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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1949)
T-H Act Repeal Urged By Tobin, Labor Secretary ST. PAUL. Minn.. Oct. -(.W Secretary of Labor Maurice J. Tobin today called on organized labor to replace discord and cross-purposei with "the solidar ity of cooperation" to secure such obJective as repeal of the Taft Hartley act. "It haa already been proved that when an international crisis Is being faced, or when the -labor movement is being threatened within a state or in Washington, AFL and CIO can work together effectively and harmoniously,' Tobin said In a speech to the Na tional AFL convention. "I am pleading merely for a logical projection of the spirit be hind such activities," the Cabinet officer said, pointing out that he had no "program of unification" or "any scheme for making la bor one and indivisible." He urged cooperation on the po litical level "if we are to get rid of Taft-Hartley" and realize oth er parts of President Truman's "Fair Deal." "Last November," Tobin said, "workers and farmers pulled to gether, not because there was any alliance, but because both groups had come to realize that ' the only real hope for a fair deal ' the election of President Tru man. We must keep alive and strengthen that community of in terest which manifested itself last year." Sunday the AFL executive committee rejected political co operation with the CIO on a na tional scale, but left the way open for Joint action locally. Yesterday. Sen. Humphrey (D Minn) scored the Taft-Hartley act. declaring "there will be no labor-management peace until this grossly unfair, anti-labor leg islation is removed and the eco nomic relationship between labor and management are settled around the conference table." Power Shortage Threat Faced By Northwest, Bonneville Assertion SEATTLE. Oct. 5. tT) Threat of an early power short age for the Pacific northwest loomed today with announcement by the Bonneville power adminis tration of a possible 75,000 kilo watt cut of Interruptable power now provided to aluminum reduc tion plants here. The administration notified Its Seattle office that power would be reduced next week unless the Columbia river flow Improves substantially. Bonneville made a similar cut a month later last year, heralding a power shortage which existed throughout the winter. The private companies have Offers Reward For Her Husband SALEM. Oct. S-I!piA $2,000 reward was offered Tuesday by the wife of Silverton man who has been missing for three weeks. The woman is Mrs. Charlts Fantz, whose husband left San Francisco on another Man's tuna boat. No trace has been found of the boat. Mrs. Fantz asked the state board of Aeronautics vesterdav to join the search, but the board said it was not permitted t o hunt off-the coast of California. Mrs. Fantz said she would give the reward to anyone giving information which would lead to the finding of her husband. She hopes the reward will encourage private fliers to Join the search, which now is being conducted by the Coast guard. Fantz is a logger, and yat a candidate for the State House of representatives last election. Police, After Hunt, Find Their Man In Jail Cell BALTIMORE. Oct. 5 UP) After an eight-hour search, Bal timore police found their man Monday. He had been in jail all the time. Howard Mosby, 16, arrested on a disorderly conduct charge and rebased on bail, has asked to be kept in Jail because he "did n't want to be late for the hear ing next morning." The police obliged, but failed to make a notation on the docket. When Mosby didn't appear at the hearing, the search began. It wasn't until late afternoon that a red-faced turnkey remem bered Mosby was in the lockup. Said Miagistrate A. A. Iozlov sky at the hearing: "It looks like we owe you a little time now. Case dismissed." been notified that their firm i power supplies, w hich totalled I 370.000 kilowatts a year ago. will I be reduced to a total of 295,000 kilowatts this year. ' However, the cut will be some-1 What offset by a new contract with the British Columbia Elec-j trie company for 30,000 kilowatts. ' The peak capacity of the Grand I Coulee dam plant should be about 360,000 kilowatts' greater than last winter. But company offi cials have said that unless present rains Increase the present river flow substantially, there will not be enough water in Lake Roose velt, behind the dam. to ODerate the entire battery of generators1 throughout the winter. Seattle city light officials said their power supplies are adequate for the present, with approximate ly 1,000,000 acre feet of usuable storage behind Ross dam. The Skagit river flow is 10 per cent above normal for this time of year. Bend Woman's Death Violent; Husband Held BEND. Oct. 5 (. Mrs. IH Haacke. 34, Bend, was found dead in her home here Monday amid evidence of a struggle. She had been beaten around I the head, and police said she might have taken or been given iodine. A smashed bottle of io dine was found. Deschutes County Sheriff D. L. McCauley said the woman's hus band, Earl Haacke,' was held for questioning. No charge was filed, i however. An autopsy was order ed to determine the cause or death. The Haacke had come here recently from Missoula, Mont. The woman worked as a wait ress, and her husband was em ployed by a horse packing planr at Redmond, Ore. Traffic Crash Kills One Person, Injures 2 Others LA GRANDE, Oct. 5 (.Pl James Parker. 