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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1949)
6 Tha Naws-IUviaw, Rosaburj, 0r. So. Oct. 1, 1949 Exchange Vows on September 24th in Roseburg Society and GUU (1 Wedding Takes Place on September 9th '';tV'! '- A ii; .f.'; WiiV k , - i ! V . V " I I .A ; V M M " .mw ' H I f i W ! f PA! 1 V ? ' jffv i f fcL' ' - ... Mfftll Ti lift 1l ' 1 Miss Gerry McNeel of nose burg, daughter of Mr. and Mri. P.. A. McNeel of Canyonvllle be came the bride of E. N. McFall, on of Mr. and Mn. R. E. McFall ot Roseburg, at an Impressive ceremony at the First Presby terian church September Dill with Dr. Morrli H. Roach of delating. The bride was given In mar riage by her father. She was at tractive in a gown of white slip per satin fashioned with a full train. Her fingertip veil of illusion fell from a tiara of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet ot white roses and stephanntls. Miss Helen Phipps of Rosehurg va maid of honor and wore a sown of aqua blue satin. Her bouquet was of white rarnations and pink rosebuds. Robert B. Kelty of Sutherlln was best man Couple Marry at Stettler, Canada iff ' 1 1 J , ' i : , , v- i- Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Atkinson The United Church al Stettler. Canada, on Sept. 6, was the scene of a quiet wedding, when Beryl Audrey McCord, of Rim Valley, daughter of Roy McCord of Nev is, Alberta, Canada and niece of Mis. Ervln Rice of Rice Valley, became the bride of Donald E. At- kinsor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Atkinson of Yoncalla. Rev. Wal ter LI'tle performed the double ring ceremony at two o'clock in the afternoon. The bride, given In marriage c- her father, wore a floor-length Mr. and Mrs. C. N. McFall and ushers were Jack Wallis and Kenneth L. Cozad. The allar candles were lighted by Mrs. Murlal Wallls and Mrs. La Verne Gunderson. Little Glenda Gil more, niece of the bride, was flower girl and wore a dress of yellow organdy. She rarried pale pink carnations centered with a yellow rosebud. Preceding the wedding march, Robert Lewis of Glendale sang "I Love. You Truly," and "Al ways." A reception followed In the church parlors. Pouring and as sisting were Mrs. Glenn Gilmnre, Mrs. Gene Cherwlnk, Mis. Etta Rogers and Miss Jean Knaggs. For traveling the bride chose a suit of green gabardine with gray accessories. Her corsage was of while rosebuds. Follow ing a honeymoon to Canada, the couple returned to Roseburg and jown of while satin with a net volk trimmed ith scedprails. Her full length veil was held In ; place by a coronet and she can led a bouquet of red roses. Attending the bride as mat ron ol honor was Mrs. Al)ce Schiflner. a sister, who wore a jfloor-lenKth gown of rose tadrta and carried a bouquet ot patrl-coloi-ed carnations. Hill Schitfnrr. brother-in-law of the bride, was best man. j M... Baplle played the orgsn for the wedding match and dur Plclura by Bud Mason are now at home to their friends at 412 S. Main street. Both are employed by the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph company. Out-ol-tnwn guests attending the wedding were the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Mc Neel; her brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gllmore, of Canyonvlle; her brolher, Creston McNeel, and her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cherwlnk, of Riddle; her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. McNeel of Glen dale; Miss Goldle Erwln and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamlin of Canyonvllle; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Flor'y and Robert E. Lewis of Glendale: Mr. and Mrs. Loren Lathrop of Riddle; Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt Belcher of Tiller; Mr. and Mrs. I,eon Penfeld of Port land and H. A. Riley of Madras, Ore. ing the signing of the register. A reception followed in the ban quet room of the Stettler hotel with relatives and close friends attending. The bride's table was centered with a three-tiered wed ding cake. The couple left Canada for a brief honeymoon and arrived In Yoncalla a week later, where they are now at home to the many friends. On Mnndav evening at the Rice Vallev hall, Mrs. Ervin Rice, Mrs. Way lie Rice and Mrs. Ray Atkin son were hostesses at a reception honoring the newly married couple. The hall was beautifully deco. rated with large bouquets of mixed full flower?. The gilts were placed on a large table covered with a white lace cloth and cen tered with a bouquet of mixed flowers. Mrs. Archie Amorde played the piano during the signing of the guest book. Lovely refreshments were served. Mrs. J. I. McCord quired. Following the serving, the many beautiful gifts were op ened, after which dancing was enjoyed with Mrs. Amorde and Paul Allen furnishing the music. Thoso honoring Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson were: Mrs. Goldie Kruse Iteta Kruse, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Young, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. l-a-mar, Mrs. Herman Amonle, Mr. and Mrs. James Wales, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sim mon. Mrs. Tom Wallace. Mr. and t,- Vl'iltitp I imnnv Mr .In ' Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stenseth. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Melvin Atkin son, Mr. and Mrs. William Castor, Mrs. Cecil Hartford, Mr. and Mrs. .1. G. Wales, Mr. and Mrs. George Waller. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allen, Mr. and Mrs. James Kidwell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Churchill. Mr. and Mrs. Rus.-ell l.loyd, Howard Llovd, James A. Todd. j Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. McCord. Mr. and Mrs. I Roy Churchill, Clar ence Ophetm, Virgil Arnold, John Howard. Charles Wales, Puna l.loyd. Jerry Means, Ona McCord, Mr.' and Mrs. Howard Wales, Mr. and Mrs. Boh Craw ford, Mr. and Mrs. John Weber. Mrs. Emmett j Churchill, Mrs. Opal Taylor, Mrs. Archie Amorde. Mr. and Mis. ! Wsvne Rice and daughter. K.uan: Mr. and Mrs. Rov Atkinjon and Mr. and Mis. Ervin Rice. Fresh peaches are delicious ' served hot with a slice of broiled ham TVw,l nit anri nnjit-fer th , peaches and saute them lightly , in a lime nutter or margai inr. Sprinkle them with a little sugar while they are cooking. ty LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER Collier-Anderson B Is Charming Affair Mrs. A. to. Collier and Mrs. Al fred Anderson entertained at a very charming one o'clock bridge- luncheon Tuesday afternoon at the Roseburg Country club. The autumn motif was beautifully car ried out on the tables by the use of bouquets of French marigolds and zinnias. Large bouquets ol bronze, gold and yellow chrysan themums formed the room deco rations, while the fireplace and mantle were banked with sprays ot colorful autumn leaves. Guests invited by Mrs. Collier and Mrs. Anderson to the affair we: .- Mrs. Robert Collier of Coos Bay; Mrs. G. W. Marshall, Mrs. L. E. McCIintock, Mrs. Maurice L. Hallmark, Mrs. Walter Fisher, Mrs. W. F. Amlot, Mrs. L. G. Twohy, Mrs. Harold E. Schmeer, Mrs. J. F. Dillard. Mrs. C. B. Wade, Mrs. R. D. Adams, Mrs. Charles W. Wharton, Mrs. W. F. Chapman, Mrs. Velle Broadway, MR. AND MRS. 8UN0BERQ HONORER ON WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ON SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. George Sundberg were honored Sunday afternoon on their wedding anniversary at a housewarmlng at their lovely new home In Elgarose. A beauti ful mirror and many other lovely gifts were presented to them. Horseshoe and ball were en joyed by many. At the tea hour, lovely refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. George Sund berg and son and daughter, Don ald and Dona; and niece and nephew, Marelene and David Bartholomy; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olson, Mr. and Mrs. An drew Hanson and children, Glen, Donald and Margie; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie John and son. Ray; Mr. and Mrs. David Sands and children, Leland, Gary and Joan; Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wooten and children. Michael and Dixie; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown and chil dren, Dick and Sally; Mrs. Clara Edman and children, Linda and Joe; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Luca-j and niece and nephew, Carmen and Larry Cooper; Mrs. Ada iiurcn. Mr. and Mrs. Bloomquist, Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Johnson, Mn. Mabel Backlund. Mrs. Edna Sjogren and children, Dickie and Dennis; Mrs. Acnes South and children, Carla, Teddie and Tim- mie; Air. and Mn. Conrad Lun rieen of Sutherlln: Mr. and Mr. Carl Johnson, Morris Durch, Mr. ana mis. k. C. Holmquist, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sands and children, Charlotte, Joe, Glen and Stevie; Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Sands. Mn. Jamleson, Soehurg, Loletta Bu ell and Judy McBroom. Those sending gifts, but unable to be present were Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Tomnson, Miss Henrietta Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Kei. fer. Rev. Willis F. Erickson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nelson, Mrs. V. Collins, Ted