Celebrate Golden Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gleason, who were married at Fox Lake, Wit., Sept. 14, 1899, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at a mock wedding held at the Sutherlin Grange hall Sept. 14. Leaving Forf Lake in 1912, the Gleasons were among the first citizens to reside in the newlv chartered town and namesake ol Sutherlin Valley. The anniversary open-house was held at the Gleason resi dence on highway 225 near Duke Road, on Sept. 11, with many relatives and friends calling with lovely gifts and congratulatory wishes. The serving table was beauti ful with a centerpiece of rose colored gladioli, flanked by gold tapers in crystal holders, silver coffee and tea services and a decorated three-tiered wedding cake. Mrs. Leonard Swift of Roseburg had charge of the table and serving arrangements. Mr. and Mrs. Gleason cut the first piece of the cake which was served by Mrs. Joel A. Gleason of Cottage Grove and Mrs. Lilly Headle of Omak, Wash. Assist ing about the rooms were Mrs. Roy Nicoson, Mrs. Marvin Lewis, Mrs. Annabel Leisinger, Mrs. Phreda Wahl. Mrs. Maude Moore Mrs. Ida Have, Mrs. Fred Brauninger, Mrs. May Montgom ery, Mrs. Hallie Martin and Mrs. Walter Woodrow of Endeavor, Wis. Presiding at the punch bowl were Mrs. Robert Gleason and Mrs. La Verne Strand both if Cottage Grove. The guest book was in charge of Miss Barbara Gleason of Cottage Grove, Miss Barbara Brauninger. Mrs. R. VV. Rodgers of Roseburg. Mrs. P. A. Comstock. Mrs. W. P. Graham, Mrs. Orville French and Mrs. Ted Buok poured. Musical numbers and vocal solos were presented during the reception hours. , Members of the family attend ing were a daughter and two sons: Mrs. Nellie Swift, Rose- J HAVE YOUR CHECKED and save a life , . . . , . maybe yours! HANSEN MOTOR CO. I I I I Oak A Stephens Phone 44S I I I I lm mm - 1 DANCE Every Saturday Night Music By LOU FRANCO And the Happy Valley Cowbeyi n KENNEDYS Dancing from 9:30 til fifty I CHUCK'S RHYTHM KINGS 5-PIECE V.':STERN BAND Dancing from 9:00 p. m. 'til 1.00 a. tti Admission 50c Everybody Stay Cool and Dance! Hall is Air-Conditioned! EAGLES Corner of Cos end Pint Wedding Leslie Gleason burg; Leon Gleason, Albany and Joel Gleason. Cottage Grove; three granddaughters and a grandson: Mrs. Bonnie Pitcher, Mrs. Betty Strand, Miss Barbara Gleason and Robert Gleason, all of Cottage Grove. Another grand son, Kenneth Gleason, was un able to attend as he is stationed with the U. S. Army in Hawaii. Two great-grandchildren weie present including Miss Cheryl Pitcher and Miss Carolyn Glea son. Others'signlng the guest book besides those mentioned were a brother, Mr. Walter Woodrow, Endeavor, Wis.; Mr. Leonard Swift, Roseburg; Mrs. Grace V Gleason, Mr. Monty Pitcher, of Cottage Grove: Mr. Leslie Chap man, Yoncalla; Mr. A. R. Man ning. Mrs. Ruth Manning. Mr. Clarence Lowe, M. Louise Smith, Elizabeth Covey, Susan M. Simp son, E. F, Simpson, Mrs. Leslie Chapman, Linda Joyce Buck, Katie Graham, Melvin B. Rod gers, Fred Brauninger, Orville W. French. Marguerite A. Owens, Ralph Gadner, Icel Clark, Doro thy Clark, Mr. ana Mrs. tire stone and sons. Mrs. C. D. Still well, Clyde Henderson, Ellen Wahl, Mr. Chas. Wahl, Ted A. Buck, Rov