8 Tha News-Review, Rottburg, Ore. Thurs., Sept. 29, 1949 BEST SELLER Tit Mwe '' mp"" tut AT OROCEH pfti-Sht1l, Hoa-tfyl EVERVWHERC lwM, Cmty-O, iMthtll ' All Hands Desire Atomic Control If They Can Agree On Method By DeVVITT MacKENZIE AP Foreign Affairs Analyst Russia's demand for International control of the atom bomb (which she now claims to possess, and quite likely does), finds com plete agreement among the western powers providing an accepta ble method of control can be devised. However, there's nothing new In that. It's a statement which could have been made at any time since June of 1946, when the subject first cajne before 'he United Nations in a big way. Both sides call for control, but the trouble has been that the Soviet and the West have been as far apart as the Poles on what the controls should be. Moscow calls for the absolute prohibition of atomic weapons. Well and good and three cheers by all concerned. However, tie Russians want the destruction of present atomic stockpiles befoie any convention is signed. They also Insist on the retention of tne veto In matters affecting atomic control, and this veto power could virtually nullify the terms of an agreement. One of the hottest points of con troversy is Moscow's insistence that each nation rather than a United Nations commission should do Its own Inspections to make sure that there are no vio lations. This old world of ours would indeed be a paradise if all na tions could be .rusted to ch k' on themselves. However, human nature still is too tricky for that. You could trust it with hand-grenades but in the matter of atom ic bombs, "nyet," which is Rus sian for the veto. So the way things stand there can be no agreement unless Mos cow retreats from qualifications which the United States and its western allies feel not only would nullify its value but would create an extremely dangerous interna tional situation. Pending the hap- fy dav of compromise. America s losing no time in tightening up the military, economic and po litical unity cf the western world In view of the disclosure that Russia has succeeded in making an atomic weapon. Far from making a headlong rush to destroy her stock of ator ic bombs, America is going ahead to maintain her advantage over the Soviet union In atomic weap ons. The partnership with Cana da and Britain in atomic develop ment is to be strengthened. These moves are precaution ary, however. Nobody is looking for war now. Interior Dept. Official Raps Northwest Freight Rates PORTLAND, Sept. 29. .T C Girard Davidson, assistant secretary of the interior, made a strong pitch for a change in Pa cific Northwest freight ra'ea Monday. Davidson told the Catholic con ference on industrial problems that the northwest is in a "semi colonial" system, due partly to "an archaic freight rate struc ture." ' He attacked "discimlnatory freight rates" which he said make it difficult for the North west to compete with older in dustrialized areas. The government official also delivered two speeches in sup port of a Columbia Valley ad ministration. One was in a de bate before the Chamber of Com merce, with Robert Ormond Case, Portland author, taking the antl-CVA side; and the other be fore the Catholic conference. Foot health specialists advise against using old razor blades, scissors or needles in removiii corns. They said unsanitary old cutting tools could cause blood poisoning. Comfortable as a cat on a cushion! This dressy, durable partem is built with Robtee's specie! Arcb-Elitor feature to cradle your foot with every step. Smart style, too! hoi j roe min Convenient Parking at Rear of Store Roseburq. OregB 6 FINE HOME FURNISHINGS if ee.THIi WEli: ONLY ' wewn r err v f -t m m l tl-'S-j ' 14,., -V-J n 1 REG. 34.95 LADIES CHAIR REDUCED! 49 88 BEAUTIFUL 5-PC DINETTE Alk obovf Ttrmt Porcelain table top with two "hideaway" loaves. Chrome tube ular steel legs . . chair (ram is. 29 38 M about Terms! Traditional channel-bock style, coil spring seat and desply-padded bock. Col orful Tapestry cover. ,3 COMPARE AT 169.95 RADIO-PHONO 158 88 r. rmrmM $5.00 Down Sale! Changes 78, 45, and 33j rpm. records I Rich toned I Mahogany veneer cabinet. caVE NOW ..... ctyLETONE Bl A New low m1 . ... u '0n ? 5.796 tolts in " Coior. o 11 ' t796tu"sm . iilul co'orJ t t REG. 74c WARDOLEUM YARD GOODS COC 09ff.WKS Tilei, marbles, florals I Save now on heavy tnomel felt base best printed enamel floor covering. FRIEZE PLATFORM ROCKER liliMimi t7 Coil spring seat over No-Sag bos . . . coil soring back, frier cover. Mahogany finished trim. German Women Face Death For War Crimes R AST ATT, Germany, Sept. 28 j The German. Maria Minces, -4JP) Three young German wo-; Ingeeborg Schulz and Ruth Schu- men v. ere seniencea to aeatn mann, were convicted bv a Tuesday for war crimes thev committed in the Nazi's Ravens brueck concentration camp lor women. French war crimes court here. They were former Nazi SS (elite Tuaidl overseers at Ravens. brueck. 5i Men Mm do tor ,sr Cincli Yes! And women love Cinch Coke Mix, too. It's full pre pared with all the quality in gredients that go into finest cakes. You simply add water, mix and bake. Then get read for "his" compliments on the most delicious cake you ever made. Bake Cinch Cake today. ADD ONLY WATER .Jib A DELICIOUS thavorj BIVll S USO 001DIN WMITI SrtCI V tZjJzL-