X Classified Ads Are Tories That Are lest Seller i! ! i CLASSIFIED RATES I day pr word 3 day, 4 dy d.y, " 1 mo. - flea1 Estate MEW MODERN 1 B. R. home with fire place, plus 4 A. level cult, laud. Fenced. Good will and pressure sys tcm. Att. garage. Excellent community. Very close to good school and store. Imm. Pmi A good deal at 46950.00. 'Terms. Especially good for Stat G.I. SO A. ON HWV. 42. Twenty five acres ' cult. 3 B. R. modern home plus 3 room ' rental house. Rente for 435 00 per mo. Barn 32x40. Poultry house 24x100. Brooder house, garage and other bid ft, Fine well plus year round spring. Garden traclor and other mach. 13 ton hay. You will like this one. 45OO0O0 down fl.l.oonoo full price. FINE 1 B. R. MOD HOME. I'm pq.ua Ave. Wall to wall rarpeting. New furnace. Garage LtiHty. Patio. Abundance of 'fin shrubbery, fruit and shade trees. Garden. 3 room guest house, A vet y comfortable home priced right. 412, tX no. Small down payment with FHA. APPROX. 40 A. ml. out. Good road. Liveable but unfinished room house, well constructed. Good pasture and fences. Priced to selL 92y50 00. Half down. BRAND NEW I B. R. modern home. Att. garage. Restricted area, lovely kitchen, 96Q Sq. ft. Wall furnace. 7600.00 on term you can hanalt. (This la really a buy. V3TEU 10 rooms In thriving town. . 22 bedsi plus 2 room living quarters. AJI well furnished. Long attractive leas New bldl. Aoorox. 9500 00 net monthly Income. A good business. See mis at iiu.3uu.nu. 20 A. of which 12 Is fin cult. land. 1 B. R. home.- Good barn. Gar. Wood shed and fruit room. Poultry nous. Jonn Deere tractor, plow, mc r. rake and harrow. 2 stove. Excel lent well with electric pump and large tank reservoir. Check this one for value. Only $1500.00 down. 14500.00 xuu price, William A. Oerdtng Realtor Insurer Loans 124 West Case St. Phone 213 Jt'ST ON THE EDGE OF TOWN: All the advantages of country living yet close to school, stores. Nice 2 B R. home, fireplace. 100x175 ft. lot. fenced; big living room, dinette, oil heat. Good terms. VJ IT'S NEW. VERY ATTRACTIVE: Well constructed 2 B. R. home, liv ing St dining room, big attached ga rage, oil heat, big lot, nlc location. gooa terms siwmi. nj 3 B R., big utility room, attached garage, dec. heat, lawn, flowers, shrubs all In, horn can be bought nil furnished. Both on good terms. 489V). LOTS OF APPEAL: NICE ARRANGE MENT: . New 2 B. R. horn living room with fireplace, kitchen with alcove, plate la.ta window, big corner lot with awn. shrubs, new Kelvlnator refrig , Westinghouse elect, range, fixtures for fireplace: very attractive and rightly priced. Good terms. IRftOO. HOME et BUSINESS COMBINED: 2 B. R. horn plus building with suit able location for business. 48500. FOR LEASE: Opportunity for reliable coup I to leas lovely new home in vicinity of Glide. Owner called out of state. STOCK RANCH WITH LOTS OF M0 A.,' 150 tillable, 3 B. R. home, fireplace, bath, elect., phone. 2 creeks thru place, can irrigate, m million ft. of timber out range, tenant house, 3 hams. 8 miles from good town. Good terms. 930.000. Earl & Gladys Wiley . ' Realtors RCttiE HOTEL BLDG. PHJT2fl-R Valley Real Estate Agency INVESTMENT PROPERTY. Rooming house, worn pie tely furnished. Own gf er s Apartment; bringing In over 4210 per month net. Close in; only 412.000. Easy terms. ANOTHER CLOSE In location: Three bed rooms, large kitchen and dm-, (ng room: city sewer; part base-! ment. Onlj 91394 down. 46850 total price. 1 BEDROOM HOME, ken tile floors: V sheet rock; almost new. This is a good buy at 44500. Som terms. A NEAT 2 bedroom home. In good location: on a large let: lawn in. Just 91500 down. 45750. Small pay ments. Would sell furniture extra at a reasons b I price. - 2 BEDROOM HOME In a desirable lo cation. Haa fireplace, hardwood floors, clattered, a verv nlca floor Dlan. lots of storage spare. You should inquire about this place. 912,600. Easy terms can be arranged. Valley Real Estate Agency US W. CasiSt Phone 863 NEW 3 BR.. HOME with 13 are. H W. ttached garage. 4 ml. from poatof- flre. paved road, school bus. mail rt. This house Is the best of construction. For only looooo down bal. like rent. See this and you will buy it. ALMOST NEW 3 br. home Utility rm fruit rm. in city limits. Benson School Dittt. This house is one of the bet bargains we have. Total price $6500.00 ALMOST NEW 2 br. home with attached garage, beautiful lawn front. and bark An Brown Ave. You would be proud of this home at only 98.950 00. Some terms 4 'ACRES river bottom, with almost new 2 br. home. Chicken house, barn, SO nice native shade trees, strawber ries and rasberries, on the North Imp qua river. Buy this and you can fish on your own place. Terms if de sired. Williamson Real Estate 17fil N Stephens Phone imo-J $J Specials $$ MODERN AUTO COURT 5 units and 3 room living quarters. Cooking facul ties, linen and furniture in each Lo- tested in neighboring town on High vay 99. This is excellent Investment j property. It will net $250 per month. Total price only .SVK) COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom home living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Extra room In ' basement. Furnace. Garage, lota of flowers, shrubs and grape Paved atreet and sidewalk. Good residential location Priced exceptionally low at 90000. 