R. Nicoson, Vera Brittaln, lsabelle Card, Rev. C. E. Brittain, Bertha T. Sanders, Eldon V. Sanders. James Sim mons, Katherine Simmons, Mrs. Jennie Amorde, Mr. and Mrs. Hopper, Mr. and Mrs. Seal and Mrs. Goodrich. Upon Interview Mr. Gleason remarked that he didn't think he "was quite up to" another fifty years of marriage as he Is now 82, but he did believe that 25 more would be all right. MISS ROSE SWARTZ AND HER MOTHER ENTERTAIN AT SHOWER PARTY Miss Rose Swartz and her mother. Mrs. W. G. Swartz, n tertained at a delightful kitchen shower party at their home at 810 Nebo in compliment to Do lores Deane Augustus, who be came the bride, Sept. 23, of Du ane Lee Wilson.- The table was very lovely with a decorated cake carrying out the colors of yellow and blue and flanked by white tapers. Pastel colored flowers were also used. Gifts were presented to the bride-elect from the hostesses and from her mother, Mrs. H. R. Augustus, her sister. Miss Connie Augustus, and Donna Sandusky, Rulh Davis. Margaret Davie, Lo is Kiss. Mrs. Joseph Kiss. Mrs. Fred Wilson, Carola Spackman, Helen Marriot, Sue Brown and Carol Wilson. Everybody loves flowers and everybody loves to receive them. Choose flower, as the perfect Riff- . . . choose them from us . . . always fresh ly cut, fragrantly lovely. The phon. number to re member is 158. LILLIE'S FLOWER SHOP 819 Winchester Street DUTCH MILL 1:00 Adm. 1.S0 per Couple PUBLIC DANCE at the EAGLES Every Friday and Saturday Nights MRS, LESTER READ TO E GUEST SPEAKER AT WOMAN'S CLUB TUESDAY The first fall meeting and guest-day affair of the Roseburg Woman's club will be held Tues day, October 4, at the Methodist church parlors with Mrs. Lester Read of Eugene as the guest speaker on the subject, "Garden- II1K M IIUUUV. Tin. XlmmA -. -1 . . ,k. administrative staff at University of Oregon. She has gardened as noDDy ior - years ana ine 1 a at fcini mr ,ha tiaa luan . licensed nurseryman. She is a mrmwr oi ine uregon Associa- tinn nf NitNpuman Dnl.. PhrvuHlluinxn ' Garden club, where she' is chair man oi tne nero group, ana nas " iii.i i . ji oi b i. 1 1 uuvrt ihniv MrnmlHu, Ua knkhu V. grown into a fine small business auu ur Bprv-iaiifit-B in ine grow ing oi line cnrysantnemyms. Her hllshjinH ifl . railrv.t4 man Ck. has two sons, one of whom is marriea ana ine second son is a senior in high school in Eugene. She works in the P.-T.A., belongs to several lodges and takes part in numerous civic enterprises. She recently made a commercial exhibit for a five-day county fair. Mr .T M Rni.lo. .1 dent of the Woman's club, re- pons mat whether all women care to garden or not, they are one-hllnrlrpH ivmint in beautifying their homes and gar- urna. me program committee feels especially fortunate in se curing Mrs. ft part th ,.,. speaker for this first fall meeting. mi-, tan t-iummer, music chairman, will present Mrs. W. Sherman PlimDton. talpniH nUn. 1st, as guest artist on the pro- 5io.ni. mrs. lYennem rora, Mrs. ames Joyce and Mrs. Earl Bleile Will hl rhilrm.. .U- hostess committee, assisted bv nfriH - i .i . ... . ,,u uunion oi ine club. Tea will be served at the close of the program. Yearbooks will be distributed and dues are pay able at this meeting. All