12 The News-Review, Roseburg, Or Wed., Oct. 5, 1949 Riverside School Bids Held Up For Further Study Bld for the construction of a basement and first-story addi tion to the gvmnasium and audi torium building at Riverside schools are being held In abey ance until the school board de termine what funds are avail able for other school construc tion projects. Superintendent Paul S. Elliott said bids were 0ened Friday and taken under advisement by the board. Basic bids were for a shell-type structure. Throe al ternates were Included which would allow for a complete build ing. The following bids, listing the basic and the tolal with alter nates included, were: Todd Build ing Co., Roseburg, $62,500-5116,. 436; Industrial Building, Eugene, $62,800; Settergren-Wilev, Ash land, $69,716 $116,230; H. J. Set tergren, Portland, $70.2O0-$117,. 000; H. Barnhard, Medlord, $89, 3225138.534. Plans for the work were pre pared by Portland Arcniiects Freeman, Haysllp & Tult. Plans called for a basement of concrete construction to house girls' and boys' locker rooms and showers, storage room, kitchen and teachers' lunch and cafeteria rooms. The gym playing floor, stage and dressing rooms would be lo cated on the ground level. The floor was to have a plywood fin ish and the roof will he of bow string truss construction. Pipe columns and beams were plan ned In the floor. Interior construction generally was to be plastered walls and fiberboard ceilings. Unit heaters were specified, also glass block windows. There are about 651.000 steel workers In the United States. w lA'stv Grandma knows what ahe'a talking about. Sh knows that with QUAKER OIL HKATERA you iuat turn the dial and lat the marvelous, new QUAKER trol unit automatically make oil and air adjustments for proper burning at rrtry fire itage... , on any chimney WHAT ! more, Grandma knows that only quakf.r heatera offer you all these ptu$ features: IAUTT . trim, modern cabinet finished in smooth, rich, brown enamel. IAVIS fUll . . 2b in fufl savings over any natural drift heiter guar, anterdt That miru fret htot mry Jtmrlk wfk! COMFORT . . . side Radiadors for "not" heat . . , built in heat circulator thst gently spreads warmth to every room corner . . . finger tip control . . . and many more Qi'AKtR features to provide you with unrivalled heating comfort! Models from Umpquo Valley APPLIANCE 120 W. Oak Phone 1218 if .1 111 ! " DIMMER i U4t&f, HIRTIR" I HOME TOWN NEWS "THE BEST FRIEND A MAN EVER HAD!' Every customer becomes o friend of the ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Call us for immediate -delivery of your winter firewood ond sawdust. Defenst Lesson Slated For Class At Armory "Defense of the United States against an attack employing atomic weapons and guided mis siles" will be the topic of a two hour class, to be conducted to nipht at the Roseburg Armory for all reserve personnel and national guardsmen. The class will be conducted by the Army's Organized Reserve corps' augmenlation group 1. Lt. Col. David J. McKadden, who re cently returned from 35 months duty In China, will conduct the course. Sgt. Wallace D. Bosley will assist him. Retirement credits will be awarded for attendance, accord ing to Major Jack P. Bathrlck. commander of 6664 Base General Training depot, O. R. C, Rose burg. "Roof Fire" Just Optical Illusion The fire alarm which sound ed shortly after six o'clock Tues day night proved to be a false alarm despite the lengthy blasts of both sirens. City