2 Tha News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Frl., Sept. 30, 1949 Chinese Reds Set Up Government By The Associated Press Mao Tze-tung, long the leader of China's communists, today was elected head of the new Red regime In Peiping. The communist radio In Pel ping said Mao was named chair man of the "Central Peoples government" of "the peoples re public of China." Mao will preside over a go vernment council which, previous broadcasts have said, will be the highest ruling authority. The peasant's son, who help ed to found the Chinese Commu nist party In 1921, was elected unanimously by the political consultative conference. The conference, dominated by communists but Including non communist representatives, I setting jp the new government In Peiplng. The broadcast was heard by the Associated Press at San Francisco. FIRES UNDER CONTROL Douglas county fires were In the "mop up" stage today, with about 20 men and several pump ers at work, reported M. M. Nel son, Umpqua National Forest Supervisor. He said a couple spot fires were located when the smoke cleared a bit yesterday, but everything appears under con trol. It Is estimated there are more than 3 million motor can on V. S. highways. For " ops' I I I n Dralnbeards See Phil Durnam Linoleum Laying and Venetian Blinds 920 S. Main 1336 J . 1MB ROSEBURG GRANGE SUPPLY Now Operated By Oregon Grange Wholesale Harold Hofferber, Manager Your Farm Supply Swift's Feeds Seeds Insecticides Feed Troughs Seed Cleaning and Custom Grinding Roseburg Grange Supply Phono 176 NEW MEET THE Meet Clarence Honn, owner ond manager of New Method Cleaners who three years ago opened the doors of his shop for the first time. His faith in Roseburg is con firmed by the ever increas ing patronacje of his clean ing plant. Clarence is o vet eran of more than 17 years experience in the dry clean ing field. All personnel have a total of more than 62 years actual experience. NO ORCHIDS NO FREE CIGARS Nope, nothing given away no birthday presents except the usual top quality work we have always offered. When your clothing is processed at New Method Cleaners you're lure it's done right. Phone 1008-R today for our free pickup ond delivery service. NEW METHOD CLEANERS 217 E. Douglas St. Phone 1008-R Congress Gets Frtsh Threat From Truman (Continued from Page One) quent caller on Mrs. Carleton iiadley of St. Louis, might be getting married soon. 3. Declared that the country needs a "real, honest free press" worse than anything In the world. 4. Said that in these critical days of an uneasy peace, "It Is dangerous to try to go back" to the 1890 isolationist attitude and that the country must "catch up with the moral spirit that will match the material In which wo live." Stands By Pudges The chief executive declared that his party will battle on for enactment of its 1948 platform pledges. "Now, I havi told the Congress and the leaders in the Congress that we are going to fight It out on that basis if it takes all sum mer and winter, and all next summer," he said. Approximately 9,000 persons Jammed into Kansas City's muni cipal auditorium to hear the speeches. Nearly 3,000 of them Raid $11 a plate at the dinner to onor Boyle. They Included Cabi net members, other top-level Washington officials and gover nors from several states. Mr. Truman came through with this comment on Barkley, who earlier addressed the celebrants as "fellow Mlssourians." "We are glad we are very glad that we have managed to get our distinguished vine-president to visit a place in Missouri ouhilde of St. Louis. The vice president Is a grand man, and I am proud that he is my friend and counsellor, and I also am ex ceeding glad that he is about to become a citizen of Missouri." Barkley's daughter, Mrs. Max O. Tniitt, scoffed at the idea that Mr. Truman's remarks, or those of the vice-president, had any serious significance Insofar as marriage wa concerned. I In his most caustic reference I In monlha to newspaper oppon ents In the 1948 election, the pres- loent saia: "We did quite a bit to strength en the Democratic party last No- Under New Management! Headquarters for Massey-Harris Form Machinery Deep Freeze Boxes Gasoline Tools 222 S. Spruce METHOD CLEANERS YEARS OLD TOMORROW BOSS 'V.,' s ",'; ''.: i J ' pi ! ' -jr sill ' .iV.. 1 1 Vv I Viwut" ' - P If 9 MRS. WALLACE SPIRES, American Rd Cross volunteer, above, is pictured working with patients at the Roseburg Veterans hospital in the O. T. shop. Friendly outside contacts end services such as pictured above can be of inestimable help in carrying out the VA recrea tion program. The local chapter of the Red Cross is et the present attempting to recruit volunteers to assist in these programs. Any persons possessed of instructional skills or just enough time to assist in the entertainment progrems and who is willing to devote minimum of one or two hours per week should immediately contact the Douglas County chapter (phone 8321. vemher. We proved that broken aown reporters lumea colum nists, pollsters and misguided edi tors can't fool the people at home or abroad. "That is one of the best things that ever happened to these Unit ed