mem bers are urged to attend and are asked to bring guests. O. A. V. AUXILIARY HAS INTERESTING MEETING MONDAY D. A. V. auxiliary. Dean Per rine unit No. 9, met Monday eve ning at the Del Rey cafe with Commander Wulf, presiding. It was voted to give $5 to the polio emergency fund. Plans were dis cussed for a rummage sale to be held at the Episcopal parish hall on East Cass street, Saturday, Oct 8. Members and friends hav ing donations are asked to bring them to the parish hall Friday night or telephone Mrs. Wulf at the Del Rey cafe. A social hour followed the meeting. The next meeting will be Mon day. October 10, in the evening at the Del Rey at Winchester. The Commander requests all members to be present Refresh ments will be served. PATCH AND CHAT CLUB MEETS AT FINDLAY HOME THURSDAY EVENING Asters and other fall flowers formed the attractive decorations used by Mrs. Thomas Flndlay Thursday evening, when she en tertained the Patch and Chat club at her home on the Keasey road. Mrs. Ruby Blood was a guest and members enjoving the eve ning with Mrs. Findlay were: Mrs. D. W. Keasey. Mrs. C. J. Bradley, Mrs. E. G. Trozelle, M. Verrell, Mrs. Darley Ware, Mr. Gordon Ware, Mrs. E. R. Buck ingham. Mrs. C. R. Bartlett, Mrs. J. N. Boor and Mrs. Curtis Cal kins. Following the social hour Mrs. Findlay, assisted bv Mrs. Bart lett. served delicious refresh ments. The next meeting will be the evening of October 13 at the home of Mrs. D. W. Keasey. MISS PRINCEN IS HOSTESS TO SUNSHINE CLUB ON THURSDAY The Northside Sunshine club was delightfully entertain ed Thursday afternoon by Miss Bernardine Princen at her home on Chad wick street. Mrs. W. O. Patterson, president, conducted the business session and $5 was voted to be given to the polio emergancy fund. Games were plaved with Mrs George Frew winning the prize. At the tea hour. Miss Princen. assisted by her mother, served delicious refreshments to: Mrs. Elvira Recla, Mrs. William Stie wig, Mr. Lucia Ingles. Mrs. W. i O. Patterson, Mrs. M. Sorv, Mrs. George Frew and Mrs. Phil Hart. The place of the October 13th j meeting will be announced later. j DOUGLAS COURT MEMBERS ATTEND RECEPTION IN EUGENE i Willamette Court, in Eugene, Order of Amaranth, honored Frank Scobert of Eugene, Sup reme Royal Patron of the Order of Amaranth, at a recent recep tion, wniun was anenaea oy the following from Douglas Court : Mrs. T. W. Bernard, Mrs. Lola Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. Tho mas C. Scott. A large number of Grand officers were in attend ance. ! Mrs. L. G. Twohy, Grand press I publicity chairman for the Ordpr, attended Ionic Court No. 1, off icial visit of grand officers in Portland recently. Grand Royal Matron, Edna Manning and Grand Royal Patron, Earl Bee son, paid their official visit to the court. Announcing Change of Hours On Sundays, Open at 10 a. m. for that Sunday morning breakfast. Also serving those good pan-fried chicken m PA dinners, complete for lJV Special steaks and sea food dinners with French fries. Phyllis Cafe en Garden Valley Rood Where You Set tha Most For tha Least Weekday Hours: ( in to t p.m. Except Mondays SUTHERLIN LADY LIONS RECEIVE CHARTER AT IMPRESSIVE AFFAIR Sutherlin's Lady Lions Thurs