9.1000 down. Bruce V. Gilley Real Estate 3356 N Stephens Ph 199-J-2 Office on Highway 90 North When It's Real F.ftaie in Myrtle Creek and South Douglas Co. SEE Winston & Wynter Realtor MYRTLE CREEK. Ore. PHONE 444 Surveys Maps Plans Percy C. Armstrong Civil Engineer 911 So. Main St. Ph. 817-RX FOR SALE 2 B. R house, modern: 5 minutes from town; 1 acre 6 blocks outside city limits; city and school but stops in front. Lots of fruit and berries: barn, chicken house and double garage. $1000 . $1500. down, eay payments. JPh 1052-L. APPROXIMATELY acre on South I'mpqua river; 4-room, modem houe fireplace. 2 roum cabin, garage, win ter s wood, pressure pump 8 fruit trees, strawberries, lawn, hedge Har old Yost, 2 miles South of Roseburg on TiDton Rnad FOR SALE BY OWNER New 3 B ft hnuse in best suburban location; hard wood floors, tile drainboard. tiled ) bathroom, automatic heat, attached garage, landscaped and lawn up. T 977J0 less to person with 92500. down pay menl. Phone I 8-J-1. 2 TWIN 4-ROOM bungaiows. hardwood s floors, all modern Double cment I driveway and garage. Lot 90x100 ft . industrial part of town Wnrth II. 0"0 Full price 910.500. 97500 cah. J balance terms Call 924-J; if no an- f vr raH458-Y Fvt SALE 9-room. modem house. 4 rrea or le: quallfv for G I loan Ready to move in. Ph- 2T-F-21. Roy BueiL U G. Rt. Real Estate LOCATION Minutes from down town Roseburg, In another world from the huitl and bus tle of industrial and business activity, Na turally beautiful rolling terrain has been divided Into large lota by con toured street paved for perma nence and cleanli ness, with each lot1 affording a view Cloverdale Park Is Rom burg's l!L,r"j.,r.,dV ful suburb. CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION, continuous con crete. FLOOR JOISTS, on 14" centers, 2x-. PL1B graded. No. 1 and better CEILING JOISTS on 14" centers. 2" X 4". PL1B grade d. number 1 or better. WALL STUD D1NGS, on IS" centers, t" x 4" PLIB graded. No. 2 or better. DOUBLE WALL construction, papered or painted inside wall, Reynolds Alumi num roil insulation, worn aneeuna. bui Id fn MDcr aiding PLUMBING AND WIRING according to code. CEILING INSULATION of Kimsul In batts WINDOW GLASS area exceeds FHA re quirements. WINDOW VENTILATION ditto, ATTIC VENTS louvered FOUNDATION VENTS screened. INSPECTIONS MENTS WATER HEAT ER. Rheem 40 gal. electric FURNACE. 70. 0O0 BT.U oil forced air, auto matic, spun glass filtered. WINDOW SCREENS. Rvlock aluminum. DOOR SCREENS, front and rear. WINDOWS, Lock wood, "non-stick, float ing sash", weather stripped. DOOR BELL, front and rear. DOOR LIGHT, front and rear. GUTTERS. DOWNSPOUTS, aluminum. BATH TUB. Brims, "non-skid." SHOWERS in every hath. FIREPLACES, genuine "Heatllator". LAWNS, planted and tended to first cuiung. FINANCE The most flexible f 1 -nancing plana ever offered to Roseburg home buyers. FHA financ ing on low Interest, low down oav- ment. Ion a term schedules, or CON TRACT financing for as littte as 4500 down, or NO DOWNPAYMENT special arrangement "Live in Cloverdale Park" Drive out now or phone for transpor tation. It doesn't cost a dime to look. FIES AND CLUTE REALTY Exclusive Agents Phone 15M Open 10 i. m. I p. m. Cloverdale Office Open Dally Including Sunday Henry C. Kelley, Realtor At Sutherlin SAFE BUYS NOW DANDY 4 ACRE TRACT New 4 room modem home, combination bam and chicken houe. Citv water. Price re duced from $4,800 to 93.800. Only 9L oon down EXCELLENT VIEW HOME SITE. 7 Acres well drained. Only 1 mile out. Ntre new 5-room modem home, garage and shrubberv. Was 95.500. now 94, 500 Just 91.000 down. NICE OLD HOME. 3 bedrooms. Front and back porches. Garages. Located in best part of town. On lot 100x120. Priced at $!t noo with $2,000 down BIG VALUE ESTATE. 300 acres border ing irrigation stream. 130 acres of good farm land, balance pasture and timber. Buildings poor but usable. Land alone well worth the asking price of $1.1.000. R E A. and abundan.-e of fine spring water piped to home and bam. Good terms. L'MPQUA RIVER RANCH. 220 acres Bor dering L'mpqua river on one side. 100 acres farm land, 20 acre orchard. 3 springs. Electric pump on well. Old home, large bam. 2 large chicken houses. Some real soil on this place. Price $15,500; only 1,3 down. Henry C. Kelley, Realtor HIGHWAY 9ft AT SUTHERLIN Open Sunday Closed Saturday L Do you want a good 3 bedroom modern1 home. Living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, utility. Base ment, oil furnace, nice lawn, shrubs, cherry, walrtut. filbert, fig trees bear ing Large lot free soil. 2 blks. from grade and high school. Price 9O0O0 Terms. 