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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1949)
14 Tht Newi-Revlew, Roieburg, Or.-Frl. Oct. 7. 1949 YE OLDE ROSEBURG LAWS Browse Through Records Recalls Official Career Of City In Early Period (Ed. Note: Thii li the first of a serlei of articles on early records of Rose burg, compiled by City Manager M. W. Slankard.) By M. W. SLANKARD Very few citizens of Roseburg fully realize the responsibilities placed in the officials who operate their city. Very little thought Is given by the average layman to the complex mechanics and objects of a modern municipality. Sometimes in our own course of activities we lose sight of what a growing community needs to make our every day way of living as pleasant as possible. Few people understand the most important part of the! city: the past history that played such an important part In bringing Roseburg to be the modern city It Is today. Roseburg was first governed by a board of trustees, who met for the first time Oct. 12, 1872 7H years ago. Rules were establish ed for the operation of the newlv formed city. Committees were formed and chairman appoint ed to conduct the meetings; Mr. ' C. Gaddis being elected chair man. The time of meeting was tabllshed to be "earh Friday p.m. at 6 1-2 o'clock until further no tice." Hare's First Laws The first law as it was called, or ordinance as it Is called today, was concerning offenses and dis orderly conduct. Section 7. of ordinance number one read as follows: No person shall lead, drive or ride any horse, mule or other beast of burden upon any side walk within the limits of the City of Roseburg. Law number 2 was the regulat ing of businesses by securing a business license before a mer chant could conduct a place of business. This law went In effect Oct. 26, 1872. We note In reading the recoid of the first few months meetings that considerable interest was shown by the citizens of this new community In securing a citv marshal. We fall to find a record of his wages, but do find wheie after considerable discussion a night watchman was hired for $75 per month. The city trustees first met In the Jury room of the county court house. The county commissioners agreed that a fair rental price of $3 per month would be expected from the city, until such time as the city could construct a toATi hall. A petition from citizens of the city was presented praying that an ordinance be adopted prohib iting milch cows from running at large upon the streets of the city. The petition was presented and an ordinance adopted December 6, 1872. Town Hall Cost $600. Plans were drawn and the re corder was instructed to adver- AN AMAZING OFFER The makers of Dr. Parker's Corn Remover will give you double your money back if it fails to remove your corn or callous. Only 35c at Chop man's Drug Store. 10 YEAR REPLACEMENT r HOT WATER H EATER u ON I " phona "1T " J IASY TIRMS I " THE OREGON GRANITE CO. MEMORIALS We are pleased to announce the appointment of FRANK CHURCH 329 W. Mosher Roseburg Phone S49 as our DOUGLAS COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE Toke advantage of our reputation of 50 years in business in this community when you wish a memorial in beautiful polished gronite or m.arble. Use for bids to construct a town hall and city jail to be construct ed on one corner of the court house square. Rids were received Dec. 20, 1C72. from four local contrartois. The bid of Jones and Hewitt, be ing the lowest, in the amount of $fifi0 was accepted. Due to the growth of the Town of Roseburg it was agreed by the town trustees that the city should be surveyed and boundaries be established. After considerable discussion a Mr. Flint was in structed to proceed with laylrs out of the town for the sum of $12.V Streets were being considered and work was authorized to im prove certain business streets so persons could cross