firemen reported an alert Roseburg woman phoned in the information a house roof was on fire at Klagg street In the east part of town and would firemen please hurry. Kiremen did. But when they arrived at the scene of the sup posedly blazing house, they found an optical Illusion had fooled their Informant. Instead of a house fire, the firemen found rubbish burning behind a house every thing perlectly in order. The illusion occurred when the woman, standing below the hill on which the house is located, looked up and saw flames shoot ing up from what looked to be the house top. t ACTIVE CLUB MEETING Roseburg Active club will meet Thursday, at 7:30 p.m. at the Roseburg Country club. All mem bers are urged to attend. Births at Mercy Hospital HOWELI To Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Howell. Sutherlin, Oct. 2, a son, Charles Wesley; weight nine pounds, three ounces. ROBERTSON To Mr. and Mrs. George C. Robertson, 2015 Otle Lane, Oct. 3, a son, Timothy George; weight six pounds, 15 ounces. SMITH-To Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter F. Smith, 918 South Jackson street, Oct. 4, a daughter, Caro lyn; weight seven pounds, nine ounces. BRISBIN-To Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M. Brlsbln, Brockway Oct. 4, a daughter, Sandra Kay; weight seven pounds, three ounces. DICK To Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dick, Camas Valley, Oct. 4, a son, Steven Bruce; weight a e v e n pounds, 10 ounces. PICKETT-To Mr. and Mrs. Franklin E. Pickett, 611 i Schultz street, Oct. 4. a son, Patrick Al len; weight nine pounds. Advert leement Lady's Stomach Was Like Gas Factory; Meals Turned to Gas Ymir medicine can't ha hrat uvi this Merifnrd lady. "Arid and gat in and m.v husband trrrthly conatl- ptd. W um holtl ot It Mfek, and It ran't ! heat " Folk! who know th mUtry rf a prfurc and ffrl Ilk Ihrlr itomarhi will htirat ftfr vry meal and who oftan hat to et hrraun of th mUt?ry that (nllown nflrn find that Irrtftilar ImiupI action t 1h raiiai. and KALODEX taken hnrllv hfnrt meal mixes wllh Ihe (nod and help in eliminate potannous win mailer through. t laxattva ac tion. KAL-O-DEX tf an herbal fnrmula mntaimnf meflirlnal )uirea from S ('reat Herbs, then herb clean bow ela. clear from Homarh act on liiffiah Inteatinea and kidnevi Mlier ahle peopt imiq feel different all over. So don't go on suffering (let KAL-O IEX today at all drug stores. LOCAL NEWS Visiting Relatives Mm. Dor othy Miller of Medford is visit ing relatives in Roseburg. Attend Game Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Savage of Roseburg were In Portland over the weekend. They attended the OSC-U. of C. football game. Returns to Salem Bill Whar ton has returned to Salem after spending the past week In Rose burg with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wharton. Club to Meet Helping Hand club of Edenbower will meet at 1:30 o'clock Thursday at ihe home of Mrs. G. Niday, 1919 Eden lane. Announce Birth Mr. and Mis. Gus Shaw of Drain announce the birth of a son. Tommy Wayne, weight eight pounds S 12 ounces, born Sent. 26 at the Booher ma ternity home near Drain. New Pressman Harland Wil helm of Coos Bay has begun his duties as pressman at the News Review. He plans to bring his family to Roseburg ai soon as housing is available. Publio Card Party Pythian Sis ters are holding a public bene fit card party at 8 p. m Thurs day at the K. of P. hall. Tickets may be secured at Al's Fixit