Beta Sigma Phi's Four Local Chapters To Celebrate Oct. 4, International Night Date All chapters of Beta Sigma Phi will celebrate International night Oct. 4. This Is considered one of the moat important function! of the lorority of the year, underlying, ai it does, the organization's interest in world affairs. In observance locally, the four! chapters of Beta Sigma FM will hold a Joint meeting Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the Episcopal parish hall. The local membership will he Joining 80,000 members Inter nationally, who will be reaffirm ing their belief in International friendship and their desire to help the less fortunate people In other parts of the world. The Rev. W. A. MacAiihur will speak to the combined group at the meeting. Tuesday night also, Mrs. Mor ris Bowker will appear on the KRNR "Citizen of the Week" ra dio program. Mrs. Bowker Is a charter member of Beta Sigma Phi In Roseburg and the first president of Mu chapter. Roseburg has four chapters: Mu, with Mrs. Harrison Winston as president: Alpha Theta, Mrs. Eugene Powell, president; Alpha lota, Mrs. Robert Philips, presi dent, and XI Epsilon, the exemp lary or "mother" chapter, with Mrs. Ladd Marcell. president. Mrs. Bowker. In tracing the his tory of Beta Sigma Phi locally, named Mrs. Millard Dovle, Mrs. Henry Scott, Mrs. Roy Peterson. Mrs. Walter Campbell and her self as charter members. First Chapter In 1936. Together they organized Mu chapter in 1936. It was not until nearly six months later that the charter was received, after the membership had been doubled. Kate Buchanan and Mrs. H. C. Church were the first sponsor and director. The group had Its ups and downs, and it was not until 1947 that two new chapter. Alpha Theta and Alpha Iota, were or ganized. The original Mu chapter members, after four years studv, moved Into the exemplary Xi Ep silon chapter. Each group, except the exemp lary chapter, has a sponsor and director. They include: Mu chap ter, Mrs. Claire" Allen, sponsor, and Mrs. Jack Wharton, direc tor; Alpha Theta, Mrs. Chester Morgan and Mrs. H. C Church, and Alpha Iota, Miss Helen Ca sey and Mrs. Carl Wlmberlv. With a combined membership oi neany iuu, tne lour groups are coordinated by a city council, made up of the president, a rei resentatlve and an alternate for eacn group. Beta Sigma Phi Is both a so cial and studv organization nrf also takes an interest in civic projects, international sends out nooks and material for study work, and each member Is re sponsible for the individual pro grams at the meetings, held ev ery two weeks. Social affairs, (0 The Mautaa automatic washer gets row clothes clean! lucky you if you've waited for the wonderful Maytag Automatic wash er. For Ihit automatic washes clothes really clean. They're ready for tha line in just 26 min utes. See a demonstra tion today! iiiiiai Tiati.iM AIT PATMIHTt BERGH'S APPLIANCE SERVICE 1200 S. Stephens Of E)LDE) D You'll hear a sparkling new plot Idea on "Let George Do It" when you tune In on "October 4, 1948." It's a story built on the known fact that odors have the power of awakening memories and exercise terrific psychological effect. Hear how a power crazed woman uses the fragrance of Jasmine, the sharp tang of wet tweed, the penetrating Irritation of burned cordite, to bend a weak man to her will , . . (chloroform woulda done the Job) . . . until she Is thwarted by George Valentine, of course. Tune In "Oc tober 4th, 1948" on this day of October 3, 1949, tonight at 8. Tha typewriters and ths ttlcgraph Instruments ara clicking In high gear. Ths photo services ara tuning up, ready to rush pica to various parts of tha country. And tha radio announcers are dreimlng up ntw superlatives as tha Gillette Cavalcade of Sports and Mutual present tha 14 WORLD SERIES for your listening entertainment. Last year, In tha series between tha Boston Braves and tha Cleveland Indians, records for paid receipts and attend ance were shattered. In tha fifth game, October 10 at Cleve land, 378,778.71 was paid through tha ticket windows, as In this same game 86,288 fans poured through tha stadium gates. The nations' enthusiasm for sports Increase every year and this year there's an exceptional furor surround ing baseball, atlmulated