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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1949)
Classified Ads Are Short Tories Thai Are lest Sellers CLASSIFIED RATES 1 day per word a oaya 3 daa 1 4 days 1 days 1 1 mo. ' ...10e ...30c Real Estate JUST ON THE EDCI OF TOWN: All the advantages of country living yet close to school, it ore Nice 2 B. R. home, fireplace. 100x179 ft. lot. fenced: big living room, dinette, oil heat. Good terms, $80,W ITS NEW. VERY ATTRACTIVE: Well constructed 3 B R. home, liv ing at dining room, big attached ga rage, oil heat, big lot, nice location, good terma. $ft&5u. NICE RESIDENTIAL HOME: 3 B. R., big utility room, attached garage, elec. heat, lawn, flowers, shrubs all In, home can be bought all furnished. Both on giod terms. 1NM, LOTS OF APPEAL: NICK ARRANGE MENT: New 3 B. R home living room with ft rep (are. kitchen with alcove, plate flak windows, big corner lot with wn. shrubs, new Kelvtnator refng . Westlnghouse elect, range, fixtures for fireplace; very attractive and rightly Srlced. Good terms. 98nn ME at BUSINESS COMBINED: 3 B. R. home plus building with sult ahle location for business. (8500. FOR LEASE: Opportunity for reliable couple to lease lovely new home in vicinity of Glide. Owner called out of state. STOCK RANCH WITH LOTS Or WATER; 640 A.. 150 tillable. 3 B. R. home, fireplace, bath, elect., phone. 3 creeks thru place, can irrigate. I1 million ft. of timber out range, tenant hnue, 3 barn. 8 miles from good (own. Good terms. $30,000. Earl & Gladys Wiley Realtors ROSE HOTEL BLDG. PH. 726-R LOVELY SHRUBS, shade trees, lawn front and back, fruit and straw berries, lot 70' x 140'. HOUSE THROWN IN Consisting of 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, breakfast room, S basement, oil fur nace piped to all rooms, walking distance to town but bus runs oy the door. Priced to sell actually the price of most 2 -bedroom homes, lew basement, etc. We maintain the best buy tn Roseburg or vicinity.' We don't want lookers if you do not intena to ouy, ao not inquire. OlTR LISTINGS are not many, but the best regardless of price, value and location. Don't make the mis take some have by buying before you talk to: FORREST C. LOSES Fullerton Realty 130 N Stephens Roseburg. Oregon Valley Real Estate Agency INVESTMENT PROPERTY. Rooming house, completely furnished. Own er's Apartment; bringing in over $2ix Kr month net. Close in; only $13,000. sy terms. ANOTHER CLOSE In location: Three bed rooms, large kitchen and din ing room; city sewer; part base ment Only 1350 down. 16650 total price. 1 BEDROOM HOME, kentlle floors: V sheet rock; almost new. This is a good buy at $4300. Some terms. A NEAT 2 bedroom home, in good location; on a large lot: lawn in. Just I1VK) down, $5750. Small pay ments. Would sell furniture extra at a reasonable price. 3 BEDROOM HOME In a desirable lo cation. Has fireplace, hardwood floors, filaitered, a very nice floor plan, ots of storage space. You should Inquire about this place. $12,600. Easy terms can be arranged. Valley Real Estate Agency 115 W.CassSt. Phone 868 NEW 3 BR., HOME with 13 acre. H.W. floors, plaster Inside, stucco outside, attached garage. 4 mi. from postof fice, paved road, school bus, mail rt. I This house Is the best of construction, i For only 1000.00 down bal. like rent, i See this and you will buy it. I ALMOST NEW 3 br. home. Utility rm. 1 fruit rm. in city limits. Benson School Dist. This house is one of the best bargains we have. Total price $6500.00. ALMOST NEW 2 br. home with attached garage, beautiful lawn front and bark on Brown Ave. You would be proud of this home at only $8,050.00. Some terms. 4 ACRES river bottom, with atmost new 2 br. home. Chicken house, barn, 30 nice native shade trees, strawber ries and raiberries. on the North Ump qua river. Buy this and you can fish on your own place. Terms if de aired. Williamson Real Estate 1701 N. Stephens Phone 1880-J Recent Listings GARAGE HOUSE, LARGE LOT: Solid concrete foundation, city light and water. $90. $470 down. l'i ACRES CREEK BOTTOM LAND: Water for irrigation from year round stream. Electricity, shade trees, 6 miles from Roseburg. 8875. Any down payment considered, 20 ACRE RANCH valued at 18.000 to trade for ftoseburg property. Bruce V. Gilley Real Estate 2356 N Stephens Ph. 199-J-3 Office on Highway M North Trade 4.3 ACRES with river frontage for your equity in a city or suburban home. uive or taxe auierence. Hayden H. DeCamp, Realtor 749 S. Stephens Street Phone I73-L When It's Real Estate tn Myrtle Creek and South Douglas Co. SEE Winston & Wynter Realtor MYRTLECREEK. Ore PHONE 64ft OWNER LEAVING STATE Must seil large three-bedroom home immedi ately. In city limits, wonderful view, easy walking distance of business district. Automatic dishwasher and washing machine, big oil furnace. Very easy .terms. $15 750. Frank Ro gan. 414 Germond street, phone 1111-R, Roseburg m Surveys Maps Plans Percy C Armstrong Civil Engineer 11 So. Main St Ph. H17-RX APPROXIMATELY 1 acre on South t'mpqua river: 4-room, modern house fireplace. 