Federal Power Commission Nominee Denies Ever Being Communist WASHINGON, Oct. (JP Leland Olds, nominated by Presi dent Truman (or a third term on the Federal Power commission, denied Monday that he is or ever has been Communist. "I believe and I have ahvavs believed in the American Dem ocratic form of government." Olds told a Senate Interstate com merce subcommittee, holding hearings on the nomination. . He returned to the witness chair to answer testimony given the senators last week by Rep. Lyle iD-Tex.) "Mr. Lyle's charges Impugn my character and question my loyalty," Olds said. Lyle called the president's nomination of Olds an "unthink able appointment." He also sub mitted copies of a series of ar ticles that Olds wrote in the 1920s for the Federated Press, a labor news service. After hearing Olds, the com mittee closed the hearings. Senator Edwin C. Johnson (D Colo I disclosed that the commit tee had asked the Justice depart ment for information gathered by the FBI about Olds but the de partment had refused to turn it over. Johnson made public a letter in which Peyton Ford, assistant to Attorney General McGrath, said the FBT data "is classified as confidential." President Truman has ordered government departments and agencies not to let congressional committees have files on "loyal ty" investigations. The issue has gone up several times in the pa. Critics of Olds have brought out that his 1920 articles weie Bgxtcrous l)apliie "Whether you ride in a bus, street car, taxi or cor, you'll enjoy visiting the RAINBOW CAFE .Our foods are of the highest quality . . . prices the lowest. 0 wan IJW 1 bp r Refugee Problem Holds Dangers, Warning Of Pope CASTEL GANDOLFO. Italy, Oct. 4. P Pope Pius XII has warned the western world it faces grave dangers unless the agonizing refugee problem is swiftly solved. "Political, economic and even social dangers are Involved In a policy ol lurther delay and exag derated caution," he told a refu gee fact-finding committee of American congressmen here. The Pope appealed for "prompt and responsible community ac tion" to end the "blight of peace time detention camps . . . and the plight of millions who now must answer to the hideous ap- peiation ot "expellees . He urged the congressmen and their collaborators of every na tion to deal vigorously with tlu last remaining obstacles to full human freedom for our beloved refugees." The Pope's brief address was delivered in English at a special audience at his summer resi dence. Attending the audience were Representatives Francis Walter ID-Pa), chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee of Immi gration; rank f ellows (KMei; Chauncey W. Reed (R-Ill): Mi chael A. Feighan ID-Ohio); Wil liam T. Bvrne iD-N.Y.I, and Ken neth B. Keating tR-N.Y.I. The group is ending a month long survey of refugee and dis placed persons problems in Ger many, Austria and Italy. The legislators will sail next Wednes day from Naples for the United States. CAUTION TO WOLVES UPPER DARBY, Pa., Oct. 4. (.It You've heard the one about the wolf and little Red Rid ing Hood's grandmother. Well, here's the sequel. An Upper Darby beauty parlor posted a sign telling male pa sershy. "Don't whistle at any girl leav ing here it might be your grandmother." published by the Communist Dal ly worker and by other Leftist publications. Olds replied that he had no con trol over what publications sub scribed to the Federated Press. KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System W90 on Your Dial REMAINING HOl'RS TODAY 4 00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 4 IS HeminiWAV. 4 3D Local Loan Show. 4 4S Munc. 5 Oft Straight Arrow. 3 ;to captain Midnif ht. 6 tin Cavalcad of Safety. 6 13 Mutual Kewiroel. 6 SO SnorU Paia 6 XV Musical Interlude, 6 40 Local Nfwi.' 6 4.1 I Hear th Sovthlantf Staling. d VV Bill Hrnry. T 00 Frank Purdy. T13 Muttc you BfitiMnbtr, T ;to Behind th Major a Dk. T 45 Music. 00 Box 13 8 M Jnvin J am bora. S 00 Ntwi. 9 IS Ruth r Judy S ,W-Guit Star 9 45 Fulton Lcwli, Jr. 10 no Gresory Hood. 10 ; Rum Morgan s Orch. 11.00 Cua to Music. RADIO PROGRAMS HIDMSDAV, OCTOBER S, It'll. oo Sunriaa &rnad. e 15Nrwv. 6 20 Music. M Ris Jk Shins. 7 oo Nrws. 1 13 Break fast Gang. T;fl Music. T 45 Local Now. ' 7 30 Miifttc. 8 oo Music for You. 8 :to Modem Horn. 8 43 Music by Morgan. 8 00 Wally's Coffea Tim. 9 13 Book of Bargains. B inArt Bakrr . 45 1949 WORLD SERIES BASE BALL GAME. 12 .TO Queen for a Day. l oo Man on tha Street 1 15 Party Line. 2QO Against the Storm. 2 o It s Requested. 3 (10 Music. 3 13 School Program. 3 ;to Music. 3 43 Harry James Show. 4 00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 4 13 Frank Hemingway. 4 30 Local Loan Show. 4 45 News. 3 00 Tips and Tunes, 5 15 Music. 3 30 Tom Mi. 6 00 Men Behind the Melody. 6 15 Mutual NewsreeL 8 30 Sports Page. 6 33 Music. 8 40 Local News. 6 43 Southland Singing. 6 .15 Bill Hfnry. 7. oft Dirk Haymes Show. 7:13 Sammy Kaye Showroom. 7 30 Cisco Kid. no whet's the Name of that Song? 8 30 Tex Beneke. 8 43 Bob Eberle. 