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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1949)
Wind Instrument HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted musical instrument 8 It is used in the section 13 Reddish 14 Tag 15 Goddess of infatuation 18 Frighten 18 Age 19 Belongs to it 20 Remnant 21 Lair 82 Northeast fab.) S3 Niton (symbol) 24 Winter precipitation 27 War god of t Greeks ' 29 Depart SO Accomplish 31 Artificial language 82 Exists 33 Diminutive of Frederick 35 Seethe 38 French article 39 Behold! 40 Playing card 42 Argot 47 Damage 48 Encountered 49 Jungle beast 50 Greek letter 51 Harden S3 Flie 55 Task (8 Hold down VERTICAL 1 Educates 2 Decayed 3 Employs 4 Myself J Go by 8 Engrave 7 Rip 8 Lost blood 9 Egyptian sun gxi 10 Asleep 11 Calm 12 Slopes 17 Concerning 25 Monster 28 Fuel 27 Mine entrance ' F P H I5 lfc I7 I b 1 I'9 I11 l'1 ZZZZZZ IS v.- 14 i7 "id b Ti rfe 5ZZ "5 as u ZT5 ho ii TTiTTTTTr fs7 a sT - 3: fj 3 h 5 I I I I I I I I I I jo FUNNY. BUSINESS ' stm p JftL fayq fji "I just knew this would happen some day if you got a big enough bottle!" BLONDIE Il l ABNER P PE CAREFUL, DEAP.TME - MAM IS HEPE TO TAKE THE 1 ' RUGS TO THE CLEANER'S f BER3BE NOJ TVKE OVE MXIR N HINI'EBlTAMCE, I MUST READ TO J MOU-YOOB UNCLE HONCV- , ' socKutJvnu... FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Go On. ducmeSS.' word. TELL K6 ABOUT I'M OU6 ENGLAND AND BC ATTWS YOUR Old family I ceuMPeT castle ALLEY OOP lABOOTCVv TESTS TH J.-erSAaLY C-AJSE I L A.MD so r just ho ( VHY SUEE. j I ) 5H?W A DEFINITE . BY EXPTSueE -O -SCtf:? A STfASGE vi.... yAvH" F Answer to Previous Puzzle .'a'n'SI mm 28 Flower 33 Blazes 34 Late 36 Puffs up 37 Bog 4 1 Toiletry case 42 Printing term 44 Sea weed 45 Glacial snow 48 Clutch 47 Allot 52 Registered nurse (ab.) 54 Measure of area 43 Measure By Hershberger CPU IW IY NIA StaviCMNC T M M6 iiTrStF AT TIMCC BlonO'E tpeats VvT r 1 WE(?E A SMALL CHILD THERE'S DYNAMITE IN THAT . DOCUMENT.:' THE. WORLD WON'T EVER BE THE SYMC. 1 own rr provisions am CAStRIKO MOUT.V THIS IS ' A PRETTY OOOD HOLD WORLD- Now tut you're GOING TO BS LOSTESS AT "MS MuT. I'A Gaw& YOU RSPAV TME 6UCYBQ4RD 10 PC&CTCALLY ON IWE, CAMP IHER6 THEN IslYM i InIc-I J5T Pgi STRING S B BEANS fe r rffgTlg'g'sl Thurt., Sept. 29,1949-Th News-Review, Roseburg, Or. MODEST MAIDENS Trtttaurt tt'tuni V I Pturt 0t 'vbu said it was guaeanteep foci a year amp it BROKE WHEN I TUREW IT OUT THE VWIMPOW TH6 MORMINSf ' FROM NINE TO FIVE sJ " S ' 15 LOST ft'M TtVO DCIIAL Is eeroiu o m. 8 V1 Can you Imagine! Thar new elevator operator let me oft on another floor and I've been loafing two hours for the wrong firm! I'M 1 JtLH WILL VOL) PLEASE TMTOW 1 ., IN 3K J SOME WATER ON WHOEVER J , r I Au( ' - THAT IS LVIN IN - 4 LET'S NOT DUTStOV rT.f WE'RE HALL HALONC HOXJT ERE. LET'S DO IN THIS BLI6HTER-AN iUAN THE -ORRIBLK DocuMENT.r- jHon NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW.'?' BARRISTER'S I t DUTY TO 'S If WISHES HOF 'IS I F VOU DOMV YOU'LL Out COLLAR A BE BARRED FBOA J 6YEN1 PLEASE THE HUT J7 . 1 ' A O J-T . AUANJ tf MM.. By Jo Fischer By Chic Young By Al Capp By Merrill Blosser ?U,WeLL,WUY WORRY? J WAVE SO MANY DAYS jA TO RAiSE THE DOUGH 21 I'LL "WINK Of . f SOMETHING-' i-rt By V. T. HAMLIN regardlessofLJ consequences. i am ) now ha bout to READ-UNCLE ," . I 1 HONEVSUCKLES ) NMo 7 Mrs. Edna H.WIggert New, Roseburg High Secretary j Mrs. Edna H. Wlggen Is this year's secretary at Roseburg sen-; lor high school. 