Roseburg Loses To Bobcats 19- 0 Red Sox Could Clinch Race Today Myrtle Point Easily Downs Indian Squad Roseburg Lint Fails To Hold At Pointers Make Yardagt At Will By CHUCK PLUMMER The Roseburg Indians, show ing weakness in almost every po sition Inst to a hot Myrtle Point team Friday night. 190. The Indian line was like a sieve at the tackles, with the Bobcats ripping off gain after gain on .iff tackle slants and end sweeps. Roseburg never jot inside M NT tie Point's 30-yard line, in the one-sided contest, while the home-town Pointers were in Roseburg's halt of the field most of the time. Myrtle Point scored three time and were inside the Roseburg 20 three more times during the con test. Score Early The Bobcats started a scoring drive as soon as they got the ball, when Roseburg's Bob Scott punted to their 35. Ralph Clar no, Myrtle Point halfback and star of the game, ran the ball back to the 43. Jim Krantz, the other Pointer halfback, ran to Roseburg's 49. Clarno then made another five yards, but an off side penalty put Myrtle Point back on the 49 again. Then Bob cat Fullback Glen Compton took off for 24 yards to the Roseburg 23-yard line. Clarno and Compton advanced the ball to the four, where Clarno went over for a touchdown, giving Myrtle Point a 6-0 lead. Myrtle Point started another drive later in the period, but when they reached the Rose burg 30, a 13-yard penalty ended their drive. Myrtle Point threatened twice In the second quarter and one threat was good for another touchdown. The drive started when Myrtle Point recovered a fumble by Frank Weber, Rose burg fullback, on the Roseburg 35. In two plays, Clarno went to the 8-yard line, where Compton went over tackle for the touch down. The extra point was kick ed to make the score 13-0. Again Threaten The other second period threat by Myrtle Point was when Riot Bingham, Bobcat quarterback, intercepted a pass on the 50 and ran it back to the 45. In two plays, Bingham reached the Roseburg 26, where on two con- . , .,. r.t k U 1 l V CT pauses IU 1 J I .1 1 Ul U ItWf sham, Myrtle Point was on the Roseburg three. But Scott, Rose burg haflback, intercepted a pass Dependable Performan Designed end built by Diiitoo, America's foremost taw manv facturer, this is the taw yov need to lower your cosh and step up your production. It's easy to operate, and built for trouble-free service, let ut give you all the facts about the Diiitoo Chain Saw with Mercury Gasoline Engine. Come in and talk it ever. CARL J. PEETZ 920 S. Stephens Phone 27 SI YOUR AUTO LIABILITY INSURANCE COSTS LESS WITH FARMERS $5,000 - $10,000 Bodily Injury $5,000 Property Damage Liability YOU GET A Standard Form Policy With No Extra Charge Far Age, Mileage or Butinett Use Similar Savings on All Forms of Collision FARMERS INSURANCE EXCHANGE j Sat. Oct. 1, 1949 -Tho News Dusette, Weaver Will Battle Tonight For Wrestling Title The Roieburg wrestling fans are getting a treat Saturday night at the wrestling arena, when Matchmaker Elton Owen pre sents Georges Dusette and Buck Weaver in a Pacific Coast light heavyweight title bout. The last time these two met here in a title bout, Weaver won the match on a disqualification ever the French-Canadian. All night, Weaver had been climbing through the ropes wherever Dusette came close to putting on hit strong full-nelson. Finally Dusette tired of having the Indianan run out on him, so he fol lowed him out of the ring and began to bounce hit head on the floor and ring's edge. Naturally the referee had no alternative but to award the match to Weaver on a foul. Pro-Dutette fans hollered long and loud but to no avail. The fant are tired of Weaver't ways, cocky and sure, and will welcome e defeat for him. Dusette it just the man to do it to him, providing Weaver holds ttill and doesn't climb on his bicycle. In the opener Carl