2 rom cabin, garage, win ters wood, pressure pump 8 fruit trees, strawberries, lawn, hedge Har old Yot. 2 miles South of Roseburg on Tiptn Road. FOR SALE BY OWNER New 3 B ft. house In best suburban location; hard word floors, tile drain board, tiled bathroom, automatic heat, attached garage: landscaped and lawn up. 7750 less to person with $2500. down payment. Phone 16B8-J-1. 3 TWIN ,6-ROOM bungalow, hardwood floors, all modern Double cement driveway an1 garage. Lot 9Ox.m0 ft.. Industrial part of town Worth $18. 000 Full price $10,500. $7500 caxh. balance term Call 2-J; If no an- ,vv?r call 438-Y FOR SALE Modern. 5 -room home, gas water heater. Connection for gas ana , electric range, garage, woodshed, close 1 In See owner at 423 Pitzer from 9 to a or ph. aoi-J mornings and eve nings. FOR SALE OR TRADE BY OWNER J 2.V) acre ranch, 50 acres under plow. stocked and equipped, modem house, , electrir'ty. mail route, school route, j News-Review Box 33. t NEW HOME "for sale.' raMpublsTArre age if desired. Must sell L mile west of Lookingglass Store. John E Lee ( FOR SALETEquity 4 rm house. T acres, half finished S3 4O0 down, j car or cash 43 mo balance. Rouie 1. 1 Bos 141. after p. m. 1 Real Estate LOCATION Minutes from down town Roseburg, in another world from the hustle and bus tle of Industrial and business activity. Na turally beautiful rolling terrain has been divided Into large lota by con toured streets paved lor Derma, nence and cleanli ness, with each lot affording a view Cloverdale Park la Roseburg 'a largest and as. jx i . most beaut' rr ful suburb. JrWatav- CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION, continuous con crete FLOOR JOIST on 18" centers 2x8-. PLIB graded. No 1 and better CEILING JOISTS on 18" centers. 2' x PLIB grade d. number 1 or better WALL STUD DINGS, on 18" renters. J" x 4 PLIB graded. No. 3 or better. DOUBLE WALL construction, papered or painted Inside wall, Reynolds Alumi num foil inflation, wood sheeting, building paper, siding PLUMBING AND WIRING according to code. CEILING INSULATION of Klmsul In batti WINDOW GLASS area exceeds FHA re quirements. WINDOW VENTILATION ditto. ATTIC VENTS louvered FOUNDATION VENTS screened. INSPECTIONS APPOINT- . MENTS WATER HEAT ER. Rheem 40 gnl electric FURNACE. tO, 000 BTU oil forced air. auto matic, spun glass filtered. WINDOW SCREENS, Rvloek aluminum. DOOR SCREENS, front and rear. WINDOWS. Lock wood, 'non-stick, float ing sash", weather stripped. DOOR BELL, front and rear. DOOR LIGHT, front and rear. GUTTERS. DOWNSPOUTS, aluminum. BATH TUB, Brlggs. "non-skid." SHOWERS in everv bath. FIREPLACES, genuine ' Heatllator". . LAWNS, planted and tended to first cutting. FINANCE The most flexible fi nancing plans ever offered to Roseburg home buvers. FHA financ ing on low tntrat Inw I down oav- ment. long term schedules, or CON TRACT financing for as little as 8500 down, or NO DOWNPAYMENT special arrangement "Live in Cloverdale Park" Drive out now or phone for transpor tation. It doesn't cost a dime to look. FIES AND CLUTE REALTY Exclusive Agents Phona 1386 Open 10 a. m. - 8 p. m. Cloverdale Office Open Dally Including Sunday FOR SALE OR TRADE 8' acres. H mile river frontage; one 4 room house, one 3-room cabin, large barn, fruit trees. 3 acres alfalfa, good well. One-fourth mile south of Fairgrounds. Can be sub-divided. M. L. Daly, P. O. Box 243. 3-ROOM HOUSE on A , or will rent : unfurnished. One mile west Porter t Creek Mill. Highway 42. Ed Lewis. WESTSIDE HOME and apartment in separate building which will make the payments 2 bedrooms, complete ly modern, full concrete foundation, not over 6 years old, 50 x 115 level lot with room for fine garden, a real bargain at $6750 with $2500 down. NEW HOUSE THAT WOULD MAKE a fine home 2 bedrooms, inside util ity room, very nice kitchen, large living room, half acre lot near Coun try Club. $7luo with $1200 down. CHOICE BUILDING RITE for lovely country home consisting of 2 acres river bottom soil covered with large bearing walnut trees. 5 miles out, excellent road. $2100 cash. OUR CHOICE OF BEAUTIFITL new homes 2 bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, dining room, unusual kitchen, fine bath, basement, view lot. plate glass windows, first class residential district. $14,750 with FHA terms. TO A FARMER we'd admit It Is a stump ranch but it's really a beau tiful spot at the foot of the Coast Ran at near Camas Valley consisting of 80 acrea mostly seeded, two small streams running all year, small cab in, well with hand pump, other out buildings, and the owner claims enough timber felled and bucked to pay for tha place at $2500 with $1500 down. WE INVITE YOU TO COME IN and talk about ranches we have some of the best. Also a downtown tavern. Roy 0. Young, Realtor 205 W Case St. Phone 417 3 BEDROOM HOME: Kit . dln.. liv.. 1 br. util and bath down 2 br. up. Cor. lot. 80 x 100. White picket fence, good gar. In city on sewer line. W 950. Owner will consider smaller home for down payment, bal. $35 per mo. 11 A. CHICKEN or turkey ranch 13 ml. from Roseburg on paved highwiy, 2 targe brooder houses. 