shop at 318 West Washington street. All-Day Meeting The Roseburg branch of the Lazy Daisy Sew ing club of McMinnville will hold an all-day meeting with noon potltick luncheon at the home of Mrs. E. E. Lyda Jr., on Sun set lane Thursday. Back From Portland Mrs. B. R. Shoemaker Jr. returned to Roseburg today after spending several days in Portland visiting her mother, Mrs. Leora Rich ards. She accompanied her hus band, and Dr. and Mrs. B. R. Shoemaker to Portland Fridav, They attended the OSC-U. of Cal ifornia football game Saturday. Class to Meet Midweek Bible class of St. Paul's Lutheran church will meet at the home of Mrs. C. Perry near Myrtle Creek for a potluck luncheon Thursday. Those desiring trans portation are asked to meet at the Roseburg Lutheran parish house at 11:30 a. m. Baby Born Word has been re ceived here of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Alden Kilbourne, at Tucson, Ariz, The baby has been named Janet Lee and weighed seven pounds eleven and a half ounces. The Kilhournes are well-known In Roseburg, hav ing resided here prior to mov ing to Arizona. Pledge Sorority Word has been received in Roseburg that Miss Lorraine Losee and Miss Cynthia Sue Turner, both of this cily have been pledged to Delta Delta Delta sorority on the Oregon State campus at Corvallis. Miss Losee is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. For rest Losee and Miss Turner . the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Turner. Arrive in North Carolina Dr. and Mm. H. C. Church who left RosohuTff recontly have arrived in Charlotte, N. C, where they are visiting their son-in-law and riauchter, Mr. and Mrs. Jamen Y. Rogers. Enroute they visited General and Mrs. Milton Halsey and family in Virginia, where the latter is stationed with the U. S. army. Attend Conference A group of Yoncalla women attended the Methodist W. S. C. S. district conference in Rosehurg last week. The group included Mrs. J. N. Sparks, Mrs. Perry Smith, Mrs. Luther Daugherty, Mrs. Cab Inas. Mrs, Calvin Peterson, Mr. Jack Boucock, Mrs. Olive Mi Kee. Mrs. Norma Pay, Mrs. Torn Wallace. Mrs. Trabel and Rev. and Mrs. Byars. From Klamath Falls Thomas Patty ot Klamath Kalis, is work ing as engraver In Ihe photo engraving depart ment of the New-Review. He was employed In a similar position on the He aid and News at Klamath Fall. He plans to return there Friday to bring his wife and smtil daughter. Rosemary to Roseburg where they will take up resi dence In the Cloverdale addition for the present. OIL TO BURN For prompt courttous mat.r d d.livtriei of high quality Itovo and bumtr oil CALL 152 MYERS OIL CO. Distributor! of Hancock Pttrolt urn Products For Douglas County General Logging 0 Skookum Blocks Moll Power Sows Lincoln Welders Coot King Donkey Wire Rope Dittton Power Saws Lincoln Welding Rod Waco Wheel Arch PITCO of ROSEBURG, Ltd. 1819 N. Prions 733 L jf TALKING ABOUT VOL VOU NEEEMT GO INTO ANV 11 VIOLIN) PRACTICE L-f HUDDLE ABOUT ME I'LL I F53 S TAKE CARE OF MYSELF I TTW 1 iTTnZT y'- ' V WOM TH,S AT OLP MOUNT W - P W-TT"- S BEFORE HE WAS BORN PPT B4 1 OR YOU COULD MAKE A hi' WZ . PIE IM NOT ON MY S I - L VS l' V LAST LEGS YET JZZZ . llfSr, , , WHY MOTHERS GET GRAY n OUT OUR WAY STRIKE KITCHENS OPEN UP in front ot his strike kitchen at Oct. 1. Just off Store At Yoncalla Changes Owners By MRS. GEORGE EPES N.w.