2 Th Ntw-Rviw, Roseburg, Ore. Wtd., Oct. 3, 1949 Cash Prizes For Fire Prevention Essays Offered Any boy or girl In Douas county ol junior high chool age or younger li entitled to partici pate In the letter writing contest conducted by the J. C. Penney tore In connection with National Fire Prevention week. The letter, to be written on the topic of fire prevention, should be 300 word or less. Thev will be Judged by Fire Chief William E. Mills and two members of the Roseburg Fire department. All letters must be submitted bv Monday. Oct. 10. The prlio letters will be on display in Pen r.ey's fire prevention window from Oct. 10 to Oct. 16. Prizes will be $3 for first place, $3 for second and 14 additional prizes at $1 each. The contestant may choose h' or her own topic, but suggested topics listed by Chief Mills are: Defective chimneys and flues, lightning, sparks on roof, gaso line and petroleum products, matches and smoking, spontan eous Ignition: stoves, furnaces and pipes, and hot ashes and coals. You're Money Ahesd with Maytag If... I Your Rtfrlgtraror or Washer Nttds Repair . . . Phone 805 I Bergh's Appliance Service See NORGE Before You Buy I" "There a apirit of- i Friendliness in our establishment mahing it : ' a' placa of rtlf une)$ , and serenity. . t. . ..... .. , v;;; I i LI .11 ENJOY ADDED HOME COMFORT AND BEAUTY . . . ... by treating your home to a top-notch repair-remodeling program. Our friendly Advisors will work out the details, offer timely hints . . . help you select thj quality LUMBER you need from our fine stocks of sensibly-priced, leatoned, Finish, Knotty Pino Paneling, etc. Drop in for chat today! WE HAVE CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 40?qtt0AKC7W12&vV oauxx-y- Minton Wins Stnott O. K. For High Court (Continued from Page One) tors Borah of Idaho and LaFol lette of Wisconsin had grilled the late Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes. Ferguson said he wanted to ask Minton if he had changed his mind about the support he gave the late President Roosevelt's un successful 1937 plan to reorgan ize the Supreme court. Senator Jenner (R ind), absent because of the illness of hi fath er, said in a message read by Senator Saltonstall (R Mass) that "there is every indication ho (Minton) has abandoned his rad ical beliefs." Minton was a strong New Deal supporter when he was In the Senate and served for a time thereafter as a White House as sistant to Roosevelt. Minton is President Truman'j fourth appointee to the nine-man Supreme court. His others were Chief Justice Vinson and Justices Burton and Clark. President Roosevelt named the other five: Justices Black, Douglas, Reed, Jackson and ranKfurter. Senate Still Battles Over Farm Prices (Continued from Page One) gislatlon, then succeeded In get ting it sent back to committee for overhauling. He later told reporters he didn't know what the committee would do but said "I will try to get a bill I can defend." Senator Aiken of Vermont, top republican on the committee, said he had no doubt the group would return with a bill contain ing the sliding scale of price sup ports it first, had recommended to the Senate. If so, he added, the Issue will have to be fought out all over again on the Senate floor. Aiken declined to hazard a guess on the outcome. But he said that If a bill continuing the present high support levls should be passed and signed by the President, the Democrats "would lose the next election hands down." The Anderson bill provided lor supporting basic crops within a range of 75 to 90 per cent ol parity, depending on the avail able supple. Parity is a price Intended to give farmers a fair return on what they grow in terms of what they have to buy. .-.i.j.- - -, Soviet Satellite Republic Planned In East Germany BERLIN. Oct. S P Fear of Anti-soviet Titoism was admitted today by German communists hurriedly forming a Russian sa tellite republic In Eastern Ger many. The republic Is due to be pro claimed In Berlin Friday at a special session of the communist ruled German People's council. Eastern non-communist parties were reported promised less than a third of the Ministries as a price for waiving demands for a popular election. In a vital public declaration of policy today, communist chief tains served notice they would use the eastern republic to fight the "Quislings" of the West Ger man f ederal republic, sponsored hy the United States, Britain and France. They warned the communist rank and file at the same time to beware of a "Traitorous Tito Clique" within their own party which would try to stir up hatred against the Soviet union and foster "chauvinism." Moscow's press this morning published dispatches from Ber lin that the German people had derr.inded creation of a govern ment not bound by "the colonial occupation statute." Steel Export Cut May Be Forced By Strike (Continued from Page One) In a few cents an hour, too. No negotiating sessions are In sight. The government is keeping hands off for the present. That doesn't mean the govern ment isn't concerned. Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer, says he's considering Imposing export controls on steel. That would keep more steel in Ameri ca, prolonging employment In many Industries in case the strike isn't ended soon. Almost as Sawyer was talking, Westinghouse placed a number of home appliances on an allocation basis to distributors and dealers. These include large model refrig erators, electric ranges, washing machines, clothes driers, vacuui.i cleaners, water heaters and fans. J. H. Ashbaueh. vice-Diesldent of the company's appliance divi sions, summed up Westinghouse s position this way: "We have enough sleel on hand for full production this month. But we will have to start cutlln;: back operations at our plant here (Mansfield, Ohio) and in Spring field, Mass., by November 1." Auto Industry Affected ucpercussiona or the steel walk out are coming from Detroit. For the most part, auto companies have enough steel on hand to make autos for a month. How ever, 8.000 employes of Packard Motor car company will be idled tomorrow and Friday. Packard wants to survey the situation and adjust lis working schedule to the supply of steel on hand. Reports of spdradic violence come from the soft coal fields daily. The latest flareup was In Virginia last night. A few arrests were made. In Pennsylvania a coal tipple coal preparation structure was damaged by an explosion yester day at the C. V. Fink and Son mine near Clearfield. A meeting between the ITMW and the Southern Coal Producers association ended on an optimis tic note at Bluefleld, W. Va., yes terday. There were reports the operators had made some sort of an offer. It couldn't be confirm ed, but President Joseph E. Moo dy declared he believed the nego tiations have "turned the cor ner." The coal strike fanned the (lames of a minor war between union and non-union miners to day. Nearly a score of men were arrested In Virginia and Pennsyl vania. This resulted from bat tling between pickets and unor ganized miners still working In defiance of John I.. Lewis and his striking I'nited Mine Workera. No one was Injured but several truck loads of coal were dump ed. Bertola Dies After Boxing Bout With Oma BUFFALO, N. Y Oct. S.tm Enrico Bertola, the heavy weight boxing champion of Italy, died at about 1:20 p. m. today of a brain Injury suffered last night in losing a 10-round decision to Lee Oma. freryoite loves mm tie Distributed by Western Distributing Company Short and Burke Streets Phot 1294-L Roseburg, Oregon LUCKvl LHGER IN1lltTf HK.II CO W a-ovU w.ttf IPMsel Yankees, Dodgers 0-0 At End Of 5th Frame (Continued from Page One) games. He has an earned run mark Of 3.12. There was sound reasoning be hind Shotton's choice of his Jumbo-si7d freshman to oppose Reynolds, a 17-6 winner for the Yanks. Newcomhe was knocked out of the box Sunday In Philadelphia but he is a big strong fellow who can go three times, If necessary. In this best-of seven competition. Roe, slender and wiry, could be used once more In a long series, providing he starts tomorrow as expected. Despite a painful groin Injury, rlghtfielder Carl Furillo reported ready for play. Here are the lineups; Brooklyn New York Reese, ss Rimito, ss Jorgensen, 3b Henrich, lb Snider, cf Berra, c Robinson, 2b .. DiMaggio, cf Hermanskl, If Llndell, If Furillo, rf Johnson, 3b Hodges, lb Mapes, rf Cam panel I a, e Coleman, 2b Newcombe, p Reynolds, p Motorist- Fatally Hurt In Gold Hill Collision MEDFORD, Oct. 5 -JJP A Pendleton motorist was fatally In lured and two other persons were hurt In a three-car collision at the Gold Hill bridge over the Rogue river late yesterday. The victim was Gerald N. Gorf kle. 22. He died in a hospital here at 9:30 a.m. today. His 23-year-old wife Is In the hospital with deep forehead cuts and a knee injury. Mrs. Alberta Hammond, 67, oc cupant of a second car, driven by her brother, George Younce, 59, Montague, Calif., suffered a pos sible knee dislocation. The driver of the third car, Ja cob J. Gentry, Grants Pass, was unhurt. Possession Of Untagged Venison Draws $100 Fine Jack C. Kerr of Union Gap, north of Sutherlin, arraigned be fore Justice of Peace Ward C. Watson at Sutherlin. on a charge of possession of untagged veni son, was fined $100 and sentenc ed to 30 days in the county Jail, reported State Police Sgt. Lyle Harrell. The Jail sentence Is to be sus pended upon payment of the fine. Kerr was arrested Sunday by state officers eight miles east of Sutherlin on the Nonpareil road. Rehabilitation Fund Faces Three-Way Split SALEM, Oct. 5. (m The state veterans affairs department de cided today how to split up $16,- 764 for rehabilitation during the next year. The money will be divided among three veteran organiza tlons. The American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars will each get 38 percent, and the Dis abled American Veterans will be given 24 percent of the money. Blow In Football Game Fatal To 13-Year-Boy CLEVELAND. Oct. S.