States. It is a great step to ward a real, honest, free press." Berserk S. P. Brakeman Killed In Train Fight (Continued from Page One) he did so, Hopkins attacked him with the fusee, burning him about the left eye, neck and abdomen. Mackowlac, the fireman, wrested the fusee from the brakeman. Then Hopkins seized a ham mer and began beating the other two men with It. The fireman was nearly knocked through the cab window. Campbell finally took the hammer from the ber serk man and knocked him down. As he fell, Hopkins deliberately shoved his own hand Into the firebox, Campbell said. Th fireman summoned nollee who took Hopkins to a Salem hospital, where he died several hours later. Allhough, In the western wor'-i octopuses are used mostly for fish ball, many peoples linu thorn good eating. WANTED Used Car Salesman For Outside Calls Car and Gaa furnished while en Job. Pre-War Deal Must be married man and knew Douglas County. Give occupations for the last ten years. We will train yeu and help close your sales. Write Box 27 News-Review New Method Cleaners Opened For Business Oct. 1, 1946 i; i Shovt-Off Order Given Pineapple Barge (Cpntinued from Page One) obscure port like Tillamook, Ore., where an estimated 3.V) tons of pineapple slipped In last Tues day. Teamsters drove some of the trucks moving the fruit In land. The unloading was made there on a privately owned dock, guarded by private employes. That led, however, to violence In Portland yesterday. Long shoremen caught up with two non-union pineapple driven from Tillamook and mauled them slightly before police arrived. Still to be settled are two court suits here. One is a request by the Hawaiian Pineapple com- Eany for an injunction against ongshoremen's picketing. The other is a $40,000 damage suit filed by the company after the Longshoremen's dock raU. It asks $0.00 for damage to equip ment. $10,000 for lost time and $25,000 punitive damages against the Longshore union apd its key officials. In addition there may be as sault complaints. Guenliier Kra use. attorney for the company, said photographs of the Wednes day jaid were being studied In an attempt to identify partici pants, i ' McKay Spurs Action Squads of slate police, armri with riot guns and bayonets, pa trolled the waterfront here yes terday to keep the peace. They were sent by Governor McKay of Oregon, who later telephoned Mayor R. J. Mauser of the Dal les to urge quick settlement of the controversy, since he said he couldn't keep the state police there long. This was believed to have played an Important part in the commission's decision to order the barge away. The Governor, however, disa vowed any part In the decision of the Port commission. "It's their business and T had no vote In their deliberations." he told reporter. He admitted telling Mayor Mauser that he wanted to get the barge out of there quickly. On his decision to send Stale police to The Dalles, he said, "we had the State police there to al low them to unload. We are not going to allow anybody to des troy property. People there told me the goons were all over town." ASTORIA. Sept. 30 (.Pi Air and sea patrols to spot any incoming Hawaiian pineapple ! barges are operating out of here I today. Ralph Knutinen, CIO long VrMLPAPIBS, . B f. shore dispatcher, said a plane, flown and owned by members of the union local, is scouting the Oregon coast. Kive speedboats are "ready for action" in case an attempt is made to land pineapple along the coast from Astoria to Tillamook, he added. The longshoremen, according to Knutinen, had heard rumors that several pineapple barges were off the Columbia river, walling to land cargo designated as "hot" by the union. Tokyo Rose Convicted On Charge of Treason (Continued from Page One) dio Tokyo, testified the defendant said "now you fellows have lost all your ships. You are reallv orphans of the Pacific. How do you tnink you are going to get home. . ." That, the Jury decided, was suf ficiently damaging to American morale to constitute treason. Her defense was based primarily on this contention. Her wartime broadcasts on the "Zero Hour" were harmless entertainment and she and prisoners of war on the same program really tried to boost Instead of lower morale. "Scientist X" Identified In Atomic Secret Urobe (Continued from Page One) alory at the University of Call, fornia. The laboratory helped per fect the A-bomb. As to the accusation of lying under oath, Weinberg said: "I have always told the truth. I af firm 'my position." Weinberg declared also that he was not working on a secret prot ect and had no access to secret information at the time a com mittee report said "Scienlist X" gave secret formula to Kelson. Contacts Witnessed Today'i report brings out evi dence, based largely on intelli gence reports and on statements of security officer for the at-. ic project, that they taw con tacts between Nelson anu Wein berg and Bernadette Doyle and Weinberg. The committee quoted what It said was part of a report from intelligence a g e n t s it didn't identify the agents regarding In structions Nelson gave Weinberg. "The instructions were." it said, "that Weinberg should