i 4 Implied Insult Seen In Form Letter From China's Red Govt. Asking American Recognition WASHINGTON, Oct. 5 -l-P) The Communist government of China has formally requested re cognition by the United States. The State department reported the request was made In a let ter to the American Consul gen eral at red-controlled peiping over the weekend. The letter, signed by Chou en Lai, Communist foreign minister, said: "I consider that It Is neces sary that there be established normal diplomatic relations be tween the peoples republic of China and. all countries of the world." . Identical notes were reported sent to diplomats from France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belguim and presumably the British in Peiping. State department press officer Llnclori White said O. Edmund Clubb, the American consul gen eral at Peiping, received the let ter Oct. 1. White said It was "printed" and indicated It was a form letter to be sent to all Foreign Diplomatic missions. Alone with the letter, a copy of the Proclamaation establish ing the Communist government was Included. The letter lacked the usual d Dlomatic expressions of good will and friendship and merely refer red to Clubb as "sir. White answered "sure" when asked by reporters at a news conference if he thought there was an "implied Insult" In the curt tone of the communist re quest.) He emphasized, however, he was expressing a personal opinion. White declined to say whether the department is now consider ing recognition. He would say only that the United Staes Is con tinuing to consult with other "in- imnijouimn ioAeweit... n m ik Ml Ardcn Tliior-Frab" ice cram is the perfect dessert . . . with cake, pie, is a fancy sundae or with fruits or berries. No other dessert will please so many so welL Ask your Arden dealer - ' for this favorite dessert 'mmmnmmmmmjmm i ww hiwiuimii w" 1 " ' " """ Wig (NEA T4nk. SUITS HER FINE Assisted by Coach Fred Bleeker. swimmer Yvonne Wood, 30, ho plans to swim Uw 34-m 116 Calallna Channel in Oc tober, prepares tor ber dally training plunge at Santa Monica, Calif. But for the last time an a two-piece suit. Movie swimmer Esther Williams read In the newspaper that Miss Wood owns Just one troublesome salt and will present the Boston girl with two swlmsulta she designed for efficient swimming. Suits Yvonne fine. Mobilization Plan Immediate Need, Baruch Declares NEW YORK. Oct. S-(.TV Ber. nard M. Baruch, making his first detailed statement on Russia's atomic explosion, says the Unit ed States should Immediately set up a standby mobilization plan. Including "thoroughgoing civilian defense." The financier, presidential ad viser in two world wars, declar ed here: "Everything possible should be planned for in advance, debated and put In law now, so each of terested and friendly govern ments" on overall developments in China. "As far as this government Is concerned. It sees absolutely no necessity for any haste," he said. us knows what la expected of him or her." The 79 -year -old Baruch, who differed with President Truman recently over the nation's state of preparedness, also made these major points in a statement to newsmen: 1. The atomic blast In Russia dictates that the United States must "maintain our overwhelm ing advantage" In the field of atomic weapons until there is "safe and sure" international control of atomic energy. 2. The United States should 'stand Its ground in Insisting upon nothing less than a truly effective international control of atomic energy." 3. The United States should re examine its strategy for neace. Baruch, as American represen tative, presented a control plan to the United Nations Atomic En ergy commission in 1946, but it was rejected bv the Russians In favor of one of their own. Boyer's Meat Market FRI. AND SAT. Sliced Ham 69c b Center cuts Ham End Chunks - 45c lb. Lard 6-lb cans 16c lb. Beef Roast 37c Shoulder cuts lb. Beef Liver Tender . ... 35c lb. Beef Tongue Young' fresh 23c lb. We hove Locker Meat For Sale Lamb, Veof, Pork or Beef The weight and grade you want. COMPLETE FOOD SHOPPING CENTER Highway 99 N. Roseburg FREE PARKING? DON'T HURRY OR RUSH! Shop at your leisure at Wally's and always be sure of getting finest quality - at lowest prices Your money's worth or your money back! 3-lb. tin Pure Vegetable Shortening 1 Clgn With Cake Improver..... il 1V PHY BEANS Blue Shield dry 2"lb- cel, Red Mexican or Lw gn Small Whites... ImJfXm 2-lb. Pkg. Brookfield American. . 