-VP A blow on the head during a touch football game was blam ed today for the death of 13-year old David W. Pepper. Hospital surgeons who worked on the boy for about two hours last night said he died of a brain injury. His friends in the football game said another boy's knee struck David in the head. "ORUNKS" FORFEIT BAIL Homer Clyde Ritliff, Suther lin, and Harvey George Ritliff, Roseburg, arrested Tuesdav night by city police, forfeited $20 bail upon their failure to appear In municipal court In answer to drunk charges Wednesday, re ported Judge Ira B. Riddle. Arthur Thomas Walker, Rose burg. was committed to the cltv jail for 10 days in lieu of a $20 fine on a drunk charge, said Riddle. Q. Why is Dutch Boy Quick drying Enamel like a harvest moon? A. Always beautifif it shines on and oni DUTCH BOY quick-drying enamel covert toys, woodwork, furniture with gay, long-laiting color. Woihablel BUY WHERE YOU SHARE IN THE SAVINGS DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange ROSEBURG, OREGON Phont 98 Located W. Washington St. and S. P. R. R. Trocks Windstorm Rips Portland Roofs PORTLAND, Oct. 3. (.PI A gust of wind tore parti of roofs off two factories in north Port land today. The blow, whieh struck follow ing Portland's heaviest rain since May, tore a 50 by 75 foot section of composition roofing oif the Montag Stove and Furnace factory. A smaller piece of roof was ripped from an adjoining shed. Roof fragments blew through the air and smashed Into two trucks 100 feet away. One wind shield was broken, and the hood of the other truck torn off. The gust blew out panels and part of a roof at the Nlcolal Door Manufacturing plant, in the rame area. The storm dumped 1.22 Inches of rain on Portland during the last 24 hours. Only one Oregon town was wetter: Brookings, which got 1.92 Inches. Truman's Appeal For OK On Olds Is Futile (Continued from Page One) eral regulation over the natural gas Industry. Olds has denied before the com mittee that he is or ever was a Communist. He said he wrote radical articles In the 1920s for the Federated Press to shock peo ple Into carrying out reforms. Tito Frees 713 Former Russian Sympathizers BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, Oct. 5 UPt Marshal Tito has opened the Jail doors for 713 former pro Russian sympathizers who re pented and now are busy road building. Radio Belgrade, quoting Minis ter of the Interior Rankovic, said the former supporters of the Russian-led Cominform (Communist International Information bureau had "confessed" the error of their ways. It said they had vol unteered to work on the new road between Belgrade and Zagreb, capital of Croatia. Release of the political pris oners was interpreted here as evidence of Tito's confidence in the internal strength of his re gime. Eight Oregon Hunters Afoul Of Nevada Law RENO, Oct. 5. (m Eight Ore gon hunters, charged with hunt ing deer in northern Washoe coun ty in closed season, posted $2dO cash ball each in Justice court yesterday. I he men, arrested Saturday at a camp on Horse creek: Floyd Reed, 49, Lakevlew cat tleman, charged with killing a deer; John Linderman, 43, Salem; John Lillv, 32, Medford; Marvin Wells, 32, Lakevlew; William Wells, 23, Lakevlew; Everett Ood son, 44, Lakevlew; Ernest Cox, 27, Medford; and Hans Hafestot er, 57, Salem. The charge against the last seven was hunting out of season. The season opens in Washoe county Oct. 16. Back From John Day Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brundage and son, Michael, Cecil Hughes, Enos and Arlo Handy have returned to Roseburg after a successful hunt ing trip In the John Day vicinity. They brought back five deer. Visiting Here Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Price of Hayward, Calif., are visiting at the home of Mrs. Price's sister, Mrs. Floyd Steph ens, on Blakeley street. On Hunting Trip Albert Kron ke, Cecil Harris, Verne Shrum. Tavlor McCord, Paul Yundt and Perry Wright are on a hunting trip In the North Umpqua area. They planned to be gone a week. WOOD Dry Fir Body Wood and Hard Wood RAY'S WOOD YARD Phone 1499 L Q. Why is Dutch Boy Porch t Deck Paint like a sou'wester? A. It's perfect pr -d when the weather is worst! Ike niitr.h Rnv - Porch & Deck Paint for glossy bright colors thot resiit sun, rem, heot or cold. Preserves end beeuiefies wood or canvoi porches, sun decks, steps. Benefits Will Outweigh Tax Boosts, Suburbs Told (Continued from Page One) assessor reveals this year'i tax rate will remain the same as it was last year, even though many new