Myers, newcomer from Milwaukee, Wis., will take on Hungarian Al Szasx. It should be a terirfie crowd pleaser. Ex-Leaguer Waits Outcome Of Yankee-Card Struggles By "PICK" MALARKEY Out at the veteran's hospital near The Grove there is a sturdy, better than six footer, by the name of Bruce Hitt who is following the struggles of the New York Yankees and the St. Louis Cardinals as they battle down the home stretch in the American and National leagues. Hitt has more than a passing interest In the last drive, be cause in 1917 he pitched for the St. Louis club, then after two years in the Navy young Hitt followed the Cardinal manager Miller Huggins to the Yankees. With the Yankees the year Bruce broke in was the great Babe Ruth playing the out field. Before joining the Navy and while with St. Louis, he had a good season. Won a few more than he lost. Hitt was just a kid from a small high school at Indian Gap, Texas, when Miller Huggins brought him to the St. Louis organization. After the first sea son up with the Yankees a sa lary dispute arose and Bruce played sem-pro ball. Back with the Yankees in '21 he had a not-so-good season and was traded to the Kansas City Blues of the and Strickllng completed a pass to End Dale Blanck on the 30, as the half ended. Roseburg kicked off to Myrtle Point in the second half and the Pointers began another march from their own 25. Krantz ran to the 35, where Compton, on a re verse, took off for 45 yards to Roseburg's 20. The Roseburg line stiffened and the Bobcats lost the ball on downs. Later In the period, Clarno started his own scoring drive. First he ran around right end for 22 yards to the Roseburg 18. Then he picked up a lateral from Quar terback Rick Bingham and ran to the six. From there he scored around left end to give the Point er's their final 19 point edge. Play bogged down in the fourth quarter, but Myrtle Point again reached scoring position when End Marv Hammack intercepted a pass by Roseburg Quarterback Ron Strlckling on his own 5 and ran it to the Roseburg six. But Roseburg's line held again and kept Myrtle Point from scoring. There were no more threats in the final period. The center of Roseburg's line, including Jim Shrum, George Packard, Bill Wagner, Durward Boyles, and John Raushert, are to be commended on their play. Paul H. Krueger 636 8. Stephens Phone 21S $10.00 Current rotes each tix months. Plus $5.00 non recurring policy fee. Over 8,000 Policyholders Service and Stability For Over Twenty-One Years HP Ml - Review, Roseburg, Ort. American association. The base ball career of Hitt came to an end in 1924 and his last organized baseball was pitch ed for Denver of the old Mid West league. The oil wells of Texas called and the ex-big leaguer followed construction work with the Big Lake company and the McGuff interestes. "If the Yankees and Cardinals Flay it off for the world series got to pull for St. Louis. That club is my first love and I sure hope they finish on top," thus drawled the Texan while he went about his duties as a member of the operating personnel at the receiving ward out here at "The Vets." Bruce Hitt has been with the Veterans Administration since 1937. Gamt Board May Boost Bag Limit On Quail PORTLAND, Oct. 1 P) The State Game commission will hold, a public hearing here Oct 14 on whether the quail bag lim it should be raised from five to eight birds a day. Recent surveys have shown that there are more valley quail than had been expected. The commission is considering up ping the limit to eight a dav, and upping the season limit from 15 to 24. LEAGUE LEADERS (By The Associated Press) AMERICAN l.RAGirs Batting Williams, Boston. .344: Kelt, Detroit. .340. Home runs Wllllami, Boiton, 43; Ste phens, Boaton, 39. Pitrhing-Klnder.. Boston, 33-3. .831; Parnell, Boaton, 25-7. .781. NATIONAL I.EAGTR Battlnf Robeinson. Brooklyn, .342; Slaughter. St. Loula. .337. Runs batted In Kiner. Pittaburfh, 126; Robinson, Brooklyn. 