by the exciting flag race In both major leagues. Yes, tha season's greatest sports attraction tha 1944 WORLD SERIES . . Is slated to get under way over KRNR day after tomorrow Wednesday 9:45 a. m. to conclusion. It's another Mutual-exclusive. Rotary District Htod To Visit Roseburg Club such as dinners, dances and par ties are held. Civio Projects Aided Among civic projects In which the sorority members have taken part during the past year Include: contributions to the Douglas Community hospital; sponsorship of the Easter lily sale, which is a 48 benefit for the Crippled childrens hospital; Red Cross; infantile pa ralysis drive, and aid to the needy. Youth activities include participation in Camp Fire work. The group sponsored a float In the rodeo parade. All over the world In countries which have chapters, they conduct the cancer drive to sponsor research at Den ver. Beta Sigma Phi was started nationally in 1931. and has spread to Canada. England, Scot land, Hawaii, Alaska, Guam, Ca nal one, Cuba, Germany and even China. It is considered the largest Greek letter organization in the world. CAPTAIN REPORTS KEESLER AFB, Biloxi. Miss.. Captain Dealton F. Brown, son of Denner E. Brown of Foil Worth, Texas and husband of Mrs. Yvonne G. Brown of Rose burg, recently reported to Kees ler AFB. Capt. Brown received his commission Oct. 16, 1942, at Ft. Monmouth, N. J. He attend ed Golden Gate college. He serv ed overseas in the Pacific. House, Commercial and Industrial Wiring Electrical Trouble Shooting Motor and Appliance Re pair Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service 17 Years Experience ACE ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician 316 E. 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 1095 L Get Ready (or Winter Need Fuel Oil? Your Answer to: jf Quick, Efficient, Courteous Service ic Quality Richfield Furnace and Stevi Oil k S & H Green Stamps with Each Purchase That's Easy Just . . . New Rust Proof Heating Oils Eliminate Rust in Your Fuel Tank Ticket Printer Meter Register i Automatic Fill-Up Service r. . . -. tJU call , tr:?r RICHFIELD Phone 554 Day or Night ' We Give 1 $&c pj Green Stamps JJjjjT s. .. Births at Mercy Hospital ADAIR To Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Adair. 410 Germond street, Oct. 1, a son, Clyde Wal ter, 3rd, weight eight pounds, nine ounces. BRYAN To Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bryan, 1011 Balff street, Sept. 30, a son, Stephen Craig, weight eight pounds, three ounces. Charles R. Cooler The Rotary club of Roseburg will be host on Thursday, Oct. 6, to Charles R. Cooley, above, gov ernor of the 154th district of Ro tary International, who is making his annual official visit here. He will confer with President Leroy Hiatt, Secretary Story lies, and other Rotary officers on club ad ministration and Rotary activi ties. Cooley is president of the Three Cs Lumber company In Grants Pass; is connected with other lumbering interests In Southern Oregon, and is owner of the Lithia hotel In Ashland. He is a mem ber of the Rotary club of Giants Pass. KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System 1490 on Your Dial REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4 0V Fulton Lwii Jr. 4 -IS Hemingway. 4M-UI Loan Show. 4 45 Newt. 5 no T i pa tit Tunes. 5 IV- Music. S.'tn Tom Mix. 6 00 Sewing Machine Center 6 l.V-Mu(uaT Newixeal. 6 IHV-Sporu Page. Music. 6 40 Lecal News. 6 451 Hear the Southland Singing. 8 5.V-BI1I Henry. 7:00 Dick Havme'a. VI V-Sammy Kaye Show. 7:30 The Cisco Kid. 8 OO Let George Do It 8 .10 You Name It. 8:4.1 Bob Eberle Snow. BM-Johnny Desmond. 9: HO News. 9:1 Newt Sl.v-HI Neighbor. s :to Scandinavian Melody Time. 9:45 Fulton Lewis. Jr. Hi oo Murder by Experts. 10:30 Campui Salute. 11:00 Cues to Musle. . It 19. All "S & H" Green Stomps moy be placed in the some book regardless of where you receive them and only nationally known standard merchandise is given in exchange for "S & H" Green Stomps. Visit and redeem your filled books in the "S & H" Redemption Store 713 S. Stephens, Roseburg. Ken Under Distributor Serving Richfield Oil Corp. Roseburg, Sutherlm, Oakland, Myrtlt Crtek. Canyonvillt, Riddls Phon 554 TITKIfAY. OCTOBER 4, 8:00 SunrtM Serenade. 