2. Thi 2 bedroom modern stucco home, large living room, kitchen, lota of built ins, utility, nice bath. Lawn, garden, shrubs Lot 75x95. S blks., from school. Price $7850. 3. Clove in. on paved St . 3 blks. from school and swimming pool. 3 yrs. old. 2 bedrooms, large living room, kitch en and nook. bath, large utility. Hardwood floors. This house la like new Only $75no Terms WE HAVE OTHER 2 and 3 bedroom homes Both furnished and unfur nished In and out of city. Some with acreage We also have grain and stock ranches. See us before you buy. Paul H. Krueger, Realtor A U Taylor, Salesman ana a iinhMi Phnm Jia i Roseburg. Oregori VACANT Immediate Possession THREE bdm home at M0 ft. Pine. Tine 50x175 lot on river three mtn. walk town, slor, schools See I mi for a bur at S4..1U0. with $l.mo down, or mo with 42 onn down and v per mo on bei. Owner at Box SW Melrose Rtt. Always Have It Surveyed Jim Daugnerty the engineer Ph JT7-R FOR S ALE 3-room, stl modern house In Mvrtie Creek. I arret 1 miie on new South Mrl!e Rnad tWM, i Terma If desired. Richard Shock. JYT' 9 ng agen- W V Inspector gfW Or e of general I 4yi"7feg contractor M J I Llp Inspectors I a i r Tr V of Rose- I 1 I f 4V"i barf 4 II Jl M Horn... VsP Inspector, M -V of r.H A . J 6A all 1nd- 1 pendonlly. dfit'fi APPOINT Real Estate Own Your Own Home i. RANCH STYLE 3 bed rooms-located ap prox. 3Li miles from Roseburg on nearly an acre of land with river frontage. Fireplace, Insulation, wide eavaa plaster and knotty pine finish, view windows, and other distinctive features. Occupancy In 30 days. FHA or atst ui financing. SHIPSHAPE, older 3 bedroom home and son street area. Has new naint on interior and exterior, the roof is good, tne modernised kitchen has rubberized tile floors, and the large llvina-dinlna room combination iia plenty of window light. Garage. A real opportunity for someone desiring a good older home and over 1-3 re oi iana in me city nmiis. uniy $8,300. $2300 down. Balance at 9-10 a month. WELL-APPOINTED t room horn near Rose school. The interior haa been completely and expertly redecorated. This home has 2 bedrooms down, expansion room up. Partial basement, araee. A newer home In a con venient location. Full price 99.500. lerms. NEW 5 ROOM modern home, of superior construction In North Roseburg. At tached carport big lot. An excellent value for 97,190. Total price, lerms. EXCEPTIONALLY NICE S bedroom home in fine suburban location, uanay kitchen, inside uttility, attached ga rage, insulated. Venetian blinds, and large free soil lot Owner must selL MAKE AN OFFER. 91.800. 9300 down to buy 4 room house that Is ceiled inside and outside, wired for electricity, water piped into house. 92 x 100 lot. Eden bower district. 9 ACRES and modem I bedroom home in desirable location. Reasonable cash offer will be considered. THESE AND MANY OTHER FINK PROPERTIES FOR YOUR INSPEC TION. Stanley E. Short . REALTOR Call 1002-R 114 West Lane St. GOOD HOMES FOR SALE! To advertise each and every home we have for sale individu ally would take more time than we have Ihia morning before deadline time, so we'll skip down the line and Jumble them to gether. When you find the one you like, give us a buzz and we'll give you all the details. That Is, how much It can be fl- nanced for, location, at cetera. There's a good 2 bedroom home available in the South end of town which has a very pretty yard and white picket fence. An attached garage aaves the ne cessity of walking through too ' much rain on a morning like this and the interior of the house itself will please you. The rooms are all comfortably large. It Is completely furnished with up-to-date furniture. It sell Sot $8500 with terms. We have another house In the South end of town with three bedrooms. It has very attractive outside lines, nice living and dining rooms, large garage and fileasant kitchen; there is also ots of space over the garage to store all your excess baggage. In cluding small kids. Available , for 912.500 and its a steal at thia price. We have two attractive home on the West side. Both have 2 bedrooms. One is plastered and has full dining room, attached fa rage, nicely landscaped, enced In back yard, rugs. Vene tian blinds, and lots more for $A750 with cash to an existing 9HOO0 4-, mortgage. It's really a dandy. The other home In the same area has practically all the same details except for full dining room. However, it has more carpeting. Gas wall fur nace in each, thermostatically controlled $10,500 with 91000 down. Call us at the ROSEBURG REALTY A- INSURANCE CO. Umpqua Hotel Lobby Realtor More For Your Money NEW 2-BEDROOM HOME large plate glass windows, wide eaves, lot 82x100, city water St elec. needs some fin ishing inside. The price Is now 93000, 97S dn. NEAT MODERN 3-BEDROOM HOME IN TOWN, choic location, extra bund ing lot, fruit trees, detached garage. A huv for $6500. $25O0 dn . $.10 mo OWNER WILL SACRIFICE THIS BEAU TIFUL WESTS! DC HOME. It has 2 good sized bedrooms, large living room with dining alcove Si fireplace, bath St shower, hardwood floors, dual gas furnace, fully plastered St Insult ed, large picture windows, attached garage. 