Anderson, Mrs. Marv Hanson, Mrs. Jewell McBroom and Mr. and Mn. G. Sallee. B. P. W. C. HAS MEETING TO PLAN COMING ACTIVITIES The Business and Professional Women's club met at the Episco pal Parish Hall, Monday night, September 26, with the finance committee In charge of the pro gram. Discussion of the Southern Ore gon District conference to be held in Roseburg on October 2; Hos pital Day and the Verans' Hos pital card party on October 11, the annual rummage or White Elephant sale; the Thanksgiving Dance, and the Spring Fashion Show, was the main business of the evening. Old business before the club was the reading of the amended constitution, which was voted upon. Hostesses were Elizabeth Heln line. Minnie Clark, and Cleo Moats. Refreshments were cof fee and pumpkin pie. furnished by Cleo's Bakery. Minnie Claik poured. Laura lies. Maude Kid der and Hazel Reid were in charge of the program. Those present were Althea Car away, Edyth Gllmour. Katherine Lockwood, Alvia Wetherell, Ber-1 tha Shrum, Stella Spencer, Gol ds Nickell, Gladys E. Foley. Hel en Emery. Minnie Clark. Eliza beth Hemline. Flossie S. Virden, Maude R. Kidder. Laura lies. Hazel Reid. Mildred Herman, Vera M. Jones. Ellinor T. Hud dleston, Lois Baker, Iris Arkell Spring. Hazel Smith. Virginia Ashcraft. V. Vivian Logsdon and Corinne Woodard. ROSE P.-T.A. TO HOLD riRST FALL MEETING MONDAY Parents and teachers of Rose school will hold their first P.-T.A. meeting at the schoolhouse Mon day evening at 7:30 o'clock in the school audilnrium. Wendell John son has been secured for the pro gram and will give a construc tive talk on teaching of stiingel instruments to students. He will also play several violin selections rounding out his program. Arrangements for the program are in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stefan h. Clyde Adair, new president of the association, will conduct the business meet ing and plans will get underway for the membership drive. AH parents are requested to attend the meeting in order to meet the teaching staff and parents of oth er students in the school. W. B. A. HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING THURSDAY AFTERNOON The Woman's Benefit associa tion held a very enjoyable after noon meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Wllmetta Aquler. Following the business session, a social hour was en loved, after which the hostess served delici ous refreshments. The next meeting will be Octo ber 13th and the place will be announced later. ridge-Luncheon of Tuesday Mrs. A. F. Miceill, Mrs. W. A. Courter, Mrs. H. C. Stearns, Mrs. R. D. Bridges, Mrs. Kenneth Quine. j Mrs. Walter Brydges, Mrs. J. C Hume, Mrs. James E. Sawyers, Mrs, Edward B. Row, Mrs. L. W. Metzger, Mrs. E. R. Metzger, Mrs. Roy Sedell, Mrs. James Hughes, Mrs. E. A. Pearson, Mrs. Kenneth Bailey, Mrs. L. K. Fies, Mrs. H. T. Hansen, Mrs. O. R. Hess, Mrs. John Pierce. Mrs. W. E. Marrion, Mrs. May Mathews, Mrs. Edgar Lewis, Mrs. Fred Stever, Mrs. Bert Corkrum, Mrs. Earl Garri son, Mrs. Paul Elliott, Mrs. E. G. Kohlhacen. Mrs. Keith Brvant. Mrs. Robert Simmons, Mrs. D. W. Helllwell, Mrs. C. M. McDermott, Mrs. Harry Himeourn and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter. Prizes for the afternoon's con tract bridge plav were awarded to Mrs. A. F. Miceill, Mrs. Walt Fisher, Mrs. G. W. Marshall and Mr. Kenneth Quine. CIRCLE NO. 2 HAS SEPTEMBER MEETING AT GROLEAU HOME The September meeting of Cir cle No. 2, of St. Joseph's Altar society was enjoyed Monday eve ning at the home of'Mrs. Isadore Groleau In Sutherlln with Mrs. Harvey Brown assisting hostess. Plans were made for a public card party to be held at the ar mory the evening of October 12. The public is invited. Prizes will be awarded winners in the card plays and refreshments will be served. Proceeds will be used by the society for id work for the altar and church. Mrs. Groleau and Mrs. Brown served refreshments to Mrs. Martin Foye, Mrs. Harold Des blens, Mrs. John Schafer, Mrs. Paul Jenkins, Miss Kay Ward. Miss Coletta Langenberg and Miss Margaret Joyce. The members are asked to as sist in plans for the card party and are also requested to attend the next meeting to be held the evening of October 10th at the home of Mrs. Paul Jenkins with Miss Margaret Joyce, assisting hostess. Members desiring fur ther information regarding 'lie card party are asked to call Mrs. Desbiens. MISS RUTH SNODOY COMPLIMENTED AT BRIDAL SHOWER PARTY Mrs. George Caskev and Mrs. Grover Blake were Joint hostess es at a charming bridal shower complimenting Miss Ruth Snoddy of Eugene September 25 at the former's home on North Stephens street. Miss Snoddy and her mother, Mrs. Myrtle Snoddy.