3 cabins, pump house, new barn. 5-rm. house under Construction. Lots of water from g.Kd pressure ivitem; also live creek year round. This la good ground and well fenced, mostly cleared $5,950 or will trade equity for Roseburg residence property. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FRED Ll'MM, Salesman Phone 433-J X JAMES L PAYNE Broker 1U Brock way Phone 1501 1 BEDROOM Modem home, insulated. Venetian blinds, large corner lot. good district, school and city buses, $1000 down. Phone 370-R -2. HOMESITES of about S and 1 acres: terms to suit ou. A. F. Suksdorf. Winston. Always Have It Surveyed Jim Daugherty, tha engoaaer. Ph. JB7-R Inspectors rFj S,"3S: Inspectors 9JW Zi G&'J of general I rX contractor M v t lp53. Inspectors M 'flp Inspectors pendent ly. Real Estate Live Listings - CHOICE LOCATION near new muntci Dal dooI. Attractive homes surround' Inn apparently home owners of the belter class. Weil kept yards. The interior of this newer noma is im maculate; central heating; has part basement. Two bedrooms, could have three 8ooo total price. Cash to loan or FHA terms. May be purchased completely furnished. ELEVEN ACRES near Melroae. well 1m- R roved with modern one bedroom ome. large garage, barn. Land is fenced, near level, pressure water astem. $5750. Owner might consider $1500 down pament. NEW 3 BEDROOM home five blocks to shopping district. Nearly 1800 square feet of floor space, half basement. A dandy home In a better location and modestly priced at S13.0OO. Terms. $5oo DOWN buya 3 year old home 4 mites south of city limits. On con crete foundation: has dining room. run nam, z Dearooms. level lot im mediate possession. S4000 total price. SIX ACHES of cho'ce Dillard land bor dering the S Umpqua river with lovely new home of outstanding con struction. This home has many fea tures to aaiia:y me particular ouvr. Two large bedrooms. Insulated, fire place, double garage, $15,750 full price. Terms WESTSIDE HOME, nicely landscaped. Gas furnace heatinc. overhead outlets. Insulated, plastered: dining room. 3 bedrooms, utility, garage, $8300, $3500 TWO ACRES on Buck horn road with large starter house. Framed shakes for siding, water. $2250, $1000 down payment. $700 DOWN to state vet on new 3 bed room home near Green. Well arranged home, attached garage, level lot, close to school. $7200 total price. SEVERAL 3 bedroom homes in the $8000 price range to cho-e from. Stanley E. Short Realtor 114 West Lane SL Phona 1002-R NEW MODERN 3 B. R home with fire- fiare. plus 4 A. level cult. land, enced Good well and pressure sys tem. Att. garage. Excellent community. Very close to good school and store. I mm. poss. A good deal at $8050 00. Terms Esneriallv annd for Sit r. I 30 A. ON HWY. 43 Twenty five acres cuji. z a n. modern nome plus 3 room rental hnuse. Rents for $:15 00 per mo. Barn 32x40. Poultry house 2bxl00. Brooder house, garage and other bldg. Fine well plus year round spring. Garden tractor and ot her mach. 13 ton hay. You will like this one. $.W00.00 down $13,000 00 ful) price, FINE 2 B. R MOD HOME, Umpqua Ave. Wall to wall carpeting. New furnace. Garage. Uniity. Patio. Abundance of fine shrubbery, fruit and shade trees. Garden. 3 room guest house. A veiy comfortable home priced right. $12. onooo. Small down payment with FHA APPROX. 40 A 8 ml. out Good road. Liveable but unfinished 6 room house, well constructed. Good pasture and fences. Priced to selL $2wo0 00, Half down. BRAND NEW 3 B R. modern home. Att. garage. Restricted area, lovely kitchen. M) Sq. Ft. Wall furnace. $7 MX). 1)0 on terms you can handle. This la really a buy. HOTEL. 10 rooms In thriving town. 22 bedai plus 2 room living quarters. All well furnished. Long attractive lease New bldg. Apprnx. $500 00 net monthly income. A good business. See this at $10,500.00. 30 A. of which 13 Is fine cult. land. 1 B R home. Good barn. Garg. Wood shed and fruit room. Poult ry house. John Deere tractor, plow, mew er, rake and harrow. 2 stoves. Excel lent well with electric pump and large tank reservoir. Check this one for value. Only $1500.00 down. $5300.00 full price. William A. Oerding Realtor Insurer Loans 124 West Casi St. Phone 213 FOR SALE OR TRADE "American Por table Mill with a 150 horse-power Cum mins Diesel Motor In excellent condi tion. Skagit Hoist with 1100 feet of main line, 2500 feet of haul back, all rigging and blocks. B.D.H. Cletrac Tractor with Blade at Drum In fair condition. Can be seen at Glide. Ore gon. Will trade for $9000. home in Roseburg. Eugene or Portland Contact E. A. Seaton Realtor, Phone 901, Bank Bulldlng. Drai n. Ore." FOR SALE Two bedroom, modern I home, well-located, on bus line, loox 1B0 ft., nice lawn. Mv emntv inH balance. $xt 53 month. 