from one side to the other during the winter months. Sidewalks were ordered install ed on Main, Jackson, Douglaj, Pine and portions of Stephens street, the property owners to pay costs and the city recorder to supervise construction. All walks were to he of 2" lumber 6' wide. The work was to be as required by Ordinance No. 14. Bids were opened at about this time for construction of cross walks across certain streets. A contract was let to a Mr. Van buren to construct crossings of woon b wine lor S.J.4H each. On Nov. 12, 1874, thought was given at a meeting of the town trustees to securing a fire war den. A committee was apprlnted to report back after considering the matter further. The commit tee reported that certain live springs were Investigated to pro vide water in the event of lire. Year 1878 Begun With 1127. fn closing the hooks of the city treasurer for the year 1877 It is noted there was a balance of $127 to start the year 1878. On Aug. 8, 1878, orders were given the committee of fire and water, to Install a hand pump on the well on the corner of Main and Washington streets to be usea in case of fire. A drive was made, headed by the town trustees to secure funds to help relieve the terrible disas ter In the South of yellow fever. The cash amount of $51.10 was raised and sent to Memphis, New Orleans and Vlcksburg in 187.8. Street Lights Installed At the meeting of Oct. 10, 1879, first consideration was Biven to securing street lighting. At the next meeting. live lights were bought to be Installed in the busi ness area of the citv. The lleht. cost $16.50. Ordinance No. 30 was passed making It unlawful to hitrh or lie any horses or cattle to the new street light standards. GUARANTEE LECTRQ. BUILD SUPER HICHWAY IN YUGOSLAVIA A group of YugotUv youth brigade workers level off e section of their country's new "Brotherhood of Unity" highway ei e Yugoilav army officer (second from right I looks on. The highway links Belgrade, the nation's capital, with the second largest city, Zagreb. Portraits of some of the top politburo men of Yugoslavia ere displayed en a work shod. Wind blew away e picture of Marshal Tito. AP Wirephotol. In compiling the assessments and presenting a tax rate for the year 1880 the city council estab lished a tax rate or. tnree mills for the City of Roseburg. We must realize however, during this year there was an occupational tax In effect that taxed all mer chants for the purpose of revenue. During that year or the year fol lowing lnnl the value of real and personal property within the city was $269,298.00. On June 30. 1881 first petitions were brought to the town trustees for some kind of sanitary sewers. Considerable discussion was held and committees appointed to con sider the matter. Up until June, 1881 the citv had I been operated under the town trustee system and not made up on a permanent charter and op erated as a city council. At the meeting of Nov. 17, 1881. the name "council" was added to the meetings. This had not been done by charter provision. Later the city recorder's minutes went back to "Town Trustee," so we assume thought was being given to adoption of a charter under the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to city government. Indian-Owned Timber Sales Yield Big Revenue PORTLAND, Oct. . (IP) Sale of timber from Indian-owned lands netted $1,664,122 in Ore gon, Washington, Idaho. Mon tana and California in the 19-18-49 fiscal year. The Bureau of Indian affairs regional office here reported most of the sales were In Oregon and Washington. The total for the five states reached 356,862,000 board feet. The money went mostly to tribal funds, with a small amount to Individual Indian owners. For 36 consecutive miles, the Client Smoky Mountains in North Carollm. are over 5,000 feet high.