-Review Corre.pond.nt Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stenseth, who or the past 21 years have successfully operated the Yon calla Red and White store, have sold their business to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wamsley of Nes kowin. (Ire. Mr. Stenseth came to Yoncalla 33 years ago, from Minnesota, and for a number of years ran a cream filling station in con nection with the R. W. D;ts Feed store. In April, 1928, he bought what was known as the V. F. Rupprecht grocery store. Mrs. Stenseth has been on the job every day with her husband, and now they have earned a much needed rest. They will re tire from active business for the present. Mr. and Mrs. Stenseth will make their home In Yon calla. Next summer, they expect to take a trip to Norway, where Mr. Stenseth has sisters and bro thers whom he has not seen for 25 years. Mr. and Mrs. Wamsley ran a general store at Neskowin. They took over the Red and white store Monday, Oct. 3. They have also rented the Stenseth home, two blocks south of the store. Yoncalla welcomes the Wam sley family Into Its midst, and hopes as friendship grows, it will feol the same warm feeling for the Wamsleys it has felt for the Stenseth family. Helen Douglas To Run For U. S. Senate Seat LOS ANGELES. Oct. 5. t.B Helen Gahagan Douglas, ex-actress turned congresswoman, an. nounced today that she will be a candidate for U. S. senator next year. The seat Is now occupied by Sheridan Downey, Democrat, who has not announced whether he will run for reelection. Mrs. Doug las, wife of actor Melvyn Doug las, also Is a Democrat. She said she will make the race "in response to a K ,'"Ki Insistence from people In all parts I of California." Supplies Expert Sled Builder Available Anytime Splicing and Ferrule Work Expert Saw Mechanic Stephens Evsnlngs Phono 1241. R (fit A Ttlenholn) Harry Adamlti. "chef" of United Steelworkers Local 1397. puts up a sign Homestead. Pa., as steelworkers settle down for strike which began oa the picket line, Steve Grevke stokes up with a sandwich. (fir. 4 TfUpholn) JUSTICE DOUGLAS SERIOUSLY INJURED 8. Supreme Court Justice William O. Dnuglaa lies on a cot in hospital mt Yakima, Wash., as be is X-rayed by Technician Leonard Leburg. Douglas was seriously injured when his horse threw him while he was riding In the Cascade Mountains not far from Yakima. Doctors said his condition, "while serious, ts not critical. BPW WEEK OBSERVED The following resolution calling for observance cf National Bus-, Iness Women's week. Oct. 9-15. ha.i been issued by Mayor Lee Blickenstaff of Yoncalla: "Whereas, October 915 has been set i.)e a National Rns. i iness Women's week, and "Whereas, lis croservance is i " fc I noted throughout the entire Unit- Mis Kitt is a graduate of Mon ed States and its territories in I State university at Mis recognition of the Informed and !ou'- where she majored in accomplished women everyw here sociology administration. She has engaged in business and the pro- heen a Camp Fire guardian and lessions; therefore. j leader the past four years. "Be it resolved that this same Mrs. Gibson. horn Miss Kitt week shall be so noted and ob- j succeeds, plans to remain in I L ES IHIMOSIHOIOll ECTL AND COLON AILMENTS STOMACH 0ISOS0CRS lllaM litleet hsaU IpentM lAed ond fn until I ,$vta Wr,t or coll for Rll decrwiv booklet The Dean Clinic In Our 39th Yar N I. Center I. Itrwt.ee ettd Orattd Ave. TeleaAette IAr Kll Porttend I . Ore. By J. R.Williams ft TtftfA il i I" rCamp Fire Girls Here aj-u. Report New Secretary Miss Barbara Lou Kitt. re- cently of