75x110 free soil lot with new clover lawn, the price is ONLY $7!ia l't STORY HOME in new close-in neign borhood. the large living room has a fireplace, there are 2-bedrooms. din., kitchen bath, the 100x300 comer lot has 10 bearing walnut tree For quirk sale the price Is $7750, liberal terms, 4' int. on bal. ic Large & Small Ranches it Business Opportunities Mortgage Investments it River Frontage Acres it Leases Hayden H. De Camp REALTOR 749 8. Stephen Street Phone 173-L Do You Have Logging truck or car to trade on very nice 2-bedroom . modern house? Well worth 55no. Total price 4.TI50, your trade or 11000 cash will put you in Immediately. That Lovely Home We have offered for 912.000 la now $9900 For 5 Days We have many good liftings IF ITS RIAL ESTATE IT'S Fullerton Realty C Forrest Losee 3M N. Stephens Roseburg. Ore. NEW, SMALL, 4-ROOM modern house; Venetian blinds throughout, elertrie hot water tank, wired for range, govt, down. 44150. full price. Large loL Csll 220-J-l FOR SALE OR TRADE for Oregon or California property with small arre age: 3 room house, 5xl70 lot, weil im proved. 1 mile north of Sutherlin. Box 215. Sutherlin FOR SALE OR TRADE BY OWNER 250 acre ranch. 50 acres under plow, stocked and equipped, modern house, electricity, mail route, school route. NwS'ReviewBox 33. FOR SALE Modern, 5 -room home, gsi water heater. Connection for gas and electric range, garage, woodshed, close in. See owner at 42.1 Pi tier from 4 to 4 or ph, 401 -J mornings and eve nings i FOR " SALE- Two bedroom. modern home well Iocs ted. on hits line. IOOvIM ft . nice lawn. Mv eoulty and balance 4-13 55 month- 10 Miller Lane., LOTS FOR SALE. City water and llghta available. Low down pi menu. Eugene Ridenour, Phone I JROOM HOrSE on-n Aor wlli" rent unfurnished. One mile west Porter 1 CreekMill. Highway 42. Ed Lewu , rfOMESHTS of about ' and 1 acres;! terms to suit you, A. T. Suksdorf , I Winston. I They'll Do It Every W WHATS THAT, DEAR? TWS ZlPPSS ON junior's SLEEPING BAS IS JAMMED? NOW, WOW I OONT set EXCITED 'I'LL BE RlSHT H0MB AND fiET MM OUTj JUST BECALM, DEAR" TM ON My WAV"' MUST CALLS HE'S W AHEAD- Mi Real Estate 100 ACRE FARM, near Drain. Ore. 4n A. under plow. 12S A. cleared, find graaa SO A. timber. Lois of water from year 'round sprints and creek. Lane family orchard. 8 -room houe. large barn that will store ISO tons hav. chicken house, and other building. Also electricity: 1 milk cow. 40 hen, and pullets, hay wagon, mower, rake, harrow and cream separator. A good stock ranch building are In gnod condition $7 750, S.1.A00 down. bal. 4400 per year. Including Interest S BEDROOM HOME: Kit . din . liv , 1 br util end bath down. 2 br up. Cor. lot SO x 100. White picket lenre. gnod far. In city on aewer line W. b,M. Owner will consider m,1l" home for down payment bal. SM per mo. 11 A CHICKEN or turkey ranch IS ml. from Roseburg on paved highway. 2 large brooder houses, 3 cabins, pump house, new barn. S-rm. houe under construction Lota of water from good pressure system; also live creek year rmund. This la good ground and we fenced, mostly cleared 4830 or will trade equity lor Roseburg residence property. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS vorn 1 hum tialMmin Ph. 4X1-J-X JAMES L. PAYNE. Broker 112 Brock way 2 BEDROOM .s living kitchen and path only 6 months old. large garage, storeroom, wood shed Owner leav ing state. S2800 00 cash total price, 2 BEDROOMS, large living room, fire place, attached garage, extra large felt, almost new" vacant gflOOO.00, about 35O0.00 dn. 4 ACRES on North l'mpqua. shade trees, good modern 2 bedroom home, about 2 vrars old; good fishing spot, $8500.00, $.1500 00 down. Umpqua Realty 112 N, Stephens St. Phone 1335-J 'Highway opposite postof ficet Help Wanted Men Read Carefully Friday night at 7:30 or Saturday f,r- 2ft men who 'are really ambitious in securing a position that will give them tne Opportunity i It doesn't matter what your past work willing to study and learn aa we teach you our worn. It will be necessary that you he willing . .1... n- ssn in 7 ner wmk for the first 4 to 6 weeks while learn- You'must be able to give the names 01 prop"? honestv and integrity and be boml able. Wa prefer men who are mar ried or wno nave some reponi I would also like to talk with a few men wno ere nir -and who would know a good thing when they see ii. Therefore. If you are honest and ot gooa cniriner. wnn neat