- MARKETS PRODUCE PORTLAND, Oct. CPl BUTTERFAT Tentative, subject to Immediate change: premium quality maximum to .35 to 1 per cent acidity delivered In Tort land. 63 cenls-66 cents lb.; fits quality 61 cents-64 cents; second quality, 57 cents-60 cents. Valley routes' and country points 2 cents less than first. BUTTER Wholesale f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA. 93 score, 62 cents lb.; A, 92 score. 61 cents lb.; B. 90 score, 59 cents lb.; C, 89 score. 56 cents lb. Above prices are strlrtlv nominal. CHEESE Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles, 39 cents-40 cents: Oregon 5-lh. loaf, 42 cents-43 cents lb. EGGS To Wholesalers: A grade large 65 1-2 cents-66 12 cents; A grade, medium. 51 cents54 12 cents; small 42 1-2 cents; B grade, large, 56 12 cents to 58 1-2 cents. LIVE CHICKENS (No. 1 qual ity f ob. plants): Broilers, under 2 14 lbs. 25 cenls-26 cents; fry ers, 2 1-4 3 lbs.. 25 cents-26 cents; 34 lbs., 27 cenls29 cents: roast ers. 4 lbs. and over, 27 cents29 rents: fowl, Leghorns, under 4 lbs., 18 cents-20 cents ;over 4 lbs.. 20 cents; colored fowl, nil weights. 22 cents: old roosters, all weichts. 18 cent19 cents lb. RABBITS (Average o grow- IF... IPs a H.m. ApelHnea Van Nm! SH IKStOH'S FIRST! Iranrlte Hamtftm Nrtj May-fcaf Pben ApfNee Service . 1204) S. StephesM Veu're Menty Ansae1 with Maytaf BIBLE STUDENT Blonde Leslye Banning (above), an 18-year-old Bible student who wants to become e Sunday school teach er, will spend considerable time posing for sweater and bathing suit pictures in the next few yean. She signed e motion pic ture contract in Hollywood which requires her to pose for such publicity pictures for the first five yean. (AP Wire photo). ers): Live white. 4-5 lbs. 1R cen'v 20 cents: 5-6 lbs., 16 cents -18 cents; colored 2 cents lower; old or heavy does and bucks, 8 cents 12 cents lb.; fresh fryers, 50 cenls-53 cents lb. FRESH DRESSED MEATS (Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.t: BEEF CUTS (Good Steers): Hind quarters. $55$57; rounds, S52S55; full loins, trimmed, $73 $77; triangles. 3133; square chucks, 39 $41; ribs, $52 $55; forequarters. 37S38. VEAL AND CALF: Good. $37 $10; commercial, 33$35; utility, $28-$30. LAMBS: Good-choice sprt.ig $10; utility $33535. MUTTON: Good: 70 lbs., down, $16-18. PORK CUTS: Loins. No. 1, 8 12 lbs.. $56 $57; shoulders. 16 lbs. down, $40 $12: spareribs, $47 $50; carcasses, 32-35; mixed weights 2 lower. WOOL: Coarse, vallev and me dium grades, 45 cents lb. MOHAIR: Nominally 25 cents lb. on 12-mnnth growth. COUNTRY-KILLED MEATS: ... VEAL: Top quality. 30 cents 32 cents lb.: other grades accord ing to weight and quality with poor or heavier 20 cents-25 cents. HOGS: Light blockers. 30 cents-31 cents lb.; sows 23 cents 24 cents. LAMBS: Top quality, 35 cents 37 cents lb.; mutton", 10 cents 12 cents. BEEF: Good cows. 22 cents 23 cents lb.; canners-cutters, 20 cents-22 cents. ONIONS: Supply moderate, market steady. oO lb. sack Ore. Yellows, boilers. 1.50J1.60; me dium No. 1. $225; 10 lbs., 40 cents: Wash. Yakima Spanish No. 1. 2.00S2.25: med. Jt.75-Sl.85; 10 lbs., 5 renta-50 cents. Idaho Yellows, med.-lrg.. S2.25J2.50; 10 lb. sacks. 41 cents. POTATOES: Ore. Deschutes SlSflSL J LLUWN Akast Stsissra, tasrsilrf era Corns' ftis TrstVIs USE RELIEF FOR PIMPLES, SKINJTCH, RASH, ACNE wuurto rs amm salwioiin tux 98c FRED MEYER, INC 112 N. Jockton Russets, No. 1A. 3.60 $3.65. Wash, netted gems, No. 1, $3.25-$3.0; 251b. sacks, $1.00-51.10; 15 lbs.. 49 cents-52 cents; 10 lbs., 38 cents 40 cents; No. 2. 50 lbs.. 90 cents $1.00; 10 lb. min., $3.35 $3.50. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Oct. 6. (JP (USDAI Cattle: Market slow, early sales steady to weak, some late bids on canner-cutter cows as much as 50 cents lower; steers scarce; odd medium, 20.00; week's carlot top, 24.50 for high medium; good fed steers quoted to 26.00; few common heifers, 14.00-16.00; medium grades, 17 00-20.00; cut ter dairy type heifers down to 11.00; canner-cutter cows early, 10.50-11.50; some bids down to 10.00 and below; common-medium beef cows, 12.50-15.00; few common-medium sausage bulls, 14.00 16.50; good vealers steadv at mostly 22.00-23.00; good 400 lb. calves, 19.00; common-medium calves and vealers slow, few 12.50 19.00. Hogs: Market less active, most ly steady, but extreme top 25 cents lower; good-choice 180-230 lb. weights mostly 21.00; few fat tvpe, 20.25-20.50; good 26270 lbs. and 150-165 lbs., 1900; good 400-600 lb. sows, 15.50-J6.50; 335 lbs. up to 17.00; 1 lot good-choice leeder pigs, 20.50. Sheep: Sorted lots good-choice slaughter lambs steady at 21.00- 21.50; other grades slow, weak; few medium-good. 18 00-20.00; good feeders, 17.00-18.00; good ewes, 6.00-6.50; common down to 3.00. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HPFCML ELECTION AS TO ANNEXATION OK TIRRITORY TO THE CITV OF KOHKBlRte. OREGON Notlr hereby If given that there will be a pedal election teparately in each of the two territoriM hereinafter des cribed, on Tuesday the lit day of November, 1!M9. at which election there will be separately submitted to the electors of each of the territories here inafter described as to the territory proponed to be annexed In which said electors renlde, the question of altering; the boundaries of the City of Hoeburt Oregon, and Including within said City two new territories, which said terri tories so proposed to be annexed are designated and described as follows: 1. WF.ftT ROKFRt'Rn: Beginning at intersection of the renter tine of the Umpqua River and the Northwesterly city limits of Roseburg. Oregon: Thence downstream along the renter lint of said river to the East boundary of the U S. Veterans Administration Hospital Property. Thence South to the Northerly line of Cou n t v R oa d No. 1 3. Thence West along said Northerly boundary of County Road No. 13, to the Intersection of said Northerly boundary, of County Road No. 13, and the Wester ly boundary of Nebo Vista addition as platted and recorded In the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County. Oregon. If said Westerly boundary of Nebo Vista Addition was extended, thence South along said Westerly bound ary of Nebo Viiia Addition to a point ion ft. South of the Old Coos Bay Wagon Road No ll.l Thence following Easterly line parallel to and KM ft. South of the Old Cnj Bay Wftgon Road No. 113 to the West City limits of Roseburg. Oregon. Thence Northeasterly along said City limits to the point of beginning, t. Mil I. FITS ADDITION SLEEPY HOLLOW ADDITION: Beginning at the intersection of the Northwest corner of Miller's Addition as platted and recorded in the of fire of the County Clerk of Douglas Countv, Oregon, with the South City limits of the City of Roseburg, Oregon: thence Southwesterly along the Northwest Boundary of said Millers Addition to the Southwest corner of said Millers Addi tion, thence Southeast along the South erly boundary of said Millers Addition to the Southeast corner of said Miller's Addition thence North 42' East along the Southeast boundary of said Millers Addition to the intersection of the Northwest corner of Sleepy Hollow tracts as platted and recorded In the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Oregon, with said Southeast boundary: thence Southerly along the Westerly boundary of said Sleepy Hol low tracts to the Southwest corner of said Sleepy Hollow tracts: thence Easterly along the Southerly boundary of said Sleepy Hollow Tracts: thence Northwest along the Northeasterly boundary of said Sleepy Hollow Tracts to tts intersection with the Southeast boundary of said Miller s Addition: thence North 43 Fast along said South east boundary to the North end of the East line of Starmer Street as shown on said Miller s Addition plat and continu ing North 43- East along the East line of Starmer Street if extended to its Intersection with the Southerly Citv limits of said City