County Sells Lots Rejected As Sites For Home Project The Douglas county court ha completed sale o( most of the property which made up the two formerly proposed county home iite , announced Mrs. D. W. Young In marge of property (ales. Lot 2, Civil Bend Orchard tracts, has been sold under con tract to Isaac J. James for !7, 1S9. The lot consistes of 20.54 acres, sold at $350 per acre. Lot 5, less 0.15 acres, of Civil Bend Orchard Tract and lot 7. plat F, Roseburg Home Orchard tract, has been sold under con tract to H. A., and Ulan R. Win ston for $3,260. The acreage was 16.30, at $200 per acre. Lot 4, Civil Bend Orchard tract, has been sold under con tract to Dale A., and Bethel A. Williamson for $1,980. The 7.92 acres brought $250 an acre. The county still owns lot 1, Civil Bend Orchard tract, consis ting of 21.53 acres. It may be purchased lor $550 per acre. The old county home located on the Dlxonvllle road east of Roseburg was 'sold for cash re cently to Oma V. Kerr. The price received for the 6.68 acres was $5,500. AH revenue from these sales will go Into the fund for the pro posed new county home, which will be built upon a part of the Douglas Community hospital tract Christmas Season Talked At Trades Debut Assn. Night opening and possible dates for the Christmas season night debut were discussed at a 2o Valu Fred Meyer Red Mouth Wash end 23e My-Te-Fine Tooth Brush Both For 39c With Coupon Pepsodent Combination Offer I 92c Value 49e Pepsodent Tooth Brush and 43c Pepsoden Tooth Paste Both For 69c Say 25c Prophylactic Tooth Brush 2 or 75c SQUIBB A 86c Value T Squibb Tooth Paste Deal .. Squibb Milk of Magnesia 12 Squibb Aspirin iWs Squibb Vigran 50, 1 ?LL W! squiDD vigrun ion's Squibb Cod Liver Oil 12oz. 1.19 Squibb Suppositories infant and Admt, 12 s 37c Squibb Analgesic Balm 1 49c Squibb Brewer's Yeast Tablets, 89c Squibb B Complex Caps. 100, 3.39 Squibb Angle Tooth Brush i 49c Squibb Shave Cream Lather or Brushless 37c & 49c FREE! Nylon Hair ill) if m Shampoo Is Brush your u Walter "Bud" Barber and Mel Allen have been handling the radio play-by-play and color descriptions of the 1949 World Series, which are being aired exclusively over the coast-to-coast facilities of the Mutual-Don Lee Broadcasting system. During the hectic 1949 major league pennant races, Allen covered the New York Yankees' regular season games and Red Barber similarly followed the base ball fortunes of the Brooklyn Dodgers. Alrtlme for all weekday games Is 9:45 a .m., PST. If the Sunday, October 9, game la played, alrtlme will be 10:45 a. m., PST. A pramarriag vsrbal txchang will b mad en th "Hera Comes th Bride" Interview tonight between Dal R. John and Jeanln Miller . . . being quizzed by announcer Del McKay. In th very near future, they'll be exchanging vows during th serious business of a wedding ceremony when it'll be too lat for questions other than the vital "Do you Dale, tsk Jeanine, to be your lawful wedded wife?" Hear th marrlag plans and courtship anecdote of Dal R. John and Jeanln Miller on "Her Come th Bride" tonight at 7:30. What Is a shee fishT Which is faster, a pheasnt or a grouse? What's the best big game rifle? These and many other questions will be answered by the "Fishing and Hunting Club" panel, mod erated by Bill Slater. (8:30 8:55 p. m.) Bob Moon, emcee of th week-day "Ladie First" airer, prides himself as a master of the King's English, But when a recent "First Lady" from Bombay, India, demonstrated her use of this country's speech, all Moon could say was: "Goshl Don't she sound cultured!" meeting of the Retail Trades as sociation directors Wednesday noon. A report was also made upon the membership drive and steps to be taken to collect dues of pres