8:15 Newt. j:20 Muilr .1 v Rise St Shin 7:00 Heniin,. ... . 715 treatti t Cart:. 7:30 Breakfast Gang. 7 45 Local News. 7.VS Mule. 8.00 Haven of Went. 830 Modern Home. 8 45 Novatime. 9:00 Wally's Cnffee Time. 915 Mute it Music. 9 '30 Man About Town. 9 40 Musical Interlude. 9 50 Shopper's Guide. 10:00 News. 19:15 Sweetwood Serenade. 10:30 Say it w:in Music. 10.45 Art Baker. 11:00 Ladies First. 11:30 Oueen for a Day 12:00 Music at Noon. 12:15 Sports Page of the Air. 12:25 Music. 12:40 Local News. 12:45 National News. 12:55 Market Report. 1:00 Man on the Street 1:15 Listen to Lefbert 1:30 Standard School Broadcast 2. 00 Against ths Storm. 2:30 ReqiieM Show. 3:00-Hoedown Party. 3:15 Srhool Show. 3:30 Music. 3:45 David Ross. 4 00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 4:15 Hemingway. 4 30 Iocal Loan Show, 4:45 Music. 5:00 Straight Arrow. y;io Captain Midnight. 8 no Cavalcade of Safety. 6 IS Mutual NewareeL 8. 30 Sports Page. 8:35 Musical Interlude. 840 Local News. 6 451 Hear the Southland Singing. 6:55 Bill Henry. 7:00 Frank Purdy. 7:15 Music you Remember. 7:30 Behind the Mayor s Desk. 7 45 Music. 8:00 Box 13. 8 30 Jovin Jamboree. 9 00 News. 9 I.t-Ruth ft Judy 9 30 r;u.i c 9 45 Fulton Lewis. Jr. Practical' Pumping e artn SQUIRES To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Squires. 300 Booth street, Sept. 28. a daughter, Pa tricia Ann, weight two pounds, two ounces. Mob., Oct. 3, 1949 The Newt-Review, Reteburg, 0r. S street, Oct. 1, a daughter, Cynthia Lee: weight seven pounds fifteen ounces. JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Johnson, 1845 N. Stephens street, Roseburg .Oct. 1, a son, Chris Allen; weight nine pounds eight ounces. Hawaiian Islands by Portugese) immigrants. The ukelele was taken to the KAUFFMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Kauf fman. Y o n c a 1 1 a. Sept. 28, a daughter Eunice Ann, weignt eight pounds. FENTON To Mr. and Mrs. Wade Fenton, Sutherlin, Sept. 30 a daughter, Rebecca Sue- weight six pounds twelve ounces. SMITH Tn Mr inH Mr. Or. val U Smith. Falrhaven apart ments, Sept. 30, a daughter, Vlckl Ann, weight live pounds, 15 ounces. PETETIT To Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Petetlt, Oakland. Oct. 1, a daughter, Katherine Marie: weight seven pounds thirteen ounces. COX-To Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cox, Sutherlln, Oct. 1. a daugh ter, Linda Francine: weight six pounds thirteen ounces. FERRILL To Mr. and Mr. Wayne U Ferrlll, 333 S. Stephens lono Grttorr Hood. iu.k hum Mornni ore. UTO-Cu. to Music. Talking About a Home? So many people do noth ing but talk about it! But If yoi really want to cm our home, consult me now. Personal attention. Economical terms. RALPH L RUSSELL Loans and Insurance Lean Represenativa Equitable Savings A Loan Assn. Boswell Mineral Baths Chiropractic Physiotherapy Clinic Lady Attendants 1 Mila S. ol Drain. Oreton usnnnx mi ros HIATINO COMFORT Roseburg Sheet Metal Shop ISO Cast 1st Street Phone 941 rtlMltlAl Bps 112 W. Cass Phone 113 m 5 Enjoy a Universal Automatic Water System for low cost "all around" effi ciency. You get plenty of water with city pressure for kitchen, bathroom, laundry and garden. There are Uni versal Pumps and Water Systems large and small for the home, farm or industry. UNIVERSALE NIW't by U.t mnal...e H pcWoiol Sk.ll.w Will fv, W. M. Sandall Co. Hiway 99 North . Phone 1117 R COMING WEDNESDAY Abbott & Costello starring in "RIDE 'EM COWBOY" and WHITI JSUi i- r:nnnrct r V t w4 V. Ml I " lois Hall jf 11 I James Cardwell XflW Yi lUONAKO I WRIGHT ! Now Playing 'v-Jjf eassm turns Pit O'BRIEN Robirt RYAN Biitan IUE Dub JTOCKWEUK"IiBfl" ic 2nd FEATURE ROY ACUFF and hit Smoky Mt. Boys "Smoky Mt. Melody" Wise buyers look for the Imperial silver label that says the finest In wallpapers. Guaranteed to with stand room exposure without fad ing and to clean satisfactorily when instructions are followed. M If Home Furnishings 1 PERSONALIZED SERVICE FOR THE HOME STARTS TOMORROW 5 FULL DAYS NOP! IS I00KIM TM RACES.. mf tS KS lfeAiBfeiael MUSBiBktsBBA SI HM'f mtWmwf VgWWflVW .f WILLIAM BRUCE VDEM-AREST"CAJ i ?- itr it i " HURRY! ENDS TONIGHT: I THE SRHT TECHNICOLOR HCTIOH SPfCUCLt Of Ul TIMf! i FRED MlcMURRAY HfcKBf FONDA' SYLVIA SIDNEY J iMavriinl