of Rosehurg: thence Westerly along said City limits to the place of beginning That said election In each of two territories will commence at eight o clock A. M on said date and will continue until eight o'clock P. M. on said date, provided that the Judges will have the power to adjourn for one 1 hour at noon, due proclamation being made of such adioumment That the polling places for said elr Tired Kidneys Often Bring Sleepless Nights WVf disorder of Wdney ftmetion pernfta poisonous matter to remain m your Mood. It may muse tuunrtn tMekacHe. rbeumatte paina, leg pain, toss of pep and energy, get ting op eights, swelling, pumneaa under the eyes, beedarhea and dissinesm. Frequent or Brant y peusarea with smarting and burning Sometimes shows there is soaaething wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait I Ask your druggist for Doan'a Fills, a stimulant diuretic, ued successfully by millions for over ! year. Doan's give fcapftv relief and 1I kelp the li miles of fcHtnee tubas mif fc oul fMMsoM yor Meed, Get Dou'a Piilg, Livestock Artificial Insemination ftmen from Holstein Jersey Guernsey REGISTERED PEDIGREED Ph. 1300 Dr. Dallen H. Jones ROSEBURO ANIMAL HOSPITAL for Information or appointment Schricker's Auction I MILES NORTH OF ROSEBURO ON 90 SALES EVERY MONDAY LIVESTOCK AT 1 P. M. Furniture at T CONSIGNORS MAY EXPECT A FAIR MARKET PRICE AT THIS AUCTION. SCHR1CKER V SONS. AUCTIONEERS Bring Your Livestock WHERE they bring la the most money Sale ever Friday. Livestock 13 o'clock. Furniture f p. m, Roseburg Auction Phone ini Beautiful chestnut sorrel colt, flax en mane and tail. Gentle, broke for lady to ride, a real pet and very outstanding. Age 3' years, named Traveler by Doughboy. Price SIM Seem him at Voeller'a near Rodeo Grounds or call 1344-R. WANTED Fat lambs, yearlings and canner ewes. Write or call, James E Lewis. Mvrtle Creek, Oregon Ph. 84; D.rnll W. Ray, Rt. 1. Box 308-B. Roseburg. Oregon. Ph. 005-R-l. GOOD MILKING Short horlTca Wearsome weaned. Several yearlings. Also some family cows, Nichols, Melrose Rt., Box 301. FOR SALE Two 1st calf heifers, milk ing 2 months. Reasonable. L. H. Ritchie, RL 2. Box 27L FOR SALE Fresh milk goat. Walter White, Herman Addition, Myrtle Creek. FOR SALE Weaner pigs, Mildred Ka nipe, Oakland. FOR SALE OR tRAbEentleliaddie pony. Ph. 821. WEANER PIGS for sale. G. A. Brown. Canyonvllle. Ph. 193. WANTED All kinds of livestock. H M Cox Call W-J-4 BULL SERVICE Artificial Insetmru- tlon. Ph. l.ioo. WEANER PIGS for sale. Ph. 52 T -4. Farm Equipment Used Tractors 5 Caterpillar 700.00 '40 Model A Farms 11. with 16" plow too mi '49 Model B John Deere 1073.00 USED IMPLEMENTS 7 IHC Field disc harrow $123 00 7 Killifer Field Disc Harrow .... 110.00 2 Springtooi h Harrows 1 9' "Tumble Bug" Scraper 1 Webb Tree Saw for Ford Tractor 1 New Holland Automatic Hay Baler Umpqua Tractor Co. Ford Tractor Dealers 125 S. Pine St. FOR SALE Used Ariens-Tiller. 9 H P. engine. 14 tn. or 20 In. tiller nr. Green's Garden Tractors, 520 N. Jack son, ph. JtMKl-J. FOR SALE CHEAP One 2-bottom 14" filow, and almost new Massey Harris ractor. model 20. Must sell. Call 1464-R-X or 14B-J-5. TWO 14-inch Oliver plows, one disk, 5 ft. for horses. I. B. Thompson, C. V.Rte Roseburg. FOR SALE One ten-foot tractor disc and a subsoiler. Phone 17-F-2. Lyle E. Msrsters. Fruits and Vegetables Tomatoes Cantaloupe, watermelon, delicious ap ples. Bosc and Anjnu pears, grapes and squash; all kinds. Walnuts and Filberts. Wilson's Fruit Farm And Market At Winston Phone 47-J-4 HourJ to IV30 DEtTCIOiTSAND Ortley apples. 11.00 to 2 SO per box. Bring containers. 1 mil West of LookingglaM Store. Marsh Ranch. Phone 27-F-2. Closed Sunday. REDDELTCIOLTS APPLES. $1.00. $i.V), $2 2ft a box. Washed and free of spray. Bring containers. 