LOWEST PRICES EVERY 70 IMPORTANT SAVINGS!! THESE ITEMS FREE!! 25c Wildroot Liquid Cream Shampoo ioc Pepsodent Tooth Paste 5 ; Adams Chiclets 4 Blades Pal Razor Blades Nothing to Buy with Above Items Simply Bring in Your Coupon SAVE OVER $4900 BY USING THE COUPONS IN THE 1949 COUPON Many, Name You Can Trust 69c 37c 49c 1.79 3.19 for BRUSH With the Purchase of Lady Eva SHAMPOO Both For 690 Lang lasting Nylon Brush Bristles. k Larg Sit Shampoo. made with the finest castilles to shampoo your hair with gleaming highlights hair regularly with nylon brush ent members. These matters will be brought up for further discussion and probable action at next Wednes day's regular meeting at 12 noon in the Hotel Umpqua. DAY PRICES GOOD THROUGH SATURDAY Many More Wonderful Savings JZHX S2: POWDER In Acetate Cast Puff and Carrier for loose powder k Easy to carry in your purse. Holds large supply of powder. r OP Regular $32.95 Weekender, 21 Inch Regular $39.95 Two suiter Sav 26e Regular 59o Sta-Neet Hair Trimmer 43c KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System 1490 on Your Dial REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4 OftFulton LcwU. Jr. 4 15 Frank Hemingway. 4 -K Loral Loan Show. 4 4A Mubic. 5 '00 Straight Arrow. 3 :0 Captain Midnight. e oo Cavalcade of Safety. 6 13 Mutual NewsrteL .to Sporti Page. 35 Muaic. 6 40 Loral Nw. 6 43 Southland Singing. 633 Rill Henry. 7 00 Frank Purdy. 7:13 Mutic You Remember. 7 30 Here Come the Bride. 6 00 Hopalong Canldy. 8 .to Fishing it Hunting Club of th Air 833 Mel Venter. 9 00 Newt. B: 13 Music. 8:30 Shahmar Room. S:43 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 10:00 The Falcon. 10 ;V Dance Orch. U:0O Music. 11:30 Sign Of. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, IMS 600 Sunns Serenade. 6 13 News. 6 20 Music. i 6:.TO Rise At Shin. 7:00 News. 7 13 Breakfast Gang. 7 .10 Music. 7 43 Local Newt. 7:30 Music. 8 00 Music for You. 8 :to Modern Home. 8 43 Music. 6:00 Wally'g Coffee Ttma. 0:13 Book of Bargains. 9 30 Newt. 9:45 1IH9 WORLD SERIES BASE BALL CAME 12:30 Queen for a Day. 100 Man on the Street 1:13 Party Line. 2:00 Against the Storm. 2 30 Ifi Requested 3:00 Art Baker s Kotebuook. 3:13 School Program. 3 30 Music. 3 43 Here's to Veterans, 4:00 Fulton Lewis. Jr. 4:15 Frank Hemingway, 4 30 Local Loan Show, 4 43 News. 5:00 Tips and Tunes. 3:13 Music. 5:30 Tom Mix. 600 Magic Garden. 6:1.3 Mutual NewsreeL 6:30 Sports Page. 6:35 Music. SHOWN BOOK PUFF 7c 3 for 19c 5 Lay-Away now for Christmas at prices less than wholesale. Non-breakable handles, brass plated hardware, harmonizing lining with buffed cowhide binding. 18 or 21 Inch Overnighter. . .8.00 Wordroberte Fortnighter Cosmetic Case Hat or Shoe Case Pullman Case Fred Meyer Centuries-Old Hostility Between Arabs. Jew; Dates Back To Period By CLARKE BEACH WASHINGTON Stories about how Arabs and Jews can't write a final peace for Palestine after months of truce and negotiations have an ancient ring. Those two nations, next-door neighbors and cousins, members of one of the oldest families on earth, have lived In a kind of armed truce with each other all through the ages except when they were actually fighting. It all began In the time of Abra-1 ham, about 4,000 years ago. The flocks hither and yon to follow lore of both nations relates that the grass where it was green. Abraham was the father of both jn tne old Testament you read Arahs and Jews. One of Abra-1 repeatedly of bloody contacts be ham's sons was Jacob, whom the ttween the Israelites and the Angel named Israel, and the Jews nomads to the east. It is quite claim descent from htm. He set- cear that by the time of the tied down In his father's country, prophet Nehemlah (5th