day night were presented their charter by State President Dor othy Kuratll during an impres sive candlelight ceremony con ducted by the Roseburg Lady Li ons. Approximately 80 Sutherlin art! Roseburg Uons and Lady Lions were In attendance for the chart er presentation night held in the Sutherlin Grange hall. Installed were the first group of officers, including Mrs. Earl Thatcher, president; Mrs. Goose Marden, vice-president; Mrs. Al Stanley, secretary; Mrs. Frieda Pfaender, treasurer: Mrs.' Bill Crowell and Mrs. Ralph Thrift, directors, and Mrs. Connie Smith, Lion trainer. Mrs. Phil Harth, Roseburg, serving as toast mistress, intro duced the following: State Presi dent Mrs. Kuratli and State Sec retary Jean Bowman, both of Hillsboro; Past State President Mrs. Pete Motschenbacher and Mr. Motschenbacher: Past State Secretary Mrs. Don Helllwell and Mr. Helllwell: Forrest Losee, District Governor of 36E. and Mrs. Losee. Also introduced were the Rose burg Lady Lions officers and their husbands. The welcome was given bv the Sutherlin Lady Lions president, Mrs. Thatcher, and the response by Mrs. Buckley Bell, Roseburg Lady Lions president. Short talks were given bv Mrs. Kuratll. Mrs. Losee; Sutherlin Li ons President Bill Crowell and Roseburg Lions President Dr. James E. Campbell. Mrs. Motschenbacher conduct ed the Installation ceremony. Each of the new officers, as well as the visiting state and Rose burg lady officers, were present ed flame corsages. The candlelight installation cer emony was conducted by Mrs. Losee, with Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Bruce Elliott assisting. The chart er was presented to Mrs. That cher by Mrs. Kuratll, and It was signed by each of the charter members. Mrs. Kuratll said this was the first club chartered since she took office. She announced she was going on to Ashland to con duct a charter night service for ine new Lay uons of Talent. All pins were provided the new members bv the Sutherlin I I club.-Mrs. Bell; on behalf of the nuseourg uay Lions, presented Mrs. Thatcher a gavel. Purple and gold colors were carried out in the table and room decorations. Autumn leaves and fall flowers were also used. On the decorations committee were Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. Juanlta Hoi gate, Mrs. Connie Smith and Mrs. Lockie Thompson.. MU CHAPTER 141 INTERESTING MEETING WEDNESDAY EVENING Mrs. Harrison R. Winston a.id Mrs. Dal ten H. .Tnno ,,. eSSeS tO Mil rhintar tlat. Ct Phi Wednesday evening at the iiuine oi ine iormer, at Which time plans were made for the preferenclal tea for Mu and XI chapters to be held Sunday, Oct ober 2, from 3:30 to 5:30 at the home of Mrs. Wayne Crooch, 1127 Harvard. The model meettno- una mh. ducted by Mrs. Wayne. Crooch. neuui ts were given ana e a c n member pa vp a Hpfinitinn n quotation of Happiness. Guest pledges present were Mrs. Henry Darby, Mrs. Harold Jokela. Mrs. Herman Matisoff, Mrs. Rov fitoin Mr, r: Crocker, Mrs. Knute Kershncr, Mrs. Daniel Dlmick, Mrs. Ben jamin o. Durresne, Mrs. Edwin Wyatt, Mrs. William Semmler, Mrs. Rruee Hetrirlc jinrt Mr. Tri Schultz. Members enjoying the evening with Mrs. Winston and Mrs. Mrs. jack p. Bathrick, Mrs, Wayne frnswh Mt-a r-laln