16 Miller Lane ui i r-asi uougias. NEW. SMALL, 4-ROOM modern hou-e; Venetian blinds throughout, electric hot water tank, wired for range. $930. down. $41 50. full price. Large lot. Call 220-J-3. rbR SALE 3-room, all modern house In Myrtle Creek, 1', acres. 1 miie on new South Myrtle Road. $3950. Terms if desired. Richard Shock. 3 BEDROOM HOl'SE situated on acre, close In. Purchase price $6900, terms: balance at S-13 month. Sold by owner. Phone 280. LOTS FOR SALE. City xater and lights available. Lod down uovmcnt Eugene Fidnonr Phone 710-J-5 Wanted Wanted Real Estate listings. If you have had trouble in moving your prop- crty see us. We are extremely short of home listings. Lehman Real Estate Ph. 722-J 414 N. Jackson Wanted BUEf. VTAl. AND PORK Fred Boyer Phona B22-R-3. or 4U9-R-5 or writs !out I. Rohurg Will Pay Cash WE BUY used furniture, all tvpee. Call at 444 No. Jackson. Phone 1393-J The Bargain House W A NTE D Junk" an k I ndsl copper. hrai, aluminum, lead. rag, batteries. Bob's Salvage Yard. 2338 N. Stephens. Phone 199-J-3. WANTED Logging truck, good'brakea with water required. Turn right t Lone Rock Bridge. Day and Penfold Logging. WANTED TO BUY-Latest model port able Singer Sewing machine. The large head. Ph. 1412-J-X. WANTED Furniture, vwing machine and tools Anything ot value. Private party Phone R55-R-3 WANTED TO BUY -All kinds of furni ture Let us hid on your houve of fur niture allww-R at SQ9 N Jackson St WANTED "TO BUY Hides. Roseburg Mt Co phone aso WANTED Cook stovt and bed. PlC 12fiO-Y Trucks 1043 DIAMOND T gravel truck. 4 to 5 yards. 7 in. At. Paul hoist. Will sell or trade for anything Beat offer takes. Gov t Trailer Camp, N. Umpqua Road, Trailer 45. TOR SALE or tradefor late mode Pear. Large equity in 3 Ton CMC trucx, 6 mo. old. 2 peed axle. Booster brakes, fl 25 tires. Phone 837-J-l between 7 a. m and 8 p. m. 11946 "lNTEHNAT10"NAlTpicYup. 1 1948 International pickup: 1 single axle piling trailer For Information Phone 432 129 2nd Ave South AXLE SHAFTS for all makes of trucks. Ray's Truck Shop. !05o N Steptiene. Phone 4fW J 4 Financial F. H. A. LOANS ""umpqua realty lit N Stephens Ph 15.15-J Atos fron Pot Offc on Nign-a-ay P Logging Equipment FOR SALE DT li International tractor A1 condition BX 200 Skaeit varder A-l eondttion KS International dump I truck. Ph. Sl$-J-$ awemnss. Theyll Do It Every WITH SMORGASBORD SO Rentals Myrtle Grov Motel AH modem Kitchenet tea Daily, weekly, monthly On the River 14 miles south on M Phone 154 FOR RENT POLISHER. WAXER and scrubber All In one tool. Light enough any child can handle finger -Up control. F & W Flqor Covering Co. 327 S Stephens Phone 1478-R Rent A Singer Electric portable sawing machine for use in your own hnme SINGEH SEWING CENTER 204 N Jackson Ph 723 Basement UNDER LOCAL store In center of Rose burg. Ideal for storage. Alley entrance Contact Manager Joa Richards Men s Store. TRAILER SPACE BY WEEK or month. lomtant not water, neatea snowers, laundry; drv, weil-graveled park: chil dren welcome. "Al-Last-A" Trailer Park, north 09 LEAVING TOWN want to rent 3-room. modern house for $40. month to party who will buy furniture: reasonably priced. ' block off N. Umpqua high way on Kester Road. Rt. 1. Box 149 A. NEW. unfurnished 1-bedroom apartment. available on or aoout uct. tun, n.v 222 E. Channon St, Turn right at Cuy Market. REFINISH your own floors, easily done with our high speed floor sander In expensive. Montgomery Ward it Co Phone 95 FOR RENT New 3 bedroom home; oil forced air heat, insulated. $70 per month. Fies ex Chile Realty, 409 W. Cass St. Ph. 1S37. FOR RENT New 3-bedroom home, favement, sewer, $77 per month, tea at Cluta Realty, 405 W. Can St. Ph. 1537. FOR RENT Bedroom: new bed, private entrance and bath; large lounging room. Men only. 1109 Corey Ave. PhL 124fi-R FOR RENT 2 ft. trailer house, avail able Oct. 10. Write Box 34, Newt Review. fROOM Nb"klTCHENETTErfurnlsh ed, next to last house on right on Fair St. off Melrose Road. 2 BEDROOM" HOUSE FOR" RENT"lnSu therlln. 2 acres. Inquire Claud Schrack, Sutherlin. Oregon. FOR RENT 30x40 warehouse, concrete floor, new construction; close In. Lehman Real Estate. 