appearance, come lo the ump qua Hotel Ask for Mr. Walsh. No phone cans piease Wanted Relief Bellboy Steady Employment Hotel Umpqua Apply to Mr Ed Walton. Ass t Mgr. Wanted Experienced Studebaker Mechanic KEEL MOTOR 'CO. 44.1 N Jarksnn MAN WITH CAR Would you like to in crease your weekly income 420 to 425. or more during your spare time sup plying Rawleigh Products to Con sumers? Write Rawlelgh's, Dept. ORJ-2M-247, OaklandCahf. Marker Wanted Experienced girl preferred Drive-In Cleaners 70S s. Stephens "NEEb"CHRISTMAS money?" The big Christmas aeason means big profits for Avon representatives. We train you. Write Avon Mgr , Route 2, Box P5. Creswell, Oregon. ALASKA. Long Construction Jobs Trades. Labor. Clerical work. Full Information $100 irefundahle None free Rosor, Box 4041, Seattle, 09, Wash WANTED Experienced bookkeeper, part time Must be able to post and do pa-roll. Phone821. 6NE SETfa!lers wUh own power saw Decker Logging Co., 4 miles East on N. L'mpqua Hi way. "Filbert Pickers Wanted Trussell Bros . Rt. 1. Box 2.T1. Rosrburg. LADIES Would you invent 5 hours a dav for earnings of 440. each week? Wrl'e Box 0A4. News-Review. WANTED - Experienced waitress-Dillard Steak House. Dillard.Oregon. WANTED -Housekeeper. Board, room' and wages Ph. ll.W-L-X Financial F, H. A. LOANS "umpqua realty 112 N Stephens Ph 1S14-7 Farm Equipment FOR SALE Used Ariens-TIUer. H P engine. 14 in or 20 in tiller bar. Green s Csrden Tractors. 520 N. Jack son, ph. 10O.VJ FOR SALE" CHEAP One" 2 bottom 14" plow, and almost ntw Masse v Harris trarlor. model 20 Must sell. Call 14M R-X or 144 J S FOR SALE One ten-foot tractor dlv and a subsoiier. Phone 17-F-2. Lle E Martters t St'RGE" M!LKINOunltssperpata, excellent condition. H 00 ten Bros. Winston Valley. Time ..-. I KNEW IT.' THERE fiOES .OUR DOUSK HOME WITH BUILCARP BER3RE WE WIN! ANV OF IT BACK' J WHEI?5 DOES THE KID SLEEP? 1 ALLEY HiSOL'LADy BE A MIND . BULLCARP'S READER.SHE0NLy g. WINNINGS? HIM WHEN era, luy ks:q run 1 Rentals Myrtle Grove Motel All modern Kitrhenettee Daily, weekly, monthly On the River 14 miles south on M Phone 154 FOR RENT POLISHER. WAXER and scrubber All In one tool. Light enough any chilo can handle finger-tip control. F & W Floor Covering Co. m S Stephens Phone 147B-S FOR RENT Attractive 2-acre farm with modern 2-bedroom house, bam and chicken house: barn full of hay available to renter. For additional in formation contact Claud Sen rack, Sutherlin. Oregon. Rent A Singer Electric portable sewing machine lot use In your own home SINGER SEWING CENTER 204 N Jackson Ph 723 Basement UNDER LOCAL store In center of Rose burg. Ideal for storage. Alley entrance Contact Manager Joe Richards Mens Store. RENT 440 acre farm, fair 4-room Rouse and barn, other buildings. Crop rent or cash. About 300 acres farm land, rest pasture. Will rent land without house. Ph. 27-F-21, Roy Buell, L. U. Rt. TRAILER SPACEbY WEEK or month. Constant hot water, heated showers, laundrv: drv. weil-araveled nark: chil dren welcome. "At-Last-A" Trailer Park, north fl LEAVING TrtWNwant to ren t3T room . modern house for 440. month to parly who will buy furniture: reasonaiily priced. ' block off N. Umpqua high way on Kester Road. Rt. 1, Box 148 A. Room And Board. Phone 541-Y X FOR RENT Office with living quar ter! down town:, two bedrooms; 475 per month. Hot water furnished. Ph. IC109 Y. FOR" RENT Modern. 2-bedroom apt", automatic hot water heat, close in. Roseburg Newt-Review, Box 37, refer ences exchanged. NEW. unfurnished 1-bedroom apartment, available on or about Oct. 8th. 45. 222 E. Channon SL Turn right at Cay Market REFINISH your own floors, easily done with our high speed floor sander. in expensive. Montgomery Ward Sm Co. Phone 95 ' FOR RENT Flew j bedroom home;" oil forced air heat Insulated 470 per month Fies at Clute Really, 405 W. Casa St Ph. 1537. FOR RENT New 3-bedronm home, pavement, sewer. 477 per month Fies 4c Ctute Realty, 405 W. Cava St.Ph. 15.T7. FOR RENT Bedroom; new bed. private entrance and hath: large lounging room. Men only. 1109 Corey Ave. Ph. 1244-R. UNFURNISHED APT 2 rooms with kitchenette and bath. References re- , quired. News-Review Box .Iff 3-BEDROOM. unfurnished: gas furnace, clone lo business district SU. Ph. , HVR. j FOR RENT 21 ft. trailer house, avail able Oct. 10. Writ Box 34, News Review. FOR RENT 30x40wa rehouse,-concrete floor, new cor it ruction, close In Lehman Real Estate. 2 BEDROOM furnished house, close to school and buniness district Write News-Review. Box 1 5 TRUCKSFOR RENT -You drlva, long or short (rips. Bee Hive truck rental 7.14 South Stephens. Phone 1436-J RUCKS and trailers for rent, move yourself. Thompson Signal Service Stephens at Washington Phone795 WARM SLEEPING rooms, with or with out private bath. 100 Spruce, West Wellington. HOUSK" FOR RENT"3'miles" south'. Highway tW, turn left General Weld ing Works. FOR RENT 2 room furnished cabin. Phone 520-J-X-4 SLEEPING ROOMS for men. Close In. :i2 W. Mosher. ROOM FOR RENT, ladv or gentleman. 