LT Allen, Miss Mary Peterson, Mrs! Mary BiacK, Mrs. carl wassom and Mrs. James Finlay. Lovely refreshments were server! hv Mrs Wimtnn mnA Mrt Jones. The next meeting will be weanesqay, uciooer 3, at eight o'clock at the home of Mrs. Carl Wassom, 71 S. Pine street THETA RHO GIRLS CLUB HAS MEETING AND PLANS FALL ACTIVITIES Alpha Zeta Theta Rho Girls club met Tuesday evening at the hall with president, Janet Harp ham, and vice-president, Betrv Reid, in their stations. Plan's were made for fall activities of the club. The club will meet at a six fifteen o'clock pot luck supper next Tuesday evening at the I O. O. F. hall. The regular bus iness meelint will follow at seven-thirty o'clock. FLOOt SANDING FINISHING Lk it I 320 W r -"aaJ Phens aaiMlCM " FINISHING EsHmotM Pfoff W.rJSt. Phon. 1S.J And why not top It off with our delicious home made pie? It's our specially. no d Looking forward to a disenchanted evening of staying at home? Take courage when we tell you that the fine entertainment Is to be had on your radio beginning at six with "Quick as Flash" when Staats Cotsworth, radio's "Casey, Crime Photographer" is guest-detective during the show's mystery quiz. At 7, we've sched uled an hour-long comedy-hit, "Three Men on a Horse," by John C. Holm and George Abbott. The story Involves a Milquetoast character who picks winning horses as a hobby and ends up with every bookie plaguing him. Tune In the "Happy Valley Cowboys" at 8 . . . "Lombardo Land USA" at 8:30 . . . and the "Wrestling Parade" direct from the Roseburg armory, be ginning at 9:30. SUNDAY LINEUPi Mystsry-mystsry-mysts'ry beginning with "Tha House of Mysttry" at en p. m., whan "Ths Book of tha Dead" titles the spook-hunting session. At 1:30, a hyp natist two murders and an entranced girl background the "Martin Kane" adventure. "True Detective Mysteries" will re late the story of tha Chicago Cowboy at 2:30 , , . and at 3:30 "Nick Carter" tackles tha "Case of tha Obsolete Broker." The Sunday "Secret Missions" broadcast at six p. m., will be a repeat of a "Secret Missions" broadcast aired last December 12, In which narrator Admiral Ellis M. Zacharias revealed that he had confidential information that the Russians had detonated an atomic bomb behind the iron curtain. In view of the announcement by President Truman last week regarding the detonation of an atomic bomb by. the Russians, Admiral Zacharias has decided to repeat last year's broadcast which contained the date of ex plosion, the scientists involved and the names of high-placed Rus sian officials who witnessed the event. (Sunday: 6 to 6:30 p. m.) Mel Pernell, pitcher for the Boeton Red Sox, visits "Twenty Queetions" at S Sunday night . . . followed by Walter Wlnchell at S:30, and Hollywood news-shots provided by eolumnist Louella Parsons at S:4S'. KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System 1490 on Your Dial REMAINING HOURS TODAY 8 0(t Frank Hemingway. 3 IS Music. 93fr Melody Mountain Boy. t oo Quick at Flaah. 25 John B Kennedy. 63ft Sporta Pag. 6:35 MuBlP. 6 40 Local Nawa. 6 45 Mu i.e. 7:00 Lombardo Land VBA. T to Music. 8:00 Happy Valley Cowhoya. t .TO Barna at Hit Orch. 900 Newg. 915 Dink Ttmplton. 9:30 Wreatllni Parada. 