10 The Newi-Review, Roteburg, Ore. Tuei., Oct. 4, 1949 ! fife Is ruiD OFC THP OLD BLOCK" Dickie Reldel, 10-year-old son e(ClhePfa0mFoLT,nfur. Sita. champ in hi. own Wh Dickie was flown to Hot Spring., Ark., he was unable to move any part or hi. body except hi. head. After four month, treatment at the famed .p., the youngster i. now able to walk under his own power" Dickie', mother, at right, think, that', quite record, too. Additional Education Under Gl Training Bill Needs OK Of Veterans Administration Veteran, who have completed or discontinued course, of GI Bill training, and who now wlh to take additional education or training at government expense, must first show Veterans admin istration that their new course is not avocational or recreational, but ia essential to their employ ment objective. Thia provision I. contained In a VA instruction based on VA'a le gal authority to review and act on change, of course and to de termine whether a course i. pur sued for avocational or recrea tional purposes. The Independent office, appro- jm ---- . . Buying Hardwara and Farm Needs of your Hardwara Start tlaa baan tha American way wine bafora your frandfathar'a day for food ra ona: You daat with indlvlduala who have baan your nalghbora for yMn . . . who haira frown up In your community . . who know your naada In aalacilng tntrchandiM for you . , , who fiva iha ri.hr halanca batwaan quality and prlca in tha toola, aquipmant. auppliaa and houaahold Itama that hava raal work lo do for you . . . Tha hardwara ratailar who aarvaa you today ia in many caaaa tha .rartdaon of tha hardwara man your .randfathar knaw and truatad. tt'a food buainaaa to buy at tha hardwara atora. It'a practical and It aaauraa aanafaction. rM, ft) Ma S,oa af a,aeai Sarca atirJaras1 ia 'mhu af rftavianrf af fadapaaaaf kmtjwmr rata, 'art RrowflAavt rfca aoftea. M ,( a rraoal f frranrfrr rarwea ia taaprnf raw. 6 m ft. MThWH mm J It's an old I American I Custom... M'VV' ;i E t iwr r rrf frotf eriaiarfiie rwi rmatfai Umpqua Valley HARDWARE A horn owned and operated .tore 202 N. Jackson Phone 73 nrlatlon act. for 1919 and 1950 basis of VA'a legal authority prohibit VA from spending any money for courses which the ad ministrator of veterans affairs determines to be avocational or recreational. CI Bill training .ought by a veteran after he ha. completed or discontinued a previous course the instruction explains, will be considered avocational or recre ational regardless of the nature of the training unless the veter an submit, complete Justification that the course "is essential to hi. employment." VA Approval Required The Instruction adds that VA approval must be obtained be fore the veteran may start his course under the GI Bill, and that no payment will be made lor any period prior to approval. VA emphasized the regulation applies both to (1) veterans who have completed a course of edu cation or training under the Gl Bill, and (2) veteran, who have discontinued their training, eith er of their own volition or be cause their progress was unsatis factory according to their school', standards and practices. More than 4.500,000 World War II veterans at one time or an other have taken GI Bill educa tion and training but are not NEW LOCATION! Dr. H. B. Scofleld ' Palmer Chiropractor Rifle Range Road 4, 10 ml. North of County Shop. Offlca Hours 10-11 and S-f Saturriaya 10-11 A. M . X-ray nauro-ealomatar aarvlca for apinal r.wractlnn. V REMEMBER LAST JANUARY to- AND FEBRUARY B comfortable now nd prepared for the really cold weather to come. Spark Oil Heatera alwaya giva you just tha temperature you want when you want it. See them today. Sprk deluxe Oil Heaters give both circulating and radiant heat For complete com fort, you need both. OIL HEATERS ROSEBURG ELECTRIC 131 N. Jackson . Phone 123 'vhessss: $77.50 114.20 Salt Mines Under Detroit Eyed For Bomb Shelters DETROIT, t.V) Salt Mines under the city of Detroit are be ing Inspected for possible useful nesa as air raid shelters In case of an Atomic bomb attack. The mines honeycomb the Southwestern sector of the city. City planning commission offic ial, are looking them over. "They seem to think that with proper ventilation the old salt mines would make excellent shelters," said John H. Wither- spoon, temporary chairman of the Mayor's Civilian Defense committee. One official pointed out that the mines could only shelter a part of the population. Oters . would have to be evacuated. presently In training, VA said. Several hundred thousands of these have temporarily interrupt ed their courses for summer va cation, or pther valid reason.. They are not affected by the new regulation a. to resumption of course. In the Fall semester. All other, who dropped their course., however, are affected. The VA instruction also define. Just what types of courses re quire justification before a vet eran may enroll in them under the GI Bill. Veterans planning to take such courses are required to furnish VA with complete justifi ation that the training would contribute to bona fide use in their present or future business or employment. Justified Courses The following courses must have justification: Correspondence courses; part time courses, except those part- time educational courses for which academic