724 Cobb St . Ph 122 J 4 ROOM HOT :SE for rent Kelleys"Kor ner Ph. lS.W-J-I WANTED-Man to room and board Ph 703-J-3. ROOM FOR RENT. 630 S. " Main. Ph. B79-L-X. NICE, clean, room for rent: also cabin Men only. 546 Mill. Ph. 1.VJ7-Y-X. SMALL APTS. and "rooms for monthly rentals. Ph. 1I0-X-2. Myrtle Creek. UNFURNISHED DUPLEX for rent. 440 per month. Bert Leurance, Dillard. SLKEPINQ ROOM for rent Phone 1 493-J. ROOMS FOR RENT, with and without kitchen privileges VU) Fowler Di'MP TRUCK rentals. Canyonvlfle. Phone 755. SLEEPING-ROOM Man preferred, no drinking 32t NKane. SLEEPING ROOM and bath for men. no drinking 4g Purer St. SI.EEPING ROOM "MO N Jacksnri. SLEEPING ROOM 1203JN. Jackson. NICE, clesn room. 245 Booth. . ROOMFORjrent.1249 N7Jsckson. APT FOR RENTi phone 474 R L Timber Sawmills Timber Wanted One to four million feet good second growth atumpsge. must be winter show C F. Graaser, at Looklngglasa Store Ph 27-F XI Wanted Second Growth Logs CONTACT W IL BUR Li ' MR F. R CO FOR SALE Sawmill or any part oml aiesei edger and ether ttnita. 1 Roy Denny. 435' Winchester. By Jimmy Hatlo LAST TIME 1WEY PLAyEQ BULLY WAS L0S1NQ AND HE W0ULDNT CALL IT QUITS TILL HE 60T EVEN AT 5 A.M." THAT'S AN TO S.O.S. SCRAM OUT SOLVENTU IF HE DlDNT WANT TO SO, HED SAr SORRV, WRONG NUMBER- It's the one with all the chips who takes the powder Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service Septic Tanks Cleaned Tanka opened free, prompt service, rea sonable rates. No mileage charge Phone 12B4.Y 744 Short St J. Edmond, Proo Carpenter Work j REMODELING CEMENT FINISHING j By hour or contract: Ph. I6I4-J-3 ALL- BTlTLblNG"onitructlo"n."new and old. remodeling, 10 r down, no job too large or too small All type masonry j construction. flagstone and brick' , barbecues and patios a specialty Mag netite floors and drainboarrls. Phone 15W-R-1. contractor, A R Snow DRKSSMAKING. ALTERATIONS AlT tpes Practical nursing. Taking care of your home and children while you are vacation ing or week end tnpa or hour work. Call 1144-L at 412 Fowler. YOUNG WOMAN desiresof f Ice work. Experienced aa typist, receptionist, and general office work. References. Ph. I5H1-J, f WILL take care of your children w.iile you work and If necessary dn light housework. Write Box 35, co News Review. WILL CARE for presrnool rhtldren from 8 00 to 5 00 or during working hours: nursing experience. 560 Pltzer. ph 1140-Y EXPERIENCED CARPENTER wants work, reasonable wage. Phone lfllti-J-1. CURTAINS and tare tablerlotha laun dered and stretched. Also ironing, housework Jy thehour. CallJUM-L. BASEMENTS AND back yards cleaned" Light pickup and delivery C. A Deat. Phone UWl-J-1 Hos. burg; ALTERATIONS DRESSMAKING AM types Mrs Don W Garrison, 1005 MadroneSt Phone woa-L WASHING AND IRONING In my home; Call 1704-J-L Wa pick up and de liver HIGH SCHOOL graduate wishes work"fls stenographer. Some experience. Ph. 22A-J-4. WANT YARDING Job for HD-7-cat. Donald Recta Fall Creek Ranch, Glide. VETERAN WANTS WORK What hae you? Write News-Review Box 14. WILL DO IRONING In my horns." II i:t5A-R. 1024 Eddy St. WANTED To care for pre school eh 1- dren In my home. days. Ph. 1.1 13-R-X. WASHING AND IRONING In my home Ph.ll-R-2 WILL CARE FOR children ages 4 to 13. Phone a3-Y. TRAILER TOWING Ph 5.T0 -R-X -2 Sours- Bin Garden Valley Koad HIGH SCHOOL girl baby sitter. Phone 1 02 1 -Y. W A NTED Iron I ng In my home 531 Fowler St Phnne539 -JX. MAN WANTS ODD jobs. Call 1704-JT Building Materials Gal. Pipe 't" ll'se s" 14',c 2lc-TlV 28c 1 't" 31'C f 45c 4 ' Cast Iron Soil pipe Pie foot. Elter First Quality Fixtures com plete to wall Toilets 414 50 CI. 5 Bathtubs 475 CI. 10x17 Lav. 43 to a Comp. C L Sink with spray 4M50. Comp cement laundry trays complete ... V Ji in Son Gal. Septic Tanks 0 1(0 Shower Stalls, Complete 47 0 40 Gal. Table Top lltra 05 no 40 gal Round Model Elec. Hlrs. 79 30 Deluxe Full Automatic Electric Rang 225 00 Mirrn Matlc 4 qt Pressure Cooker 13 95 Coleman and Per lection Oil Hire. 40 00 to D9 50 1 Plaster Board 4x4 sheets . 1 Plaster Board 4x4 sheets ... 1 S3 I 74 1 W 1 50 90 Cement Lime . ... Pumice Chimney Blocks Complete Line Fireplace Materials ARIZONA ROCK FOR YOUR MANTLE -COME OUT AND SEE IT. Or ask your brick layer to show a recent intallatmn. Roofing First Quality S In one thick hut 4ft O0 q Hexagon 44 50 sq. 45 lb. roll 42 00. 55 lb 42 40, 05 lb 42 M. m lb 4.(50 Kraft and Sheathing 500 aq. ft 42 40 Aluminum roofing $160 a sheet and up. 2 Nd Quality Roofing at Bargain prices. Nstli 10c lb. and up. Asbestos siding 912 50 sq. Panel Shake Siding 412 "iO sq. Gl Wool Insulation 2 x 15 or 2 X 34. Rnll Blanket 00 sq ft to Bag 43 W Tern lock Celling Panel 8'iC aq. It. If it Is Manufactured I Can Buy it and Sell It for Less DENN WHOLESALE CO. N"rh T'mpn.iia Road Phone 177-J PEELER CORE mill ends; planer ends; f i rr place unnd Double loads, prompt delivery. Claude Wllley, Rt. 1, Box 4.1 Ph 15.J-3.nr 14.1J3 PLANE HENDS. double loads, prompt delivery. 