-mo-tored to Roseburg for the affair. Large baskets of fall flowers formed the attractive decorations about the rooms. The serving ta ble was covered 'with a lace cloth and centered with a bouquet of pastel-colored fall flowers. Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Caskey were as sisted in serving by Mary Anne Caskey. During the afternoon lovelv gifts were presented to Miss Snoddjf from her mother and the following: Mrs. R. R. Ritzman, Mrs. Baurassa. Mrs. Ed Bayliss, Mrs. B. B. Irving. Mrs. Lee Mar chant, Mrs. J. B. Patrick, Mrs. J. H. Wolford, Mrs. V. V. Har- pham, Mrs. Farrell, Miss Mary Alice Wolford, Miss Mary Peter son, Miss Mary Anne Caskey and the hostesses, Mrs. George Cas key and Mrs. Grover Blake. Miss Snoddy was graduated from Roseburg high school in 1942. She served two years with the Women's Marine Corps dur ing World War II and is at pres ent employed as bookkeeper at Sylvia's Chevrolet garage in Eu gene. She will become the bride ot J. E. Boss oi Eugene on No vember 12. MRS. E. F. MARCELL ENTERTAINS AT CHARMING SHOWER PARTY THURSDAY Mrs. E. F. Marcell entertained at a charming pink and blue shower party at her attractive home Thursday evening, when she invited a group of friends to a seven-thirty o clock dessert supper in compliment to Mrs. William H. Semmler. Pastel-colored sweetpeas graced the serv ing table, w hile tuberous begonias formed the room decorations. Covers were placed for Mrs. Semmler. guest of honor; Mi. Charles Stanfield. Mrs. R. W. To zier. Mrs. R. H. Darby, Mrs. Jack P. Bathrick. Mrs. R. B. Rhodes. Mrs. Ray C, Brown, Mrs. Edwin Wyatt, Mrs. Donald Mon roe, Mrs. Floyd Wilson. Mrs. Don ald L. Barrow and the hostess, Mrs. Marcell. Lovelv gifts were presented to Mrs. Semmler. Court whist was in play during the evening hours with the guest of honor winning the prize. RIFLE RANGE SEWING CLUB MEETS-THURSDAY AT BLOOMQUIST HOME Mn. Grayce Bloomquist gra rioiilv entertained the Rifle Kange Sew ing club at her home I Thursday afternoon. Mn. Bloom quist, president, conducted a short business meeting. Thir teen members answered roll call. Secret Pal names were ex changed for the year. At the tea hour Mrs. Bloom quist served refreshments to I Do rothy McPherran and daughter. Delorls; Esther Baker. Gwen Frank and son. Neal: Alice Gill, Mildred Hites and daughter Pat tv, Earla Gill. Edna Scofield. Addie" Schick. Palsy Dillingham, Marian Wilson. Virginia Brittain and daughter Karen, and son. "Butch;" Lena Pfaff and the hostess' ion, Mikie, and his guest Jerry. Pollyanna gifts were exchang ed and visiting was enioved. The October Sth meeting will be held at the home of Esther Baker, 821 W. Lane Street. A Mary Louise Parsons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Parsons of Roseburg, was married to Laurie Gordon Coffel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Panlel F. Coffel. also of Rosehurg at two o'clock Sat urday afternoon, Sept. 24, at St. Joseph's Catholic church with Father Edmund Hyland officiat ing. t all flowers formed the decora tions. The bride, given In marriage by her father, was charming in a white gown of slipper satin lashlonea witn a sweetheart neckline and full skirt ending in a court train. The sleeves were wrist-length and her finger-tip veil was held In place by a coro net of satin edged with net nich ing. She carried a bouquet of white roses. DILLARD P-T. A. HAS FIRST FALL MEETING ON FRIDAY EVENING Dillard P.-T. A. held its first fall meeting Friday night In the new auditorium with Mrs. Mar garet McCord, president in charge. Troop No. 136 of the Boy Scouts carried the flag to the stage and the entire audience gave the flag salute, followed bv singing the national anthem acc ompanied by Gertrude Hunter at the piano. It was voted t o purchase a sound motion picture machine for the school. Mr. Emery, a n active leader was present and made an appointment for a meet ing with parents of boys aged from eight to eleven tcub scout agei. Mrs. Bodenner, one of the first grade teachers, won the pennant for the most parents at the meeting. The room winning three times In a row receives a $5 gift for the room. Betty Jo Moore sang. 