3li miles S of Dixonyille. Wm. H. Bailey. APPLS you-pick. Bring containers. SI 00 per bushel. Box 145, Melrose. Route FILBERTS. Second picking Vou pick for half. H. M. Knapp, Garden Valley. GRAPES, many kinds, ij-plck. Dale Zel- ler. Brockwav. Timber Smvmills Timber Wanted One to four million feet food aeeond grnwth atumpace: nfuat he winter ahnw. C. F. Graiaer. at Looklniclaaa Store. Ph. I7-F-22; Wanted Second Growth Logs CONTACT WlLBl'B LUMBER CO. FOR SALE Sawmill or any part. CMC dleeel edxer and other unite. Ror Oennv Winfhe.ter Dogs THOROUGHBRED COCKER Spaniel puppies. S10. Billie Ward. Vertical Arres. 2nd house, 1st road left west of Brock way. Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J CRA-HO COCKER KENNELS. Phone Stt or 4A3-Y Rrg and ped. pupoteell color Stitd errtce Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE 1st. 2nd. and 3rd cutting alfalfa hav. All very good hay. De livered any place. Ph. $3$. T. L Rem Personal ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P 0. Bom 1114 or Phone 130Q-L or Hon are as follows: WEST ROSEBURG: Seventh Day Ad vent m School. MILLERS ADDITION SLEEPY HOLLOW ADDITION: Residence at 243 Bonih St That at such election the electors of each of said territories are invited to vote separately on the annexation of each of said territories to the City of Roseburg Oregon. Bv order of the Common Council of the City of Roe burg WILLIAM D BOLLMAN CITY RECORDER. BURYIDIN A n Analges ie FOR AID IN THE REl IEF Or MUSCULAR ACHES AND PAINS ASSOCIATED WITH Rheumatism ind Arthritis k nur local druggtt -or Write Runrtdin Laboratories. A3 N W 4vwm Portland e O" . Det. R-7 Shop and Save With Classified Ads A utos Used Cars Low Prices Terms to Suit Own. Pymt. S27S0O Pric 1M1 IMS 1946 1S4S 1S4S lfttS 1(40 ISM rWKV. Com. Sfd S 795 00 FORD Sedan, vary food, black 1195 00 HUDSON Srd Looks new. black. 1345.00 300 00 : 450(10 440 00 750.00 1 HUDSON BX1- Gray Mtr. Recond .... HUDSON Sad. O. D Sc extra, HUDSON Sed. Ma-. roon. Exc HUDSON Super S 1293 00 2275.00 1199.00 400.00 Coupe. Air Ride tires. Exe. Cond .. NASH Amb Sed. O. D. Mtr. juat ov erhauled FORD Del. Cp. DeSoto Sed LINCOLN, 11 CyL Sed STl'DE 2 dr. Sed PLYMOUTH Coupe. INTERN Panel . HUDSON Sed. Maroon . WILLYS JEEP 4-W. Dr. 725 00 250.00 5000 ma oo 650 00 493 00 1!3 no 423 00 125.00 S25 00 SOS 00 200 no 230.110 UU.IV 200 00 200.00 225 00 350.00 1941 1040 1840 1940 l9:io 19;t6 ItM 14 More Car For Your $ At Roseburg Hudson Co. HUDSON DEALER 702 S. Stephen, Ph. 127S-R FOR GOOD LOW-PRICED TRANSPORTATION HERE YOU ARE 1019 Plymouth Coup 19tS Dodge Sedan . 1Q4Q Chevrolet Sedan 1941 Plymouth Sedan . 1941 Ford Sedan 1941 Mercury Sedan 1041 Olds Club Coupe 104? Plymouth Sedan . 1948 Ford Tudor , $ 3fWW 505 00 62.1 00 713.00 m 7.13.00 B73 00 .... B7.1 00 ...... 110.VO0 1443 00 We Guarantee Complete Satisfaction Rose Motor Co. PHONE M Where Rose Meet Lane St Better Buys At Barcus 104 A 1940 1947 1942 1942 1940 1939 ism 1917 1934 Olds . TO sedan - 1495 Dodge Custom sedan. R & H, new tires, perfect. 1493 Hudson tedan, low mileage. Ilka new. A real bargain 1345 Dodge aedan, excellent con dition S4S Studebaker Commander Land Cruiser sedan ..$7J5 Chev. Coupe with factory built pickup box oflS Studebaker Commander se dan 303 Packard Coupe. , 323 Pontiac 5-Pass. Coup. - 2M Chrysler Sedan. 123 FORDS 1940 V- Coupe. 1SWT V4 Sedan. IMS v Sedan. 113 V- Sedan 1929 Modsl A Panel. , 39.1 . its , 121 TRUCKS 1949 Dodge ' ton pickup, stake bed. 7.000 miles, like new. ..1999 194$ International ton pick up $50 1942 Chev. 1', ton G I. truck, fist bed body; also has dump box and hoist. Reduced price - 450 BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Highway 9$ N. at Garden Valley Road MORE MONEY for your car Cash on the spot. Cork rum Motors. Inc Oe Soto. Plymouth. Phone 40$. 114 N Rose St. Trucks FOR SALE or trade for late model car. Large equity in 2 Ton CMC truck, $ mo. old. 2 -speed axle. Booster brakes, S 25 tires. Phone 8J7-J-1 between 7 m. m. and 8 p. m. 11946 INTERNATIONAL pickup. 