412 and up. Claude Willey. Phone 15-J 1 DRY FIR BODY wood, anrthardwood". Rav's Wood Yard. Ph. 14W0 L. Lost Found FOX TERRIER with a pansv fare, large black spot on back blarfc bh hd tail Answers to name of "Don nte ' Liberal reward rave Wanton. Service Station l' nrles N of Yoncslla Personal ALCOHOLirS ANONYMOUS. P O, Boa 1114 or Phone 1509-L er 504-J. Thurt., Oct. 6, 1949-Th Nwt For Sale Miscellaneous SPARTAN 24 24' 30 34 The life time trailer Haa a body we belleva will last 60 years or more. No dry roi Kit ' - ! ' as1 sj- Columbia 12 - U' -20- - 22 - 23' The West's Fastest teller and Other Trailers of Quality Alas used trailers, trade-ins accepted Bank contracts. Contracta to 3 years on Spartans. Earl E. Smith N W Largest Dealer Cugene Ore Phone Springfield 2621 3 Miles South on M Rt 4. Box 23. Eugene 3 Compact vaiuum cleaners complete witn attaenmenta. Tnese macnines are practically new, been In use only about 2 months. Will accept bids. 1 finger electric Iron. I Motorola portable battery nr electric radio. Good condition. 430. Inquire at 204 Douglas Co, Stata Bank Bldg. or phone 464. Two-Piece Dress Suit $6.95 with clever peplum. pet t (check rayon suiting. Also one piece style. Amazing vaiue. nave receivea many new aresa ea Includine Junior 100 oer cent vir gin wool dressea. Blousea, skirts and loose sleek fitting alacks at 43.93. Rose Schombel Calkins Road Box 1MO Phone 130-J-4 Always Open Until 8 P. M Where you save 13 to ty New 2-Bedroom House Hardwood floors. t acre lot 95000. Full price terms If desired. Suiter's Bldg. Supply 1730 Walnut St. Ph. 1297-1 TOR SALE Power wtneh. 120 H P. power unit Transmissions Rear axle assemblies. Log trailer. A-frame. Axle shafts for all trucks. Ray'$ Truck Shop 2059 N. Stephens Ph. 499-J-4 Home On Wheels EVERYTHING BUT THE BATHROOM Heavy cause aluminum exterior. Elect. ret rig. aod water heater, sleeps 4 Terms may be arranged. Sea this at umpqua Trailer arx nwy. W n., V. C. Klnch. River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS Wa have an abundant supply, Paul Casey BST W. Mother Phone 117-V Repossessed Norge automatic washer. IS lh. ranacl: almost new. Sell for balance due. No down payment. Terma. Bergh's 1200 8 Stephens J tried the easy m HAVE YOU tried the easy modern way The Self-Service Laundry 914 COBB ST. Try Our Friendly Service FOR SALE-27 ft. Nat!onaltraller. east ern duiii, like new; tandem wheels, electric refrigerator, butane conking and heating, sleeps four. See at lt house north of Trailer Court across Vet's Hospital on Garden Valley Road. Priced to selL Claude LeFever, Rt a. ora iwi-r. Your Shake Maker Bill Badger, Drew KOITLER AUTOMATIC power pUnt to sen; power line is nere now. useo less than two years: IV) watt. Sell reasonanie. c ml. ieighton iieeua- port. Oregon. FOR SALE Crocheted tahle cloths made to order. $1 23 to 41.75 per square iooi. i me. LLuvbn, sneirose noaa, Phone 444-J -4. TWO BEVERAGE refrigerators, one 30 ctt ii. sunaDie ior restaurant or tevern, inquire at Idle Hour Tavern Via N Jarksnn NEW AND USED furntture gas and wood stoves and heaters. Wood stove repairing a specialty. Call 1-127-R. A'a rum i lure center, hi Winchester lit. 32 VCLT aoowattHghtplant witn 14 batteries, 4-100; also kerosene Ser ve! refrigerator. 4100. Rt 1, Box 220, Carnes-Dlxonvtlle Road. Pneon" motor Court ndnova- ennry'' sign. Strsubs Court, 1401 N. Stephens. Ph. 190-J-l. FOR SALE OR TRADE 14 Travelo house trailer. Riverside Motors at Winston. SELL EQUITY In late 27 ft trailer home Balance VJ month. Telephone ei-r-ji bee at noyi Automotive aerv- Ire, Oakland HOUSE- MOVING, foundation, leveling". 14 years experience P St B Towing. (s.i b itepncna rnons mi. LARGE CEDARfenre posts for sale. WOOD CIRCULATING HEATER; rea snnahle, excellent condition Mrs. R. C. Wilson. Sutherlin. Box 4.12 USED 11 x 15 maroon R road loom rug and pad for sale at Flegel Transfer at storage to . s7 yo. 300 SAVAGE rifle. 12 gauge Remlnfon automatic shotgun. Opposite Denn Wholesale. N umpqua Road. TRAILER HOl'SE for "sale $400.Roy Mirnener, Look tngglsas SMALL G E. refrigerator. Exrellenrcon dltlon. Box 14S. Melrose Route. BATHTUB WITH "legs," excellent condi tion. Phone A43-L FOR SALE B flat rlartnet; Singer porta bte sewing machine Ph. 1706 J SCHUMANN St SONS UPRIGHT grand ptano 9450., terms If desired. Ph. 729-Y-X. rPIANO,Tbaby buggy, t tmmpetTl bicycle. 1 pair new Ice skates, size SV 824 S Main, after 2. FOR SALE -Good, used wood andg4 romDinanon coox stove, s.w. s.w w - Oak. WOOD CIRCULATING heater. Phone 70.i-J-T 300 SAVAGE RIFLE. 9100, 201A Morris St , or phone 1A.VI-R-3. SIZE 14 BROWN SqUIRRElTLOCKE (ur coat for sale. 446 S. SI rphena. 