1 She also instruct! office girls Jo Ann Voorhles, Carmen Dy sert, Shirley cliickson, Eulalu I Olds, Carl Su Barnes, Rose Siv-1 ers. Donna Donahue, Jodene HHI. Sylvia Hill, Joanne Ware, Janet Elliott, Margie Moore, Joan Long, Sue Brown, Lois Kisa and Anne Mollis In typing, filing and other office procedures. ! Althoueh Mrs. Wieeen has pre viously worked In offices, her last Job being in the Panama Canal zone, this Is the first school office work she has done. She stated her work is "interesting and there's lota of It." A white painted wall or celling reflects 70 to 90 per cent of the light that falls upon it. BUSINESS DIRECTORY RADIO SERVICING Hansen's Radio Service. Suther II n. Radio Doctors. Phone 491-J. PLUMBINCI W. M. Sandall Co, Hiway 99 N. rhone 1117-R. Ace Plumbing Co., 915 Garden vallev Ha., Bus. Phone wo-K-s, Res. Phone 149 R-3. KierCrooch Plumbing Co. 316 Mill. Phone 14-K. Harris Plumbing & Heating Co. 805 South Stephens. Ph. 1478-J. Coen Supply Co. Phone 12L rer's Plumbing. Phone 733 R. A. D. Wallare, Melrose Route. Box 105 J. Phone 165-R-3. HEATING R. Hltzman HoaUng Co., hot tor and steam, oil burners. 1703 Brown. Pr me 1066-J. WASHING MACHINE 8ERVICE J. E. Newberry's Washing Ma chine Service. 102 W. commer cial Avenue. Phone 101 5-K. Washing Machine service. Roy and Rustv's Appliance Reoalr. 510 N. Jackson. Ph. 1003-R, ELECTRICIANS Hoseburg Electrta Phone 121 Ace Electric. Phone 1095-L. FLOOR COVERING F. A W. Floor Covering. 327 S. Stephens. Phone 1478 rt. Philip M. Durnam. 920 S. Main, Phone 1336J. FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE Fire Extinguisher Sales & Service. Glenn H. Taylor, 220 N. Main. Ph. 1433-R. PIANO SERVICE Southwestern Piano Service. runing.Recondltionlng. Ph 938-J 3. PAINTING IMMEDIATE 8ERVICE Commercial and Domestlo ROSEBURG PAINT SHOP Phones 422 807-R 1522-R ROSEBURG PAVING CO. Asphalt Paving Millyarris. Drlvewava, Stations Floors. Sidewalks Custom Hading Office: 634 S. Main rlphon 830-R Tr btlmaua "BUI" Lasslter AI'I'HORIZKU BERGH'S APPLIANCE Maytag tr Norge Sales and Service None. Mavtag AppHanrei and Hamlllon Clolhei Drvara 1200 South Rtphni 8rv:cina AU MakB Phona SOS Roarburs. Oiaaon DESBIENS & SCHAFER GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTORS All Type Omrnt Wnrk RMewilki. drlvcwayi. floors. Phon 4-j-p-i Phon 1M-HJ ESTIMATES GIVEN Box 10.VC. Mlron Pt. Patlot and foundations. CONTRACT PAINTING hanging ( 01C&'AJWJ Horn. ICONTPACIOtd Decorating J JACK PRESTON 504 S. Stephens Ph. 626-V CONSTRUCTION TODD BUILDING CO. 904 S. Stephen Ph. 302 Venetian Blind Sales and Service Estimate Free CHARLES HODSON 1525 Cedar SL Phone 1349 L Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phone 1170 Over Rexall Drug Store FLOORING 0 Siding 0 Finish PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 SOUTH END FUEL CO. Phone 1195 R 207 Rice St R. G. LAMBETH Construction and Remodeling Residential and Commercial Any die job Melrose Rt. Box (1-B Phone 1444-R FLOOR CONTRACTING I Mlrdwooa Laying Old Floors like New. Melrose Rt., box 8AB Carlson's floor service Phone 102 R S IS Years Experlanee SHALE RIVER LOAM Delivered Shovels Traxoavator Bulldoier Oraqllne Baekhoe Crane Compressor Truoks Loqglng Roads Built and Rocked Mill Ponds Cleaned Basements Dug Rental or Contract S. M. Critra Company P O. Box 952 Office East 2nd Ave. South Phone 1346 J Residence Phone 930-1. 2 Get Those PROPANE AND BUTANE bottles refilled at the Myers Oil Co. Highway 99 and Garden Valley Road Also Heaters. Hot Plates and Supplies Carl P. Tallon Excavating Contractor Shale rock for Immediate delivery. Shovel, Trucks. Bulldozer, Patrol Blade. Back hoe. For Hire. Roads built and rocked by hour or contract. 