improvements have been made. "Tax rates and assessed valu ations for the years ending June 30 each year are listed at fol lows: Assessed Tax Year Valuation Rate 1945 $4,577,500 12.7 1946 4.955,140 14.5 1947 5.107,995 12.8 1948 5.882,535 20.0 1949 6.758,770 15.6 1950 7,323,000 15.6 "Through annexation, a budg et for Improvements can be rais ed and the tax rate be kept down, because of increased incomes from state liquor taxes, motor vehicle licenses and county road funds. These taxes are paid by the people now with no part going to the city treasury. "In most of the cities of Ore gon, there is considerable com petition. A city must progress io improve; to improve there must be growth through expansion." Military Funds For Alsaka, Okinawa OKd WASHINGTON. Oct. 5. (.41 A $154,611,000 military construc tion program for Alaska and Okinawa was approved today bv the House Armed Services com mittee. While the bulk of the pro gram is for supporting facilities such as housing, much of it la earmarked for radio and radar installations, communications sys tems and underground gasoline storage. TO ATTEND CONFERENCE Horace C. Berg, special agent for the Prudential Insurance Co. of America in Roseburg, will at tend a three-day conference of the company's top producing spe cial agents In New York City beginning Oct. 10. More than 115 Prudential rep resentatives throughout the 11 western states and Hawaii hae been granted this distinction for their outstanding accomplish mets during 1949. WANTED Used Car Salesman For Outside Calls Car and Gas furnished while on Job. Ae-War Deal Must be married man and know Douglas County. Give occupations for the last ten years. We will train you and help close your sales. Writt Box 27 News-Review 022 colors shades in There's no blending, no guess-work, no waiting . . . yet you can match more than 1,322 different shodes and colors. All you do is bring a sample of your drapes, uphol stery, wallpaper, carpet or anything else you want to match ... we select the Boysen COLORI2ER you need . . . you take home Boysen point, add COLORIZER and get exactly the color you want. Come in toon The Weather U. 8. Weather Bureau Office Roseburg, Oregon riiirftf with ahowers today; clearing tonight. Thursday fair. Lowest temp, for any Oct. 22 I Highest temp, yesterday - W Lowest temp, last 2 hrs. .. SO i Precipitation last 24 hrs. 34 Precipitation since Sept. 1 ...2.30 Oeficit since 8ept. 1 -74 Shopper Killed By Auto Blow On Eugene Street EUGENE, Oct. 5 (JPY-A Wil lamette Cltv man was killed shortly before 6 p.m. Tuesday while crossing the street from a grocery store to his parked car. Coroner Phil Bartholomew iden tified the victim as Walter A. Graham, age 48, mechanic lor Ole Christenson. State police said that Graham had started to cross Highway 58, and a light rain and fog made visibility poor so that a car driv en by Daniel Eugene Kelley, age 28, of lowell was upon him be fore the driver could stop. State police said no arrests were made. FBI MEN TO SPEAK Officers of the Federal Bureau of Investigation will be here to speak before the Roseburg Lions club at the weekly dinner meet ing Thursday at 6:30 p. m., in the Hotel Umpqua. LJlU. tmn In. inv uci v NOW! 80B0N'S C0TTA6 CHEESE Fruit Salad! So TEMPTING josr&p octwd seavefj SO-O-O when you see this carton, gVaoit! Inside are lus cious bits of pears, peaches, cherries, pineapple and Borden's smooth Cottage Cheese. At your food store now I in flat wall paint, interior gloss, interior enamel and outside paint. You get all these colors at price you pay for ordinary and let us show you how simple it it to match any color you want. tog tfgtjWJ Boy Receives Fatal ' Shot Playing With Gun LA GRANDE. Oct. 5. (PlA 10-year-old Enterprise boy, play, ing with an old rifle, was killed when It discharged accidentally, it was learned here today. The accident which took the life of Larry Snider, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Snider, occurred Saturday. The boy died almost instantly as the bullet pierced his throat. CARS RECENTLY. WRECKED 2 '41 Chevrolet 5-Paseengers '37 Nash Coupe 40 Chrysler 4-Door 4t Dodge 2 Door '40 Ford 2- Door '47 Buiek 4-Door 40 Plymouth 5-Passenger 2-'37 Chevrolet 2-Doors '42 Dodge G.I. Weapon Carrier And many more older model ear. Doyle's Sales And Service Hiway 99 at Garden Valley Y pnone on OT-S-0-' Grand FROfTS-MIXeO WITH BORDEN'S CAeAMV-6000 cottage CHeese A If. & TSordeits d II c a a m s lw V 0TTAGE CHEfS! W FRUIT SALAD and onzer Come in and let us show you how easily you can make your home more fun for living with amazing Boysen COLORIZER. Boysen COLORIZER is available in flat wall paint, interior gloss, interior enamel and outside paint. Practically every point ing need, both inside and outside your home, con now be done with this marvelous new COLORIZER system. the same paints.