2 BEDROOM furnished houne. close to school and business district Write News-Review, Box IS. TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive, long or short trips. Bee Hive truck rental 7:South Stephens. Phono 1436-J Til UCkS and trailers for rent, move yourself. Thompson Signal Service. SteDhens at Washington Phone 795 WARM SLEEPING rooms, 'with or with out private bath, loo Spruce, West Washington. HOUSE- FOR RENT-"3'j miles souUu HiKhway 90, turn left General Weld ing Works. . df-ROOM, furnished cahhV' Fred's Trailer Court. Garden Valley Road. ROOM FOB RENT. 630 ft. Main. PhZ 679-L-X. NICE, clean room for rent: also cabin. Men only. 548 MI1L Ph. 1357-Y-X. SMALL APTS. "and rooms for monthly rentals. Ph. 110-X-2 Myrtle Creek. FOR RENT 2 -room, furnished cabin. Ph. 526-J-X-4. UNFURNISHED DUPLEX for rent, $40. per month. Ben Laurance, Dillard. SLEEPING ROOM for rent. Phone 14H3-J. ROOMS FOR RENT, with and without kitchen privileges 508 Fowler U DR!VETRUCK "rental. Winston Trail er Court. Winston Phone963-J-2 DUMP TRUCK "rentals. Canyonvllle. Phone 755. SLEEPING ROOM. Man preferred; no drmklng32I N. Kane. SLEEPING ROOM and bath for men; no drinking 4ftS Pitzer St. SLEEPING ROOM.JifO N Jackson. SLCFPINGROOMIOT N Jackson. SLEEPING ROOM.505 E. Oouglas. NICE, clean room. 245 Booth. ROOM-FOR "rent. 1249 N.Jackson APT FOR RENT, phone R78-R-I Poultry Baby Chicks Hemps. Reds, Crosses Every week tn the year. Best of breeding. Pullorum passed Hatching Eggs Wanted Year around market City agent, Douglas Co Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery Lookingglass Rt Phone 1B-F-3 FOR SALE 1 hens. 8 mont 2nd road west of Highway 90, n mile south K el ley's Korner. FOR SALE New Hampshire fryers"l5c lb. New Hampshire Dullets. Every day. year around. Clar-Mar Poultry Farm, 1st nouse on Curry Road. Ph. 1509-J-4. FOR SALE Fryers 3 miles out Melrose Htghwav Howard Raniom Rabbits with HAnnrr mat. A MEALS COMPLETE. Lost Found FOX TERRIER with a oanr face. large black spot on back: black bob- j bed tail Answers to name of "Don-! nle " Liberal reward j Fave Marston. Service Station !' ' milea N of Yoncalla LOST Brown ripper billfold erouM $TT Reward for return If Intact. Ph. ! 14JS-Y. Mrs. Cecil Baker. i Time Es SURE AMPLE" Help Wanted Wanted Experienced Studebaker Mechanic WANTED Woman tn live In home of working parenta and care for 4 yeir old girl during day. Wages, room and board. Light house-keeping, no wash ing, no heavy housec leaning. Saturday afternoon and Sunday off. Call 111VL-X after S:3D. ALASKA. Long Construction Job s". Trades. Labor. Clerical work. Full Information $1 00 t refundable None free Rosor, Box 4u41, Seattle, 99, Wash. MAN OR woman for auto route-part time, early morning delivery. For information call 2.tb-R. or see Mr. Ma lone. 710 E 3rd Ave. North. LADY TO DO general housework and care for children. Ph. 575 R, or write 9M Lilburn. Filbert Piclcerj Wanted Trussell Bros.. RL3. Box 203, Roseburg. LAD IKS Would you invest a hours a day for earnings of $40 each week? Write Box 9H4. News-Review WANTED Set of f altera. Ph. after 6 p. m. WANTED Truck to hMlogsTnone 15-J-4 after 8 p. m. Notice No Trespassing ON MY PROPERTY C. D. Burgoyne Riddle, Oregon ITHAS CO M E" (TM Y a t tTn fl orPth I there has been considerable trespass ing, poaching, building of fires and other acta of vandalism on my proper ty commonlv known as "Mt. Nebo" this particular area la posted and has been a private, no hunting area for years. Henceforth 1 shall prosecute to the full extent of the law any person apprehended TRESPASSING IN ANY MANNER WITHOUT WHITTEN PER MISSION on any portion of mv prop erty known as MT. NEBO. Harry O. Lindsey. NO HUNTING or trespassing on our Eroperty South of the North Umpqua iver to the Garden Valley Road and West of the R. R tracks to the South Umpqua River. Ed Marks. John Marks. Ora Welker. Ware Broa WE WILL Prosecute anyone found hunting or trespassing on our prop erty on Roberta Mountain Road. Merle H. Doer in ( and J. Carl Docr- Ing. NO HUNTING or trespassing on the Weatherford Ranch East of highway 99 and North of Newton Creek Road. L. L. Porter and Al Hughes. NO HUNTING or trespassing on our places at Glide Vern Shrum, George Caaebeer, W.D.Van Horn. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my property at Wilbur, Oregon. G. W. Short. NO H UWTI NG or trespa si 1 n g on ot i r property North and East of Newton Creek Road. Ware Brna. NO HUNTING or trespaBTng"onfnr. mer J. F. Culver Ranch on Rice Creek. A. A Bellows. POSITIVELY NO HUNTING on"the"V. J. Phillppl Ranch, formerly known as the Parrott Ranch. NO TRESPASSING on the C. E Gil breath Ranch at Glide. C. R. Clump- ner. NO HUNTING or trepasingon "my property, including the Harris place. Phil StraderGltde. NO HUNTING on theBiirnett Ranch at Round Prairie and Roberts Hill. G. F. Burnett. NO "HUNTING "or trespassing-on the j n anon Estate. J. v. and tiaude Short. i NO HtlNTINfl nr lrHn.uln)'An fttir I ranch north of Rfjueburg to New ton Creek Road. Bsragar & Son. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my property one milt east of Wilbur. Stanley Short. NOTICE No hunting or trespassing on T. F. Kerr property NO HUNTING or trespasstng-onHappy Valley Ranch. Rnhr and Marsters. NO HUNTING or trespassing on the Standley Ranch, Glide. ffO HUNTING or trespassing on the DeBernardl Ranch. NO-HUNTING or trespas!ing"on Sun shine Ranch. Frank Strader. NO" HUNTING-" trespassing on my Roberts Creek property. Ray Rauch. NO HUNTINGor trespassing-on my ranch at Round Prairie. Henry Weber. NO HUNTING- or" trespassing "on my property. J, C. Livingston, Glide NO HUNTING or trepaslng on the Lane Mountain Ranch. Ora Welker NO HUNTING or trespassing. Kruse Bros. NOHlJNTlNGbn JohnTi. Robinson Ranch. NO TRESPASSING on the Grubbe ranch Bernard Grubbe. NO HUNTING on HlllcTearRanch-JR Gray. NO HUNTING or trupaulnt Cl M.nry. i mpqit. Dogs THOROUGHBRED COCKER Spaniel puppies. 110 Billie Ward, Vertical Acres. 2nd house, 1st road left west of Brock way Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GR A HO COCKER K E N N EI Sone 614 or 432 Y Reg and ped pupoieaali rotors Stud service FOR SA.'.E Female ostonbull pups 129S Main FOR SALE Ped I gree(rCocx er S pa n i e I Miscellaneous NOT RESPONSIBLE for debts other than my own. V. C. Sandstrome. By Jimmy Hatlo AS FATE, V0U SETA PLATE THAT BARciy HOLDS A SAMPLE Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service Septic Tanks Cleaned Tank, opened fr. prompt Mrvlro. ra r.tet. No mile,, rh.rl. Phona 12M.Y 7M Short It. J. Edmond. Prop. Carpenter Work REMODELING CEMENT FINISHING By hour or contract! Ph. I6I4-J-3 ALL BUTUblNU construction, new and old. remodeling. or down, no job too large or too small All type masonrv construction. flagstone and brick barbecues and patios a specialty Mag nelte floors and drain boa rdm Phone l.vO-R-1, contractor, A R Snow DRESSMAKING. ALTERATIONS AlT types. Practical nursing. Taking rare of your home and children while you are vacationing or week end trips or hour work. Call 1148-L at 412 Fowler ARRANGE FOR YOUR fall plowing now 20 to 1000 acres, contract or by the hour Good equipment Ph tws-J-5 LOGGING JOB WANTED Have D 8 cat. donkey and cutting equipment: or will hire out same Ph. 83-X, Mirtle Point, Ore Box 334. WILL CARE for pre -school children from $00 to 3:00 or during working hours; nursing experience. 500 PiUer, Ph. 114-Y EXPERIENCED CARPENTER wants work, reasonable wages. Phone lftltt.J-1. CURTAINS and lace tablecloths iaun- dered and stretched Also Ironing. nouseworKny ine nour. (,aiiBHa-u BASEMENTS ANtWk yards clraned. Light pickup and delivery C. A Deal, Phnne ISB-J-3 Roa burgJ ALTERATIONS DRESSMAKING. All types Mrs Don W Garrison. 1003 MarironeSt Phone 802-L WASHING AND IRONING In my KorrieT. Call 1704-J-L We pick up and de liver WASHING AND IRONING In myhoma Ph. 16I8-R-2 Wli.L CARE FOR children ages Co ll Phone Bttl-Y. TRAILER "TOWING Ph 5 t0 - R -'x 3 Sours- 919 Garden Valley Road HIGH SCHOOL girl baby sitter. Phone 11121-Y. WANTEDIronlng in mv Rome 331 Fowler St Phone 539-JX MAN WANTS ODD Johs.jCall 17043 T. WANTED Yard work. Ph. 1200-Y. Building Materials Gal. Pipe ll",c I4ac 1" 21e 1'4" 38c P-i" .TT,c 3" 45c 4 " Cast Iron Soil Pipe 01c foot Eljer First Quality Fixtures com- Slete to wall Toilets S:i4 50 C 1. ' Bathtubs $79 CI. 19x17 Lav. t2fl .V) a Comp. C.I. Sink with spray $54 50. S Comp cement laundry trays complete . $ 21 SO 810 Gal. Septic Tanks 50 no Shower Stalls, Complete 47 50 40 Gal Table Top fltrs 105 00 40 gal. Round Model Elec. Htrs. .. 79.30 Deluxe Full Automatic Electric Range .. . . 32S 00 Mirro Matlc $ qt Pressure Cooker 13 95 Coleman and Perfection Oil Hlrs. 40 00 to 99 V) w Plaster Board 4x sheets i" Plaster Board 4x$ sheets Cement Lime ... Pumice Chimney Blocks 1 i:i 1 74 I to 1 50 Complete Line Fireplace Materials I ARIZONA ROCK FOR YOUR MANTLE ' COME OUT AND SEE IT. iOr ask i fmr bricklayer to show a recent nstallatloni. I Roofing First Quality 3 In one thick but $fl 00 sq llexagnn $6 50 aq. 45 ib, roll $3 00, 5.1 lb $2 40, H5 Ib. 12 4(1. 90 lb. $.150 Kraft and Sheathing ftOH sq. ft $2 40. Aluminum roofing $109 a sheet and up. 2 Nd Quality Roofing at Bargain prices. Nails log Ib. and up. Asbestos siding 012 50 sq. Panel Shake Siding $12 50 sq. Glasi Wool Insulation 1 t II or 1 i M. Rnll Blanket MO tq ft to Bag $3 90. Tern lock Celling Panel $'tC sq. (I. If It Is Manufactured I Can Buy it and Sell It for Less DENN WHOLESALE CO. North tfmpnue Road Phone laTT-J Fruits and Vegetables Tomatoes Cantaloupe, watermelon, delicious ap- plev Rose and Anjou pears, grape and squash; all klnda. Walnuts and Fllberta. Wilson's Fruit Farm And Market At Winston Phnne 4T-J-4 Hours I to I ,10 RED DELICIOUS APPLES. $1 00$1. VI, $2X1 a box Washed and free of sptay Bring containers, 3't miles S of Dixmivtlle. Wm H. Rallev. CANNING TOMATOES for sale. 75c bushel Chas Neavoll, 2' miles out on East Iuglaa. FIELD RUN filberts, JniTTb ; cleaned stock, 2c lb C. C. King Estate, one mile east of Sutherlin. CRAPES, many kinds. U-pickDale Ztf- ler. BrfKkwv Farm Equipment FOR SALE CHEAP One 3 bottom 14 plow, and almuat new Maeeey Harris tractor, model 20. Must sell. Call 1 4A4-R-X or 140 J-$ FOR SALE - One ten font tractor dlr and a subsoiler. Phona 17-F-2. Lyle E Marsters 9 SIR Of. MILKING units, spare prH, exrellent condition. Hooten Bros., Winston Valley. Tue Oct. 4, 1949-Th Ntwi-Rtvitw, RoMburg, 0r. 13 For Sale Miscellaneous SPARTAN 34 - fl - 30 - 34 The life time trailer Has a body we believe will last $0 years or more No dry ret Kit u - ir u' - u' u Columbia 13' . 