123. Home runs Kiner, Pittsburgh, 54; Mu lls I. St. Loull. 34. Pitching Roe. Brooklyn. 15-3, .750; Branca. Brooklyn. 13-3. .722. The center of the Roseburg line was the only place Myrtle Point could not gain. Lineups: Rsirbarg 101 Olson Scofleld .. Packard Boyles . Shrum Parr ( Myrtle Paint Worsham Mnrrla ... Leeper Zeller Payton May Hammack Bingham Clarno ..RE . RT .. RG. ..C ...LG. ..XT LI Blanck Strickllng . Van Horn Srott , Weber O . LH ... RH . r ...... Krantz . Compton Runa for Roaeburg: Ends. Wadsworth; Tackles. Rowe; Guards. Wagner; Cen ters. Burnette: Backs. Kenny. Coen. Officials Adama, Swlenfuit, Salisburg. all of Coquille. SPECIALS MINNEAPOLIS-MOUNE POWER UNIT, 52 HP, Electric Start with Automatic Shut-off on Oil and Temperature. FAIRBANKS MORSE, 5000 WATT, AC Automatic Light Plant. Can be used for Light or Power. MARQUETTE, 220 VOLTS, AC, ARC WELDER Complete with Rod Kit, Cablet & Helmet. BUY WHERE YOU SHARE IN THE SAVINGS DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange ROSEBURG, OREGON Phone 98 Located W. Washington St. and S. P. R. R. Tracks Boston Hopes For Decision Over Yankees Panted Is Matched Against Stengel In Crucial Gam Of Day By ED COR RIG AN Associated Press Sports Writer This could be the day of deci sion in the major league pennant races. The Boston Red Sox can clinch the American league flag by knocking off their challengers, the New York Yankees, today at Yankee stadium. If they miss, they still have a chance on the last day tomorrow s nee a Yankee victory today would throw the race into another tie. Over In the National, a com-1 bination of a Booklyn victory and a St. Louis Cardinal defeat could win the championship for the Dodgers, who now leaa oy one game. The Dodgers play the Phillies in Philadelphia while the Cards, with three straight defeats haunting them, take on the tail-end Cubs in Chicago. Could Main Playoff A loss for the Dodgers in one of the remaining two games and a sudden come-to-life for the Cards could force the National race into a best-of three playoff. Yesterday, the A's polished off the New Yorkers, 4-1, while the last place Cubs throttled the Cards, 6-5. The Red Sox helped themselves by drubbing the Wash ington Senators, 11-9. while the Dodge i had an open date. Bosox Manager McCarthy is leaving nothing to chance. He's tossing Mel Parnell, his 25 game winner, against the Yanks today. ine narrassea Lasey blengel, in his most desperate spot of the searon, will send his top winner. Allle Keynolds, to the mound for the Yankees. Joe DiMaggio will rejoin the team a. d may play. Up To Dodgers In tre National league race, the Cards realize that the final out come will hinge on the perform ance of the Dodgers. Harry Brecheen, 14-game winner, will lake the hill for the Cards against Bob Chipman. Barney Shotton has named Ralph Branca, the big right hander to work today's game in Shibo park for the Dodgers. The Senators counted 18 hits including five doubles. The turn of events at the Yan kee stadium was on the sane side. The Yanks simply couldn't hit Dick Fowler, whom they sent to the showers In three innings in the opening game of the series. Aiding and abetting the A's cause were Sam Chapman and Ferris Fain who clouted home runs. They meant everything for Faln's came with tNvo on. Both were off Ed Lopat, Yank starter. The skidding Cards also heir, d beat themselves, as has often been the case of late. Stan Musial lost a fly ball off the bat of Roy Srnal ley In the sun, and it fell for a double. That set the stage for two Cub runs in the third and it made the difference. Ralph Kiner hit his 54th home run of the season to help the Pittsburgh Pirates to a 3-2 victory over the Cincinnati Reds. Kiner needs two