Missoula, Mont., has assumed the position of executive secretary of the Camp Fire Girls, Inc.. of Douglas county. She sue- :ceeds Mrs. tlizabeth oibson, re Kosemirg and will continue to be active in Camp Fire work. Miss Km s office is in the down stairs store at Miller's. served by the city of Yoncalla, Oregon. I.EE BLICKENSTAFF, Mayor, Yoncalla, Ore. ITCH tanous and will coiv ttnu for C not ttnnoed. tta tor raua If Th ltfh-mftf. which la immuni to ordinary treatment EXSORA kill Iht Mr-mlt aTmral tnJlantlT On It fftr , rtvV FX50RA tratmnt 1 rtiuirl j Mail ordT tTivon prompt ttatiuam. Ft Mtyar Drvra, Kataairg 1 Shop and Save With Classified Ads Autos Used Cars ' Low Prices Terms to Suit Dwit. PymL 175 on jnooo aao.OO 440 00 700.00 400.00 Price CHEV. IBM. DL Sed TM 00 FORD Sedan, very nod. blark 119ft 00 U D S O N . Sed. Look! new. blark. 134J.0O Hl'usnN sea. uray Mtr. Recond. 130SOO HUDSON Sed. O. D at eklraa HUDSON Sed. Ma roon. Exe HUDSON Super Coupe. Air aide Urea Exe. Cond. . NASH Amb. Sed. O. D. HU. Juat ov erhauled FORD Dei. Cp. DeSoto Sed LINCOLN, 11 CyL Sed STUDE. 2-dr. Sed. PLYMOUTH Coupe. INTERN Panel . HUDSON Sed. Maroon. . .. WILLYS JEEP 4,W. Dr TU 00 190 00 505 00 80S 00 650 00 493 00 19 no 425 00 1U0O SO0 00 2.V) 00 220.U0 aoo.oo aoo.oo 225 00 3SO.0O 1M1 140 1040 IMS lfl.lS !fl:tfl 193 1U More Car For Your & At Roseburg Hudson Co. HUDSON DEALER 70S S. Stephen Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Raaaonabl aiicocL G.M.A.C terms. Chavroiat fluicfc PontiM CatftUac trado-tnt 1939 CHRYSLER Royal l.door aadan. Body Ac paint very good Tirea life new. Mechanically In A-l condition. Just completely overhauled Fine trouble-free transportation. Will aell under Blue Book price. Some trrme. Inquire 306 Dougla Co. State Bank Rldf., or phone FOR SALE 1947 Excelalor" motorcycle, 463, eah. One mile north Sutherlin, across road from Union Gap Motet i. u. rnompaon. MORE, MONEY for your car CaiU vn the apot Cork rum Moton, Inc Le smio. rinnouin. raona eua. lie n Rose St 19.T7 FORD '-A'aedan" delivery. Reaaon- able. 3if K 2nd Ave., N. Ph. loes-L. Trucks TOR SALE or trade for late model car. Large equity In 1 Ton GMC trucK, a mo. oia, z-tpeeo axte, isooaier oraaea. 12 tirea. Phone 837-J-l between 7 a. m. and p. m. 1 1B46 INTERNATIONAL pickup, I 1948 International pickup; 1 tingle axle piling trailer For Information rnone .w ia ma Ave sou in AXLE SHAFTS for all makea ot truck. Rav'a Truck Shop. 3033 N Stephens. Prvone 4S9-J-4. Logging Equipment FOR SALE TD-9 tractor In excellent condition, 94.000. Alto TD-14 with bOO hours tlnce completely rebuilt, WOuo. Located 9 miles E. of Oakland. R. V. Hattell, Oakland, Oregon. Gen. Del. FOR SALE DT 18 International tractor A-l condition. BX 200 Skagit yarder A-l condition K5 International dump truck. Ph. 81I-J-5 evenings. Timber Sawmills Timber Wanted One to four million feet good second growth ttumpage; mutt be winter how. C. F. Gratier, at Looklngglata Store. Pn. 27-r-22. Wanted Second Growth Logs CONTACT WtLBlrR UHUBE R CO FOR SALE Sawmill or any part. G M C dieaal edgar and other ttntta. Roy Denny. & Winchester. Dogs THOROUGHBRED COCKER Spaniel puppies. 910. Billle Ward. Vertical Acres, 2nd house, ltt road left west of Brock way. Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GRA-HO COCKER KETfNZLS, Phone 93 or 452-Y Reg and ped. pupoiaaaU ro ion Stud servlre FOR SALEFemala Boston bull pups. 1 S. Main. FOR SALE Pedigreed Cocker Spaniel lemaie. n. iij-l.