72, La Grande, died yesterday in a hospital heie of injuries received In a two-car collision on Highway 30 east of Union. Joseph D. Reener. who was moving his family from Wenat chee, Wash., to Provo, Utah, wes driving the second car. He suf fered chest and face injuries. His wife, Winnie, suffered a back in- iury and their son, Phil, 3, was iruised. Parker's passenger, Mrs. Llcla Grant, La Grande, was nearly scalped and she suffered wrist and leg fractures. Wed., Oct.- 3, 1949-Th. Newi-Revlow, Roteburg, Ore. a Wives Nos. 1 And 2 In Contest Over Children LOS ANGELES, Oct. 5 ( The stepmotlier of two boys was charged here with child s'tealing In a custody dispute with their mother. The boys are Ronald Rhoton, 14. and Robert, 12. Their father was killed In their burning home at Klamath Falls, Ore., Sept, 21. Their stepmother, Mrs. Donna Lee Rhoton. 33, was Jailed and then released to appear In court on an Arizona warrant. Mrs. Rhoton told officers that after her husband's death, she and the boys accompanied the bodv to Shumway, Ariz., for bur ial Sept 27. At the funeral, she said, they met her husband's first wife, Nova, mother of the hoys, who Immediately claimed them. Mrs. Rhoton said that during the divorce hearing In 1938, her husband had been awarded cut tody of the boys. She told police she brought them here. Except for a slight depression slump, the amount of life insur ance in force in the United State has increased fairly steadily from less than 15 billion In 1910 to 202 billion. "THIRTY" IS SYMBOL NEW YORK -4Jfl- The term "thirty," which in newspaper parlance means the end of at item, originated back in the early days of the telegraph. At that time operators, writ ing longhand, used the symbol "XXX" to designate the end of a dispatch filed hv a npwspaper correspondent. The "XXX" con stituting the Roman numerals for "30." it quickly translaled itself into the now familiar "thirty." Australia's coastline Including Tasmania, is 12.210 miles long 24 miles longer than the sea board of the United States. I f I We'll repair your car i just like new if you hove j misfortunart accident II j Call us today. jj HANSEN I MOTOR CO. SS?SSnr.'lS WBUUU. WK.KP mm ii - Store Hours Weekdays A" me8t' Pro,'ue, ond 9 A. M. - 8 P. M. 'roeery tf,ec',alt effee" Sundays tiv Jhu,tda'r- Fridy' 10 A.M. 6 P.M. Saturday ...d Sundoy. Table GRAPES Delicious Here's the crispy, juicy kind for eat ing out of hand. 3-lbs. 2SC Box 2.49 Ortleys A dandy apple for those deep apple pies you love. Lb. Box 1.59 Jonathans An excellent all purpose apple. . Buy a box I Lb. Box 1.59 Tokay Grapes 2-lbi 15c Valencia ORANGES ''J u 10c Danish SQUASH OR HUBBARD LB. 3c Sweet Potatoes . 10c Yamsu.. lOc Bright, red berries full o of fresh, rich flavor . . lb. ajC GREEN CABBAGE Carrots smooth CAULIFLOWER CELERY PARSNIPS RUTABAGAS . Lb. ' 4c .Lb. 7e LB. 12c .Lb. 5c .Lb. 10c .Lb. 7e SPINACH 10-oz. cello pkg. 15c TURNIPS Lb. 10c Servt 'em More POTATOES U.S. N.I 250jc GRADE tack y lb. VD No. 2's 50.1b. Sack 95c IPkQsweett (3iraa 2 No. 303 Cans Sliced Beefs N 10' Del Monte Beets wiri9c Del Monte Apricots ivt can 25c Cream Corn Cranberry Jelly Chili Con Carne Baker's Chocolate Ocm. Spray Caa H..I. Hormet caa Vi-Lb. cake Gordenside Golden 29c 17' 29' 35' 10c Heinz Soup w." ... 10' Tea Timer Crackers lit 31' Heinz Soup ...18' Pop Corn -'19' Grade A Med. Eggs te. 59c Oregon Walnuts " X 29' All Prices are Low Every Day at 4M alBBBBBBBBBM II Guaranteed" TRIMMED WASTE-FREE BEFORE WEIGHING! Standing Rib Roast Grade , mC Grade mm.r Good" lib. CO "Comm." Lb. 5V SIRLOIN BEEF STEAKS Guaranteed Grade 7e Grade me Juicy and Tender "Good" Lb. D "Comm." Lb. 59 BEEF ROUND STEAKS Cut thick for "Swits- Grade i ac Grade . Ing" if you like. "Good" Lb. 07 'Comm." Lb. 65 SLAB BACON -490 ILADI CUT Beef Pot Roasts mjatTend Be 43c tender Specials in Tender Veal! Shoulder Roasts lb. 45c Rib Chops Te;nd lb.59c Veal Stew Bng lb. 19c Ground Beef lb. 35c Values from Young Porkers Pork Loin Roast, lb. 45c Center Cut Chops, lb. 59c is Directions for 12 delicious bakings en package 2V:-lb. pkg. 29c 4o.oi. no. 7C rdiiidiie nuui $ ph , Si.ui Mb. AF b.. pk9. X9 Creamed Honey1 SkippyPeanutButter";r35c Quaker Oats Seedless Raisins Af A Hill's, MJB, Foigers, Coffee Savings! Edwards Coffee Mb. can 7c 2-lb.caa 93c . A luxurv blend extra rich! RtguLrw J-Lb. OO Ouiel eke. J J.C Sun 1 S-.f. , U,d pkg. 15 C & S, Moxwell House eon Mb. in- 47t mA Noh Hill Coffee r.m 3 Whol. Mb IOC 2-Lb Stan bag bag 83c Sunny Dawn BIG 46-oz. Caa 23 Freedom Goes Where I V The Newspaper Goes 2'i con 15c No. 1 Can 39 TOMATOES Gardentida PINK SALMON ZEE WAXED PAPER Airway Coffee 77 Bag Ai OuhUndin. V.Iu.l Mb. Oc 2-lb Bag J7 Visit Cur Frozen Foods and ICE CREAM DISPLAY For More Value! Meadowood Butter 59c lb. 125-Foot Roll 19' Kitchen Craft FLOUR Entif th. Big ContMtl D.tailt it Saf.wtyl 10-lb. 07C25-lb. $498 Sack 0 Sack I TREND For all kinds of washing Large pkg. UPTON'S Noodle Soup A lot for your money 3pms. 32c Oak 4 Stephens Ph.n. 446 V Mrs. Vrioht's BREAD Mb. 14 White National Newspaper Week Oct. 1-8 Nu-Made MAYONNAISE 39 j