14 - 20 - 22 - 23 The West's Fastest Sellers and Other Trailers of Quality Also used trailers, traHe-lna accepted Bank contracts Contracts to 3 years on Spartans. Earl E. Smith N W Largest Dealer Eugene Ore Phone Springfield 3A31 J Miles South on 99 Rt 4, Box 32, Eugene 3 Compact vacuum cleaners complete with attachment Then machines are practlcaliy new. been In use only about 3 months. Will accept bids. 1 Singer electric Iron. I Motorola portable battery or electric radio. Good condition. $20. Inquire at smi Douglas Co. State Bank Bldg. or phona 460. Two-Piece Dress Suit $6.95 with clever peplum, pcttirheck rayon suiting. Also one piece style. Amazing value. Have received many new dress es Including Junior luo per cent vir gin wool drestes. Blouses, skirts and those sleek fitting slacks at $4.93, Rose Schombel Ca Ik Ins Roa d Box 1 SAG - Phone 330-J-5 Always Open Until 8 P. M. Where you save 13 to i. New 2-Bedroom House Hardwood floors, H sen Full price terms If lot $5000. desired. Suiter's Bldg. Supply 1730 Walnut St River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS Wa nave an abundant supply. Paul Casey MT W Mosher Phona 11T-V HAVE YOU tried tha easy modern way to wash? The Self-Service Laundry 1 COBB ST. Try Our Friendly Service FOR SALE 27-ft. National trailer, east ern built, like new; tandem wheels, electric refrigerator, butane cooking Vet's HoKDital on Garden Vallev Road. Priced to sell. Claude LeFever, Rt a, pox i nu- . Plant Now Delphiniums, fuchsias, potted cam ellias, geums, etc. Mrs. Foster Bul ner, Melrose Rd.. Box 81. FOR SALE Will trade my $and equity in io nuasnn tor smaller car; rnn cn console radio, $40: 2-wheel trailer, 25: Duncan-Phvfe dlnina set. $125: antique sideboard, your price. Be fore noon or after five p. m, 12-13 wincnesier ai. rn. cmo-k-x. Your Shake Maker Bill Badger, Drew OR SALE Davenport and-chair, "good condition: blond dinette set with table and 4 chairs, perfect condition. Lenoir Gruhbe, 2 miles north of Wilbur on 99. FULLER BRUSH MAN PHONE 615-Y-X LARGE WAtSfrT" lining table, buffet ana cnairs. Excellent con anion; 7o. If taken at once. Call at 1034 Win chester St. FOR SALE 1946 n-ftTTrailer-house. good condition. Terms or will trade equity for smaller trailer house. Ph. B8. TWO BEVERAGE refrigerators, one 30 cu ii. auiiaDio lor restaurant or tavern. Inquire at Idle Hour Tavern .Wig N J ark ton NEW AND USED furniture: ffll inrl wooa sioves ana neater, wood stove repairing a specialty Coll 1.127-R. A's Furniture Center, $14 Winchester lit FOR SALE Spinet model Whitney pt anc excellent condition. See at $3.1 B Stephens after 8 p. m, daily, or any time week ends. 32 VOLT800 " welt light plant-with lfl batteries, fcUM: also kerosene Ser vel refrigerator, $100. Rt. 1, Box 220, Carnes-Dlxonvtlte Road. SUITS SLACKS Topcoats for ladies and men Tailored to measure by P. H. Davie. Call Roy Ellis, ieo8-J-9, Rose burg. Oregon. FOR SALE ORTRADE-lll'""fravelb house trailer. Riverside Motors at Winston. MONTAO R ANGEwlth new" water "front. $40. Westlnghouse automatic elec tric range. 42.1. John Marks, ph. Sg-F-4. LOVELY. MODERN wedding and en gagement ring set, fl diamonds, '.Ike new Newa-Hevlew, Box XI. SELL EOl)ITYlnlate 27fT trailer home Balance V) month. Telephone 41-F-.12 See at Roy's Automotive Serv ice. Oakland HOUSE MOVING, foundation, leveling. 14 veaa experience PAR Towing. 74.1 S Vephene Phona 928 OkGE CEDAR fence posts for sale H rue burg Shingle Co. N Umpqua Hd Phone 127J-J WOOD CIRCULATING HEATER; rea sonable, exrellent condition Mrs. R. C. Wilon.SutherJin. Box 412 1 YOUTH RED. $ 00 completeTaby carriaxe and walker. S10. Clyde Ken yon. Melrose Rt.. Box 1.13 USED 11 x 13 maroon Broadfoom rug and pad for sale at Flegel Transfer & Storage Co , $47 V). FOR SALE-"B flat rlarlnet; Singer portable sewing machine Ph. 1700-J. 1 SEMI AUTOMATIC Bendix for sale Excellent condition, $.Vl Ph. in-J-2. SCHUMANN ai SONS UPRIGHT grand piano $430.. terms If desired. Ph. T2S-Y-X FOR SALE 'Good'. used w(Kd and gas combination conk stove, $-) -W W. Oak TRAILER HOUSE, large? $100: other items. Box 119. Rifle Hange Road FRIGIDAIRE MANGLE. Ilka new, used fl months. Call lsw-J-4. FOR USED Used Eotatg Heatfnla" Oil heater. Ph. 2tt.'l. Til W. Mosher. FOR RALE- Electric range 4-burner, $(3 41(1 Plter FOR SALE Good, used 8 ft Westing house refrigerator, $73. Call B0.V R 2. fil'O THERM nil heater 45 to 30,000 BT U , $40 Phone 149-Rj5 fOH RALE - Small Upright piano. $130. Phone l.VM-J-3. MONTGOMERY WARD nllrtrrulator. 