'The Full of Roses." accompanied by Old Lamplight" and "Room Gertrude Hunter. The school has a new building for the first four grades. There are five new teachen on the staff now totaling 14 teachers be sides the principal. Mr. King. There are 342 children In the school. Mr. Krug Introduced the teach ers and corsages were presented to the ladies and a single flower was presented each man. Follow' Ing the program, a social hour followed and refreshments were served .at beautifully decorated tables. COMMUNITY CONCERT ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP DRIVE TO OPEN OCT. 17 The annual membership drive of the Community Concert Assoc iation will open October 17 and will close ior the year the follow ing Saturday. October 22nd. acc ording to Miss Gladys H. Strong, president. Margaret Blackburn repre senting Columbia Concerts Inc.. New York City, will spend the week in Roseburg assisting wiih the membership drive. All new comen of Roseburg are being given a special Invitation to Join the association, which brings no ed artists to Roseburg during the vear in concert. Only memben are allowed to attend the con certs as no tickets are ever soli for an individual entertainment. The association sponsored four concerts last year. During the week of the drive, headquarten will he maintained at me cham ber of commerce office, so anv one in the county not contacted by a worker, may go to the headquarten and reclevt a memhenhip. r . i 'r iii r i fin ii tm ai i -w." ,' .. . til , "A Mr. and Mrs. Laurla Garden Coffsl Mrs. Arthur Travis, sister of the bridegroom, was matron of honor and wore a floor-length gown of lavendar taffeta with matching flower headdress. She carried a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums. John Parsons, brother of the bride, was best man and Harry Harris and Les lie Miller were ushers. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Hedwig Watzig. The bride's mother wore a blue tissue faille street-length dress with blue and gray acces sories. Her corsage was of red rosebuds. The bridegroom's mother wore a charcoal gray street-length dress with forest green accessories and a corsage of yellow rosebuds. A reception followed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Travis. The three-tiered wed Marry at Double Ring Ceremony L 'l . -t . I i Mr. and Mrs. Mary Magdalen Tuchscherer daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kas- ner I liehrherer nr R n a h - V 1 Dak., became the bride of Robert Herbage of Roseburg on Satur day morning at nine at the St. Joseph's Catholic church of Rose I burg. Father Edmund Hyland per formed the double ring ceremony. I The bride, given in marriage I by her father, w ore a w hite rav ion satin gown designed with a peplura and rayon net overskirt cut en train. Her fingertip veil of rayon net was attached to a crown of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of red roses. I As matron of honor, Mn. Jude Branden of Huntington Park. Calif., sister nf the u-nA - gown of gray lace over a laven- n-r raon laneta unoenkirt. The bridesmaids, Dolores Liffrig and Aimee Pawiuk. wore rose and blue and rayon taffeta gowns re spectively with matching crowns ;of rayon net. Thev carried colon 'ial bouquets of garden flowers. ,: v :w . m a -ft i -IT"7 'tr ! ,-. ivN r FKtura Dy Pnoio Lao. ding cake decorated In while was topped by a miniature bride and bridegroom. Colorful fall flowers were used about the rooms. Mrs. Clarence Coffel served the cake; Mrs. Dale Bolsinger poured and Miss Georgianna Heinz had charge of he guest book. For traveling the bride wore a black suit with hlack accessories and a white off-the-face hat. Fol lowing a honeymoon to eastern Oregon, after which they return ed to Melrose to make their home. The bride was graduated from Millersport, Ohio, high school and came to Oregon two years ago. She is employed at the J. C. Penney company store here. The bridegroom was graduated from Roseburg high school and is employed at the Veterans hos pital in Roseburg. , f- -; -II'- v4 li 4 -: V - Plfunf by Miller-Moderna studla Robert Herbage Louis Adamskl was best man. I'shers were Keith and Kenneth White of Corvallis. Traditional nuptial music was I played by Mrs. Rolland Quam at the organ. ' Following the ceremony a breakfast was held at the James Kilkany home for the bridal party and immediate family. ! A reception was held at the L'mpqua Hotel. ; Out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Goudy of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Holberg of Rainier, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Edick and daughter of Salem. Mr. and Mn. Edward Cassgriff of Portland. Mrs. Herbage "was graduated from the St. Joseph Hospital school of nursing at Minot, North .Dakota. She has been emploved at the Mercy hospital in Rose burg. Mr. Herbage is associated with the Keystone Machine Shoo of Roseburg. Alter the wedding trip. Mr. and1 Mn. Herbage will be at home on i Taylor street.