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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1949)
2 Tht Newt-Review, Roteburg, Ore.-Thurs., Oct. 6, 1949 fTt- IHoH.THEKAREDIMK. TARGETS? Yftifif OH, WHY--OH, WHY -ffl WHY SOME OF US KIDS IS J Ml PO 1 EVER A'SK HINA I 1 GOT A PEAL OH THAT TH' Am jS QUESTIONS? 1 MEAKl ) 1 ONE WHOSE MOSQUITO fliW, j STICK KAY KJECK OUTt Ml y BITES ISTH' FARTHEST IiMTT - ij 1 1 1 1 .TTmm I 1 FROM THE BULLSEYES ,0ftr X-vJ"f i fl I 4 HA&TO PAY FER.TH Hij' i I " Ml IiHtH I, UP fcn RJr WHY MOTHERS 6ET GRAY , j OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams Long Island. Now York, pro- Nine-tenths of the big game an duces most of the Bruiielii lmals In the United States are sprouts grown In America. I deer. r7 Wt VvW AFRICAN EllPHAWTS ARL ON ANtRAO AROUND TOUR fElT HIOM- this Ltmx ruxows arc vmv PIAWUL AND HAVI AN AFfSCTKXI ATI OlMWriON. There's nothing overage obout the PRE-MIX CON CRETE CO. This is the ploce where you'll get the BEST cement products for the leost. PRICE PLUS QUAL ITY MEANS MOST. We give DEPENDABILITY that never varies! Strike Threatens Poultry Industry PORTLAND, Oct. 6. P Last minute talk to avert a strike by AKL rgg and poultry workers have been scheduled with two em ployers for today and Friday. Union Secretary S. W. Barker said the Pacific Cooperative Poul try Producers association and the Brentwood Krr company were In volved, lie said both employers were notified the workers will strike next Tuesday if no agree ment is reached. Barker hinted that some 500 workers in. other Oregon plants also may be idled in the dispute. The union spokesman said the workers have asked an hourly increase of 7'i cents. Pacific Co op Manager G. C. Keeney said the employers have offered 2'i cents. lie said this would bring Increases since Jan. 1 to 10 cents an hour. Keeney said '.he total duplicated raises granted Wash ington poultry workers in the same period. The talks are planned with V. R. conciliation service commis sioners here. Among the United States, the amount of insurance In force per capita varies from $400 in Miss issippi to $1970 in New York. Annual Income per V. S. fam ily increased from $2,900 in 1920 to $.).S00 In 1!MR. lllj JkZ (JJtftia TJam I If 'II iip5 I I : I In NO DOWN Mil PAYMENT W mm fisr-WJ-' PiUts start at JS9.95 i less pump) You henre only to do a little price shopping to dlscorer that the Speed Queen glree you the mod lor your washing machine dollar Just ae It has lor 20 years, It's a DOUBLE-wall washer at the single-wall price. Come In and let us show you. LOOK AT THESE FEATl'RZS: Bowl-Shaped Tub Double Walls Tangle-Prooi Agitate: Speed Drain Steel Chassis Super Duty Safety Wringer Highest Quality Baked Enamel Finish Liberal Trade-Ins I Miwj rPTT 222 W. Oak Phone 348 Adult Education Spreading With increase In Old Age Population By JANE EADS ' WASHINGTON Because people are living longer, this country has more older people today than ever. Surveys Indicate the num ber of oldsters will continue to increase over the next 25 years. These people want to have something to do after they reach retire ment age. Perhaps that's why Interest in adult educalon is higher now than ever before. Estimates based on national, state and local surveys Indicate that up to 40,000.000 adults are Interested in con tinuing their education in some form. "Already the postwar expan sion has been dramatic, wher ever facilities and adequate lead ership have been provided." said oaien Jones, director, di vision of secondary education, U. S. Office of Education. Approxi mately 3,000,000 adults and post high school youth are being serv ed each year by our public schools. Mr. Jones believes the public schools have a unique responsi bility for providing leadership and opportunity in the field of adult education, though he noints out there are ample roles for a wide variety of public and pri vate agencies to help do the Job. These include open forums, civic education discussion groups, con ducted excursions, radio listener groups, film forum discussions, lecture and concert aeries, edu cational camps, workshops or short institutes, community coun cils, special activities for people past retirement age, newspaper columns or features, little thea ters, training within