credit Is award ed toward an educational objec tive. A vocational course that la of fered by a .chool established aft er passage of the GI Bill on June 22, 194. Course. In dancing, pnotogia nhv. glider, bartending, person ality development, entertainment ; all single-subject courses not part of a general educational or train ing program leading to a definite objective, and all other courses which VA's regional office mana gers know are used frequently For a vocational or recreational purposes. Courses In music, public speak ing, sports and athletics, ithese courses do not refer to those ap plied music, physical education or public speaking courses which have always been considered and offered by colleges and unlver- part of a course leading to an educational objective.) An elementary flight, private nllot or commercial pilot course elected by a veteran who sub mits to the VA regional oince a certificate showing he is physical ly qualified in accordance with Civil Aeronautics Administration standards. The veteran must also submit either: 11) Complete justification that the course is in connection with his present or contemplated busi ness or occupation, or 2 A certiticate In the form of an affidavit, supported by corro borating affidavits by two com petent disinterested persons, that flight training will be useful to him in connection with earning a livelihood. The following courses need not he Justified, If initially elected by a veteran who has never before entered training under the GI Bill: A course of education In an ap proved public elementary or sec ondary school, or an institution of higher learning. A full-time vocational or busi ness course offered by a school established before passage of th GI Bill (June 22, 19-141, since It Is considered by VA that these schools do, by common knowl edge and experience in the par ticular locality, graduate their students directly into employ ment A full-time course of Institu tional onfarm training. A full-time course of appren ticeship training or other train ing on-the-job tincluding the re lated training that mav be requir ed In an individual ease l A course of advanced flight training (flight Instructor, Instru ment rating, multienEine class rating or airline transport pilot course!, chosen by a veteran who satisfies the VA regional office that he has a valid commercial pilot's license and the required medical certificate. Justification Must Be Shown A veteran who has completed or Interrupted GI Hill training, and now wants to take an addi tional course, or a veteran who wants to enroll In anv of the courses generally considered a vocational or recreational, must submit his justification to the neatest VA regional office. At that office, determination will be made whether the Justi fication Is adequate. Due consid eration will be given to the vet eran's age and his educational and occupational attainments. If tustificatlon Is not consider ed adequate, the veteran will he jj-J i .v"w.jrr hi r rrf ( I'D OU6HTER DUST V MO. SOPA, ALWAYS MAKEJ I THIS JTUOHEAD OUT PLAY OF YORE WORK I'LL 1 I WITH A SAPLIM'--SHE'S I MARK, THESE INTO DICE, J V THROWED OFF THESE ) ' V AN' WHEN SHE SEES X 7 TWO BLOCKS OF SALT ( WE'RE HAVIN FUN V V THREE TIMES IN V SHE'LL QUIT THROWN' A MILE.' jJ 'EM.' . ''J&3ROLLING ALONG rl.ttVM,S" Jo-t a OUT OUR WAY Informed that he may request ad visement and guidance from VA before a final determination Is made. After advisement and guidance, the opinion of the VA vocational adviser will be accept able evidence for determining whether the application should be approved or disapproved. The new Instruction has a three-fold purpose, VA explained. It preserves the underlying spirit of the educational provisions of the GI Bill; It safeguards the In terests of the veteran and the Government, and It implements avocational and recreational lim itations set forth in the Indepen dent Offices Appropriations Acts tor i4H and iao (mblic Law 862, 80th Congress, and Public Law 2W, Blst Congress, respec tively). According to the instruction. the legislative history of the GI Bill reveals that the underlying spirit of the act is to help a vet eran, whose training was inter rupted or prevented by the war, to resume his training and there by attain the knowledge and skill he might have achieved had there been no war. The Instruction emphasizes that veterans should not seek to pursue courses for avocational or recreational purposes, but only courses which will contribute to their vocational or occupational advancement, or to their educa tional objectives. Family Survives Crash Of Train Against Car GENEVA, N. Y., Oct. 4. (P iVhile a freight train bore down on them, Mrs. Fenton Ste vens of Stanley, M. Y.. and her four young children huddled in their automobile Friday night. Stevens tried in vain to push the stalled car of! the srade cros. sing. The locomotive struck. The car overturned and slid onto another track. i All lived to tell about It. Mrs. Stevens, who is exnect an- oteher child, said she kept the children In the car because .she feared the train would run over them if they Jumped out. The children range in age Irom one to five. The 25-year-old mother and the children were taken to a hospi tal. Attendants said no Injuries were apparer. Steven, was not hurt. COMFORT tunvtnitm,t ECONOMY OLYMPIC a HOTEL r linn A Wintertime 'Must'! ... To protect your fomily's heolth ... to cut your fuel bills ... to safeguard valu able home furnishings, storm windows are a "must". You'll find the cost sur Drisino.lv moderate. Call us today! Budget Head Readying Columbia Basin Analysis SEATTLE, Oct. 4.