10:30 Dane Orch. 1100 Cut 10 Muale. 11:30 Sign Off. BIN DAT. OrTOBFB S. ltt. B OO Bark to God .Hour. 8:30 Vote of Prophecy. 900 Radio Btblc ClaaK 0 .10 Lutheran Hour. 10 00 Newt. 10:15 Organ Concert. 10 TO Music. 10:45 Momenta of Devotion. 1100 Church Services 12 00 Mulc 12:15 David Rosa. 12:30 Matter Radio Canary 12:45 National Newi. 1:00 House of Mvitery. 1:30 Martin Kane, Private Bye, 2 00 The Shadow 1 30 True DvJecttv Myateriea. 3:00 Ray Bloch ft-eaentt. 3:30 Nick Carter. Matter DttacUva, 4:00 Charlta Splvak Orch. 4:30 Family Theater. 5:00 Laymen a Hour. 5 30 Can You Top Thli? 6:00 Secret MUtoni. 6:30 Shetlah Graham. 6:45 Twin Viewa of tha Newt. T:00 Take A Number. 7:30 Roy Roger Show. 8:00 Twenty Oueatlnna. 6:30 Walter Wlnchell. 6:4.1 Louella Parwma. 9:00 Newt. 915 Memorable Muale. 6:30 American Legion. .9 45 Church of the Ooen Blbl. 10 no Muale of Manhattan. 10:30 Rum Morgan Orch. 11:00 Sign Off. TOMORROW ROY MUFF.- SMOKY MT. BOYS AND GIRLS "SMOKY MT. MELODY" AND ilsrrfng PAT O'BRIEN ROBERT RYMt" BARBARA HALE DEAN STOCKWELL s "Tta Bo TONIGHT "G-MEN'' and "GREEN PROMISE" JH illLJU DON'T (TTTTTtA teuwhy TURNED MONDAY, OCTOI.EE I, 1949 600 Sunriaa Serenade, 615 Newa. 6 20 Mu ale. 630RlM tt Shine. 6 45 County Altnt. 7.00 Hemingway. 715 Breakfast Gang. T JO Music. 7 45 Local Newa, 70 Music. gno Mutir for You. 6 M Modern Home. ' 6 45 Rusa Morgan Orch. 900 Wally'a Coffee Tima. 915 Book of Bargaina. 9 30 Man About Town. 9 40 Musical Interlude. 9 50 Shopperi Guide, 1000 Newa. 10:15 Gospel Singers. 10 30 Say it with Muale. 10.45 Art Baker. U:0O Ladlei Tint. 11:30 Queen for a Day, 12:00 Music for Noon 12 15 Sporta page of the Atr. 12:25 MubIc 12:40 Local Newi. 12:45 National Newt. 12:55 Market Report. 1:00 Man on tha Street 1:15 Party Line. 2:00 Aiainst the Storm, 2:30 Requeat Show. 3:00 Hoedown Party, 3 15 School Show, 3:30 MuaiC. 3 45 Music. 4 00 ruiion t-ewle Jr. 4:15 Hemingway. 4 30 Local Loan Show. 4 45 Newa. 5 00 Tip it Tunea. 5 15 Music 5 30 Tom Mix. e 00 Sewing Machine Center. 6:15 Mutual NewareeL 6:30 Sporta Pale. eas Music. 6 40 Local Newa. 6:451 Hear the Southland Singing. W Bill Henry. . 700 Dick Hayme't. 7:15 Sammy Kaye Show. 7 30 The Claeo Kid 8 00 Let Georia Do It 8 30 You Name It. 8:45 Bob Eberle Show. 8 55 Johnny Desmond. 900 Newa. 9:15 Newa. 9 15 Hi Neighbor. 9 30 Scandinavian Melody Time, 9 45 Fulton Lewll, Jr. 10:00 Murder by Expert. 10 30 Campua Salute. 11:00 Cuts to Mualc. TirnnAT. OCTORES 4, 1949. 600 Sunriaa Serenade. 6 15 Newa. 630- MubIc 630 Rise thing. I JTSHOWS S:40 p. m. Sat. Oct. 1, 1949 Tha Nawt-kavlow, Rotaburf, Ore. . S FRED J. CORNELL CELEBRATES EIGHTIETH I0TH0AY AT DINNER Fred J. Cornell celebrated his eightieth birthday at a most en joyable dinner party arranged by his daughter, Mrs. J. W. Bow man, at his home on South Main street Saturday evening. Fall. Ilowers and a birthday cake dec orated the table. Birthday gt(U were presented to Mr. Cornell. Covers were placed lor Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cornell, their son, Carl Cornell; Mrs. Ada Cox of Pontiac, Mich., Mrs. Louise Napier, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. George Cluck and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bowman. Mr. Cornell