collected one before time ran out on him. He is crying for a return match, but won't fight unless there is no time limit. Since Matchmaker Elton Owen couldn't get it clear ed in time for this week's card, he lined up a spectacular tag team match instead. And it should be a red-hot fra cas. On the meanie's side are Weaver and Stocky Kneilson, as smooth a pair at the rough and dirty as you can find. On the cleanie side are, Tex Hager and Al Szasz, as fine a pair of scien tific grapplers as you would want to see in action. But don't think they can't get rough when the going gets tough. Szasz is riding a long winning streak and doesn't intend to let these two ruin it for him, and Hager has a standing feud with Weaver that is likely to break out in open warfare at ny time. Railbirds are predicing one red hot mat engagement that should send the fans home completely satisfied. In the one-hour opener, Dan Dugan, newcomer from Califor nia, will take on Billy McEuin. Dugan is a cleanie, well versed in ring lore even If he Is still classed as a youngster. He fights along the order of Jack Kiser and that make.? him a grappler to watch out for. Ever broil canned salmon? Chill a tall-size can well, remove the salmon from the can all in one piece, and cut in four thick slices with a sharp knife. Dot each slice with a little butter or margarine, sprinkle with lemon juice, and broil. For the best in Landscaping gardens and supplies . . . rock gardens . . . lawns . . . spraying and pruning . . . rare or com mon trees . . . shrubs , . . and bulbs . . . Call 1712-J Jack May Landscape Co. 1350 Harrison Street see you remembered the Sicks' Select StCW SKEWING COMPANY J SALEM, ORESON Astoria run Into their first stiff but the rest of the state's high along. water will tangle with Walla Wal la. La Grande plays another Dis trict 1 opponent, Nyssa, but is highly favored to win as it pleases.. The Dalles, barely shad ed by unbeaten Milton-Freewatr last week, is expected to win this week with Pendleton the victim. Baker and Vale collide in another District 1 contest. Albany, one of the better Dis trict entries, will travel to Southern Oregon to play Ashland. Klamath Falls, one of Southern Oregon's prominents, will be host to Springfield from District 4. In District 6 Hillsboro is the favorite over Forest Grove, and McMinnville over Oregon City. Both favorites are unbeaten. Other games: Burns at Red mond; Lakeview at Alturas, Leb anon at Myrtle Point, North Bend at Marshfield, Reedsport at Rose burg, Junction City at Elmira, Oakridge at Creswell, St. Mary's (Eugene) at Sweet Home, Molal la at Silverton, Estacada at Can by, Sandy at Dallas, Dayton at Independence, Mt. Angel at Woodburn, Beaverton at Tigard, Corvallis at Milwaukie, Newberg at West Linn, Sherwood at Rai nier. Vernonia at Clatskanie, Parkrose at Hill Military (Port land), Camas at St. Helens, Sea side at Scappoose. REPAIR and . . SERVICE A CROSLEY as an ordinary heavy car and you get better than 30 miles to the gallon of gas a. FINS oul BUY-TRY-COMPARE with AHYBEER from ANYWHERE Seven Games On Local Grid Card This Weekend Local football fam will ve football a plenty thii weekend, with a total of seven home con testi to be played, all Involving Roseburg teams. Beelnnlnz with tne Indian Reedsport Barves tilt at Finlay lield tonight at 8, other games include lour grade school con tests Saturday morning, a Junior high Papoose Sutherlin scrim maze at 12:30 Saturday, and the Junior Varsity Warriors Grants Pass J-v contest looks to be the nam nf th riflv. fftAc-h Norm ; west brought his boys back from a 41-14 defeat last weeKena, in flicted by this same band "f Grants Pass players. The J-V's figure to be a tougher opponent on their home field and will have the added advantage of mora experience plus a lew new of fensive tricks. Coaches Hod Turner and Frank Purdy will send their inexperi enced) Junior high boys against a rugged group of Sutherlin eighth and ninth graders in a return scrimmage session. These two teams arranged to meet again, following a scrimmage Wednesday that saw both teams score and gave coaches a chance to point out errors and make suggestions for needed improve ment. Grads Schools Slated Grade school youngsters com. in for their share of football glory this weekend with four games scheduled for Saturday, begin ning at 9:30 a.m. The two Rose school teams will be trying to keep the slate clean and continue to ride at the top of both Heavyweight and Pee wee divisions. Rose Heavies will meet the Fullerton Heavies which tied. 12-12 with Benson .last week. The Rose Peewees will meet Riverside, beaten in their first encounter by Fullerton. In other games scheduled for Saturday morning, the Riverside and Benson Heavyweights tangle and Fullerton and Benson will meet. 3 Tired of Paying Big Repair Bills O IT COSTS ABOUT HALF AS MUCH TO s&s Motors 707 S. Stephens St. Phone 7071-R Stubbys of Sicks' Select in the handy 12-PAK... great for outing, picnics -fits your home refrigerator also: Cans in 12-PAK. Quarts, Cans or Stubbys by ths case.