6.VU0U BTU, circulating fan Ph H-R-l. I FOR SALE 40-lb. Ice box. $3. Ph 219-J-J ! REFRIGERATOR Tn fond condition.) Bg Riverside Drive 1041 GLIDER HOUSE trailer. 23fL, SV) New Mrn Tratler:nn. 1949 SPARTOneTTE" house trailer. 33 It Ph M0VR-X 4 BEDROOM SET " Phone WJj' l, Rt 2 nx :rn-c . I NEW "KIRBY eleaner. wtt discount $20 for cash. MT s. Stephena. For Sale Miscellaneous FRIGIDAIRB Refrigerator, cu. ft.. new unn, year guarantee, porce lain Interior and exterior $188 79 FRIGIDAIRB Refrigerator. 1-3 cu. It., - yea r guarantee, uaea nine months $224.73 APT. SIZE G. E. Refrigerator. 2'i cu. ft., aealed unit, quiet . 4 89 M USED CUSTOMA1RE oil heater. nurner $ 49.00 USED QUAKER heater, " uurntr . JP H9 1 EASY SPINDRIER washer. food condition .. 4 79 9$ 1 ABC-O-MATIC washer, washes ana rinses, never used, wee $249 30. now $134.59 USED EASY ironer. demon strator, excellent condition . 9 $9 39 MAGIC CHEF gas range, used very utile, automatic timer and lamp, smokeless broiler, three large utility aectlona. now .. $123 09 OLYMPIC wood range, good eon- auion ...,,. a 4.ta MONTAO WOOD RANGE $ 43 09 KNOX ME ALM ASTER wood range 9 ea rn WEST1NGHOUSE RANGE, table- iop. wnne porcelain, a surface units and deep well cooker . 39 79 WEST1NGHOUSE RANGE, white porcelain witn stainless steal top. 3 surface unite $ 47. 59 1 WESTER N HOLLY fas and wooa comoinauon range, late model 8129 00 THREE lea boxes. ( $10, $13, 32 30 Umpqua Valley Appliance 120 W. Oak Phona 1219 FOR SALE Power winch. 120 H P. power unit Transmissions. Rear axle assemblies. Log trailer. A-frame. Axle shafts for all trucks. Ray's Truck Shop 3053 N. Stephens Ph. 499-J -4 Home On Wheels EVERYTHING BUT THE BATHROOM Heavy gauge aluminum exterior. Elect ret rig. ana water neater, aieepa a Terms may be arranged. Sea this at U mpqua Tra i ler Park Hwy. 00 N V C. Kinch. Repossessed Norge automatic washer, 18 Ib. capacity. aimoat new. Bell tor balance due. 19 down payment. Terms. Bergh's 1200 8. Stephens 33 Ff""fRAILER house, like new. Turn at Airport inn, 90 oioca. uooei buy. r PIANO, 1 babyHbugfy. 1 trumpeTTl ntcycie. 1 pair new ice s Kates, sua $1. 929 S Main, after a. AIRWAY SAN1TIZOR vacuum. Cash or terma. Phone 1414-R. WILL CARE FOR children agea 4 toll Phone Bta-Y. FOR SALE Electrolux vacuum cleaner. A-t conanion. aaa oarager. Loans MONEY $10 $2 $M $79 $100 $200 $J00 UP TO $AO0 Borrow on your salary All steadily em- riloyed men and women may qualify oday for a salary loan up to $.100 whether you're In a new Job or an ale one Borrow on your car or furniture. Your furniture or automobile make excel - lent security at Local Loan paid for or not. Up to $300 on your furniture, up to $500 on your car Special HPay Day" Loans. $10, 923 $90 loaned till "Pay Day" or longer Pay only for tha actual number of days you keep tha money $29 costs IRe for one week. No other charges. Phona for your Loaav LOCAL LOAN' CO. Io Svy, Mfr. . 139 No Jirkaoa ' Vhon, 117J Uc W71 H IS) Rowburi LOANS UP TO $300 On your Signature, Furniture or Livestock UP TO $500 On your automobile tpaid tor, or nott. Loans made quickly, ortvately for any worthwhile purpoae such as Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental bills Consolidate debts Re-flnancing When you borrow get your money from the Company that makes It convenient to borrow and convenient to repay Lower payments now available up to 20 months to repay CALKINS FINANCE CO. 909 Douglas Coiintv S'ata Bank Bldf Phona 4A& M-3T7 state Lie - 9-364 Livestock Bring Your Livestock WHERE they bring in tha most money. Sale every Friday Livestock 12 o'clock. Furniture T p. m. Roseburg Auction Phone 101 WANTED Fat lambs, yearlings and can ner ewrs Write or rati. James E lwls, Myrtle Creek. Oregon Ph. A4: Darrlll W. Ray, Rt. 2. Box 308-B, Roseburg, Oregon. Ph. 603-R-l. FOR SALE OR TRADE Palomino alaU linn race horse, age 4 Trade for good Jersey cow. Call 8.I7-R-3. FINE JERSEY " bull to let for keep". Surehred not registered. R Lee, Box 4.1, Rt. 2, near Rtversdale Grange. FOR SALE f burroT broke to"ride and to pack C L. Bran ton. Id ley Id Ht Roseburg Ph 19-F-3L WEANER PIGS Tor sale. 0. A. Brown. Canvnnville. Ph. 193. WANTED All kinds of "livestock. H. M. Cox Call 000-14 Fuel PEELER CORE: mill ends; planer ends: fireplace wood Double loads, prompt delivery. Claude Wtlley. RL I, Box 4:i Ph.15-J-3.or 14-J-3. PLANER ENDS, double' loads, prompt delivery. $12 and up. Claude Willey. PhonelVJ 3 FOR SALE Slabwood. sawdust, planer ends Phone 31(7 Jnhr.son Tuel U 6AK AND Laurel wood for sa le Mr. Newport, P. O. Box 462. Roseburg.