century which is roughly the interior of ,8. C.) the Israelites regarded the present State of Israel. ! their cousins across the Jordan as Abraham's eldest son was Ish- j barbarous and untutored yokels mael, and he is reputed to be theand robbers, ancestor of the Arabians. He left Despite having the same blood his father's land to raise his fanvland a language with the same ily In the desert country east of ; Semitic root, they have gone the Jordan river. Israel's sons set-1 their separate ways all through tied down in towns and cltie and ! the ages. The same enemies took pride in scholarship and the I threatened and overwhelmed building of permanent structure them, time after time, but they such as the Temple of Jerusalem, never teamed up for common de Ishmael's sons just wandered, fense. The only time you read campea oy tne oases, iea inor 6 40 Local News. 8 43 Southland Singing. 6 33 BUI Henry. 7 00 Dick Hay ma 7:13 Sammy Kay Showroom. 7:30 Cisco Kid. 8 oo Straight Arrow. 8 30 Music. 6 43 Tex Beneke. 900 News. 9 13 Hi Neighbor. 9: to Scandinavian Melody Tim. 9:43 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 10 00 The Saint. 10:30 Danes Orch. " 11:00 Music. 11:30 Sign Off. GET YOURS TODAY Coupon Books Now on Sale For Only 10c Save $1.00 Regular $2.00 COLONIAL DAMES HORMONE CREAM 1.00 Sxs For drv skin and skin with that "Over Flftv" Look. EVER Hoy wSss LUGGAGE 12.50 16.25 .. 8.50 12.50 . 10.00 Men's oil double strength air weight, metal frame, with genuine pigskin grain buffed cowhide covering. $22.95 $22.95 Of Abraham aooui an Aran ana Jew lighting on tne same side is when an Arab army helps out one Jewish faction which Is busy beating the life out of another set of Jews. Assyrians, Babylonians and Persians picked off the Israelites and Arabs, one at a time. Greeks and Romans took ovr ' all of Israel and seized control of the caravan routes of the Arabs. In one of Israel's final, desperate battles against Rome, the attack by Titus in 67 A. D., an Arabian leader loaned Titus 1,000 horse and 5,000 foot soldiers. With the Mohammedan sweep across most of the Mediterranean world In the seventh and eighth centuries Arabians became the masters of Palestine and of Jew ish colonies In the lands they con quered. Under Islam the Jews didn't fare too badly. Although the Prophet's policy was to slay all persons who did not embrace the faith, he made an exception, of which many Jews took advantage. They could retain their own faith and still live if they paid a gener our poll tax and were "reduced low" accepting a kind of second class citizenship. Actually, many Jews became prominent states men, bankers and scholars under the Islamic rule. One reason the Jews and Arahs never Joined in a common front probably was that they were never In the ascendancy at the same time, wnen Israel was rela tively strong, In the times of David and Solomon, and later of the Hasmoneans. the Arabs were a nebulous people, capable of no sustained mllltarv campaign. After the Roman razed Jerusa lem In A. D. 135, the land was actually plowed under, and only a lew tnousana jews remained alive In Israel. Only the Mohammedans the Arabs were strong when the Cru saders Invaded Palestine. It was the Mohammedans who finally drove the Crusaders out. The Jews were still inconsiderable in the later major Invasions by the Mamluks of Egypt, the Mongols, the Ottoman Turks and, finally, the allied forces In World War I. Israeli and Arabs are now more nearly equal in strength than ever before. Suits Filed On Money Claims The following money action suits have been filed In Circuit court: Steve Gasparac vs. R. L. Rush ton, doing business as Rushton Logging co. Plaintiff asks Judg ment for