-a, lwao k. iin st. Financial F, H. A. LOANS UMPQUA REALTY 111 W Stephens Ph. 1S.1S-J For Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE For property firar norour. iou. aluminum mop, 2a ft. x 24 ft., concrete floor; 1947 Na tional 27 ft. trailer houte, fully equip ped. Clayton Butch, Gen. Del . Suth erlin, or tee at corner Central and Pine. Sutherlin. Lost Found FOX TERRIER with a panav face, large black tpot on bark, black bob bed tail Answers to name of ' Don ate ' Liberal reward Fave Mart ton. Service Station miles N of Ynclle Personal ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Pa Boa lilt or Phone ISuft-L or 50e-J Lf GAL NOT ICS KOTJCS IS HEREBY GIVEN that Frank D Holmes, who hat heretofore been associated with Davitf a Johnson at a co-partner In the operation of the If'oo Tavern in Riddle. Oregon hat retired from said partnersh.p effective September Jg ItHS. and will not be responsible for anr debts contracted by David A. Johntoa or In the name of the Igloo Tavern after taid data. FRANK D. HOLMES The Npws-Rpv.pvv Cla5ifipd Arts bring best results. Phon 100. Autos Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere FORD CLVB COUPE OLDSMOBILE SEDANETTE NASH FORDOR SDN. FORD COUPE - CHRYSLER New Yorker LYMOl'TH Fordor Sdn. PLYMOUTH Fordor Sdn. FORD TV DOR SDN. CHEV. TV DOR SDN. . FORD TUDOR SDN. . Open Sunday From 9 To 3 1745 0 .1549 (0 .lows 00 WS 00 .1175 M . ns no . 545 00 . 350,00 . 545 m . 345 00 Trucks And Pickups FORD 1 ton ttaka rack MTii.M W1LLYS JEEP 993 Oft DODGE ,,-ton Pickup lUfl.oft STUDY l's-ton chattis ai cab MS.flO WILLYS Slatlon Wagon -1343 00 FORD LUMBER TRUCK 1993 GMC. m-lon chattit cab 795 HI WILLYS 1-ton pickup SfM.no FORD m-ton Flatbed 493 "0 FORD li-ton Pickup 743 TO FORD H-ton Panel 643-00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At L0CKW00D MOTORS Easy Terms Better Buys At Barcus 194 194 1S47 1843 1942 1940 1930 193S 1937 1930 Olds 0, ? sedan 1491 Dodge Custom sedan, X at H. new tirea. perfect 14M Hudson sedan, low mileage. Ilka new. A real bargain 134S Dodge sedan, excellent con dition 4S Studebaker Commander Land Cruiser sedan .S7M Chev. Coupe with factory built pickup box tfSS Studebaker Commander se dan 39S Packard Coups. . 325 Pontiac 3-Pats. Coupe. 365 Chrysler Sedan. 139 FORDS 1M0 V-i Coup. 19.T7 V- Sedan. 19.15 V-S Sedan. 19U V- Sedan. 1829 Model A Panel. . .195 , 145 . 123 TRUCKS 1949 Dodge ton pickup, stake bed. 7.000 miles. Ilka new. ..13 1940 International ton pick up. too 1942 Chev. 1H ton G.I. truck, flat bed body; alto has dump box and hoist. Reduced price 450 BARCUS. SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Highway M N. at Garden Valley Roa Rose Motor Co. who has a lot full of sensational used cars, and whose phone number is 66, and whose address is 214 West Lane, where Rose meets Lane St., doesn't advertise on Wednesdays. Appreciation Counts ! You have proved our policy to be right! Your continued patronage of our wide selection of fine Guaranteed Used Cars, priced RIGHT, and backed by our Reputa tion, tells us what YOU want. We will continue to please you! Corkrum Motors, Inc. Your DeSoto Plymouth HZADQt'ARTZrlS We'll Be Here Tomorrow to Bark I'p What We Say and Do Today:" M0 So. Stephana Phone 3e-J ISM BUICK 4-doo,, a.100. 1931 Slude i baker, good condition: aale or trad for what? Ray a Truck Shop, SOU N. Stephen.ph. Am-1-4 I 0 SAU-tsmrorl panel truck. motor. ftv -piy urea, food aftapa. Ph Trt-p AttTOVflBitl ror m, rW S Jarkaon.