SLABWOGD in 12-16 and 24 In. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Phont 658 SEE US Expert Fender Bodv Refinishinq Will III ..' N N I CAN'T STAMP TWlC. WONT cc aei P TO SLEEP TDN'C' HT THINK: IP BETTER CALL Ur ikID A.W1 WALTER IF HE'LL COME AN.P . . r- itr-Br TONIGHT.' 7 ) V V NO. THAT'LL MAKE IT WORSE.' NEVER HIRE ABOV FOR ATXX3 SITTER IF yDU DON'T WAMT A CASE OF ALIEMATIOM OF ' AFFECTIONS THEJ2E'S -JUST SOMETHING BETWEEN BOVS AND FOGS CTR.vVii.Liam HEROES ARE MAPE-NOT BORN Adirondak Guide Of Old School Has'"' 30 iw-tiw now,.r.ti.w, Rosebud, o. Low Opinion Of Modern-Day Version By HAL BOYLE INLET, N. Y. (.1) There Isn't better woodsman In all the central Adirondak mountain! than Gerald Kenwell. "Know, every deer In the hills by in stomp," ay hia neighbor.. Kenwell Is a cat footed man of 1 .. . U iU. I I .i . " a"""-'" " -". nlrttlmr. Eden. He a ,nelr enaiess re c-n still .ling a fresh-killed buck ""''"'"". i.;. r.t.... mwA i. saga ur snows Toia and eves as fresh OUT OUR WAY By J. R. William. COMPLETE IB J OIK 1 . r 565 and up UMINO IXTIA L0CKW00D MOTORS Rosa and Oak Phone 80 Canyonville High Elects Officers, Dates Grid Games Students of the Canyonville high school met last week to elect new officers. Results were as follows: Freshman class, president, Vernon Wheeler: vice president, Jim Covey; secretary-treasurer. Bill Hoffee: reporter, Shirley Francis: entertainment manager Charlena Wolfer; class advisor, Mrs. YVimberly. Sophomore class, president, Pick Cloud; vice president, Pat Jane Wolfer: reporter, Lucelle McNees; secretary treasurer. Kops: entertainment manager, Ira Wheeler; class advisor, Air. Dowd. Junior Class, president, Ernest Shinpen: vice president, Betty Clark; secretary-treasurer, Danny Wait; class advisor, Mrs. ferky. Senior class, president, I n a May Spencer; vice president, Kenneth Mc Ginnis, secretary treasurer! Dora Jean Spring-stead Class advisor, Mr. Krasky, The eighth grade officers are; President, Delbert Mo Ginnis; vice president, Ernest Shippen; secretary-treasurer, Barbara Ku hnhenn; entertainment manager, Dora Jean Springstead, sergeant at-arms, Vernon Wheeler. Dance Schdul The "Football Dance" will be sponsored by the sophomore class Friday night. Sept. 30, lol- Fixing Hots is no fun.... TRADE TIRES NOW! i vOvOtt. y&tPfr'A WI'U BUY THF I vNt ' A "lAST J Mj-r-1-'1 -A-'-. Husky nw Goodytars lav what it taktt for long, taf atrvic txtra trong cord body for greater blowout protection and a sure-footed tough tread that wears and wears and wears. Come In and let us work out a dealt Liberal Trade-in Allowance For Your Old Tires A small down pay mtnt and as little as 125 " A WEEK buys FOUR new COOOVEAR fires and tubes lowing the football game to be played at Riddle, between Can yonville and Riddle. This will be the first school dance of the sea son. The football schedule has bf n announced as follows: Sept. 30, Riddle at Riddle; Oct. 15, Coos River at Coos River; Oct. 21, Camas Valley at Camas Vallev; Oct. 28, Glendale at Canyonville; Mov. 4, Yoncalla at Canvonville; Nov. 11 Riddle at Canyonville. Black bear were once found In the areas of all 48 states of the United States. PRUDENTIAL LIFI Insurance :40racc c. hero tpMiil Agsnt 111 Wst Oak OfflM T12J Rm. I71-J miles to the hunting camp he has l , ' n" neroe" "r, trea, run for 32 years. "The camp is in X"-U,k'n WV ln ,h P.rm ' the center of a 50-mile stretch of ,m,2Su'h 8nd Fn 7?ch virgin wilrim ; Louie. ' a hermit-like Canadian vlrgm wilderness ' lumberman who schooled Kenwell Many city-bred people picture a him.i( ln thr lore oI tne woods, hunting guide as a brush-faced. Hess, an ox-built man who tobacco-chewing illiterate who cuid carrv out ,wo buck, on nis never had the common sense to broad back, is a legend among come to town. Gerald doesn t fit . Adirondak hunters. He could use into that portrait at all He is a any ,001, ,, once ,kinned , wo courteous, well-bred, widely readlWnn a safety pin man who stayed In the woods by I . Kred wa wha't you wouId