enjoys excellent health. and states he is looking forward to many more blrthdavs. Durlne the evening Mrs. Cox showed motion picture films she nad taken. WORLD COMMUNITY DAY PLANNED BY COUNCIL FOR NOVEMBER TH The Roseburg Council of Chur ch Women will observe World Community Day. November 4th at one-thirty o'clock at the First fresbyternn cnurcn. according to an announcement made by the president Mrs. Thomas Coates. All women of all churches i n Douglas county are urged to at tend. Father Alfred Tyson, of S t . George's Episcopal church, will be the speaker. Rev. Willis V. Erickson. pastor of Faith Luth eran church, will present vocal solos and will lead ine group singing. ' Following the service, the wo men of the Presbyterian church will serve tea. T:00 Hcmlnewa. V:1S Brrakfa.l Cnf. 7:30 Breakfast G.ns- T:4A Local N.wi. .7:5 Mumlc. 8.00 Haven Of Rett B 30 Modern Horn. B:tt Novaltm.- e.oo Wallv'i Coffa. Time. 8:1S Mum it Muttc. 8:30 Man About Town. 8:40 Muilral Interlude. 8 .TO Shoppar's Guide. 10 oo Newa. 10 13 Sweatwood Serenade. 10:30 6ay It with Muale. 10:43 Art Baker. 11:00 Ladlea Flrat 11 30 Queen for e Day. 12 ou Muttc at Noon. 1213 Sporta Pas. of the Air. 12 23 Music. 12 40 Local Newa. 12 43 National Newa. 12 33 Market Reports. 1:00 Man on tha Street 1:13 Listen to Lelbert. t:30 Standard School Broadcast. 2 00 Against tha Storm. a 30 Request Show. 8:00 Hoedown Party. 3:13 School Show. 3:30 Music. 3:43 David Rosa 4:00 rulton Lewis, Jr. 4.13 Hemlnfway. 4 30 Local Loan Show. 4:43 Music. 5 ou Straight Arrow. 3.10 Captain Midnight. 6:00 Cavalcade of Safety. 8:13 Mutual Newareal. 6:30 Sporta Page. 6:33 Musical Interlude. 6 40 Local Newa. ' 6 431 Hear the Scarthland fliujlnt. 6. VI Bill Henry. 7 00 Frank Purdy. 7:13 Music you Remember. 7 30 Behind the Mayor Desk. 7:43 Music. B OO Box IS. 8 30 jovln Jamboree. BOO News. e is Ruth & Judy 8:30 Guest Star. 8 43 Fulton Lewla. Jr. ( 10:00 Gregory Hood. , 10:30 Rusa Morgan's Orch. 11:00 Cue to Musle. TWKOBROW 2 DAYS ONLY i m east MfW . af 3 I . a. dfc. . , ' i Is t' OfUn ImitaUd , . . ntvtr tqualltd . . . Paramount'! masttupitct of tp tacit, romance and action . . . tht story of Kentucky's blood iest feud warl m "THE TRAIL OFTHE Starrlnf GJoT ftiO SYLVIA HINIY f MmHORRAY.- SIDNEY- FONDA Wm Ends Tonight "STREETS OF LAREDO" CLUB MEMBERS SURPRISE MRS. E. E. LYDA JR., WITH GALLOPING BREAKFAST Members of the newly organ ized Lazy Daisy Sewing club surprised Mrs. E. E. Lyda. Jr., with a galloping breakfast, when they called at her attractive home on Sunset Lane Tuesday morning at eight-thirty o'clock. The fun of these galloping par ties is that they are gotten up on the spur of the moment and the guests go in housecoats and house dresses. The person thev call on serves the breakfast and Is not allowed to serve anything that is not already iri the home. Surprising Mrs. Lyda were Mrs. A. F. Mitchell, Mrs. Leo Wilkerson, Mrs. Floyd Otterson, Mrs. L. W. Pittam. Ms. Monty Glover and Mrs. M. C. Smith. Hi0 TODAY AND SUNDAY and LASH LoRUI "SON OF A BADMAN" ,511' , rxA .'I ' 0 SEE- A railroad bridge blown to Kingdom Cornel SEE Tha 'oMtsUtr and the moMntalsi youth battle It atl k PARAMOUNT CHAMPION HOUGH! IACK IY rOPULM DEMAND! eV- 1