The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 29, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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Former Atomic
Scientist Balks
At Red Question
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29. (.P
Former atomic scientist Irvine
David Fox refused Tuesday to
tell house spy hunters whether
he has been a communist. He
was questioned at the reopening
of the House un-American Acti
vities committee investigation in
to wartime atomic espionage bv
i Now a student and teaching as
sistant at the University of Cal
ifornia at Berkeley, Fox testif
ied that for more than three
years he worked in ! -.
sity's radioaction laboratory
which did part of the work on
the atom bomb.
Counsel Frank Tavenner told
Fox it has been "reported" to
the committee that he was a
member of the communist party
and of a communist cell at the
radiation laboratory.
On grounds he might Incrimi
nate himself. Fox refused t o
answer questions on whether he
belonged to the party or the cell.
Tavenner remarked that the
hearings have become of "ex
treme importance" in view of
president Truman's announce
'rnent last Friday that Russia has
set off an atomic explosion.
The committee has said in an
official report that communist
leader Steve Nelson, serving as
an espionage agent, got an im
portant atomic formula in March,
1943, from a "scientist X" em
ployed at the Berkeley labora
tory. The committee never has
named scientist X but may do
so shortly.
Fox said he worked In the ra
diation laboratory from 1942 to
1945 and for another three mon
ths In 1946. He said he knew
"more or less" that the labora
tory was working on nuclear
Rep. Case (R SD) pressed him
as to the nature of his instruc
tions about security.
Fox said he was told the work
was secret, that he would be
told only what he needed for his
work, that he was not to pass
Information to unauthorized per
sons and to be careful in noi
giving too much Information tp
authorized people.
"I've never known of any case
of espionage in the laboratory,"
he said.
Established 1873
if 229-49
For a new kind of dessert, put
a cup of drained canned fruit
cocktail In a container, add a cup
of sour cream and two cups of
cut marshmallows; mix well,
cover, and allow to stand in the
refrigerator overnight. Se r v e
chilled in sherbet glasses to six
to eight people. ,
Propane Tanks For Rent
No Need To Buy
Pacific Bldg., Roseburg. Ph. 235
FOR ANNEXATION The above map shows th Weir Roseburg area, one of the two Urge suburban sections which have petitioned to be
the city of Roseburg. The other area, e map of which will be published later, is the Miller's addition-Sleepy Hollow are south of the
ty council Tuesday passed an ordinance setting Nov. I as the date for an election to be held in the two areas. The city election to vote upon
will not be held until after the outcome of the elections in the areas to be annexed is known. This is made possible by a recent state
d the cost of a city election, in case the annexation vote should fail to carry. The West Roseburg area extends from the present city lim.
include Coates addition, and 100 feat south of the old Coos Bay Wagon road.
Flapper Of Terrible Twenties Due
For Comeback In Fashion's Decree
annexed to
city. 'The ci
law to avoi
its west to
Mock Assault On Hawaii To
Involve 50,000 Service Men,
Formidable Navy Segments
FORT LEWIS, Wash., Sept. 29. (JB Tall-end units of Fort
Lewis troops were leaving this virtually deserted army post to
day to complete the first stages of a maneuver that will cover
millions of square miles and involve more than 50.000 service men
Nearly 15.000 2nd division
troops reached San Diego this
week. And three more troopships
will unload there during the rest
of the week. Before they return
to this and other Pacific North
west posts, the men will have
participated in a mock assault
on the Hawaiian islands,
Between now and then, the men
from this post, rort Lawton and
Fort Worden will engage In vast
exercises off the coast of Call
Per Month
c,.f,i HdpMl IWrieeraten with sll Uac others tnd
you HI fexpo' TrI " ,,lu- HotpoMM's
briMt CombiBMion yo red food tntttt Plu
a fntt-MM rrfngerwor in a single kitchen unit Free.
ing oMfn holds up to 70 pounds of roin
foods, and tefrigtnmr compertrotiK oerer needs
rfefaMMBft. Bele imodefc re jo- America s mow
t lt j (m.rtr lnwr eolmoec, k" rck,
I ,i j -it- - j oWmm sod m-f mart. A Hotpoinc
nxxirta m on soe rrfrieerators hi
qmtklf, btmrntf fi price'
"ltOlpint KflttfltATOKS
fornia In cooperation with navy
ana marine lorce personnel.
Following landing and reload
ing exercises at San Diego, trans
ports, supply ships and landing
snips wnicn started from Puget
Sound ports will be joined by
aircraft carriers, cruisers, d
stroyers, submarines and other
navy craft. This will form what
is known as the Western task
force of nearly 100 vessels.
The Western task force will at
tempt to stage a surprise ap
proach to the beaches of Oahu,
which theoretically are defended
by an enemy force which landed
there in June.
The enemy or "aggressor"
force Is made up largely of Fifth
regimental combat team troops
from Schofield barracks near
Honolulu. It has been assigned a
powerful navy and marine corps
air section and a large subma
rine fleet to conduct searches at
sea to detect the western task
force's approach.
