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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1949)
14 The Newt-Review, Roteburq, Ore.-Thurs., Oct. , 1949 Russia-Allied Tug-Of-War Over Control Of Germany Increases By DeWITT MacKENZIE (AP Forlm Afrtlrt Aiulyill Russia shows signs of being about to create a new. communist dominated German state out of her eastern rone of occupation, with Berlin as Its capital. This will be calculated to offset the German republic recently established at Bonn by the three western zones under guidance of America, Britain and France. ft INSULATE NOW for a warmer home and a cooler home next summer. There Is no substitute for our blown rock wool Insulation . . . absolutely fireproof. Profes sionally applied pneumatical ly Installed For new or older buidllngs of any type. Any where In S. W. Oregon. Phone 1018-R for free estimate NOW. Builder's Insulating Co. "Chuck" Edmonds 230 N. Stephens St. Metal Phona 1018 R A Roteburg business When these two Germanyi are functioning there will ensue a tug-of-war between Russia and the three democracies to achieve a united Germany communist if the Soviet wins and democratic If the western trio are successful. The future history of continental Europe will be heavily influenced by the outcome of this struggle, for ultimately Germany may well resume her old position as the key stone of central Europe. That is, she will resume It if she is reunited. And on that score there can be small doubt unless events take a wholly unforeseen turn. It isn't the nature of the Germans to be separated. By hook or by crook the two divisions will unite to re-establish the father land as soon as they see an opening. Naturally Moscow's hope Is to draw western Germany Into the Soviet eastern zone, thereby oon solldatine the relch Into a com munist state which would be satellite of Russia. By the kame token the three western allies ore aiming to attract eastern Or many Into the Bonn government, Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phone 1170 Over Rexall Drug Store Teen-Age Deaths In Auto Mishaps On The Decrease By JANE EADS WASHINGTON 'Tee n-a-cides" dealhs from traffic accidents involving drivers under 25 years of age are on the decrease, the Inter-Industry Highway Safetv Committee reports. This may re" due partly to the committee's new safety program, which urges parents to encourage their sons and daughters to sign agree ments wilh them to live up to eight good driving practices in return for permission to use the family car. The Idea Is to get young driv ers in this age group, who are in volved in nearly one-ihird of all highway accidents, to become members of the "Man-toMan" and "Dad to-Daughter" clubs now being formed throughout the country. Assisting the committee In carrying on the project are the National Automobile Dealers Association and the National Committee for Traffic Safety. School Training Aids The group lists as its Number One safety project support of the high school driver education and training programs. It urges that dealers loan cars to those schools with qualified instructors. "High school-trained teenage drivers are Involved In only 50 percent as many accidents as the un trained, the committee savs. "Approximately 2.000,000 boys and girls of high school age be- DIESEI STOVE FUEL BURNER OILS Distributor of Shell Oil Sine 1926 Try Our Oil Service DENN-GERRETSEN CO. Phono 128 402 W. Oak St. if and when the Russian military grip la relaxed. Economically the Soviet and the western zones not only comple ment each other but are essential to each other. The west has the 1 greater portion of the industries, while the east is rich agricul turally. I The west, of course, is much larger, having an area of some 1 95.000 square miles and a popula tion of about 45,000.000. The Soviet zone contains 46,000 square miles and has a population of 17,000,000. However, the eastern zone has a tremendous drawing Card Berlin, former proud capital of the relch, one of the world's great cities and hub of European trans portation. The fact that Berlin is now divided into four zones which are occupied by Russia, Britain, France and America won't pre clude the -protected eastern Ger man government from claiming it as the capital. Ideologically the advantage In the battle for unity will lie with , the three western zones. Pacific U. Freshmen Relieved Of Paddles FOREST GROVE, Oct. 6. UP Pacific university, abandoning tradition, had tossed away all Its paddles today. The freshmen, who have al ways had to tote paddles Just In case a letterman might de cide they needed punishment, stacked the clubs up in the dean's office. . I The letterman's club voted to abandon physical punishment as , part of frosh training. The fresh- men mun mm uunu .c coming bonfire and answer twice weekly rollcalls, however. Dr. Dave Darland, dean of stud ents, congratulated the lettermen on their decision. He called It "evidence of progress toward maturity." come eligible to drive eacn year." Since the start of the program In May the committee says It has received requests for nearly a million copies of the agree ments and approximately 750.000 club cards. Each youthful driver who signs