industry pro grams. A 1947-'48 national survey re vealed that probably three fourths of all counties and dis tricts with a population of 2.500 or above have some kind of edu cational activities for adults and out -of school youth. While most adult educational activities go on in the evening, there is consider able activity In the day-time as well. Nearly 500 districts report ed afternoon classes and some 270 reported morning classes. Federal Security Administra tor Oscar R. Kwlng reports that much of the interest In adult edu cation is directed toward speci fic vocational training as pre paration for the varied opportu nities opening up in commerce, industry and agriculture. "But," he adds, 'There are also more and more people in- Bottled Gas Btcomes Legal In Astoria Zona ASTORIA. Oct. 5. f.Pt Th use of bottled gas in Astoria resi dential districts became legal to day. The city decided to authorize use oi tne gas previously forbid den as a fire hazardafter con ferring with fire experts of other cities. City officials said they feared iNormwesi cities (Jas company migni aoanaon us service here, leaving gas stoves witn no fuel. .News-Review Classified Ads bring best results. Phone 100. tent upon making up for educa tional advantages they have missed In their youth. Or per haps they are concerned to broaden their understanding of the complex world in which they live. For all of these adult edu cation interests our public scnoois nave a responsibility. ZmOOZiiTifMMt COlUMIIA IIIWIIIII, INC. O TACOMA, WASHINGTON Distributed in Roteburg by Bates Candy Co. INTERNATIONAL CRAWLERS DYRR TILLAGE TOOLS This International TD-U Crawler and Dyrr Squadroa Disk Harrow it designed to do big tillage jobs. The. squadrons sr com binations of Dyrr Model ST or Model SO Offset Harrows. A special hitch permits the harrows to work independently snd mova up or down without interference. The hsrrows cannot separate or get closer together. Regularly available in 12 to 24-foot sizes, Dyrr Squadrons handle large$ with ease snd economy. Powered by International Crawlers, Dyrr Tillage Tools are the logical answer to your tillage problems. They're built for heavy-duty io western soils and climatic conditions. Come in and let us show you the advantages of Dyrr Tillage Tools snd International Crawlers. 'We'll be glad to give you all the facts and figures you want and oeed. SIG FETT 527 N. Jackson Phone 1150 I rspirt of every street scene some thing you see every day. Car owners in three different price classes all happy about the same thing. One of them drives a new Buick SPECIAL, which you sec poking forth its new, bold-look forefront at the left of our picture. Another will tell you there's nothing like the SUPERS "happy medium" of size and comfort, power and easy handling, style and standing. And if you're looking for prestige, where is your money going to buy so much as in that handsome 18-footcr, the ROADMASTER, with its 150-hp per formance and really royal bearing? But all these good folks get together on this: There's no ride quite so soft and cushiony as the Buick ride, whatever the size and scries. There's no power quite so satisfyingly lively as Buick 's high-compression, bigh-pressure Fire ball power. Above all, there's no "buy" like a Buick no car that gives you such a rich dollar's worth of smartness, handling, comfort and liveliness for every dollar you pay. So why not look the whole line over? Your Buick dealer has these grand travel-mates in a baker's dozen of different body types and sizes. Start your shopping in his showroom and you'll find that even on delivery he has exactly what you want. BUICK oona hat all these feature .It . DrNAftOMr 0fVf SUU-VIIW VISION fro. enlsrawt glen ere SWINO-IAST DOOM mtf Mn, ocean DVINO IMCf INnaiOM wt Dap-Crftt CMrWem feoront-netnia QUADtlintX CO'l tPttNOINO My '((rBAU JTHAIOHMIGHT KWI wM SiU-SITTIMO VAIVI lSTRI (DpKrSov MaoVi) six HMOISfD tNSINf MOUNTINGS In pnuwi drat e MOTY-tlM IU OeveJ Duty VINTiaoerS OUMX SIAtlNOi, mam aet raxMcftVig nit oor $t rimm cuMAsrri,alra srtau m, SItvURtiK Of. T.V emat JOaT.Ve V!f FIREBALL Ft -Mlt.ALL IM, rr.u. When better automobile are built ttl'ICK irill build them vow rrr to Im HINir I Unci. AJC Nanrats, v UuMi t ROSEBUKG MOTOR' CO. ROSE AND WASHINGTON PHONE 1551