At least five submarines equip
ped with devices permitting long
underwater operation without io
surfacing to recharge batteries
are included.
A large group of army, navy
and marine corps officers will
observe the exercise, officially
known as operation Miki, as um
pires who will observe the de
gree of surprise accomplished by
the Western task force in its ap
proach to the island.
They also will Judge the train
ing status, tactics, adaptability
and over all efficiency of all units
and commander on everv level.
Statistics based on World War
II records and other data will be
utilized in estimating casualties
and effective combat strengths
for both the enemy and attacking
The exercise, largest amphib
ious maneuver since the end of
World War II, will terminate In
late November or early Decem
ber when troops will return to
their home stations.
Albany Included In
Rent Decontrol Order
The office of the Housing Expe
diter announces that rent con
trols have been ended in Ogden
and West Bountiful, Utah, Al
hany, Ore., and Port Lavaca,
1 exas.
Ending controls was the result
of local decontrol actions.
At the same time, the housing
expediter announced that rents
will be decontrolled In the
mainder of the counties In which
the cities are situated, as well
as In Matagordo county, Texas.
The actions in Utah completed
rent decontrols in tnat state.
of disorderly conduct.
The complaint was filed last
week by Harold F, Halstead, pro
prietor of the Chicken Inn at
Oakridge, who charges that Gers
pach made "Improper advances"
to a woman customer of the
inn and used profane language to
Justice of the peace George
Boughey released the mayor on
$250 bail.
AocitPd Prcai fashion Editor
NEW YORK, Sept. 29.-UF)
The flapper of the terrible twen
ties is due for a comeback in the
fabulous fifties.
Newest indication Is the return
of the short evening dress, a
favorite of the Jazz age, now
gaining general acceptance in the
bebop era. Along with the shingle
hob, the shorter skirt and the
"bunny hug" coat. It is a sign of
the times.
Although the short evening
dress has appeared in fashion
collections for the last four or
five years, It has established It
self as a major fashion in all
price ranges and age groups just
this season. Fashion authorities
agree that we'll be seeing it this
winter on Main street as well
as Park avenue.
This nostalgic garment is
shown in various phases, most ex
treme of which Is the street
length chiffon sheath, embroid
ered in rhinestones, Just as the
John Held girls used to wear
them back in 1925. The waistline,
however, has not yet dropped to
1950 was recommended Wednes
day by the O & C advisory
The board also suggested that
the Bureau of Land Management
Invest part of grazing revenues
for Improvement of pasture land.
Zot Newman
23 Cobb St. Phone 387.RX
the hips, and the bustline la still
allowed Its natural curves.
An Indication of the wide ac
ceptance of the trend comes from
Ruth Jacobs, fashion editor ot
womeas wear, who say a
"There's no question about it-
short evening dresses are at their
peak of acceptance right now.
Although they've been around
for several years, we have noted
that each year has seen a more
general acceptance throughout
the country.
vssto CWMSAW
Designed and built by Dinton,
America's foremost saw manu
focturer, this is the saw yott
need to lower your cost and
step up your production, k's
eaty to operate, and built for
trouble-free service,
let us give you all the fact
about the Oiitton Chain Saw
with Mercury Gasoline Engine.
Come in and talk it over.
120 S. Stephens
Phone 27
t:u- ci- iji..j p.. I
ii w vi 4uiw nwmsu sty
O. & C. Board At Medford
MEDFORD, Sept. 29. CW
The sale of 104,000,000 board feet
of timber on government land
In the Medford district during
You know it's good because
Freshly baked everyday
in Roseburg
Oakridge Mayor Faces
Bad Conduct Charge
EUGENE, Sept. 28.-) Oak
ridge's Mayor L. F. Gersnach was
arraigned in justice court Mon
day nieht and given until Oc
tober 3 to enter plea on a charge
n's NEW.1
Borden's cottage Cheese
Fruit SAlao!
It's GRANoi
ITS HERE! Luscious bits
of pears, peaches, cherries,
and pineapple mixed with
prize-winning Borden't
Cottage Cheese I At your
food store now I
a ISorden's A
change to GOLDEN WEST'S
warn cm.
t t at .If : J '" .F J f M
per pound !
...secAusi trs
A smile of satisfaction is your reward for serving
Golden West. This mellow blend, so rich in luxury
flavor Central American coffees, has the tempting,
richer flavor everybody prefers. Serve Golden West for
coffee satisfaction every time.
H&ti AtiJj uttfi 2j0 idM, eafu fito pound!
You pay no more for Golden West than for other cof
fees. But you get more naturally rich flavor from the
grind that's right for your coffee maker. Make it as
you always do. Just use less. And you'll agree that the
rich flavor is unchanged.
It's naturally richer flavored . . . it's ground 3 ways so
Silex, percolator or drip maker can extract all its good
ness . . . and it gives you more cups per pound! Each
pound goes 13 further. . . giving you as much as 18c
extra for other groceries. That's the way to save.
Coffee Pot or Percolator
Silex or Glass Maker
Drip Method
Phone 268
136 N. Jackson