9 00 News. 9 15 Hi Neighbor. 9 .10 Scandinavian Melody Time. 9 43-Fulton Lewis, Jr. 10 00 John Steele. 10:10 Dance Orch. U:on-. Al Wallace Orch. 11:30 Sign Off. In Oregon It's McCredie Hot Mineral Springs Resort Highway Travelers Welcome, Too. On Short cut Highway 58 McCredie Springs, Oregon Civil Rights Measures Off For This Session WASHINGTON, Oct. 4. Democratic congressional lead ers and President Truman agreed Monday that Congress should put off consideration of civil rights measures until the session starting in January. Senator Lucas of Illinois, de mocratic floor leader, said after a conference with the nreisdent that "it seems doubtful that a prolonged discussion of any civil Show them you care-give all you can Keeping children healthy, happy and out of trouble . providing care ior me nanaicapped and aged . . . every one of your Community Chest dollars works hard for the wel fare, the dignity and the self-respect of human beings. Just once each year, a Community Chest volunteer calls at your door. He represents many agencies hospitals and clinics, child-care centers, the Scouts organizations which make your town a better place to live. So w hen you make your pledge, remember it must go a long way. Please give generously ... for the dollars you give will bring i lot of happiness to others and a lot to you. Tue., Oct. 4, 1949 The Naws-Rtvlaw, Rotoburfl, 0r. S un u n d LETS TALK WORLD SERIES: On the basis of what the teams showed at the beginning of the year, Boston was to finish first, Cleveland second, New York third and Philadelphia fourth. But the Yankees set the pace from the drop ot the flag and won by a small but comfortable margin. This is the most astounding sur prise of the 1949 campaign, fc. tl.ey were without DlMaggio'a services for 65 games. Looking back, it seems that the fates decreed that the '49 Yankees must do It the hard way. No team In either league has had a longer casualty list. When Tommy Henrlch was sidelined In early July It was injury number 39. The temptation was to say that the Yankees couldn't make it without him, but then that was what everybody was saying when It looked as though the great DIMagglo was through for all time. To win, all the Yankees had to do was to stay on top and they've done it. Now with a well-balanced attack functioning on all cylinders the Yankees are ready for The Dodgers in the World Series ot 1949. In Spring training Branch Rickey said of his 1949 Brooklyn Dodgers "This la the finest squad I avtr put together," or words to that affect. Now that his "belovad bums" hava flinched tho National Leagua pennant it would appear that Mr, Rickey's crystal ball performed with axtraordlnary effi ciency. Throughout the campaign tha accent was on youth and sptsd, and whan tha St Louis Cardinals mada thalr serious July bid for tha top It was tha bonus kids of Flatbush, steadied by veterans Robinson, Reese and Hodges, who held tha "gas house" gang at bay in tha fourth game of a crucial series It was tha speed and strength of a young confident team that seldom lost to a cellar olub, and broke better than even with most of its top rivala. In the 1949 World Series it's the Brooklyn Dodgers against the New York Yankees In a aeries of thrilling broadcasts over KRNR and Mutual exclusively beginning Wednesday,- October 5 at 9:43 a. m. The World Series is sponsored by the Gillette Cavalcade of Sports. righs bill at this session would be helpful." Lucas said a lair employment practices commission measure probably would be the first to be considered in January. Lucas said he thought this ses sion of congress would be wound up In two or three weeks. Singer Sewing Machine Strike Finally Ended BRIDGEPORT, Conn., Oct. 4. (i? Five hundred employes of the Singer Spuing Machine com pany went back to work today lor tne tirst time in live monms. The company said the entire working force of 2,100, Idled by a strike that began May S, would be hack on the Job by the end of the week. The united plectrical, radio and machine workers (CIO) Sunday ratified a company-union strike ending agreement. U.N. HONORED AT LIDICE LAKE SUCCESS UP) The reborn Czech village of Lidice, wiped out by the Nazis In 1942, has named its main street "un ited Nations Avenue." The village is being rebuilt on modern lines with the help of vol untary brigades from other coun tries. Appreciation of their aid prompted the U.N. name for the main street. 0f0 TOMORROW! 1 -tftil cms! simirH . Tonight: CO-FEATURE While Goddess oi a Savige Capiie y UiHAUlwCDWnj,tlwilKHIU "Boy With Green Hair" & "Smoky Mt. M.lody" TPM FOR FIVE FULL DAYS OF FUN . . . Matinee Boxoffic A DAILY DOUBLE off LAFFS and HYSTERICS J THI KINO Of CLOWNS It A A ...mm BdfeJhMaa laWBB BtaFBs? Mai a VMM SPORT OF KtNGS fou will sea complete show if you art seated by 2:00 4 ) 1 Evenings Boxoffics Opens QXxRob HOPE Jl m, i wrw l c dai l 1 tl'- LUCILLL urvi-l- 1 In mm, I 3 n 13 ' IV J1 m WILLIAM DEMAREST BRUCE CABOT loul Las Mary Jon taundw cm no . CARTOON IKI Vk K AJG&mMEfafi NEWS COLOR CARTOON 1