ca, choice. And he has his own opin-1, determined man," recalled iun ui pt-upi w uu uuhu mrir lives out in stone cities and never wake up to the smell of balsam. I "Nature put you on earth to keep busy, he said, and "you'll keep busy or pay the penalty." Gerald doesn t have much re spect for modern-day guides w ho eo to tne lorest in automobiles. He likes to yarn about the real WINDOWS DOORS FRAMES PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 Gerald. "Never would give up. Never would back away from a hear either. Used to go right Into their caves after them. "One time Fred caught a bear making a bed of soruce boughs in the deep snow. Fred was on snow shoes and didn't have a gun, but he said 'I want that bear.' "So he tied his hatchet to a long pole and swung it at the bear, trying to bash in Its skull. The bear Just grabbed the hatchet and sat on it. Then Fred tied his knife to another pole and crept uo ..nd tried to stab the bear to death. The bear finally grabbed this pole, too, and I don't know who was madder him or Fred. I He tried to grab Fred, but couldn't catch him in the deep 1 snow. "Finally Fred snowshoed back to hia cabin, grabbed up a gun and came back and got his bear." In his latter vears French Louia 'Insisted on living alone In the I wilderness, and developed his own brand of economics. He had ; garden patch and 100 hens. "I called on him once and found one end of the cabin piled with eggs," said Gerald. 'When I asked him what he was goin? to do with them, he said: I "Oh, mix them with a little I venison and feed them back to 'the hens, I guess."' Umpqua Valley Hardware A hem owntd and ooenttd its 2uz N. Jackson Phont 73 I '149 Taste the new 'Bohemian" ( "Everybody Is Asking for It" oasflT Western Distributing Co., Phont 1294-L 50 1 mxi) k m Ideal for maintenance and shipping depart nents, schools, display companies, sign shops, home work shops, woodworking shops of all kinds. Delta 8" TiltingWrbor Saw ! ell clrcler-sew werli elckly, easily, ecceretely O Compact Boor Model fas la nu pan O Caanaaiaa werkia kaltht HVt' Tafcaa niiamai vankal CM oi 2A' IV I 31" na-iiM ubla e Kip face X labia O Sef-f frateffvof taiaVnilf O "Super-tar" taw atrarat mnA aalrtaaa ll-mrVi( aarfaca at Irool otbliiia, ami aott-kiAbatk tmacrt " aauiaauaa cm Takaa larsa Or aauU Iraaat raaaaa O Other taiPans foe lca( taw lata saai oparanof aauafaoioai Com In soon fo se rSt Dtfo 8" Tilting-Arbor Saw. Only low-priced car with all these EXTRA VALUES . . . and we really mean EXTRA VALUES 4 Ji 11 Fisher Body Styling and Luxury with smooth, graceful curves, new in terior richness and such extra luxuries as Push-Button Door Handles. T lI I aSli)iM V II I World's Champion Valvo-ln-Head Inglno the extra efficient power plant with the valve-in-head design that's setting the trend for the automotive industry. Fisher Unisteel Body Construction with steel M elded to steel above, be low and all around you for the highest degree of solidity, quietness and safety. Certl-Safe Hydraulic Brakes more , outstanding than ever before with new Dubl-Lije Rivetless brake linings that last up to Chic as long. Curved Windshield with Panoramic Visibility supplying all that txtra vision which means extra safety In driving with fuller, freer view all about you. Center-Point Steering with control centered between the front wheels for maximum driving ease with minimum driver fatigue. Longer, Heavier, with Wider Tread the big car in the low-price field, with all the advantages of more riding comfort, road-steadiness and safety. Extra Economical to Own and Operate and traditionally worth more when you trade; for Chevrolet is America's most wanted motor car new or used! 5-Inch Wide-Base Wheels the widest rims in the low-price field plus extra low-pressure tires for greater stability and riding-comfort EXTRA Values are exclusively yours at lowest cost in Chevrolet! Th $tylUn D Ui 4-Door Sex. on HANSEN .AAOTOR CO. CARTER TIRE CO. Oak & Stephens Phone 446 444 N. Stephens Phone 1683