1 1048 International pickup: 1 single axle piling trailer F or information Phone 432tM 2ndAve South AXLE SHAFTS for all makes of trucks. Rav's Truck Shop. 3035 N Stephana. Phone A99-J-A. Logging Equipment FOR SALE TO t tractor In excellent condition. $4,000 Also TD-14 with nOO hours since completely rebuilt, SAOOU. Located t miles E. of Oakland. R V. Hassell. OakIand.Oregon.Gen. Del FOR SALE DT 18 International tractor A-l condition. BX 2O0 Skagit yarder A-l condition K5 International dump truck. Ph. 31$-J-$ evenings. Fuel PEELER COREr mill ends; planer ends: fireplace wood Double loads, prompt delivery. Claude Wit ley. RL 1. Box 4-1Ph 13-J-3. or 143-J-3 6AK AND MADRONE: also fir stoTe wood and chunks. C J. Falconer. Can yon ville. Planer "ends, double loads. pfWtpt delivery. $12 and up, Claude willey Phone JS-J-3 CRY FIR BODY Wood, and hardwood RsxWnod Yard. Ph. i4a-U fOR SALE Stanford, rswdust, piaster ends. Phone JOT. Johnaoa rttet c Autos LockwoocTs USED CARS Best Buyls Anywhere 1949 1949 1940 1946 1942 11141 1941 1940 19.10 li:i7 1930 FORD CONVERTIBLE 171 00 FORD CLUB COUPE ... lri93 00 OLDSMOBILE SEDAKETTI .1349 110 FORD COUPE 993 00 CHRYSLER New Yorker .1113 JO FORD TUDOR SEDAN 643 IPO PLYMOUTH Fordor Sdn 393 (10 PLYMOUTH Fordor Sdn. - 343 00 FORD TUDOR SDN 3.30 00 PONTIAC tudor aedan 393 00 FORD FORDOR SEDAN .. 103 00 1S41 I N T. MrCormick - Deertnf Farm Tractor 850.00 Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups !t FORD 1 ton stake, rack - 1973 1JM8 WILLYS JEEP &05 1947 STUDY lt-ton chassis & cab 093 lHtf WILLYS Station Wagon ...L143 Ifi4.1 FORD LUMBER TRUCK lftflfl 1047 WILLYS 1-ton pickup $3. 1042 FORD ll-ton Flatbed 4.1 1042 FORD t-ton Pickup T43 1942 FORD 't-ton Panel $43 You Pay Less For Used Cars 'At ..Hi h LOCKWOOD MOTORS Easy Terms Studebaker Used Car Lot 3 Day Driving Trial 1949 Landcrulser. Can hardly tell li from a new car. Overdrive, H. Hill holder. Radio and cltmatlzer and many other accessories. New car guarantee. 1949 Commander 4 tloor sedan, only 3 -6on miles, overdrive, H. holdt-r and climatlzer. New car guaran tee. 1947 Champ , clean and excellent mech anically. 194$ 4-Door Mercury. Real clean and in perfect condition. Radio and heater. 1941 Buirk aedan special. Radio and heater. 1941 De Soto 4-door sedan. Interior like new. 1040 Chevrolet Coupe. 193$ Chevrolet 4-door aedan. Commercials 194 ford Pickup '. 1949 Studebaker Pickup 1 ton. Sad Sacks 193 Dndie. 4-door. 1934 Chevrolet 2-door. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL P. M. Keel's Used Car Lot Next to Roie Hnlel Phone.: 129 or 1443 J How Good Is Reputation? Only as good as Its foundation. And that is good purpose built on service and desire to pteaie. We'd like to serve you end our wide selection of fine Guirsn teed Used Cars awaits your in spection. Come in TODAY! Special 1948 CHEV. Club cpe , RAH 1643 Other Good Buys 1948 1048 1R47 1044 1948 1042 1042 1041 1040 1040 I9.tB 1038 STTDE Sedan .IMS .1543 .147$ .1203 ..1203 843 - ) 8B3 - 3f 3 ' m 333 3H3 230 FRAZER R & H STl'DE. Sedan . ... CHEV. Sedan RAH CHEV Sedan RAH OLDS Sedan RAH FORD Club Cpe. R A' H .... DESOTO Sedan RAH, PLYMOUTH Sedan RAH OLDS Club Coupe CHRYSLER Sedan FORD Sedan Corkrum Motors, Inc. YOUR DeSoto Plymouth HEADQUARTERS 2.T0 S Stephen. Ph. W-J We t Be Here Tomorrow to Back Up What We Say and Do Today:" Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rosa FINE USED CARS Reasonable triced, G U A C term. Chevrolet Buictt Pontlae CadUle tradtMna. IMS BflCK 4-door. ST00: 131 Stude baker. good condition; sale or trade for what? Raj s Truck Shop. JOSS N. Stephens ph. 409-J-4. PONTIAC $"cyl.3paMupVexre4 le n t cond i t ion. See to a pprec la t e. $t3 full price. Terms or trade. 423 So Pin AUTOMOBILE for sale, cheap. 540 Terr vo. r xr . v j .. : . wun oeiiverv. jfeaar-a.i able .119 E ndAv. . N Ph.lOM-1. i""Frn.rr standard Bona. 3. kx 119. Rifle Rente Road. )