Columbia Basin Split Program Rapped By Cain WASHINGTON. Oct. 7. LW The Senate public works com mittee refused Thursday to au thorize the $1,000,000,000 program of army engineer! and the Recla mation bureau lor the Columbia river basin. But it added $23,000,000 worth of the projects in the coordinated fuogram to an omnibus bill which t approved. This bill would au thorize flood control and naviga tion projects estimated to cost $1,564,28.630. This hill carried no anpropriation. It merely would make the projects eligible for ap propriations. The committee's rejection of the lull coordinated program was described by Senator Cain (R Wash) as "a sacrifice by the ad ministration on the altar of a val ley authority." President Truman has recom mended to Congress the creation of a Columbia Valley administra tion to develop that Pacific North west basin. "The Pacific Northwest has been betraved." Cain asserted, "and tie famed Reclamation bureau-army engineering plan for orderly development of the Columbia has been thrown over board by one of the most surrep titious and underhanded political maneuvers conducted by any ad ministration in the recent history of this nation's development pro gram for our rivers."- In all the committee added $147,228,650 in new work authori zations to the House-passed ver sion of the bill. The House-passed bill would au- i u n n . w " (Kg4 Ttltphoto, CttirtnF Ffllt F TV-Police and Col. Theodore Fisher (white coat, right) present a dramatic scene as they plVad with Joha LTi Haynes not to-plunge to hi. death from the M-foot-hlgh Key Bridge over the Potomac Rivet in Washington. They pleaded for 15 minutes with Haynes, who claimed he was frustrated In love, and distracted his attention long enough for Patrolman Raymond A. Doysn (next to Fisher) to lunge ana grab Haynes by the legs and pull him off the ledge. Atomic1 Laboratory Work Ltaratd ly Russian Spy WASHINGTON. Oct 7 Edward yannlng, a former em ployee of the Chicago Atomic la boratory, testified Wednesday that an accused Russian spy had "direct knowledge" of the war time work In the laboratory. Manning, who now lives In Knoxville. Tenn., was before the House I'n American Activities committee to tell what he knows about Arthur Adams. In a re port last year, the committee named Adams as a Russian spy who is believed not to be in Rus sia. Manning said Adams knew what was going on In tht labora tory and that ne is sure Adams got his knowledge from Clarence Hiskey, who worked in tha labo ratory. Manning said he was dismiss ed by the laboratory for security reasons and that Hiskey. now .1 professor at Brooklyn Polytech nic institute, was dismissed, too. It was Hiskey who introduced Mm to Adams, Manning testi fied. Hiskey has appeared before the committee twice and refused to say whether he had any contacts with Adams on grounds he might incriminate himself. frl. Oct. 7. 1949 -The Newt-Review, Rosebure, 0r. 3 U. S. Summons Envoys In flan To Fight Propaganda Species Of Idaho Flics Invulnerable To DDT PRUDENTIAL LIFI Insurance HORACE C. BERG Special Agent 111 W-st Oak Offlc. 712 J Res. 871-J 11 a tf thorize new army engineer work i totaling $1,117,000,000, ol wnicn 1 $!95.000.000 is for flood control jand $120,000,000 is for navigation Ion rivers and harbors. I The Senate committee refused I to authorize the proposed compre hensive plan for development of the Columbia river basin but it did provide for a three-year con struction program of projects in the basin, adding $142,000,000 worth of armv engineer projects ito the $108,000,000 already ap proved by the House. Chairman Chavez (D-NMI told newsmen the committee also is willing to add $175,000,000 worth of reclamation bureau projects for the Columbia basin area, if the Senate interior committee, hrving jurisdiction over reclamation, consents. Longshoremen Soy Cargo Must Go Back To Hawaii Eighty Students Enroll In RHS Driving Class A half-year course In driver training is being offered at Rose burg high school as an elective subject. This course is given to familiarize students with automo biles and the responsibility en volved with driving. Norman West, the Instructor, reports that 80 students are now enrolled in this program. The course is begun with the reading of a book printed by the A.A.A. for driving classes. The students also study the Oregon Drivers manual so they can ob tain permits to drive. , This training is made possible through Hansen motors, who fur nish a dual controlled car, which enables the instructor to take control, if necessary. Students are also tested on their reaction time in stopping a car from dif ferent speeds. West said that through this A.-A.A.-sponsored course, it is hop ed to make better and safer dri vers of present high school stu dents who will be tomorrow's citizens. RUDIE RITZMAN 1703 Brown Ave. Phone 1066-J Roseburg, Oregon Mama Bulldog Takes Over For Pinscher Pups LITTLETON. Colo.. Oct 7 (.P) i Ten Doberman Pinscher pup pies orpnanea at Dirtn are get ting their three squares a dav from a female Pit bulldog, who's taken over the feeding Job. "Wacky," a fawn-colored hull dog, was pressed into service after the pups' owner, Mrs. Burt Chrisman of the Wolhurst ranch, made a newspaper appeal for help. She said the three-day-old pups were starving to death. The bulldog had just finished nursin? six of her own puppies. PROUD AS AN OLD ROOSTER! You can't blame ui for crowing about our dependable MILLW0RK PRODUCTS. Made of quality seasoned lum ber, by expert craftsmen, our sturdy, attractively-finished Doors, Windows, Mouldings, Trim . . . form a welcome addition to the beauty and utility of every modern home. See ut for YOUR needs this week! MONTHLY PAYMENTS ARRANGED. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 7-4.P West coast Longshoremen will not handle canned pineapple from a barge tied up at The Dalle. Ore., even after the Hawaiian dock strike is settled. International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's union spokesmen said Thursday the only way the cargo could ever be handled on the West coast was for the Hawaiian Pineapple com pany to send the barge back to the Islands. There the cargo would have to be transhipped by CIO union labor to a Matson Nav igation company freighter. Thev said the tinned fruit load ed bv non union stevedores in the islands would be blacklisted until the conditions were met even though it would treble the cost of the cargo. Unloading of the barge at The Dalles has been halted since pick ets used force to stop non union dock workers a week ago yester day. Two AKL truck drivers were beaten so .badly they required hospital treatment MOSCOW. Idaho. Oct. 7 Pv Remember that "No flies in Ida ho" campaign? Now it seems the slogan should have said: "No flies except those that are Immune to DDT." R. W. Portman, extension en tomologist at the University of Idaho, said that strains of house flies that are naturally partially Immune to DDT insecticide are about the only flies left in the state. So Portman Is recommending enother new insecticide. Lindane, to kill off the flies that can't be killed by DDT. The immune flies didn't get their immunity because DDT was spraved, Portman added. 'The strain Is a natural selec tion," he said. "We have always had them, but they were small in number compared with the Innu merable flies that could he knock ed out by the use of DDT." But the strain flourished as the flies susceptible to DDT died by the millions. Now the strains resistant to Lindane, if any, will get their chance to thrive. , , WASHINGTON, Oct. 7 .B The State department hai sum moned the American envoys in seven eastern European coun tries to London for a conference Oct. 2. Tod United Stto rtlnlnmnl. ! from Russia. Poland, Czechoslo vakia, Yugoslavia. Huneary. Ro mania and Bulgaria will attend the meeting. Assistant Secretary of State fieorge W. Perkins will fly from Washington to ait in. The State department an nouncement gave no detail! on what will be discussed, It called the session "Informal" and laid the diplomats will "exchange views and discuss questions of mutual Interest and concern." Government officials In adding to the announcement said that they believe one of the main top ics will be how to combat the propaganda against the United States which is being spread throughout the seven eastern Eu ropean countries. Coquille Motorcyclist Dies Following Crash MYRTLE POINT. Oct 7 ("PV Paul Glcrok, 22, Coquille, whose motorcycle was wrecked on high way 24 near the community of Norway Wednesday, died in a hospital here Thursday. Gierok's . motorcycle crashed Into a guard rail after passing a car. Then It swerved nto a high bank, throwing Gierok off. He had moved to Coaullle from Little Falls, Minn., eight monthi ago. The United States Library of Congress contains more than eight million volumes and pamphlets. WALLBOARD Flrtex Sheet rock 0 Maftomte PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. 3. Phone 242 Phone 400 FOR SHELL Burner and Stovt Oils Prnt, CoarWemt, AJlinito Fin r1r Opt Chan Arcnl. WANTED Used Car Salesman For Outside Calls Car and Gas furnished while en job. Pre-War Deal Must bt . married man and know Douglas County. Givt occupations for tho last ten years. Wt will train you and hlp cloit your salts. Write Box 27 Newt-Review Do Not Lose Money Because of Saw Break-Downs! It costs you money when your power chain saw la broken or does not operate at top effilcency. Bring your chain saw to your repair headquarters, Pacific Chain Saw Co. Many repairs are only small and It takes so little time to have them repaired when first detected. Small bugs in your motor now can mean bigger re pair Dills if not corrected soon. P ACIFIC CHAIN SAW CO. Hlway North Phone 1152 J No other low-priced car offers you all these EXTRA VALUES Certl-Sofe Hydraulic Brakes more outstanding than ever before with new Dubl-Life Rivetlcss brake linings that last up to twice as long. World's Champion Valve-In-Head Engine the extra efficient power plant with the valve-in-head design that's setting the trend for the automotive industry. Center-Point Steering with control centered between the front wheels for maximum driving-ease with minimum driver fatigue. Fisher Bod Styling and Luxury with smooth, graceful curves, new In terior richness and such extra luxuries as Push-Button Door Handles. Chevrolet and Chevrolet atone offers you all these EXTRA Values at lowest cost t "" lM" 11 l!JlHv.aft., v .y ' N mi .M.U'J" 1 1 '!'" ' f' nVHl 1 '" ')"Kt " "l"J'"'"1 ' Extra Economical to Own and Operate and traditionally worth more when you trade; for Chevrolet is America's most wanted mo tor carnew or used! Curved Windshield with Panoramic Visibility supplying all that extra vision which means extra safety in driving with a fuller, freer view all about you. Fisher Unisteel Body Construction with steel welded to steel above, below and all around you for the highest degree of solidity, quietness and safety. 5-Inch Wide-Base Rims, plus Low-Pressure Tires the widest rims in the low-price field-plus extra low-pressure tires-for greater stability and riding-comfort. Longer, Heavier, with Wider Tread the big car in the low-price field, with all the advantages of more riding-comfort, road steadiness and safety. HANSEN MOTOCt CO. Oak and SteDhens Phone 446 2)cvm KoexjccK sen 4023u?OAKC7W128 v j-Ley MTTeTjTiXiH