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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1949)
16 The Ntwt-iUview, Rotebura, Oft-Fri., Sept. 30, 1949 Britain Must Increase Production To Bring "Dollar Crisis" To End By BRUCE BIOSSAT Great Britain evidently is under no illusion! that It devaluation of the pound can provide anything but short-run relief in iti widely heralded "dollar crisis." The British expect, of course, that a rise In the volume and worth of Iti exports to the dollar countries will occur. Unless that happens, the major goal of devaluation will not be achieved Yet even if that objective Is attained, there is no (treat hope that the benefits to Britain will be sufficient to serve as a per menent solution of its difficulties. Sir Stafford Cripps, British chancellor of the exchequer, made plain that the clrming of the gap between Britain's ex ports and imports can only be accomplished in the end by a greatly lncreaded productivity from iti workers. He acknowledged to his coun try that the decision to cheapen the pound was made reluctantly, that Britain would rather have put all its faith on rising pro ductivity and other means o f vith our DEPENDABLE FORD Brake Service Lockwood Motors Rom and Oak Phone 80 Western Distributing MQ TOWN APEX WASHERS, DISHWASHERS, DRYERS i MMtmtojm' DISH'A'MATIC Bollt-ln hnnr SUPFR-HFATS household waer 10 fl HOT -h Km of niSH A MA 1 IC bttm dishwuhing. Qxnptartr AliTOMATICt VTashe. rinM. drici dnhft spot. Inalr deaa with ona muni of the dial. Hish-Tttorltr SVIRLPOOL actioo visoroutlr wstcr-icruni ever? inch of aver diih. Re move rvrn mo mibbora grtaM ud food panicle. Capacity: trrrirw fo 6. Sim MilO .KiaSsi complm dcmoattratio. Availablt oa JOrt 95 No Down X7t Payment k. boosting exports. But he conclud ed: "The time is now so short and our reserves have got so low that a change in the dollar rate of exchange 1-s the only way in which we can get our prices down quickly enough." There is more to this state ment than may at first be appa rent. When the dollar conference in Washington wound ud, the three participating countries Britain, Canada and the United States -announced a program de signed to cope with the British crisis through both immediate and long-term measures. They voiced guarded optimism over prospects for easing the prob lem. It Is obvious now that Canada and the United States knew of the British intent to devalue, even while the conference was on. Their optimism therefore may have reflected that know ledge rather than any great en thusiasm for the shortrun ob jectives of the program. For it is clear from Cripps' statement to the British people that those Immediate steps were not counted on heavily by Bri tain's leaders. They would give the United Kingdom a freer hand in spending Marshall Plan dol lars, eliminate U. S. customs red tape, and explore the possibility of heavier American purchases of tin, rubber and other British Empire products that might fit Into our stockpiling program. If thei moves actually were to be given great weight, Cripps would not have stressed the nearness of financial disaster when he announced devaluation He brushed the short-run Wash- Co., Phone 1294-L KMLiWu 'iunasmt-vt A -4 Here's the greatest improvement in washing since the agitator! New Apex cleansing action washes clothes amazingly clean, triple rinses, spin dries, and FLUFFS the clothes-all with one setting o the dial. Uses LESS WATER, LESS SOAP than conventional washing methods. Self-balancing-does not require bolting down. It's truly a wonderful new machine . . . See it today. '279" No Set the APEX DRYER ?39'5 No Down Payment mmm M n I.. c n.i: Liberal Trode- Polio Drive Lags Behind Pace Of Increased Cases Oregon's emergency Infantile paralysis drive is coming far from keeping pace with the in crease In polio cases in the state, Dr. E. T. Hedlund of Portland, state chairman of the March of Dimes, reported today. The special campaign for funds had brought in less than $6,000 by last week end. The number of new cases In the state soared bv 27 during the 37th week of 1949, making the total for the year 148. It was the highest week ly incidence since the 43rd week of 1943 when exactly the same number of cases were counted. "Every bit of money helps," Dr. Hedlund remarked today. "But the picture by the year; end will be a bitter one unless this emergency drive picks up more support." The National Foundation for Infantile Paraly sis had hoped that the special effort would bring in some $1. 