more home runs to tie Hack Wilson's National league record of 56. set In 1930. In the only other game of the day, the Cleveland Indians, be hind Bob Feller, moved Into a third place tie with Detroit in the American league by dumping the Tigers, 6-4. I ... Fans Stand In Lin For Big Gam Opening NEW YORK, Oct. 1 (PI Scores of fans stood an all-night vigil at the bleacher entrance of Yankee stadium. They were waiting for the 10 a.m. window opening to buy tick eia to today's crucial game be tween the Yankees and Boston Red Sox. With lunches and pillows, they started lining up in trie afternoon. First In line was Ralph J. BpI core, a 35-year-old carnival work er from Chicago. He said he attended yesterday's game, won by the Philadelphia Athletics 4-1, and then rushed out to take his place at the gate. Uclans Power To 3527 Vin Over Oregon Bruins Show Surprising Strength In Downing Favored Webfoot Team LOS ANGELES. Oct. 1 -. The Jury has reached a verdict. UCLA has got a football team. They proved it last night in handing ambitious, highly favor ed Oregon a 35-27 whacking. It put a severe crimp in the Rose bowl hopes of the co-champions of the 1948 Pacific Coast Confer ence campaign and was the Ore gon's first conference setback In 14 games over a two-year period. Next comes Stanford, and lat er on California and the vaunted Trojans of Southern California. Maybe the Bruins will hit a snag. But they've already done more than expected, and so ha their new hero from Vanderbilt, Coach Henry R. (Red) Sanders. In whip ping Oregon State, Iowa and last night a fighting but stunned Web foot squad. PHe Up Vardaoo Hitting the scoreboard for five touchdowns, and bringing their toial points in three games to in to me enemy i bo, tne Bruins belted the Orvonna tinmaxvifiillu on the ground 310 yards to 38. Halfback Ernie Johnson was the individual star, accumulating sis yaras running ana 5b by air; passing for one touchdown, scor- inff one hirrvsolf an1 clu.lnn k Bruins to two more. Sharing hon ors would be the Bruin blockers, and Fullback Cliff SrhrnerW End Bob Wilkinson and the re mainder of the Sanders men. Woodley Lewis of Oregon un corked a spectacular 93-yard klckoff return, sprinting straight down the rpnisr tt ths flAtl A -.1 Earl Stelle, Coach Jim' Aiken's iiuai tt-roacK replacement lor the superb Norman Van Brocklin, kent his team slu n... A . ....... with an air attack that netted yaras to tne Bruin's 89. UCLAns Score First UCLA got off to a 70 lead. The Deskv Wphfnnte Lsnl I. ; it but they never quite gained the auvamaKc, "na a unai touchdown in the fourth quarter cinched the Contest to I h inv nl niMl Af u 43,137 rooters. UCLA held a half time lead of 21-13. Two Oregon touchdowns in the third quarter would be hard to duplicate. The first was set up on the five-yard line by a de flected Oregon pass that bounc ed Into a surprised Webfoot re ceiver. Soon after, another de flection landed in the welcome arms of Darrell Robinson, Web foot end, who stepped a few yards for the six points. The UCLA ground attack, cen tered On Oregon's pnH and tntk. les, plus tremendous blocking, spelled the difference. Elkfon Outclasses Oakland 40 To 20; Glendale Victor Elklon bounced Into the win column in impressive fashion by rolling over an out-classed Oakland team 40 to 20. The Elks trealed their home town fans right, after dropping last Fri day's opener against a highly rated Coos River team. Highlight of the game was Jim Hlrshberger's 60-yard kicK off return to touchdown :n the second half, Glendale turned In the top scor ing effort in games reported last night by trouncing Camas Val ley 52 to 7. In running uo their total, Glen dale took advantage of experi ence gained in two other games played this season, and were ais playing on their home field. This was Camas Valley's Xirst game of the