S8R4.R0 alleged due for labor performed. Clair Bradley vs. Claude Kel lum. Plaintiff asks Judgment for $189.79 alleged due for repair work he performed between Feb. 15 and June 1, 1949, and an ad ditional $298.49 claimed due for petroleum products sold to the defendant. State Industrial Accident com mission vs. Louie Elmer Gllette, doing business as G & B Logging Co., asking for a decree restrain ing the defendant from employ ing workmen in hazardous oc cupations until a deposit equal to $112.50 is made. IP-GAS LP-Gm is, M i M LAG IfflwJHtt Lf-Cm m M hmw fmtl w aeon' I 3CT MV ? 0 wet it'llI jjT 4& Re A Ttmk Why Uyt UTILITY WSERVICE .i m iin m ki . Paclfle Blitg. Phone J35 Roehurg Thun., Oct. 4, 1949 -The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 5 Benson P.-T.A. Ml Ikl J BTIMIIIIS Benson P.-T.A. got under way this year in grand style with a reception for the teachers in the school lunch room, where re freshments were served. Each teacher was presented a corsage as she was introduced to the as sembly, and Roger Craln, the principal, was honored with a red rose for his lapel. A novel touch was added when Mr. Crain showed slide baby pic tures of each teacher. He read a short history of each, then askrj the assembly to name the teach er. The business meeting was opened by Mis. Don Wells, presi dent. Vice-President Essie Hay den read the benediction, follow, ed bv group singing of "America the Beautiful." Wendell Johnson, violin In structor, played several selec 1 1 o n s, accompanied by Mrs. Woodward at the piano. After this he explained why Roseburg should have a school orchestra as well as a school band in order to have a well-rounded musical program. Mrs. John Spencer was elected and inducted as treasurer. A motion was approved to spon sor a group of "Bluebirds." Re-roofing the playshed was discussed, and Mr. Craln agreed to look further into the matter. A motion was approved that a committee be appointed to looK into the matter of an Inter-com-munlcation system for the school. Room count was won by Mrs. Dixon's room. Logger Idleness Laid To Imports SEATTLE, Oct. 6 (.W Enough Canadian logs were brought into Washington state last year to have given every logger In Whatcom and Skagit counties full-time em ployment, a resolution adopted by the Seattle CIO council last night said. The council's resolution urged that an import quota be placed on Canadian logs to maintain Amei i- -COMING-SUNDAY A Cold, Hard-Boiled Drama That Hif$...and Wis Hard 2nd Feature Yvonne DeCarlo in "Slave Girl" With Gtorg Brent Now Showing ABBOTT & COSTELLO "RIDE 'EM COWBOY" and Daughter of the Jungle can forest industry employment at level above 88 per cent. Thousands of U. S. loggers have been thrown out of work during the last two years, the resolu tion charged, with the result that Washington state has paid out $6,630,642 in unemployment com pensation to idle loggers. in making tne Whatcom-aKag- lt counties comparison, the coun cil said it was in those counties that unemployment ii heaviest. DANCE HALL LICENSE ids A. Evans has been granted a dance hall license lor a loca tion two miles from Myrtle Creek on the North Myrtle road. KENNEDY'S DUTCH MILL AMMCt'S t MAT 4 fSffl PERSON! FREDDIE SLACK AND HIS ORCHESTRA Sunday, Oct. 16 Dancing 8 to 12 Adm. $1.25 person plus tax Coming Saturday & Sunday Only Wild Bill ELLIOTT in "Sun Valley Cyclone" wjth Bobby Blake Co Feitur Edmund Lowe in "KLONDIKE FURY" COMING SUNDAY NOW SHOWING A DAILY DOUBLI f UFFS mi HYSTERICS mm I (BOB r HOPE LUCILLE BALL fir C i "" Willi William DEMAREST Bruc CABOT Matinee Daily 1 P.M. or? W HnuN1WYNH jffn WTTY AttfTT t- tWtf MOMTALBAM WV f XAVICB COG AT TPT1? e4 HIB OWCHrSTHA -r - for healthier scaip.