79c Standby Fancy Dura Plastic ' Pumpkin no ,2ttt. 8c Starch ZtZZTTl 49c Durkees Shredded mmm Coconuts oz pkg 12c "rem sandwich meot 37c , . , . Blue Sea White Lumber Jack Syrup 5-ib. tin 75c Tuna Aibocore. n0. y2 39c Truly Ripe Wonder Food Peaches No 2'4 tin 25c I Mar shm allows 8-oz. pkg 10c All Flavors ml Drifted Snow or mm Life Savers 3f010c "ow 3.75 Bar None KIiiomm 27e Dag Food 6 SI 49c Wuc"1 ; l Hunt's Powder :2Sc 23c , Kellogg's Zoom Whole Wheot 19c All Bran 10-oz. pkg 15c GOD'S WORD 14. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that art with him are called, and chosen and faithful. Revelation 17:14 Kellogg's 10 pkgi. in One Variety Cereal 29c Fresh! Fruits & Vegetables They're on Ice Fri. and Sat. Medium Sire ORANGES 39c Hoz. LEMONS Sunkist 35c doz. RADISHES Local Bunches 2 for 15c CARROTS Locol Bunches 2 for 15c BANANAS 17c lb. Wed., Oct. 5, 1949 The News-Review, Reseburi, Ore. t Penney's Keeps Your Feet Dry! 1 jN(PiMQ Store Hours 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 A.M. Choose your rubber footwear for the entire family at PENNEY'S. You'll find the largest selection in Roseburg . . . .all economy priced. Boots for Women & Girls 298 Sizes 4-9 in brown These boots are mighty low priced for suerr high quality. They're easy-to adjust and the all-rubber construction will keep your feet plenty dry. Be prepared for stormy weather . . . get yours now at Penney's In-the-budget price! Red or whit, at a slightly higher price. Children's brown boots 6 to 12 Girls' 12 to 4 .2.69 -2.89 Women's Snap Galoshes " Siies4-9 1.98 Your ankles will be trim, your foot snug In theie smart snap galoshes with military heels. A cinch to get on or off and Penney's brings them to you at popular prices. Girls' Strap Galoshes 2.39 Sizes 5 7 Thty'll slip on or off In a Jiffy. Roomy tnough to tuck in th legs of a snowiuit. Warm cot ton lining. Brown. A small prlct to pjy to safeguard your children from cold, wet feet. In whit at a slightly higher prica. Womtn'l Rubber Boots 3.79 Sizes 4 9 Black shiny all rubber boots that give you lots of protection. Easy to put on or off, solid rubber heel. Buy a pair at Pen ney's tomorrow and be ready for wet weather. Women's Toe Rubbers Sizes 5-9 . 98c If putting on rubbers has been a finger pinching ordeal for you, you are going to love Pen ney's new LIVE RUBBER to. rubbers. . Th. very deeign Is alive. At thrifty Penney's In dressy, satin-finished black. Men's Rubbers 1.79 Sizes 6 11 Penney's has bright finished storm rubbers for tha family! And just checK our low prices! Reinforced at tip and too for long wear ... plenty of give so you can get them on or off easily. Children' 12-2 1.39 Women's 5-9 1.59 Boy' IVi-Vi 1.69 Top Lace Pacs MEN'S 1 6" SIZES 6-12 REGULAR OR WIDE 5 79 Penney's outfits the family for hunting, fishing or farm work. Thes. rugged pacs have oleated soles for sursnesa afoot . . . sponge Innersoles for oomlort ... live rubber uppers. Men's 12" 6 to 12 Boys' 10" 1 to S - .5.29 .4.98 Men's 16" Pacs Sizes 7-10 6.90 Here's lots of protection yet they sr. easy to put on or take off. They lace all the way up for a perfect fit. Heavy soles that will wear and wear. Savs on a pair at Penney's nowl Husky Arctics For Outdoor Men 4.89 Lightweight Sport Boots Sizes 6-11 8.90 It's comfortable ... sponge Innersole. It's rugged ... all rubber with cleated sola and heel . . . adjustable knea har ness and belt strap . . . snap fastenere to hold boots In place when rolled. Sizes 6-11- "Bullt to do a Job", that's what men say about Penney's arctics. That's what you'll say when you see how bull-dog etrong they arel Felt Innereole for warmth . . . live rubber uppers with nylon buckls stays. No skimping here! Boys' sizes 11-2 3.49 Youths' 2Vi-5 3.59 Heovy Work Rubbers Sizes 6-11, med. & wide widths 2.29 Vou get lots of protection with out a lot of weight In this sturdy rubber. Stretches easily over work shoes . . . lasts extra Thrifty Priced Boots 5.79 Sizes 6-11 At Penney's, rubber boots ara a serious matter each one must pass our grueling labora tory tests, so that your feet stay dry, protected and com fortable. Firm-gripping eleat style soles. long. Rugged at a low. low price.