year. Biggest surprise of the day was Glide's performance in hold ing down last year's B league champs, Yoncalla, to two touch downs. Although Yoncalla won the contest 12 to 7, Glide looked like an entirely different team from the one which was beaten by lopsided scores last year, according to fans who witnessed the content. Best Time 7 Seconds In Steer Wrestling NEW YORK, Oct. 1 (.T) Jack Favor of Arlington, Tex., turned In the best time recorded in the specialty this year when he won NOW IC THI TIMI TO ORDER YOUR Next Winters Fuel O 16" Groan Slabwood O Planar Ends ORDER YOUR WOOD NOW WHILE IUPPLIIS ARE PLENTIFUL AND YOU CAN SET PROMPT DELIVERY. WE ALSO HAVEt Sawdust 4' Slabwood U" Mill Ends U" Dry Slobwood ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Phone 441 IASEIALL STANDINGS NATIONAL LSAOIS w L Pel. M ss a. a ss 57 . SO TS .320 73 TS .40 13 Tt .tm 10 SS Wl 01 SI .H SO SS .3SS Philadelphia Boaton . , New York Pittsburgh ClncinnaU Chicago Yesierdaye results; Chicago 0. St. Loula S. Pittsburgh 3, Cincinnati S. lOnly gmes scheduled. Boston New York Cleveland uetroit Philadelphia imcago ... St. 1 .ouoa Washington V.ll.r.v'l Mo un it P ton 0 Philadelphia 4. ..ew York 1. Cleveland g. Detroit 4. tOnly games scheduled). Medford Tornado Continues Strong To Beat Redding By MATT KRAMER Asocia!ed Press Staff Wrttor Medford's high-scoring team rolled to .its third straight vic tory last night to emerge def initely as one of Oregon's top con testants for the 1949 state high school football title. Medford bowled over Redding, Calif., 40-0, capping previous run away wins over Roseburg and Til lamook. Keeping pace were such un beaten and untied teams as Hills boro, McMinnvllle, Eugene, As toria and Grant of Portland. Hillsboro trounced West Linn, 31-6. McMinnvllle downed New berg. 20-7. Astoria defeated Mil waukee. 18-6. Grant buried Lin coln of Portland, 27-0. Eugene overcame the always stout Bend. 13-6. in a big six league encount er. Salem stayed in the big six race with a close 7-6 escape from Albany. Klamath Falls got a scare from lightly regarded Ashland, but managed to win, 21-18. National League Football Teams Slated To Clash NEW YORK. Oct. 1 (tfV-The National football league's two Chicago powers, the Cardinals and Bears, clash at Comiskey park tomorrow in one of the most important games of the young professional season. The rival All-America confer ence vies for the day's spotlight with a game at Cleveland be tween the champion Browns and the Los Angeles Dons. In the other National league game, the Los Angeles Rams In vade Green Bay to play the Pack ers, who will be under new tut lage for the first time in 28 years. Curly Lambeau only this week gave up the Green Bay coaching reins to his three assistants. The second All-America game sends the winless Baltimore Colts against Buffalo's Bills at Buffalo. Two games were played last night, one in each league. In the AAC the San Francisco 49ers won their fourth game in five starts, beating the Chicago Rockets, 2- 24. In the National league, the Ne York warns scored tneirt tri umph of the season, turning back their Polo ground guests, the New York Bulldogs, 314. It was the Bulldog's second straight set back. the steer wrestling event of the National Kodeo at Madison Square Garden last night In sev en seconds flat. Other winners of the evening included Ross Gullahlde, Lake view, Ore., saddle bronc riding. WANTED Used Car Salesman For Outside Calls Car and Gaa furnishad while en Job. Pre-Wor Deal Must bo married man and know Douglas County. Give occupations for the lost ton years. Wo will train you and help eloso your salts. Write Box 27 News-Review AMltlCAN LSAOIS W L Pet. M 5S ..! ,, os st .ta ,- ST OS .972 .' rr ss .371 SO 73 .310 JT j .03 SO .411 I SI InO .3.13 . 