2340 N. Stphen Ph. 499 R4 PICKUP AND DELIVERY Free Estimates Expert Furniture Cleaners Upholstering and Repair Fine Rugs Our Specialty 1395 Umpqua Ave., Roseburg, Ore. Phone 9B0-Y rnnTPACTOBS loniracTors v amiwh- Commercial and Home recorarlng All Work Guaranteed Douglas Paint & Hardware Co. VKS S. Steonens Phone W.4-J UMPQUA CABINET SHOP Custom Made Counters, Shelves, Fixtures, Kitchen CaMnets Phones 499 R-3 337 R-3 '040 N St-hens Roseburg. Ore Royal TYPEWRITERS Victor ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Fast dependable service KEN'S OFFICE EQUIP. 63" i Stephens Ph. 1261-R TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive or e drive. Ca'l 1538 Adair's Parking Lot Main and Wasnlnifton Flsgel Transfer & Storage Co. r Sanding ;FIn,.hlnt You know it's IT'S FRESHER Call 100 for HENRY H. MILLER Excavating A Road Building Contraotor 1409 Willow SL Phona 388 J We sell shale bar run, river rock and river loam. Mill ponds cleaned and dredged. Shovel. Bulldozer, Boom. Air Compressor. Crane. Draellne, "Mimp Trucks by hour or contract. Free estimates. HARGIS ELECTRIC Specialists Radio, Ref rlQeratlor.. Household AoDltanoe Sarvioe , 20 Yean Experience All Work Guaranteed 111 E. Cass St Phone (44 INLAID LINOLEUM Sales and installation ot all types ot floor covering F & W Floor Covering Co Ph. 1478 R 327 S. Stephens PRINTING PROMPT, EFFICIENT DEPENDABLE SERVICE ROSEBURG PRINTING CO. Corner Cass and Sheridan Phone 943 TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourself Save Vx Long or Short Trips Bee Hive Truck Rental 736 ,. Stephens Phone 1438-J CEMENT CONTRACTING ALL KINDS FORM BUILDING Will also put basements ui Jar old houses. Ed Fucha Fucha Bros. Ph. Residence 1415-J DARBY & FOSTER Excavating Contractors Shale Rock For Immeditte Delivery Construction of loRRlng roads. Shovels- trucks, bulldozer, c n rcssor for hire by contract or hour. No lob too larpe or too small. Phone for (ice estimate. Ph. 1152 rt. Forest Service Road West of Landls Iron Works , PAIHT CO. Al! Types of Painting. Work Guaranteed. Free Estimates. 1230 Corey Ph. 1305-J P & B TOWING 21 HOL'R wrecker and crane service. No lob too large or too small. Truck mounted equipment We can now handle 34 yard dragline work, log loading, heavy crane work. MS t. Stephens St. Phone tN good becaus Freshly baked tverydoy in Roseburg News-Review Classified Ads If Your Paper Has NOT ARRIVED By 6:15 P.M. Phone 100 PLASTERING 6UNDY & SUTTON FREE ESTIMATES PH. 1094-Y CERAMIC TIL! Shower stall, bath, vails, floors, hearths, counter tops, store tl . .its. Cnmtilete colors and ' ?s. Glazed md iiwrlazed. Chrome hound glass doors for shower and tub. By contract or hourly. Estimates Free. Ph. 1033-Y Byron Powell Box 1281 WELL DRILLING ED MILLER Route 2. Rnx ' A Phone 441 -R-3 Rosph"re. Ore. Nelson & Pyle Woodworking Co. Windows, Sash, and Frames. Mill and Mosher Phon. 1242 J FURNACES Roseburg Sheet Metal Vaur Ph. 41 u.i!- C.nt.r ncuiiuij SS0 E. 1st ROSEBURG VENFTIAN BLIND FACTORY 115 N. Jackson St. Rfwcburg, Ore. Phone 1098-J VENETIAN BLINDS WSHADES DRAPES 8r SNS Free Esrlma'es Satfn"'n Oiiiflnteed Tool Rentals Floor Sanders, Edgers, Belt Disc Sanders, Concrete Mixers, Power Trowels, Concrete Vibra tors, Wheel Barrows, Lighting Plants. Paint Spray Outfits, Skit mws. Drills. Air Compressors, Jack Hammers and Hydraulio Jacks. Call us. We may have just what you need. Osbun Electric & Equip Co. S47 8. Stephens Phone 1108-R