12 GAUGE shotgun lngood condition" 141 S Pine St. OIL CIRCULATOR wilh 140 gal. tank. .141 8. Pine St TRAILER HOUSE, large. 4100: other Hems. Box 110. Rifle Range Road. FRIGIDAIHE MANGLE, like' new, used 6 months Call lfo-J-4. FOR l'SF.n-UnedEstate""Heatrola oil heater Ph. 2H.I. 722W. Mosher FOR SALE- Electric ranga; 4-burner Unlver-al. 465419 Ptiier MONTGOMERY WARD oi "circulator, 6.1, (XXI BTI1, circulating fan.Ph. 9.1-R-L REFRIGERATOR In good condition. HIM Riverside Drive. 1941 "GLIDER HOUSE trailer, gg ft.', 4QV) New Moon Trailer In a. fcfrw" ftlRnv" rl.nr will dieM-ewi tgd) ' for cash, 547 8. Stephana. 1 - Rviw( Roseburg, Or. 13 For Sale Miscellaneous FRIG1DAIRE Refrigerator, eu. ft.. new unit, year guarantee, porce lain Interior and exterior (189 7$ FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator, t 1-3 cu. ft., -year guarantee, usea nine months - 1234. Tl APT. SIZE G. E. Refrigerator, 2' cu. ft., sealed unit, quiat ..9 OB 99 USED CUSTOMAIRE oil heater, ourner - a sa.oo USED QUAKER heater, " surner a JW V3 EASY 8PINDRIER washer, good condition 79 95 1 ABC-O-MATIC washer, washes ana rinses, never used, was 424950. now $124.90 USED EASY Ironer, demon at r a tor, excellent condition . f 90.50 MAGIC CHEF gas range, used very nine, automatic timer and lamp, smokeless broiler, three large utility sections, now ..J125 M OLYMPIC wood range, good con- omon 4 ea.m MONTAO WOOD RANGE 9 49 00 KNOX MEALM ASTER wood range $ 49.09 WEST1NGHOUSE RANGE, table- iop, wnite porcelain. 3 surface unite and deep well cooker .$ 99 75 WESTINCHOUSK RANGE, white porcelain with stainless steel top, 3 surface unite 4 47.50 1 WESTERN HOLLY gas and wood combination range, late model 4129 00 THREE lea boxes. $10, 413. 32 50 Umpqua Valley Appliance 120 W. Oak Phone 1214 Kimball Piano Parlor 531 So. Mill Open 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Beautiful Kimball Conaolettea Terms and liberal trade-in allowance SCHULZE HOUSE TRAILER. 21 fiT stk-Mi. win take rurniture or wnai have you? 1 mile W. of Kennedy'a Mill on Looklngglasa Rt. Jesse Motta. -Hole wood-burning range. Good shape u. zjj rora ri. rnone ms-r. AIRWAY SANITIZOR vacuum. Cash of terms. Phone 1414-R. WILL CARE FOR children ages 4 lo 12. rnone wu-t. FOR SALE -Electrolux vacuum cleaner. A-t conattion. jts-k-i, soa nerager. Loans MONEY 410 925 50 rS tin (300 4300 UP TO 4500 Borrow on your salary All steadily em ploved men and women may qualify today for a salary loan up to fjoo whether you're in m new Job or aa old, cm your car or furniture. Your furniture or automobile make excel lent security at lxcal Loan paid for or not Up to 4300 on your furniture, up to 4600 on your car. Special "Pa Day" Loans. 410. 425. fAO "Pay Day" loanen mi ray uay or longer cay Dav only for the actual number of days you keep the money. 924 eosta 14c for one week. No other charges. Phone lor your Loaa LOCAL LOAN CO. Leo Sevy, Mgr S35 No Jacksoa Phone 1173 -379: M 333 Roseburg - LOANS UP TO $300 On your Signature. Furniture or Livestock UP TO $500 ' On your automobile tpald for, or not. Loans made quickly, privately lor any worthwhile purpose such as Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental btlla Consolidate debts Re-financlng When you borrow get your money from ' the Company that makes It convenient to borrow and convenient to repay Lower payments now available up to 20 montha to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. 209 Douglas County Stata Bank Bldg Phone 466. M-33T Stale Lie S-244 FEDERAL LA ft D BANK COANS on farms are made for 20 to 40 years, 4"- Int., liberal pre-payment prtvtlcfe. Reflnanra your farm obligations now. Roseburg National Farm Loan Asso ciation. 203 Medical Arts Bldg. Wanted Wanted R.t.t. li.ttnjr. If ymi hav. h.d Irnubl. In movinf ynur prop rrty. . u.. w. .r. .xtrcm.ly short of horn, luting.. Lehman Real Estate h 172 J 414 N. J.ckuMI Wanted BEET. VtAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phon. 022-R-3. or t! or writ Rout. 1, Rotthurg Will Pay Cash WE BUY used furniture, all types. Call at 444 No. Jackson. Phone 1593-J. The Bargain House WANTE dTfOTR ENfV tie ra n imfwlfi would like a 2 or 3 room furnished apartment; both steadily employed by the government. No children or pets. Would pay as high ss 975 montn. Write Newi-Review Box 39 WANTED Junk, all kinds; coppeT. hra, aluminum, lead, rags, batteries, Rob's Salvage Yard, 2334 N. Stephens. Phona 1H9-J-3. REFINED, middle-aged lady wishes fur Mhed house or apt. Ph- 1144-L, or 412 Fowler St. WANTED Furniture. cwtng machine and toots Anything al value. Private partv Phone RVVK 1 WANTED TO BUY All klnda"of "furnl ture Let ua hid on your house of fur niture Call n.R atJUW N Jackson St WANTED TO BUY -Hides. Roseburg Meat Co phone 3JW Hay, Grain, Feed 0REY OATS hay for sale, Charles Voytnia, HI. a, DOS noeeoura 1