101 .333 College Teams Vin Streaks In Jeopardy NEW YORK. Oct. 1 PV One of the longest slreaks in major collegiate football circles will be in Jeopardy and another could he snapped by an upset when the undergraduate grid clubs nudge their way today into the crowded sports picture with Important tus sles carded all across the land. Michigan, defending Big Ten champion and mythical nation al tilieholder, carried a record of 24 straight triumphs into Its in tersectional struggle with Stan ford In Palo Alto. Calif. The game Is rated a toss-up. Noire Dame goes Into Its bat tle with Washington, also In the West, without having tasted de feat in its last 29 games, although the Irish have been tied twice over the span. The Huskies are 14 to 35 point underdogs. Oregon Saltan One of the roast powers re surging strongly is UCLA, which won Us third straight game of the season last night, beating fa vored Oregon, 35-27. Boston College, swamped bv Oklahoma last week bounded back to subdue Wake Forest, 137, at Boston. Villanova won its third straight game by beating Detroit, 34 7. and Maryland thrashed George town, 33-7, In other topflight games. Ponn Moots Army In the East today, Penn State's Invasion of Army will share the spotlight with Ivy league encount ers sending Dartmouth to Penn sylvania and Harvard to Colum bia. Three big ten games will hold the stage in the midlands. They are Iowa at Purdue. Indiana at Ohio State and Wisconsin at Illi nois. Pittsburgh will be at North western, Minnesota at Nebraska, Marquette at Michigan Stale and Texas A. and M. at Oklahoma. The top southern contests send Georgia Tech against Tulane and Georgia against North Carolina. Texas Christian Invades Arkan sas In the Southwest conference. Inter-league struggles in Dixie in clude Duke at Tennessee, Rice at Louisiana Slate and Missouri at Southern Methodist. Texas plays host to Idaho. Southern California's Pacific coast favorites entertain Wash ington State and California, the defending conference champion. meets Oregon State at Portland. The Conestoga wagon used in the U. S. covered wagon days was 16 feet long and its wheels were as high as a man. Most of the mica produced In the United States comes from western North Carolina. Priced Tractors SEE VJH AT YOU GET in a -e-KCSst 3) 's, Delivered te your farm completely serviced, Ready te Go KRomy 139700 Up to 18 All Umpqua 125 t. Pine FIGHTS LAST NIGHT ' R v The Associated Press' PHILADELPHIA Ike Williams. iM'i, Trenton. N. J., outpointed Doug Ralford. New York. 10 non-title. Lea, Jankina, 130. Sweetwater, Te.. outpointed EddsO Gtosa. 138. Philadelphia. 10 CHICAGO Beau Jack. Ml, Auguato, Ga. outpointed Llvlo etinell!, 17, Ber gamo, Italy. 10 HOLLYWOOD. Calif. Art Aragon, 134' ,. Loa Angelea, outpoJttad Joha L. Davis. 1JS Oskland. 10. SAN DIEGO. Calif.-Pedra Jlmlneg, 100',. San franclaco. outpointed Jimmy Gardea. 104. Loa Angelea. 10. Btl.rAST. Ireland Rinty Honaghan, 111, Belfast, and Terry Allen. Ill's. Lon don, drew. 13 iMonaghan retalna tttlei. MELBOURNE, Australia Harold Dada, 13T. Chicago, outpointed Fran riannery. 128't. Melbourne. 13. CALGAHY. Alia Buddy Washington, 133. Pocatello. Idaho, knocked out Bea ny Chaves. 133, ban Jose. Calif., L Sacramento's Bought By White Sox CHICAGO, Oct. l.-4.?nThe Chicago White Sox have an- nounced the purchase of Ken nel h Holcombe, 31-year-old right handed pitcher from Sacramento of the Pacific Coast league. Holcombe won 19 and lost 10 for the third place Solons this season, winning nine straight during one span. FISHERMEN! You can now get boats and motors at Burton Farm, 3 miles below Scottsburg on the Umpqua River Highwoy. DUCKETTS FEXTtmi New MOONEYmibi tax Meeem 2N0' ! Lunges 230' J cgutss T IIOaLRH. Quese. Dawtev Suv on MS Sii it. FlvIt- NOW f 6REEN FLYING SERVICE , ROOieul AUVORJ Suit Yourself at Jot Richards with Higher Months to Pay i Tractor Co. Phone 414-J