000.000. With the case count for the year heading toward an all- time record high of 40.000, the foundation epidemic aid fund was lacing a delicti oi netween 910, 000.000 and $20,000,000 dollars. "Contributions in the form of bills, money orders or checks may be sent to POLIO, care of your local postmaster, lr. Hed lund said. Meanwhile, the state board of health staff was revealed to be in a condition of 24-hour avail ability. Its burden has been in creased by the expanding num ber of new patients from up-state counties who are being taken to Portland nospitals, it was ex- &lained. Such arrangements may e facilitated by contacting the local county health officer or the state Board of health in Port land, according to board offi cials. For a quick and delicious des sert put canned peach halves In a shallow baking dish, pour a little cooking sherry over each, and broil. Serve with a meat dish or as a dessert. ington program aside, and de clared that cheapening of the pound was a necessary device to buy time until higher productivi ty and better selling methods the long-range goal could come into play. Thus devaluation is a bald ad mission both that the British plight Is genuinely urgent and that the only real hope for I permanent solution lies in an earnest, unflagging attack by all interested nations on the problem many wnother country, that bal- of restoring a healthy balance In world trade, for Hriatain and many another country, that bal ance cannot be attained without the Increased economic efficiency of which Sir Stafford spoke. YASH-A-MATIC Down Payment New Alliti Irtolc HuddL With BERLIN, Sept. 29 WPV The fhree Western allie Wednesday broke off discussions with Russia on restoring Berlin life to nor mal. In a sharply worded letter to the Soviet commandant, the Am erican, British and French com mandants said: "We are not pre pared to continue with discus sions on the normalization of life in Berlin until we can be confi dent that agreement freely ne gotiated will be honored by the Soviet authorities." The breakdown of talks, order ed by the four foreign ministers in Paris last June, came in a dispute over policies of the So viet management of Berlin's ele vated railways. A Russian representative had been Invited to a last minute meeting Wednesday to stave off collapse of four-power rule, but he did not appear. Central Issue in the new crisis Is again the Soviet-controlled el evated railway system which lac Weather Forecat ' ; : pill 'LB?? 1 o fri Nights will be longer and colder! But we predict a winter of blissful sleeping under these soft, all-wool blankets that have so little weight give so much warmth. Add a comforter for extra insulation. Select a fluffy cotton or down filled beauty, covered in lustrous satin or crisp taffeta. Choose them in roin bow shades to match your room, at prices leveled to match your budget! HJCJDL-eTHE'UJEST Ham agii,.milt Blankets priced from 12.95 Downstairs Store Russia On Btriin Issut es all four sections of the batter ed former capital National Guard Choosts Canyonvillt Rangt Sitt At a meeting held at the Na tional Guard armory at Tri-Citv Friday night, representative groups from Canyonvllle, Riddle, and Myrtle Creek agreed on a site at Canyonvllle for a rifle range to be constructed by the National Guard. The site Is aubject to approval by an engineer from the Nation al Guard. It is located on the V.F.W. grounds, east of Canyon vllle. Boswell Mineral Baths ' Chiropractic Physiotherapy Clinic Lady Attendants 1 Mile S. of Drain, Oregon SI. d . vJomu cuut (jff Xa CMj) in the heart of downtown LOGGER KILLED TILLAMOOK, Sept. 30 (VP) A log truck driver was killed yes terday when hit loaded truck went out of control on a logging road a mile from the Wilson riv er highway. He was Robert F. Shaw, 30, Forest Grove. Coroner Alan Lundberg said Shaw apparently tried to Jump and was crushed by the trailer wheels. The truck went over an embankment and was demolished. PICTURE FRAMING mc Roseburg MtseSTYlS, ak(? SWUV W MOCP STAMINA PER DOLLAR THAN AN 0rhJZ POPULAR-PClCED FLOC? CCTe.RlM&l TAKE THE PATTERNS SMARTEST YOU'VE- EV SEEN TAXE.THE. SCRVlC. YOU GS.T A 5yPCR"W01R-UAyR c heat- TOUGHENED PAINT AND BAKED ENAMEL EQUAL. (N TeilCKNESS'TZ? 3 COATS FLOOR PAINT APPLIED BY HAND AND TAKE The- colo seal: (f foua. aoARANTwe or SATISFACTION Oft yOUft MON6V 6ACK 1 SEC. COHbOUUH T&CMY At YWft FtCOR COVERWQ CALB5 ! - ii, A A Tonight ! Ml A Mi 222 W. Oak Phono 348