fur nish Nelson with information con cerning the atomic bomb project so that Nelson could. In turn, deliver it to the proper officials of the Soviet government. "Nelson told Weinberg t-t -n Communists engaged on the Vise buyers look for the Imperial silver label that says the finest In wallpapers. Guaranteed to with stand room exposure without fad ing and to clean satisfactorily when instructions ore followed. Townsfolk Repel Orgy Of Soldiers OTHELLO. Wash.. Sept. 30 (Pi A four-car "invasion" by 18 Moses Lake Air Force Base sol diers was repelled with pitch forks, pick handles and fists last night by several dozen towns folk. Early today, 1.1 of the enlisted men were in the Moses lake base guardhouse while MPs and stale patrolmen were looking for the remaining carload ot live. Mayor Clyde Matthews said he believed the "invasion" was or ganized as a reprisal for action last Thursday night when two air force men were "run out of town" afler creating a disturbance, "I tried to talk them out of It but it didn't work." Matthews said. "So I spread the word around town and some of the iel lows got together." "We caught one car at the edg of town and worked over three of them. Then we let them go. The soldiers were in private automobiles, the pitchfork and pick-handle armed townsfolk in trucks. Military personnel, stale high way patrolmen and counly and town officers of the area were thrown into the search this morn ing for the missing car and the five men who were listed as AWOL. Ex-Police Chief Freed On Charge Of Perjury LOS ANGELES. Sept. 30 (.in Former Police Chief C. B. Hor rall, in a speedy trial, has won speedy acquittal on perjury charges. Perjury and bribery charges against another officer. Lt. Rudv I Wellpott, were dismissed yester- aay Dv superior judge Stanley N. Barnes. The judge indicated the grand Jury had returned indictments against Horrall and Wellpott on insufficient evidence. The court, however, refused to quash perjury and bribery charg- atomlc bomb project should de stroy their Communist party membership books, refrain from using liquor and use every pre caulion regarding their espion age activities." Furthermore, the committee quoted testimony from James Sterling Murray, former security chief for the atomic project in the San Francisco area, that he and agents Harold Zindle and George Ralhman watched a meeting in Weinberg's home at Berkeley, Calif., from the roof of the apartment next door. OIL TO BURN For prompt courteous meter ed deliveries of high quality stove and burner oil CALL 152 MYERS OIL CO. Distributors of Hancock Petroleum Products For Douglas County i Phone 690 Divie Love Tuna Flakes Can 25c Alka Seltzer Reg. 60c Sixe Just 49c Hunt's Tender Garden Sweet Peas No. Hunt's Solid Pack Tomatoes No. Nolley's Treasure) Pickles 12-ot. 00 Bottles AOC Quality Meats Smoked Pork Chops.. . .lb. 69c Beef Roasts, . lb. 49c Nice, Lean Bacon Squares. lb. 27c Choice Round Steak. . .lb. 73c The Weather U. S. Weather Bureau Office Roseburg, Oregon Partly cloudy today. Fair to night and Saturday. Highest temp, for any Sept.... 104 Lowest temp, for any Sept..... 29 Highest temp, yesterday 64 Lowest ten-iD. last 24 hre. 54 ! Precipitation last 24 bra .01 ' Precipitation since Sept. 1 1.96 Excess since Sept. 1 es against Sgt. E. V. Jackson, who was ordered to trial Nov. 14; nor perjury counts against Asst. Chief Joseph F. Reed and Capt. Cecil Wisdom, to be tried Nov. 9. Ex-Chief Horrall retired recent ly In the midst of a furore kicked up bv revelations that his vice squad had dealings with Holly wood bawdy house keeper Brenda Allen. Pension Expansion Bill Facing House Decision WASHINGTON. Sept. 30 (.VI Democratic leaders predicted to day the House will pass over whelmingly before adjournment a bill vastly broadening the gov ernment Old Age Pension pro gram. The bill sped toward a House showdown as some labor unions threatened strikes if employers do not pay the whole cost of pen sion plans operating outside the government's social security. The Ford Motor company agreed to such an independent plan yes terday. Under the government system the employes and employ ers equally share the cost. VTTmUlNOssamounhinhonL The Price 'S. Tha Tiutfl ..of pMiaJsForSoudajfjOetjst Kerr's Assorted Jelly 1 2-oi. tumblers.. Sperry sCLr tl. T... TL.ni WS-lliViLn Pancake Flour? .8-lb. bags 99c Donnison'i Catsup 2 bot.... 25c 303 eons 2 for 35c 7Vi cons.. 19c WALLBOARD Flrtex Sheetrock Masonite PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 K. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 I I I I 0" We'll Make It Look Like New I Our expert body men can I repair body damage In a I short time. Drive In now, ! HANSEN I 1 MOTOR CO. Oak & Stephens Phone 446 - iiioi,yij Thrill! Thril '49 mi si 19c Milk All Brands Tall Cant . 12c Figs Kadota No. 2'i 29c Cans Royal Desserts or Puddings 5c pkg. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Locol Green Peppers. lb. 5c Local Turnips bch. 10c Locol Carrots 2 bch. 15c Jonathan Apples box 2.09 J Home Fucnishings Remember there IS difference. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS PERSONALIZED SERVICE FOR THE HOME