the agreement is given a membership card in the Na tional Good Driving Club. Condi tions of the parent-youth agree ment include a promise not to try to show-off while driving, not to allow the car to be driven by any one who has been drinking, not to drive in excess of the speed limits specified on any city street or over 50 miles per hour on open highways, to slow down and look bolh ways at all intersections, not to race with other cars, not MiH", initial mm m" You can call anywhere in the United States for not more than $ 2 50 wis tu tP.y station rate for first three minutes) A faat way to do business is by Long Distance. Most calls speed through while you hold the line. ..three times as fast if you know the number. And you can say as much in three minutes as in a letter, getting your answer at the same time. Even if the long' disisnez helped me close the sale number doesn't answer, the Operator will be glad to keep working on your call ... at no extra cost. Long Distance is one of today's best bargains...the rate for a Coast-to-Coast call is now less than half what it was ten years ago. Get the answer fast... use long distance The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Give to your Community Chest. ..Give all you can. to drive If he feels sleepy, to obey all signs and traffic regulations. And, this one may put father on the spot: "That, knowing insofar as the law is concerned, my acts in the car are the acts of my father, I will trv to drive it as carefully and cautiously as he does.'" Add a special cheese mixture to steak Just before it is done. Prepare it this way: Mash a lit tle blue cheese with some French dressing and flavor it with a lit tle Worcestershire sauce. When the steak is almost done season It with salt and freshly ground pepper and spread the cheese mixture over the top. Return to the broiler until the mixture bub bles and serve immediately. Bag Of Deer In Eastern Oregon Shows Increase LA GRANDE. Oct R (Pt Hunters are having better luck than last season, if the number of animals turned in to cold stor age lockers here is a fair Indi calion. Locker companies reported re ceiving three times as many deej as last year. In addition, they got one bear and one bull; shot by mistake. BAKER, Oct. (JP) George Van Arnham of Newport bagged a nine-point buck here and said he is going to take the horns home for a hat rack. Arnham, hunting in the Green horn district, shot the 250-pound deer Monday from 100 yards. fie brought the animal here. I I I II . REMODELING Take advantage of our budget plon to make those changes you have wanted so long. COEN SUPPLY COMPANY rngni let i r " m Everything far th. Builder Floed A Mill Sts. The state flower of Alabama is the goldenrod. FLOORING Siding 0 Finish PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 JOBS AVAILABLE We hove jobs for trained workers. If you have the training, we have the job. If you don't have the training, come in or coll tomorrow Fall enrollment now u.ider way GRANT'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 112 N. Stephens Phona 1535 R 'S' T"ese f PORK Delic'ous For Pies Effective Fridoy and Saturday I October 7th and 8f h J 3Lb, 20c V f wLbs.. ," X Kraft's Finest k -r -f finn jc Mayonnaise Quart, 63c Local Green Peppers 3-lbs 19c California u Sweet Potatoes or Yams 2-!bs 23c Local Grown Danish Squash 15c Med. Size 2 for California Fancy Tokay Grapes 2-!bs 19c Tree-Top, Yakima Pure Apple Cider Vi gallon 39c California Large Lima Beans 2 b bag 39c Reg. 5c Size Hershey Bars Milk or Almond 6 for 23c Scot Tissue Fun 1000 Sheet Rolls 2 for 19c Sunshine, Hyde Park Cookies Fancy Assortment, 1 -lb. box 49c Princess Pat Chocolate Cherries 1 -lb box.. 59c U. S. Fancy, Light Clover Blossom BRADSHAW'S PURE HONEY 5-lb. can 73c CHOJCE MEATS Bacon Sliced ends and pieces.. lb. 27c Choice Swiss Steak Highest quality meats.- lb. 75c Milk Fed Veal Chops lb. 69c Smoked Breakfast Sausage The best for good eating.- lb. 49c Choice Grain Fed Beef Roasts Cut from Grade A Betf lb. 49c Fresh Willopa Oysters Pt. Jars 60c Hormel's Spam All meat, no waste, 12-oz cans- 39c Swift's Premium Wieners lb. 49c Beg Mar. Dog Food can 2 27c Porter's Coiled Spaghetti Mozpkg. 18c Junket Quick Fudge i 2-oz. box30C Kept In Place by the Stroke of a Brush . . . aptly describes your hair after we have given it our new short cut. It's just long enough to peep from the brim of your tiny new hot and oh so outrageously flattering. Henninger's Beauty Shop Alice Marrion In Charge Opens 8:00 A. M. Phone 522 Store No. 1 Jackson and Winchester Sunshine Shredded WheaUg 15c Fisher's 10-lb. bags Pancake Flour 99c Libby's Fancy Pumpkin No. 2Vi cons- 12c KRAFT DINNERS 7'2-oz Pkg 2 for 23c CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP 3 bars 23C DURKEE'S MEAT SAUCE , 0-oz. size.. 33c HOMINY Burbank, white or yellow, No. 2 cans . 12c HOODY'S PEANUT BUTTER 2-lbs 59c MINT LOZENGES Sunshine, 8-oz. pkg. 19c MAZOLA OIL Quarts.. 59c LEA and PERRIN SAUCE 5-oz. bottle 29c in mi fn UIU1 mm' ROSEBURG STORES Store No. 1 Store No. 2 Jackson and Winchester 314 S. Stephens Henninger's Mart Myrtle Creek and Riddle Vedder'a Markets Clendal Henninger's Thrift Markets Oakland and Sutherlln