-CP U. S. Budget director Frank Pace Jr. said here he is preparing a full Columbia basin development analysis for President Truman. It will cover the White House endorsed Columbia Valley ad ministration proposal and the existing Joint program of the army engineers and Bureau of Reclamatiln. President Truman recently re commended that Congress with hold action on the development program until the Budget Bureau could report. Washington's Con gressmen have been pressing for continued action under the co ordinated Army-reclamation Bu reau program. They have been contending that physical develop ments should be authorized, whe ther the administration in under a CVA or the existing agencies. The Budget chief said he ex pects another budget deficit dur NYLON TRICOT costs Headquarters for Nylon Yes, Wards has It for lessl Nylon tricot, th wonder fabric that loots so Htr and dainty, but wsars longer than ony other. It's perfect for lingerie dries In a wink ond never, never needs an Iron. No wonder it usually boasts a fancy price tag. But, not at Wardsl SLIPS FOR ONLY Trimmed or Tailortd Nylon lace trims the style sletched. Pink, white,- blue; 32 to 42. Tailored style (not shown) pinV, white, black. GOWNS FOR ONLY Trimmed or Tailored1 9 8 Designed for sleeping beoutyl All nylon lace on the trimmed style. Pink, white ond blue. S :l from 32 to 40. BRIEFS FOR ONLY Elosfic-leo; Style I 9 Snug-fitting ond wrinkle-lreel Well cut briefs with elastic waistband. Pink, white, blue. Small, rnedium and large. Nylon Tricot Shorty Panties. . . . I.S9 Nylon Tricot Flare Panties 179 By J. R. Williams ing the fiscal year that started July 1. He estimated it would run to $3,000,000,000 or more. Coal Stockpile Still High Despite Big Strike PITTSBURGH, Oct. 4.-UF) The nation's coal strike was too weeks old Saturday but, iron ically, coal stockpile, are higher than at the same strike-less tin.e last year. The Bureau of Mines reports a 48-day supply on hand. That compares with the 46-day supply in 1948. And the coal may last a lot longer than 48 days. Usually a prolonged coal strike shuts down the fuel hungry steel Industry. Now the steel Industry is clos ed by a strike of it. own. That drastically reduce, the Nation's fuel appetite. One fifth of John L. Lewis' un- Convenient. Parking At Rear of Store less at Wards 398 fi Ml v if ! lyif, i l I 1 IT fM- li i , r U u Baseball Championship Battles Ease Tension On Serious News By DEWITT MACKENZIE AP Foreign Affairs Analyst Small straws show which way the wind blows. One of the encouraging signs of our harrassed times Is the great number of people of both sexes and all ages whom one sees grouped about the news printers on a pleasant afternoon. Maybe my imagination Is working overtime,. but that's the way it strikes me. "And what," demands the lady . ' ' from Texas, "do you find en- American is fed up to the couraging in that They re read- neck wjth tne constant barrage of ing about Russia having the atomic bomb, I suppose or about Marshal Tito and his trouble, with the Kremlin or about the cold war." Well, madam, I reckon they're reading about those things. You have to dig through such news in order to get to anything else these days. But their big interest of the moment Drobabrv is centered In the baseball championship bat tles. And that's the way it should be. Interest in the lighter things of life doesn't mean mere ts no in teract in the serious problems. Even the hangman plays checkers when he's off duty. No people on earth are more deeply interested in world affairs than Americans, or who are bet ter informed. I've traveled about our country a good deal, discuss ing foreign allalrs, ana can testi fy that even our very young folk of high school age are very well Informed. Our country has under gone a wonderful development in this respect during the past generation. No, Americans aren't neglecting weighty matters for baseball. They're Just maintaining their perspectives by balancing their mental diets. One-food diets aren't healthful. It probably is true that the ave- ited mine workers go back to digging coal Monday. But 1 1' s still "no pension no work" for his 00,000 bituminous diggers in Northern and Southern states. DIESELSTOVE FUEL BURNER OILS Distributors of Shell Oil Since 1926 Try Our Oil Service DENN-GERRETSEN CO. Phone 128 LOOK! news about the cold war. We've ; bombarded with It day and night over since the ena oi tne world conflict, and It certainly frays the nerves. Sure we're fed up with all this bickering and the consequent drain on our resources. But we're , , , , )pt oursge, 1(.vei0p j minds over n0 good sitting at home biting our fingernails and brooding. The News-Review Classified Ad. bring best results. Phone 100. LOOK th.s SIGN PA1NTIN0 nfCOCATINO CONIO'CICPS! AMERICA IT IS YOUR . PROTECTION Fully Guarinti-S Rellabl. Quality Work At No Added Cost Roseburg Chapter P. D. C A. Phone 208 402 W. Oak St. i