I ( Fruit Pie Deluxe Has Pecans In It By GAYN'OR MAPDOX KEA Sutf Wnwr Here t a fruit pie de luxe which uses pecans, now to plen tiful. Peach Pecan Pit 15 to 6 servings) Crust: One cup silted flour, i teaspoon baking powder, i teaspoon salt, 13 cup shorten ing, 2 to 3 tablespoons ice water. Sift together 1 cup sifted flour, the baking powder and 1 tea spoon salt. Cut In shortening wlia fork or pastry blender until it Is the size of peas. Add Ice water a little at a time, mixing only .. enough to hold Ingredients to- : gether. Place dough on lightly floured board and roll to about ' 1 '8-inch thickness. Line a 9-inch hen-resistant glass pie plate. Filling: One cup sugar, 3 table- spoons flour, 2 tablespoons corn- slarch, 18 teasoon salt, k cup cold water, 3 tablespoons orange Juice, 1 tablespoon butter or for- - tified margarine, 1 tablespoon grated orange rind, i cup chop ped pecans, 2 cups sliced peach es (canned or cooked). Mix together sugar, 3 table spoons flour, cornstarch, 18 tea spoon salt, cold water, orange Juice and butter or margarine; cook for about 15 minules or until mixture is thick, stirring constantly. Remove from heat . ..... ... ,,.U..U U'HC ItllU, 1 1 ; pecans and sliced peaches. Pour iiiiii'K mm uiitiHKeu pasiry snen. Bake in moderate oven (375 de grees V.) for about 40 minutes or until done. Topping: One-half cup cream, whipped. Garnish with whipped cream for serving. -1 V J in ' - , fx' : Hand-made Article Sold- on Consignment. Open Monday and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday 1:00 to 8:30 p.m. or Ph. 444-J-4 for appointment 4 Blks. W. of Fairhaven Metros Road , BERGS LEAVE Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Berg pause in the doorway at their home in Laurelwood as they prepare to leave tor th East. Mr. Berg Is scheduled In New York the last of this week for a business conference with th executives of the Prudential Insurance company, for which ha is local representa tive. They left at 7:30 this morning. t While in New York the Bergs will stay at th Statler hotel. Enrout horn they will stop in Washington to meet Senator Cuy Cordon. (Picture by Paul Jenkins). To make a quick upside down pudding, melt about a quarter cup of butter or margarine in a baking dish or old-fashioned Iron skillet. Sprinkle with about a cup of brown sugar. Add well drain d canned pears, cut side down. Pour over a package of ginger bread mix (mixed according to package directions) and bake. The roots of some species 01 the Yucca plant can be used as soap. LAWSON'S SPECIAL PURCHASE! ;V1 i mm rvj fun i ''Pi.'.: i iii Lawson'i 116 N. Jackson I !55 Please send me the pair of 5 Twin Electrified Hurricane Lamps p3 at $5.95 pair. ! Nam A Address S ( ) Ca: Cash ( ) CO D. I Triurt., Oct. 6, 1949 Th Ntwi-Rtvltw, RoMburg, Or. Convenient Parking at Rear of Store pajamas i"Re9;29, Kjy fSfS J ' 1 n. Ptic blasted this week onlyl SANFORIZED. V 1 ff Jc jLjjii j l ffJtit kJ y.fSb 'Of'V napped flannelettes that stay right CTr 4 1 jZflW "TVMV iw'-tt llC4Vs ize-leep their comfortobl R Worm, full fV'Jl'i'f X-i ' fill ll''ll m we'gto- Hondiom new colorfait patterns. (l m.J jif y i' fl jffjfJt J 'jffiB Cootoreniddyityl. All sizes. Stock up save Ji . l JM MWmuIM- gowns : n Si rr Vl ! k w&MkfMLJh',Mvi pajamas.;, r-y v r'mti l Imlvi Y0UR CH0ICE y ( I AM 11 I' gyVLiIL' '"J '4rt l Th perfect oniwer to what to weaf on I iVAl VrL?!' "t. MV Winter nlahlil Wid osortmnt ol new- Q S f " j; lvr" S A it styles packed with sleeping comfort. Gay f 1 . TT f I w" r3fl WkX HOsvsi. Vf ' ak prin" or ,0'' Pa5,', wi,h nov,,,y ,,i,n, ' rv v 11 ill 1 JLegulor, extra sizes. Se tham todayl I (CMK ) 5ALI:I -now i ifpi Vv5w-iaT K I . J Si J f i" Buy ond savol Here's warm protection from Jlr' I fl lH "t'l SlJ'w, A ff? ?U'C'' ctlan9"' ur,6r P",', ' ,0 J jj ?T'f Avlff fiS-i J! $r FLANNELETTE SLEEPERS V I 'lip WjMZ fL&Affi'-- - L Sef-HepDropSeof 179 i f f lilfl fZtl'syjf I I 1 HT One-plec style, snug and warm sleepers in jj l! J 1 -J 5ifV I 'll Vn C sizes 4 to 8. Sturdy heavy cotton nannelett I !L jj LilJl l!7 TV ' i I In gay prints. Hugging rib-knit ski cufft. jMg "Ttf JjM l&ii m u WARM PAJAMA!. 939 i mw V tf. I 'I I M "v " 1 Cozy cotton fannelette, in all their (avoril , 1 j if li 'r.''l S j I 1 f styles ond soft pastel shades. Worm'h pui ij'all V A'"J I V 'fA X fotterynisowellmodel Sizes from 8 to 14. tf-f'uJ f' CTAIVVVI J l BOYS' STRIPED PAJAMAS lit fM-VS VjllvN No,c,,CoflorSV" I98 ff Vl X , V "'V-'1 1 Favorit middy sty! 1 1 i worm, comfortabl fax II II I b! I V.t' , ' V JZ1 1 1 Hit rii'V. Trouser woiit has 2-bulton adiustment, elastia Mil m ll I 'I'M Use Our Easy Credit Terms No Interest, No Carrying Charge tJ GEO ID ' -COiT .mi n.